Nov 13, 2016
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Jun 13, 1983 (Age: 41)

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Tube Slut, Male, 41, from Sweden


Mojo2 and CF Ara. Lots of hiss suddenly… I’m sure it wasn’t there before - or was it…? Oct 16, 2023

    1. Changeling
      Closing my classified here, selling tubes elsewhere. Surprised with the relatively low interest.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. brencho
        In general tubes move more slowly than other gear so if your goal is to move them quick then cross listing is smart!
        Apr 16, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      3. Changeling
        @brencho You're right. In addition I don't have the time to keep checking so that I'm not missing out on PM's. And I'd like to get rid of some tubes to fund a steadily increasing list of music. The ECM jazz advice I got here will not serve my economy well :)
        Apr 16, 2017
        Case and brencho like this.
      4. powermatic
        Sucks. Great prices, great seller. Wish you luck elsewhere!
        Apr 16, 2017
        Dino and DigMe like this.
    2. Changeling
      Back from 3 days in Madrid. As always the food has been fantastic and cigars too. The restaurant Sala De Despiece was great, again!
      1. brencho, jexby and Case like this.
    3. Changeling
      Lowered tubeprices a bit more before going to eBay.
      1. Dino likes this.
    4. Changeling
      Daniil Trifonov is climbing on my list of favorite pianists. The Rachmaninov Variations are ELECTRIC!
      1. bazelio and atomicbob like this.
      2. landroni
        I once (almost?) fell asleep to Rachmaninov at Carnegie Hall. (Note to self: NEVER go to a classical concert when jet lagged.)
        Apr 7, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      3. Changeling
        Haha, not during the Finale of this third pc right? :)
        Apr 7, 2017
      4. DigMe
        I take my 4th graders to the symphony every year and there are always a few that fall asleep. I keep my poking finger at the ready when they seat us on the front row.
        Apr 7, 2017
        bazelio, Changeling and landroni like this.
    5. Changeling
      1. DigMe
        Oh man.. looks like you had to add some remedial buying lessons. :|
        Apr 6, 2017
      2. Changeling
        @DigMe No, not that much but just want to be super clear on conditions.
        Apr 6, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    6. Changeling
      'Coldwater Flat' doesn't promote Oliver Nelson nor The Three Sounds. Pity.
    7. Changeling
      Turns out Roon -> JRiver -> IVS is quite flakey. Infrequent but annoying BSOD's . Back to square one.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azteca
        @pedalhead Likewise. I was really excited when they released it but I found there was glitchiness even without using VSTs and such.
        Apr 5, 2017
        pedalhead and Changeling like this.
      3. Changeling
        @Azteca It really feels like the end of the road for the marriage between great metadata and great VST management :(
        I can't see how the Roon-team ever will support VST's and I haven't seen any efforts with jRiver to improve metadata support.
        Apr 5, 2017
      4. Azteca
        Yes, Roon has very solid technical reasons for not implementing VSTs. It needs to be done at the endpoint, outside of Roon, for their network protocols to work. I do not fault them in the slightest. However, JRiver's WDM driver just never worked as well as I would've liked. I will be dipping back into it when I get a chance to try out the IVS in a month or three but I am being cautious in my expectations.
        Apr 5, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
    8. atomicbob
      Wait until you hear Felix Hell - Liszt Prelude on BACH, Reference Recording version, HRX2011 on your system. That is some Serious Schiit. - OK read too quickly. You have HR101. Which format?
      1. Changeling
        @atomicbob I demoed via Roon, but I decided to use a HD-Tracks voucher and bought the whole album in 176 FLAC
        Apr 4, 2017
        atomicbob likes this.
      2. atomicbob
        The Reference Recording versions will be 176 KHz 24 bit PCM recorded using Pacific Microsonics Model Two ADC. I have several of these albums and they are very special, particularly so on the IVS.
        Apr 7, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      3. atomicbob
        Once again I spoke too soon. It appears that your HDTracks version is derived from the Reference Recordings version. I encoded mine to FLAC when putting on the server. Excellent recording of a wonderful musical performance. This album constantly delights my ears through the IVS.
        Apr 7, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
    9. Changeling
      Felix Hell - Organ Sensation ... I'm feeling rumbles in my chest from those pedal tones...from headphones?! What the f**k is this. :-D
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    10. Changeling
      Is it me or was Nina Simones voice mixed very low, (vs the orchestra), on "I'm going back home" (High priestess of soul). ?
    11. Changeling
      Ah! I got the ASIO driver working from ROON to jRiver to Lynx AES16! Happy days.
      1. Azteca and Riotvan like this.
    12. Changeling
      YES! Roon feeding music through jRiver is up and running!!
      1. Azteca and DigMe like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Changeling
        Mar 30, 2017
      4. Azteca
        This got me to Google Roon VST support as I hadn't heard anything in a long while and sure enough I just saw your post. Woo! I'm going to try the IVS soon. I abandoned JRMC for Roon but it is still useful at times (playing SACD ISOs, analysis etc, organizing movies). Glad I have a license! I'll be sure to post in the thread when I get a chance. Might not be till May.
        Mar 30, 2017
      5. Changeling
        @Azteca ah, let me know how you get along. With Roon 1.3 was released and had PDF support for album booklets etc I felt it changed everything. But then IVS came along and I just couldn't stay with Roon. I've A/B tested a little bit and there's no apparent differences between Roon + JRMV vs JRMC alone.
        Mar 31, 2017
    13. Changeling
      1. Rockin_Zombie, Merrick, jexby and 3 others like this.
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      3. Changeling
        @Rockin_Zombie I'm not too knowledgeble with the tubes used in that amp (6N8P, 6N5P) , but I think 6N8P can be replaced with 6SN7, which would imply that 7N7 would work too. If that's the case I'd recommend the Sylvania 7N7 with adapter. Easy to find, cheap and rugged. For 6N5P I'd try the cheap russians to replace the chinese tubes. But I really don't know this amp or the tubes used.
        Mar 30, 2017
        Rockin_Zombie likes this.
      4. Rockin_Zombie
        Thanks for the suggestions! Apparently tube rolling is quite good on that amp, except some tubes develop a hum at first which goes away after an hour (this is all from the HF thread). I will let you know. My first tube amp, let's see how far down the rabbit hole goes!
        Mar 30, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      5. Changeling
        @Rockin_Zombie A word of caution: tube rabbit holes have no end. HF is a dangerous place in that aspect. The hype is always present. Feel free to reach out for hand-holding should you need to :)
        Mar 30, 2017
        Rockin_Zombie likes this.
    14. Changeling
      One really needs to embrace ones new title. Siemens E288CC en route to a Tube Sluts mailbox!
      1. zonto, landroni and JayC like this.
    15. Changeling
      How does one get the customized text under ones username or whatever it's called these days, seen with the more prominent members here?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Changeling
        @landroni From average to Tube Slut in just a couple of hours, these are indeed exciting times we live in :D
        Mar 27, 2017
        landroni likes this.
      3. Vent
        Wow. Careful what you ask for. =(
        Mar 28, 2017
        DigMe and Changeling like this.
      4. Changeling
        @Vent I think it's hilarious :)
        Mar 28, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    16. Changeling
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kattefjaes
        If you a/b it with other amps, you'll hear that it's lacking a bit of extension, and that it's more.. hrm.. "congested" on busy material, of course. No amount of tube swapping will fix that. However, for the size and cost? Brilliant. I still think it's a way better starter amp than any of the Magnis, for instance..

