Mar 19, 2018
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Friend, Male, from Missouri

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I bought another pair of boots. May 29, 2024 at 4:23 PM

    1. luckybaer
      For any fans of The Police - casual or obsessive - the new box set (Every Move You Make - The Studio Recordings) is must-have vinyl.
      1. elguapo and DigMe like this.
      2. luckybaer
        If anyone out there was on the fence about taking the vinyl plunge, this box set is the excuse to go out and get a decent vinyl rig. :-)
        Nov 25, 2018
        elguapo likes this.
    2. luckybaer
      Unwinding by listening to Bon Jovi. Hehe
      1. Deep Funk, JK47 and monacelli like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        "Livin On A Prayer" is still a good song. I give you that...
        Nov 26, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. luckybaer
        I was listening to Slippery When Wet - which has, of course, “Livin’ On A Prayer.” Catchy tune.
        Nov 26, 2018
    3. luckybaer
      Before I forget... Happy Thanksgiving, SBAF!
      1. powermatic, pavi, Elnrik and 3 others like this.
      2. Elnrik
        Happy Thanksgiving!
        Nov 21, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
    4. luckybaer
      Had post edited on Head-Fi because I included the apparently prohibited acronym “SBAF.” Oops. I didn’t apologize, though. Orwellian.
      1. Jinxy245 and OldDude04 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        How would one say SBAF in Swedish-chef?
        Nov 20, 2018
        luckybaer and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. luckybaer
        I guess I could do Pig Latin. AFSBay or Upersay Estbay Audioway Iendsfray
        Nov 20, 2018
        Jinxy245, rlow and Case like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Curious. Second time in a couple of days I came across "pig latin," and I didn't know what it means.
        Post-google, oh-yes-that! My parents used to use it: you can fool most of the people most of the time.
        Anyway, thanks for pushing me over the google edge on that one.
        Nov 20, 2018
        Jinxy245 and luckybaer like this.
    5. luckybaer
      Well, well, well... headphone cables do make a difference.
      1. scapeinator1 and Azimuth like this.
      2. zonto
        Nov 15, 2018
        luckybaer and Jokko like this.
      3. luckybaer
        Replaced stock cables on HD650 w/Silver Dragon v3. Veil lifted, bass tightened up - all w/out losing outstanding ability to resolve.
        Nov 15, 2018
        scapeinator1 likes this.
      4. scapeinator1
        yeah they really do. I was genuinely kind of surprised what a difference it makes.
        Nov 15, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
    6. luckybaer
      SL-1210GR w/stock mat, stock mat plus KAB poly-metal mat, stock mat plus KAB plus leather mat... I can't detect any difference in sound. :-)
      1. brencho
        Could always try a moo mat for ultimate bestiality
        Nov 13, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      2. Azimuth
        I use cork mat on my 1200.
        Nov 13, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. luckybaer
        I'm leaning towards (nearest to vinyl to furthest) Stock | Leather | Poly-Metal. Primarily for VTA purposes, since I can't detect any difference in how things sound.
        Nov 14, 2018
    7. luckybaer
      OWNERS OF FOCAL x MASSDROP ELEX: What is your opinion of the stock cables (XLR or 1/4")?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scapeinator1
        Focal needs to step their cable game up..I would be so much happier if their cables were just round instead of flat..
        Nov 12, 2018
        luckybaer and SoupRKnowva like this.
      3. zonto
        @scapeinator1 I love the Utopia cable. Super easy to fold up. A reliable source has observed it may be custom Mogami W3106. Not sure if or how Clear/Elex cable differs.
        Nov 15, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      4. scapeinator1
        @zonto that cable is different. You know not the pain and suffering the clear's spaghetti cables cause me.
        Nov 15, 2018
        zonto and SoupRKnowva like this.
    8. luckybaer
      Happy Veterans' Day to all.
    9. luckybaer
      Might... MIGHT purchase a Stellar Gain Cell Preamplifier/DAC. Just for shits and giggles.
      1. Mithrandir41
        They use an old school Sabre chip in that one. I think it's pre-9018, which is bad enough...
        Nov 9, 2018
      2. luckybaer
        That's correct. Choice may have been driven by cost, but they are pretty fussy over there, so perhaps the implementation is good. Haven't pulled trigger yet.
        Nov 9, 2018
    10. luckybaer
      16+ yo Polk Audio PSW250 sub died. Ordered replacement: Klipsch R-110SW. Quantitatively, an upgrade - larger woofer; MOAR POWR.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. luckybaer
        New sub is quite a bit larger than old sub... fortunately, adequate room exists. Sounds better. Cleaner. Less boomy/flabby/distorted.
        Nov 3, 2018
      3. luckybaer
        With my bookshelf speakers, I never realized how much the subwoofer contributed to the experience until I was without a sub.
        Nov 3, 2018
    11. luckybaer
      SL-1210GR VTA adjustment doesn't go down low enough for my cartridge. Mat is very thin - maybe a little over 3mm. Need to shim or 2x mat
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Biodegraded
