The Coronavirus Thread

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by purr1n, Mar 16, 2020.

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  1. jnak00

    jnak00 Friend Pyrate

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Schools and daycares in Alberta were all indefinitely shut down yesterday afternoon, leaving working parents scrambling to figure out what to do. Went to the grocery store yesterday, no toilet paper, no canned beans (but other canned goods were OK) and only a couple litres of skim milk left. The cleaning aisle was cleaned out, too.

    What a shitshow.

  2. AndreaR_94

    AndreaR_94 Acquaintance

    May 3, 2018
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    Still not as funny as the girl who spent 1200€ on a taxi to go from Milan to Rome in order to get away from the "Red Zone", only to find out the next day that the Red Zone has been extended to the whole country
  3. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    True, that is 1200 Euros funny.

    I am too broke for a 1200 Euros taxi ride.
  4. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend Pyrate Contributor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    nowhere and everywhere
    trying to figure out the logistics of having to pick up two kids from two different colleges that just (this afternoon) closed their dorms for the rest of the year. And here I was thankful that they were keeping the dorms open so we weren't faced with almost 4 days (2 days for each kid) of round trip travel in this mess.

    What a cluster...
  5. randytsuch

    randytsuch Friend Pyrate

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Los Angeles, Ca
    6 counties in northern California are now shelter in place.
    Wonder how long before So. Cal does the same?
    My oldest just moved up to Oakland, but now is thinking about coming back home until this blows over.

    EDIT: Right after I posted, read an email from NYU (youngest goes) that they are closing their dorms.
    Luckily(?), she was studying abroad and is already on her way home, arrives tonight.
  6. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend Pyrate Contributor

    May 7, 2019
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    Amid all this I have to travel to India as my Visa is coming to an end. Not only been under stress to wind up everything here but this new variable of travel ban and quarantine has taken my sleep away. Very unsure of future
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Padre Island CC TX
    One doesn't need toilet paper to wipe ass. Can use small towels and clean, detachable shower heads, Toto butt sprayers, garden hose, etc. Have we really become such a wimpy society?

    My wife's idea of having a full tank of gas makes better sense. You know, just in case the dead from the Coronavirus become zombies and attack us and we need to escape from El Lay. Yeah, not only a full tank of gas, but extra accessories for the Jeep to hold external gas cans. Add a few semi-automatic shotguns too.
  8. schiit

    schiit SchiitHead Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    As I keep saying, very few recipes call for toilet paper or hand sanitizer. Even Rina, who actually has a sheep-shaped wall sculpture you fill up with toilet paper to make the "wool," thinks the TP insanity is, well, insane.

    I hope everyone stays safe. We're keeping busy here at home making soup, beer, designing products, doing some new videos, and in general just chilling. As Cameron (one of our production leads) says, grinning as he orders a bunch of lumber and stuff, "This is a great time to work on the house." He's young. We'll survive.
  9. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Local grocery stores now running out of meat, especially ground beef. TP was one thing, but this is getting out of hand!

    Probably mostly hoarders stockpiling in their freezer while our President does nothing to make people feel relaxed or at ease. Everytime he speaks he just makes things worse and more of a panic while he tries to give a slight boost to Wall Street. Meanwhile tells st state governors they are on their own for resperators and masks. I mean, it is looking more like we are all on our own in this failed state.
  10. 9suns

    9suns [insert unearned title here] Pyrate

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Here it's getting out of control, specially the Call Centers, which don't take any safety measure against it, in fact, they make people work overtime and hire even more people. We're talking about places with hundreds of persons inside, who of course go to the supermarket to buy food, walk the dog, etc.
    Here you have one of those evil Call Centers, saying: "there's something more important than Coronavirus: the client"

    Summary: we're fucked up badly
    I was lucky because I'm on holidays, so I'm not there, but we don't even get the chance of working from home, we all will get the virus if police or the government doesn't force Call Centers to close.

    EDIT: example of "safety measures"
    Business as usual, nothing happened.

    Add that I have asthma, so I'm much more vulnerable to the Corona than a normal person...they don't care and my boss even laughed at me for wearing a mask today. I went to ask for working at home while the virus is spreading...that was denied, I had to use my remaining two weeks of holidays to avoid risk. Probably in two weeks I'll be unemployed because A) everything stays the same and can't work from home (which, by the way, is perfectly doable) B) police closes call center.

    No one can get out of home unless is to buy food, walk the dog or go to work...this probably will go to court but at the moment I wish everyone remains safe and everything can get back to normal as soon as possible.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  11. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer Pyrate Contributor

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Palms Of The Coasts, FL
    In Jax, FL the City gov put a limit of no more than 50 people in public gathers and in food places. So no events, orgies, drug deals, Florida Man getting some flakka. Looks like I'll be getting a lot of Chinese food and next to it is my local cafe. It is normally no more than 40-50 people so it should be fine. People need their cafe with smokes.

    My job is making me do WFH (Work For Home) 100% of the time now. Leader of my organization said nope to people showing up in the office. Remember that they didn't want to pay too many certificates so people can access our VPN? It crashes often, lol. Nice job guys. The funny thing is my GF works in the office that's my home office. It also a call center environment like what @9suns is talking about. I also have to drive my GF to that office daily. So I wake up early, drive her to work, pick her up from work, and get the rest of my work done when I get back. Fun times.

    Now I need to watch my power since I don't want to blast the AC too much. Also funny to stalk online for toilet paper. I only have enough for about a month, but I just ordered from TP from Amazon with a deliver date of 4/10. If I get a giant ass case before 4/10, I'll cancel that order.