        ..and if you don't A/B, you can still lose a whole evening, listening to it :)
        Mar 27, 2017
        TRex and Changeling like this.
      3. Lasollor
        I decided not to buy more tubes for my Vali2, but I've got a "bag of tubes" recently from a friend, so... I've been listening to the Vali2 with a 1940's Ken Rad 6SN7 in the past 2 weeks and it is a perfect complement for the Jotunheim with it's sweet highs and mids and big soundstage.
        Mar 27, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      4. Changeling
        @Lasollor yes, I'm thinking about another adapter to be able to use Sylvania 7n7. Cheap and super rugged tubes
        Mar 27, 2017
    17. atomicbob
      Ultron PCC88 / 7DJ8 rock the Vali 2. Giving my other favorite EH 6CG7 a real run for the money. thank-you!!
      1. landroni, JayC, DigMe and 1 other person like this.
      2. Changeling
        @atomicbob Happy to hear they've come to good use! Who would've thought an $8 tube could do that ? ;)
        Mar 26, 2017
        atomicbob, JayC and DigMe like this.
      3. jowls
        Any hints on a source for these? I’m trying to track some down for Vali 2 and they are proving to be elusive.
        Jul 29, 2019
        Changeling likes this.
      4. Changeling
        @jowls Hey, happy to send you one free of charge - I can't remember where I originally bought them, but I found one more in my office. Send me a PM with address and I'll get it out the door later this week.
        Jul 31, 2019
        atomicbob and jowls like this.
    18. Changeling
      Last batch of tubes selling now, plus cables. When they're gone I'm done selling tubes.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        Just giving you a hard time. :)
        Mar 26, 2017
        Changeling likes this.
      3. Vent
        I hope you are not serious. You need to keep going, for science.
        Mar 26, 2017
      4. Changeling
        @Vent The only science involved is: money spent on tubes seldom give as much joy as money spent on music ;)
        That's a scientific fact
        Mar 26, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    19. Changeling
      On Windows, Sonarworks Systemwide uses Direct Sound drivers, not ASIO. Well that sucks.
    20. Changeling
      Lowered prices a little bit on tubes for sale and added a couple more. Stash is almost depleted now.
      1. Dino, Case and Lasollor like this.
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  • About

    Jun 13, 1983 (Age: 41)
    Gear List:
    Campfire Ara.
    I'm traveling all around the world for work so feel free to reach out, I'd be happy to meet up for coffee or conversations about jazz and life and jazzlife and lifejazz.


    • I don’t know where jazz is going. Maybe it’s going to hell. You can’t make anything go anywhere. It just happens.