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Dec 10, 2024
Nov 1, 2020
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Jun 10, 1959 (Age: 65)
Longevity project. Inventory management.

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Facebook Friend, Male, 65, from Maine


Happy New Year! Jan 1, 2024

Zimmer266 was last seen:
Dec 10, 2024
    1. Zimmer266
      A fan of stabilized art
      1. dasman66 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. sphinxvc
        What is stabilized art?
        Dec 3, 2021
        Zimmer266 and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Art that doesn't fall over.
        Dec 3, 2021
        rott, Qildail, Kunlun and 3 others like this.
      5. Zimmer266
        Dec 3, 2021
        Lyander likes this.
    2. Zimmer266
      Tourist, not perfectionist
    3. Zimmer266
      Today is new subwoofer day
      1. Cryptowolf and Merrick like this.
      2. jnak00
        What did you get?
        Sep 10, 2021
      3. Zimmer266
        A Vandersteen 2wq with a 1998 manual, that looks NOS. It goes well with the 2ci pair, and the furniture.
        Sep 10, 2021
    4. Zimmer266
      Greetings from Penobscot Bay
      1. StageOne
        Isnt that the last scene/place from a Hunt For Red October?
        Aug 31, 2021
    5. Zimmer266
      Something is always in the hundreds of hours of still breaking in.
      1. Qildail and Lyander like this.
      2. m17xr2b
        The neighbor's dog digging under the fence for the past weeks.
        Aug 31, 2021
        Zimmer266, Lyander, Qildail and 3 others like this.
    6. Zimmer266
      From an old thread here, the Vandersteen 2ci is the HD650 of the speaker world.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        I dunno, I auditioned a pair of 2ci's powered by an Audio Van Alstine something-or-other fed by a Naim CDsi CDP and found them to sound kinda boring compared to some Maggy 1.7s.
        Aug 30, 2021
        crazychile and bixby like this.
      3. Zimmer266
        The 2ci is pretty laid back. The newer ones, starting with 2ce, have a more detailed tweeter. Lots of units out there in decent condition though, for fair prices.
        Aug 31, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. scblock
        On the even older 2c, which have been my main speakers for 10+ years, the HD650 comparison is probably more about being fairly good value overall and committing no major sins. I wouldn't say they sound the same, but speakers are just different from headphones. Generally laid back, non fatiguing, can sing loud when asked, sound good quiet. Excellent imaging, but small sweet spot. Highs are nice but not super crisp.
        Aug 31, 2021
        Zimmer266 and yotacowboy like this.
    7. Zimmer266
      How do you like your phono stage?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I'm a great fan of balanced connection *in theory* because phono was a historical accident, and balanced was an engineered solution. So, if balanced is a choice, I'd use it, just for the satisfaction. Reality is, though, that if there is enough noise in your environment to affect a short interconnect, it is probably better to move house than change equipment! ...
        Aug 29, 2021
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ...And the *vulnerable* signal is the very low output from cartridge to pre-amp, which is still going to be phono.

        Aug 29, 2021
      4. Inoculator
        @shotgunshane absolutely. Currently there is a 16 week wait (sounds like sourcing SUTs is a pain right now) , but once I get it I will be sure to let folks know what I think. @Thad E Ginathom balanced is more a bonus than a killer feature. Overall I am mostly making move for quieter power supply and SUT
        Aug 29, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
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  • About

    Jun 10, 1959 (Age: 65)
    Longevity project. Inventory management.
    Gear List:
    Upstairs: Sumiko Bluepoint 3 Lo > ProJect RM5.1 SE >Pass Aleph Ono > Pass X2.5 > Pass Aleph 5 > Omega Super8 HO monitors on Skylans, REL T5x.
    Project DS2 CDT > Holo Spring > X2.5 > SW51+ > HD 650.

    Downstairs: Ortofon 2M Black > MMF 1.5 > Darlington MP-7 > Aric Unlimited II > Precision Fidelity M8 hybrid > Vandersteen 2ce Sig. CXN V2 as streamer, Rotel RCD-951.

    HT: Yamaha RX-V477 > Vandersteen 1b (F) & Advent Maestro (R), Axiom (C),

    Basement: JVC CD > Sansui AU-717 > Paradigm Founder 40b.
    I was new to headphones and DACs as of 2020. Sundara was picked as a starting point. HD 650 was added later based upon reading here.

    My audio journey started with the family Magnavox console, and my parents vinyl in the mid 60s. My first LP purchase was Pink Floyd's Meddle. I had my own system in college in 1977, with a Dual TT, a Marantz receiver, and EPI 100 speakers. The last system in 1987 was Grado > MMT > Sonographe SG3 > Bryston 0.5B > Adcom 545 > Infinity Kappa 8. I hadn't tried any tube amplification at that point.

    I took a 20 year plus hiatus from audio from 1989 to maybe 2013. I realized my oldest was heading to college, and should have a system. That choice pulled me back into the lifestyle. Fortunately I'd never sold off my vinyl.

    I use a mix of Morrow, and AQ cabling. I have four systems scattered around the house. My wife is a musician, and she has a Steinway B. Pianos have different sound profiles as well, and it took the two of us a year and a half of playing and listening (I listened) to pick the one with the best action, bloom, and decay.