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Oct 6, 2024 at 6:50 PM
Feb 9, 2017
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Jan 1, 1980 (Age: 44)

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Friend, 44, from Canada


Happy Fourth of July - you Americans are crazy as f**k but we love you anyway. Jul 4, 2024

jnak00 was last seen:
Oct 6, 2024 at 6:50 PM
    1. jnak00
      Happy Fourth of July - you Americans are crazy as f**k but we love you anyway.
      1. atomicbob, Pocomo, lithium and 12 others like this.
    2. jnak00
      New album from Mono - Oath. f'ing masterpiece.
      1. Erroneous, CEE TEE and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Thanks for sharing this...also, it was mastered by Steve Albini. They worked together for 22 years.
        Jun 14, 2024
        lithium, rhythmdevils and jnak00 like this.
      3. rhythmdevils
        Awesome thanks for the heads up, I love Mono! Seen them live a few times and it's always a religious experience. So few people making such a huge f'ing sound.
        Jun 15, 2024
        jnak00 likes this.
    3. jnak00
      Any Canadian Pyrates interested in buying a DSHA-3FN?
      1. Armaegis
        I was the other Canuck who snagged the last 3FN, but then I got a house and had to sell a bunch of stuff =(
        May 28, 2024
        zonto and rlow like this.
      2. Rthomas
        Im not in Canada but I’ve been looking for one for ages, please pm me
        May 29, 2024
    4. jnak00
      Awaiting a package from USPS. Before it even leaves the shipper's city, it says "could not be delivered".
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kernel Kurtz
        Kernel Kurtz
        I've seen USPS tracking numbers changed on the fly due to conflicts with previously used CP numbers. I've also seen mail misrouted and gone on long indirect tours before finally arriving. Probably would not panic immediately, but in the worst case opening a lost item ticket has always resulted in a fix for me.
        Nov 29, 2022
        jnak00 likes this.
      3. Vansen
        Sounds like my Amazon orders before they even leave Amazon’s warehouse.
        Nov 29, 2022
        jnak00 likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Different country, different couriers, different problems, but, a couple of times, I've seen Amazon status at something like "Was due on <date> but has been delayed" Long after I received the thing!
        Nov 30, 2022
    5. jnak00
      Throwback to the nineties night! Garbage and Alanis Morrisette. What a great show they both put on.
      1. Jinxy245, Azimuth, Poleepkwa and 4 others like this.
      2. jnak00
        Alanis had screens with pictures and video behind the stage. During one song, pictures of who i assume are her kids were showing. In one picture, I am sure one of them was wearing a pair of Verite Closed.
        Jul 27, 2022
        ckhirnigs likes this.
      3. ckhirnigs
        I remember seeing a post from Zach years ago of Alanis wearing a pair of ZMFs. I think it was the VC. Must be the same pair.
        Jul 28, 2022
        jnak00 likes this.
    6. jnak00
      Anyone ever have problems with DHL and customs clearance?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        It probably means that they are having more issues with customs.
        Feb 2, 2022
        Cspirou likes this.
      3. jnak00
        I think you are right. DHL has been very slow to respond to inquiry though.
        Feb 3, 2022
        DigMe likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I've had issues with customs and all the carriers this last while (Toronto, ON). I think it's pandemic slow-down. DHL is usually quite good, but I had something from China sitting in customs for a week recently.
        Feb 3, 2022
        jnak00 likes this.
    7. jnak00
      New (to me) Aegir in house. But with impending move, I could only listen for a few minutes to make sure it worked before packing it back up
    8. jnak00
      New subwoofer day!
      1. Justin S, Cryptowolf, Qildail and 3 others like this.
    9. jnak00
      I'm a little late to the party, but SW51+ is fuckin legit!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        I placed an order the other day. Got more into headphone listening again lately but never was totally satisfied with the Clear and Lyr3 paring.
        Jun 29, 2021
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I'm late with a question for the late party. Have you tried it with the HD800s? I am very curious.
        Oct 19, 2022
      4. jnak00
        No, I don't have the HD800S and have never tried it at all. @rlow has this amp now - maybe he has that headphone.
        Oct 19, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    10. jnak00
      I've been on Android for years. After my second Pixel 4XL starting shutting off at random, I went iPhone 12. And...it's a lot like Android
      1. rlow
        Now with widgets especially, they’re a lot closer. Still prefer Android for many things, but don’t want to be on Google’s spy phones any more.
        Apr 20, 2021
        Syzygy, Lyander, jnak00 and 1 other person like this.
      2. Syzygy
        Yeah I switched to an iPhone 12 Mini in November, first time away from Android. A couple minor nits (double-click button brings up pay not camera). Photos over-sharpened (Android does a lot better IMO).

        A lot of the gestures, Google copied Apple.

        I don't miss my Pixel.
        Apr 20, 2021
        jnak00 likes this.
      3. jnak00
        I have to learn to stop taking screenshots. The side buttons line up perfectly with my thumb and fingers and I keep accidentally screenshotting.
        Apr 20, 2021
        Syzygy likes this.
    11. jnak00
      It's a bittersweet day. My four year old son no longer needs me to put his Lego sets together for him. At least he still needs a little help
    12. jnak00
      Looked at pricing for headphone cables and for one insane minute, thought $350 was "not bad". Closed browser and walked away.
      1. Syzygy, Jinxy245, Merrick and 3 others like this.
      2. Tchoupitoulas
        Get the cable used by Empire Ears for the Odin. It only costs $1300 US. Joking aside, the Campfire Audio cables are excellent and far more reasonably priced.
        Jan 19, 2021
      3. jnak00
        Looking for ZMF cable, so Campfire won't work. You're right though, decent prices can be had there
        Jan 19, 2021
    13. jnak00
      Hymn to the Immortal Wind. Gets me every time.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        Bandcamp has the 2019 anniversary edition of "Hymn to the Immoral Wind" and it's in 24/96. It's a good remaster. Bandcamp also has a special Christmas release "Scarlet Holliday" from MONO that is only available on Bandcamp. It's good too. It's in 24/44.1.
        Dec 31, 2020
        jnak00 and rhythmdevils like this.
      3. Hammy
        I do like the 2019 remaster. But a word of warning. It does increase the clarity which also increases the awareness of the treble distortions present in the recording. The remaster has more clarity and drive, but also more awareness of treble nasties that are present in the original recording.
        Dec 31, 2020
      4. Hammy
        If you have a system with treble emphasis this remaster could be too much. If you have a HeadAmp GS-X and HD800 may God have mercy on your ears. I have a Liquid Fire, Gungnir MB A1, and LCD-2 and the treble and increased clarity works out for the better. I do prefer the remaster, but I understand why some people would not.
        Dec 31, 2020
    14. jnak00
      Got Auteur non-perf leather pads by mistake. Anyone want them for cost of shipping (Canada preferred but will ship to USA)?
    15. rlow
      Hey man, appreciate the advice in the Jot thread but I’m going to get you to re-read my post... :)
      1. BenjaminBore likes this.
      2. jnak00
        I saw that he wasn't the original owner. But if he bought it second-hand more than a couple years ago, it would still be the older version. I guess you probably already asked him that.
        Sep 23, 2020
      3. rlow
        Ahh, I see what you’re saying. If this guy has had it over 2 years, then unlikely the new version, good point!
        Sep 23, 2020
        Melvillian and Lyander like this.
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    Jan 1, 1980 (Age: 44)