        Ah - you no doubt meant a shim under the cart, whereas stupid Rega owner automatically thought arm base. Ignore me.
        Oct 27, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      3. Biodegraded
        Another thought strikes, hopefully more helpful than the last one: shimming the cart will increase arm/cart effective mass in a way that might not agree with the cart's compliance. And doing the mat would avoid having to do the alignment palaver all over again.
        Oct 28, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      4. luckybaer
        I agree. I opted for mat, but I do have a 15mm Shure cart in addition to the AT and Ortofon, so I think I'll have to shim that one. I'm careful about VTF, so hopefully shimming won't be a problem.
        Oct 28, 2018
    12. luckybaer
      Set up the new TT. Pitch & wow/flutter dead nuts on. Sounds great. Doing comparative needle drops because I'm a dork.
      1. Azimuth, JK47, powermatic and 3 others like this.
    13. luckybaer
      Ordered new TT - SL-1210GR. Delivery expected Thursday. Old TT having issues maintaining speed - will try to fix & save as back-up.
      1. Azimuth, LetMeBeFrank and JK47 like this.
    14. luckybaer
      Chinese pork, spicy anchovies, kim-chee, and rice. Listening to Beck's "Sea Change" while streaming the Rams-Broncos game. Life is good.
      1. BillOhio, Cryptowolf, Cspirou and 3 others like this.
      2. Cspirou
        I would like your recipe
        Oct 14, 2018
      3. luckybaer
        LOL... my wife and I just picked some stuff up from the Asian grocery store. She did make legit chicken adobo last night, though. :-)
        Oct 14, 2018
    15. luckybaer
      LOL... Just realized I accidentally purchased two copies of Elvis Costello's "Blood And Chocolate" - Mobile Fidelity vinyl version...
      1. Merrick
        This is why I track my physical music catalog on discogs. Too often I forget what’s already in my collection and have to double check it.
        Oct 12, 2018
        luckybaer likes this.
      2. luckybaer
        My mouse must have double-clicked "add to cart" on amazon. I, along with my mouse, have an issue with accidental double-clicks. I usually catch them, though!
        Oct 13, 2018
    16. luckybaer
      Discovered rumble, hum, & hiss filters in VinylStudio. Re-doing prior needle drops to incorporate those & lighter touch w/click removal.
    17. luckybaer
      Just doing some comparative needle drops with my new AT VM750SH cartridge.
      1. powermatic likes this.
      2. JK47
        Sep 13, 2018
      3. luckybaer
        One thing jumped out at me with "Living In Paradise" by Elvis Costello: better bass - more defined; more extension - vs. Ortofon 2M Red. Will keep listening.
        Sep 14, 2018
        JK47 likes this.
      4. luckybaer
        FWIW, my needle drops are 96,000/24 to FLAC via PS Audio NuWave Converter. I let VinylStudio handle the click and pop removal. I notice the difference between the AT VM750SH and the Ortofon 2M Red more when I am in purely analog mode (no conversion to digital and running from PS Audio NPC through Gungnir Multibit) - TT -> Phono Stage -> Integrated Amp -> Speakers
        Sep 14, 2018
    18. luckybaer
      Just purchased an Audio-Technica VM750SH Shibata Nude Stereo Turntable Cartridge. Upgrade to Ortofon 2M Red and vintage Shure V15 Type III.
    19. luckybaer
      I had to order it from the label's web store, but at least I finally got a copy of "Icky Thump" by White Stripes. :-)
      1. scapeinator1 likes this.
    20. luckybaer
      Tom Petty, John Mellencamp, or Bruce Springsteen? Pick only one!
      1. OldDude04 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ergopower
        Yeah, I'm also in the camp that one of those things is not like the others.
        Narrowly Petty over Springsteen. The Boss has produced some brilliant stuff, but it is overall more melancholy than Petty. But Rosalita, damn
        Aug 28, 2018
      4. jexby
        Thurston Moore.
        Aug 28, 2018
        Merrick, Case and Jinxy245 like this.
      5. Merrick
        Most compulsively listenable: Tom Petty
        Deepest emotions: Bruce Springsteen
        Worst ever: John Mellencamp
        Aug 28, 2018
        Jinxy245 and ergopower like this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    DAC: Schiit Gungnir MB Gen 5, HeadRoom Micro DAC, Schiit Modi MB
    DDC: Singxer SU-6, Douk Audio U2 Pro, Schiit Eitr
    Head Amp: AURALiC Taurus MkII, Quicksilver HA, Vali 2 [assorted tubes], Magni 3, HeadRoom Micro
    Headphones: Elex, HD650, DT880, D2000, K601, TX-X00, HE-4XX, SR-80e, M220
    CD/SACD/Data Disc Hi-Res: Denon DCD-1600NE, Marantz CD5003
    Cassette: Nakamichi DR-2
    Pre-Amp: Schiit Freya OG [mothballed], Khozmo Passive Preamp (x2)
    Integrated Amp: Onkyo TX-8555 [mothballed]
    Amplifier: Rotel RB-1582 MkII, Parasound NewClassic 2125v2
    Turntable: Technics SL-1210GR, Kenwood KD-2070
    Cartridges: Ortofon 2M Red, Shure V15 Type III [JICO SAS/R], Audio-Technica VM750SH, Soundsmith Otello, Reloop Concorde w/STY10, Super OM-40
    Phonostage: PS Audio NuWave Phono Converter (also ADC), Parks Audio Puffin
    Speakers: Polk Audio RT25i [mothballed], Dynaudio Evoke 10, Polk Audio Legend L100
    I'm pretty happy


    SL-1210GR, KD-2070 | SU-6 + Gungnir MB | DCD-1600NE, CD5003 | DR-2 | NPC, Puffin | Khozmo, Khozmo |
    RB-1582 MkII, 2125v2 | Taurus MkII, Quicksilver | Evoke 10, L100 | SB-1000, SB-1000