Schiit Modi 3

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. kris2014

    kris2014 Acquaintance

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    I just put 1612 in and the sound improved quite a bit. I am quite happy with the speed and attack of modi now. My modded ud503 also uses opa1612 along with opa2209. My UD503 is a bit sweeter in treble than modi and has more bass presence (it could be my cables). But overall they are quite similar now.

    I choose opa1612 mainly because the application note is rather similar with opa1662. My current favorite is actually opa1656 but modi doesn't have output caps so I don't think it would work very well. (However, not that I cannot add two in).

    Modi's opamp runs at +-5V (meausred -4.998V and +5.010V). The 3 test points next to the led is used for testing this.

    Vertical mount is something I thought about. But I don't like it as it might post the risk of ripping land pads off the board. If C59 wasn't across the V+ and V- rails I might put in one just to mount the filtering cap. But Schiit has done a decent job here so I don't need it.

    I am still waiting on the caps. I will replace all with solid state caps with doubled/tripled capacitance.

    But I can safely say that Schiit laid a great ground work here. I am quite happy with it (that a little tweaking would improve things).
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020
  2. kris2014

    kris2014 Acquaintance

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    Just marking the completion of me tweaking modi 3. I attached raw recordings from Modi and UD503 into a zoom H5 just in case someone would like to compare. Source was Pi2AES with coaxial and BNC simultanesouly feeding into both devices with the same Belden cable. I forget to record how stock modi sounds.

    To me they are rather similar after throwing in $20 for upgraded caps (Nichicon organic polymer caps, 6x 1000uf and 7x 330uf) and opa1612. If I have to pick some fault, it would be that modi sounds a tiny bit sharp and lean (likely due to lack of output caps). Now i want a tube amp :(

    However, it is definitely amazing to see a $99 device that comes this close with something almost 10x more expensive.

    For advance mod, incrasing Vref caps would improve bass performance of 4490 according to manual. However I won't bother as modi is not a integrated device.

    I do have a soft spot for small devices that I can touch a bit. That makes me quite happy with Schiit :)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    1. Where are the big cold joints? I'm not sure I see them. Are you sure it's not the reflection of the light?
    2. Why would the case need grounding when the the power is just fed AC from a step-down wall wart? Wouldn't there be better shielding leaving the case as a Faraday shield instead of tying to the board?
    3. Why are you even bothering with capacitor tweaks on a $99 DAC? A more interesting project might be with the various DAC boards sold on Ebay. $100 that a blind test on this says that the opamp replacement sounds different rather than better.
  4. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince

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    Exit stage left....
    @Hands would take that bet as an OpAmp king, but no one except bat-hearing organisms could confirm the claim.
  5. murray

    murray Friend

    Sep 29, 2015
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    @kris2014, I like @purr1n above, am still waiting for details on the faulty solder joints. I had a good look at the original photo, as my job for 15 years was as a circuit board technician and I was quite used to finding and fixing such things. I was looking for that telltale mark as a bit of nostalgia, but could not see any. Maybe my eyes are not so good, now? (p.s. I should update avatar with spectacles).
  6. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    Can't believe I have the Modi 3 for over a year. Still a great $99 DAC as long as you understand it is a $99 DAC. Other more pricey DAC will outperform it, but this IMO does 95% things right. Still great for a computer setup and can be a good match with a tube amp. I moved my ZDT Jr from my main rig because I was curious on this setup. A little too warm for my liking (warmer DAC and warmer amp) but still a very enjoyable listen with the Senns. Might be better with a SW51+ to be honest, but I'll know soon enough on that.....
  7. FlySweep

    FlySweep Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Don't want to spoil it for you but, IME, it's merely good with the SW51+. Modi 3's accurate tone & above average clarity are a good match with the SW 51+, but limp dick dynamics and AKM warmpoo velvet coloration are less agreeable. A badass transport like the Pi2AES' exacting, focused, crisp presentation helps overcome the velvet garbage to a certain extent (a lively tube like the Tungsram EF184 assists, as well). Still, the SW51+ is most definitely held back by the Modi 3 in my (modest) rig. Obviously, you could do a lot worse at the price, so the Modi 3 still has a lot going for it. I'm sensing the Beefroast 2 is the sweet spot.. but I'm interested if there are any D/SDacs in the ~$500 that are worth looking into. I'd love to see Schiit offer a stripped down BF2 (sans balanced, unison, etc) for $450 ish or whatever.
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Modi 2 Uber fed by Pi2AES for the win ^
    I'm dead serious.
  9. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    I know you are. However, GF will not want the Christmas lights in our small bedroom. Don't worry, I have a gameplan. Hint: A previous good semi-popular USB > SPDIF.

