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Apr 15, 2024
Dec 27, 2017
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Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
Rapallo, Italy

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Smells like sausages, Male, 42, from Rapallo, Italy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePtLL7oRDg Dec 25, 2022

Taverius was last seen:
Apr 15, 2024
    1. Taverius
      Tubecube Pro has landed. Why is getting a large pelican case so exciting?
    2. Taverius
      Tried to find desks for my new home office, all too weak. Went for workbenches in the end, 800kg limit oughto be enough for anything!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Grahad2
        I find PCs elevated from the floor tend to suck in less dust as well. I used to have my desktops on a stool at minimum if there was no desk space.
        Feb 27, 2018
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I think you are right about the dust aspect, but really... a full-size server case on the desktop? Neither the case nor the desk is built for it!
        Feb 28, 2018
        Vansen and Grahad2 like this.
      4. Grahad2
        It's simple: You make the case the desk. ;)
        Feb 28, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    3. Taverius
      Ask EU distributor for Magni 3 date: "Don't know, Schiit hasn't said yet.". Ask Schiit: "Ask the distributor." Hokay?
    4. Taverius
      Having a SolidSteel 2-shelf stand specced by the owner. It's nice to talk to someone in audio (sort of) who is local, for a change.
      1. 9suns likes this.
    5. Taverius
      Listened to a Freya. I don't want one, but I want the attenuator in a small passive box, 1 in 1 out. @schiit please? *puppy eyes*
      1. JayC likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. atomicbob
        Feb 21, 2018
        A1Gear likes this.
      4. Taverius
        Feb 21, 2018
      5. Cspirou
        I do think it would be cool to have a relay stepped attenuator in a SYS form factor for $100. Call it SYS 2.
        Feb 21, 2018
    6. Taverius
      Only thing keeping me from EC Af now: will I have enough space between amp, power block and dac. Floors should be done, measure tomorrow.
      1. Cspirou and A1Gear like this.
    7. Taverius
      4th floor + by the sea + wind + sea storms = 110€ catflap & accessories. Coulda bought a nice pair of tubes with that ...
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Are flying cats the natural predators and hunters of swallows that migrate coconuts? Also is it more beneficial to have cat or coconuts when buying tubes? Assuming the cats ate the swallows of course...
        Feb 16, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Feb 16, 2018
        Deep Funk likes this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Thanks, coconuts are more beneficial for tubes.
        Feb 16, 2018
    8. Taverius
      Omg, Jude's photo on the front page ... well, at least I'll know my nightmare before I sleep.
    9. Taverius
      @Elnrik 's Ori arrived faster via USPS than Atticus from Zach via Fedex. Intl shipping is *weird*.
      1. DigMe likes this.
      2. Elnrik
        Despite watching the tracking show it go from Denver, to San Francisco, to New York, then overseas... (It probably made a stop in Siberia and Australia too)... It's good to hear you have them safe and sound.
        Feb 2, 2018
    10. Taverius
      Thanks, @9suns , now I want a ZMF in Mahogany and Sage-green leather for that "banker's desk" feeling.
      1. Dr. Higgs and 9suns like this.
      2. 9suns
        Ask them to hardwire a Nordost Purple Flare cable and you're golden! :)
        Jan 26, 2018
        Taverius likes this.
      3. Taverius
        I was thinking more gold-ish braid cord for the cable :3
        Jan 26, 2018
    11. Taverius
      Atticus doing a pretty convincing job at Verdi's Trovatore out of a Fulla 2, all things considered.
    12. Taverius
      LCD-2C just landed. Cold (literally) impression is nice bass, relaxed tuning ... also, they seal *really* hard.
      1. Vtory likes this.
    13. Taverius
      My ongoing quest to get 15 posts on shill-fi so I can trade is hampered by my love for functional neurons :(
      1. skem likes this.
    14. Taverius
      Keep gong back and forth on the pilot pad on the Atticus. Ergonimia nervosa @.@
    15. Taverius
      Am I the only one that wants Senn to do something good in the 700 instead of more 800s? The smaller frame is so much more comfortable.
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Am I the only one who wants them to make something better than 6nn but not as expensive as 8nn?
        Jan 20, 2018
        Kunlun and Taverius like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        (or to put that another way...) "No."

        Jan 20, 2018
    16. Taverius
      TH-X00 was more in tax than Atticus. Italian customs D:
    17. Taverius
      When I am king, morning shall be banished from the land!
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It can be done. I have done it.
        Jan 13, 2018
        Taverius likes this.
      2. Claritas
        Based on my long acquaintance with the night, there are healthier ways to find solitude. (No criticism intended.)
        Jan 16, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Claritas, yes you are probably right. My problem with being nocturnal is that costs me... at least a whole morning. Which is time I could usefully and pleasantly spend in not-solitude!
        Jan 18, 2018
    18. Taverius
      Someone needs to measure the Takstar Pro 82 (75$) on HF it's being compared to everything from HD650s to Staxens XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taverius
        Estat-like highs too!

        I have a pair, they're really light, great for headaches or colds, inoffensive.

        But HD800SDR competitors, they are not.
        Jan 2, 2018
      3. Mystic
        I think I still have my Pro 80 somewhere in my basement. I remember it being pretty awesome for the $40 I spent on it. Is the 82 supposed to be an immediate upgrade or something?
        Jan 2, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Well, according to the HF reviews, but given the other comparisons, I'd take that with a tub of salt and a crate of tequila.

        Never heard the 80s myself.
        Jan 2, 2018
    19. Taverius
      Welp, just grabbed HE-560 + Focus-As + 3 rings, 300€ less from HFM than bare can from iorop. Happy New Year errybooty!
    20. Taverius
      1. Melvillian likes this.
      2. Melvillian
        “If you don’t listen to music with drums, they’re good” lol
        Dec 31, 2017
      3. Taverius
        Yep, it sounds like they need the full @Bill-P treatment, as per HE-4XX.

        "Towering peak at 11kHz" Mount Beyer is spreading?
        Dec 31, 2017
      4. Biodegraded
        Interesting coincidence of characters at the end of your short link. Wondered if I was going to get redirected to Massdrop ;)
        Dec 31, 2017
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  • About

    Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Rapallo, Italy


    Pi2AES > Yggdrasil A2 > Lokius > Aficionado(0fb, Jupiter, WE396A, EML Solid)/Loki - T4(Brimar CV4024) - ESP/95X > Atticus/Atrium/Veritè C (UL)/Vali - ESP/95X - Omega Compact Alnico Monitors
    Node 2 > dac1421 > Makoyi > Verum 1/Ori/Slant

    Pi2AES > Bifrost 2 > Loki > Freya S > Vidar x2 > SCM 19