    So cray cray everyone. We should be staying inside and blast our musics to11. But @jexby says nooooo by doing that you will shorten you life of your tubes you guys. Well tubes are great, and we can replace them right? While it is Max Mad outside we can go crazy on some hard music.

    Or maybe I'm losing my mind over the virus mess and my job being crazy. Seems like it. : /
  12. Mr Rick

    Mr Rick Acquaintance

    Dec 11, 2015
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    So Cal
    South Coast Plaza here in Costa Mesa has closed completely for two weeks. An employee has tested positive.
  13. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Philly - Yo
    Posted this a few days ago on the Funny/LOL thread but feel it warrants being included here as well given the subject matter...

  14. mscott58

    mscott58 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Philly - Yo
    My wife stopped by a local Aldi here in Philly today after work (she's a vet, which is one of the few "critical" places allowed to stay open for business now in this area) and here's what she saw -



    However, if you wanted Easter candy there was plenty. Yes, it might come down to surviving on hollow chocolate bunnies, Kinder eggs and Peeps!

  15. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Like I said...meat is next.
  16. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend Pyrate Contributor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    nowhere and everywhere
    We lost meat 2-3 days ago... it went after pasta, frozen french fries and frozen pizza, but before breakfast cereal (which was wiped out today)
  17. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627 Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2018
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    Random ramblings:

    I wonder how much this would have been mitigated by if we had followed the Taiwan (and to a large extent HK and Singapore) model and screened any incoming people at the airport when this broke out. For an extra layer of security, if someone is tested positive, they not only stay home, but have a random *insert government title here* randomly check to see if you're actually at home in quarantine (going out means jail time for deliberate public endangerment)... but nah... and it's too late for that now. That or China could have kept the wet markets closed after SARS happened... but also nah...

    Went grocery shopping yesterday - everything was in stock except for TP, some frozen veggies, and surprisingly, zinc supplements (I guess zinc relieves flu symptoms). Everyone's demeanor was calm, buying in normal amounts. Refreshing to see amidst the crazy everywhere. However some other local groceries were out of a few more things. I also don't see why most grocery stores couldn't convert to a take out only model to both cut down on transmission and for the safety of their own workers.

    For bottled water, I still don't get it. Somehow I don't think I'm going to die from drinking LA (or whatever) tap water for 2-3 weeks except for maybe Flint, MI. Or, if I were really worried, I'd pull out / get a lifestraw (or similar item) and call it a day.

    Overall, I'm surprised and disappointed that out of all the things that have caused turmoil in the US for 50ish years this amplified flu is by far the worst. From a logic standpoint this seems to be way lower down on the risk ladder than even financial turmoil in 2008.
  18. fastfwd

    fastfwd Friend Pyrate

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Silicon Valley
    Just remember that gas pump handles and buttons are the filthiest things (in terms of disease-causing germs per area) that most people in American cities ever touch, and there's no reason to think that the relative concentration of SARS-CoV-2 will be any lower than that of the other microbes on those surfaces. So when you fill up, put a barrier -- even just a paper towel from the windshield-washing dispenser -- between your hand and the pump.

    And even after the dead come back to life, think carefully before getting out of town. LA has doctors and hospitals, and doors with locks and neighborhoods that you know, and people whose job it is to protect you from zombies. The high desert or other wilderness doesn't have any of that. Not that it matters, though -- if what we've seen at Costco is any indication, your dumb neighbors will clog the freeways so badly that you'll burn through your full tank of gas before you even reach San Bernardino.
    FWIW, my power amps have been on 24/7 (with maybe a week off every year while I'm out of town) for over a decade, playing music 6 hours/day and just heating the room the rest of the time, and I haven't had to replace any of their tubes. So I'd say go ahead and play all the music you want, as loud as you want.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  19. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life Pyrate

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Chicago, IL
    So for those who are in areas with lock downs and grocery stores that are empty or trending that way, what is the plan? We have roughly 2 weeks of food and I don't think Chicago has hit full on panic, but I imagine the crazy hoarders will start doing work soon. Are grocery stores restocking? Rationing?

    I hate that the real fight is against idiots and assholes.
  20. fastfwd

    fastfwd Friend Pyrate

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Silicon Valley
    Yes and yes. Here in the Bay Area, the lockdown/shelter-in-place order allows people to leave their homes for a large number of essential activities, including grocery shopping, and stores are imposing sensible limits (e.g., just one giant pack of TP, or just one lifetime supply of disinfecting wipes per person) to prevent the irrational shortages that we've seen over the last week. Some groceries are instituting "elderly hours", immediately after their stores are cleaned and restocked, for their most at-risk customers.

    Restaurants are allowed to remain open, but for takeout or delivery only. As far as I know, this means that all the fast-food restaurant drive-through windows will be open. Grocery/restaurant delivery services (Instacart, Doordash, Amazon Fresh, etc.) continue to operate.

    I expect that organizations like Meals on Wheels will ramp up their operations, and that there will be plenty of grassroots volunteer efforts to distribute food and other essentials to people who can't leave their homes or who can't cook for themselves. In some areas of the country, closed school districts are continuing to prepare lunches, and are distributing them via schoolbus to anyone who shows up at a schoolbus stop. Things like that might happen here.

    To me, it looks like everyone who's currently getting enough to eat will continue to do so, regardless of whether they've already stocked up their larder. I imagine that the grocery stores will settle down long before your two weeks' worth of food runs out.
    Meh. It usually is.
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