    Oh yeah, I am fully aware of the limitations of the Modi 3. I still enjoy it a lot thou. However, I do have a gameplan, but it is requires upgrading the Modi 3. Don't worry, Modi 3 will be used for something else.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
  10. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Modding the Modi 3 with big through hole caps and $1000 worth of cables?
  11. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    I was thinking modding it with jizz and $1 China cable.

    On a serious note, If this EC AF owner wakes up he will be helping me out. Going to leave it at that.
  12. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    Seems like I really need to do something about those LED‘S! Maybe in the next revision I’ll add a jumper to adjust the brightness.

    I will probably have to do another revision to switch to the surface mount versions of the audio transformers. Same exact part just with surface mount pins. For some reason the through hole versions are becoming very difficult to get.

    Any other suggestions?

  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Smoked or tinted acrylic?

    Hahahahahahahahhaa. Maybe a revised external power supply.
  14. Martigane

    Martigane Acquaintance

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Out of curiosity, I had a quick shot at analyzing them.
    See Adobe Audition Stats in the drive link below, once both extracts beginning and end are cut at same timestamps:
    This contains:
    - FFT scans
    - Statistics
    - Zoom on a transient
    - Synchronized recordings

    Bottom line, stats tell very little, but it seems like Modi3 is ever so slightly less compressed. (Modi3 has higher peak amplitude and lower average level).
    I also attached a zoom on a transient, synced in time domain, so you can have a look at the minute differences. There are odd differences between positive and negative sides, and UD503's dynamic range seems to slightly collapse (be more compressed) after few ms of transients.

    I also agree with your impression that stock Modi3 sounds a bit rolled off in the top end, as I compare it to Bifrost MB rev.B. Recently got Bifrost 2 for a second system and again is sounds very different from Bifrost 1 MB Rev.B via usb. Difference higher than expected.
    If time allows, I'll perform recordings of Modi3 Vs Bifrost Vs Bifrost2.
    In comparison, Modi3 is an impressive performer for the price.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  15. señorhifi

    señorhifi Friend

    Oct 16, 2020
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    I use a Teac UD 301 as DAC. I have very limited experience with DACs and was wondering if the Modi 3 despite being significantly cheaper, might actually be an upgrade? I bought the Teac UD 301 blindly here in Spain as I saw it cheap (less than half the price) so I just went for it. I am currently wanting to upgrade my headphones, but I was wondering if I could make some extra cash by selling the UD301 and getting a Modi 3?

    I was inspired by a post here with a list of DACs and the Modi 2 was rated over the Teac UD 501 (I think it was posted by Purr1n). Thanks for any input!
  16. Blake

    Blake Acquaintance

    Jun 29, 2018
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    If you are sensitive to ear fatigue and you want a very "comfortable" sounding, pipe and slippers sound that is reasonably resolving and forgiving of poor recordings that you can listen to all day, Modi 3 D/S is a very good choice. I used one as a temporary stand-in DAC with an unmodded HD-800 and Cavalli Liquid Carbon that I used in a work desktop setup and it was great for that purpose.

    I swapped in a Modius, trying both balanced and unbalanced and with the same setup as above I was getting ear fatigue (not very surprising with unmodded HD-800's).
  17. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    So that Modi 3+ you guys...

    Curious if @schiit made the treble less granulated/sandpaperish as old Modi 3. At least it has Unison.

    Reminder: It's a $99 DAC, let's not stress about it too much.
  18. DigMe

    DigMe Friend

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Looking for opinions - I have Modi MB with V. 1. No Eitr. Since I don’t currently have the cash for a real upgrade would I be better off getting a used Eitr for the MB plus the firmware update or getting the Modi 3+?
  19. edd

    edd Almost "Made"

    Nov 18, 2015
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    I haven’t heard a modi 3+ but I have a modi multibit and modi 3, and I think the difference from multibit to non-multibit will be most significant. As such, if you like your modi multibit, you may be better off getting an eitr + ROM chip. I’m still holding out hope that modi multibit will get unison given its new lease on life with the AKM fire. Or better yet, a unison eitr.
  20. Cooper32

    Cooper32 Facebook Friend

    Nov 20, 2020
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    @DigMe's situation could go either way, I think. A used Eitr would probably be close in price to a new Modi 3+. As @edd pointed out, if you like the Modi Multibit, get a used Eitr + updated firmware. If you'd like to try something different or have heard the Modi 3 before, get the Modi 3+. The choice would probably tip in favor of the Modi 3+ if you're gonna use its Unison USB input, which should be superior to the Gen 5 Eitr.

    Has anyone on the forum heard the Modi 3+ yet? Might be a good idea to wait for some impressions.

    Disclosure: I have both Modi 3 and Modi MB but not the Modi 3+.

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