HD600 Thread

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by SpaceLaser, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Bought these off local CL for delivery to @Gazny : HD600 black screen. The headphone/packaging looks to have been very well kept and just about new but I can't believe pads are original because they are clean and well-formed.

    VS my modded HD6XX which I recently sold to @dematted so can't compare directly: HD600 sounds more intimate, bit shouty, less murk, less warm, tighter bass. I think Gaz intends to mod.

    HD600 (mystery condition) and my 6XX's off-KISS mods (+ aftermarket pads) and variables in measuring and weak memory make this not so useful data / fwiw / just fun. Practicing measurements of 6XX mods over time maybe has started some consistent habit in placement.

    600? vs 6XXmod uncompensated.jpg
    600? vs 6XXmod SBAF comp.jpg

    Edit: I wouldnt be surprised if same aftermarket pads were sourced. Its like the first hit off Amazon and is cheap.
    Edit2: Pads. Mehsurements down this page (sorry on mobile so cant link specific post).
    Edit3: There:
    Edit4: My comment about 600 sounding more “intimate” vs 6XX is a soundstage descriptor. I forgot that my 6XX used a HD580 headband which is larger so light clamp. So, I think the 600 stronger clamp explains soundstage difference by having driver possibly pushed up closer to ear which is preferable. 600 clamp didnt offend me as much as 6XX stock headband clamp comfort wise. Maybe 600 was originally as bad and got stretched out, and/or the 600 possibly had those softer aftermarket pads that allowed a bit more clearance. I didnt try 6XX stock headband with aftermarket pads.
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    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  2. Dee Dubblya

    Dee Dubblya New

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Hey RenEH,

    If you are still looking for HD600 in Canada, Studio Economik in Montreal are selling them for CAD $474 ($45 off) with free shipping in Canada. I ordered some last Friday and got them in Calgary today.
  3. Jerry

    Jerry Friend

    Apr 8, 2017
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    I've been using my HD600 + Drop Velour pads for the past 3 months and enjoyed it a lot. This is the best HD6X0 presentation that I've heard.

    X-Sabre Pro => BHA-1

    Test Tracks:
    Heilung - Svanrand
    Nils Lofgren - Keith Don't Go
    Halestorm - Killing Ourselves to Live
    Joanne Shaw Taylor - Human
    Within Temptation - Faster
    The Pretty Reckless - Absolution
    Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason
    Tones and I - Dance Monkey

    Differences vs stock pads:
    - Tonality is definitely warmer but tastefully done
    - Less air. Feels more closed-in, like being in a small studio.
    - Similar width, but increase in depth. Images are pushed further out.
    - No loss in detail. If anything, the blacker background allows me to notice them easier.
    - Images also feels more vivid, as opposed to being diffused with the stock pads.
    - The combo of (1) vivid images and (2) increased depth give it a more 3D presentation.
    - Bass is very punchy. Like a marriage of HD650's color with HD600's tightness. Can be too much for some people. But so much fun.

    Vs HD650/6XX
    - Both are similarly warm and dark.
    - Upper mid is still more forward than HD650. Sibilance is better than stock HD600.
    - Where HD650 is soft and relaxed, this is more vivid, aggressive and focused.
    - There is more body to the images.
    - Bass is quite a bit tighter and punchier.
    - More depth than HD650, making the listening experience more enjoyable.

    Vs ZMF Aeolus (stock pads)
    - From my audio memory, this feels somewhat similar with the Aeolus.
    - Tonality is smoother and less wonky than the Aeolus.
    - Vocal is lusher than the Aoelus
    - Aeolus is still faster with better transients. This has more natural decay.
    - Aeolus has slightly larger stage.
    - Both are equally dynamic sounding.
    - Bass is less murky than the Aeolus.
    - Aeolus looks prettier, but this one has more character.
    - This will give the Aeolus a run for its money.

    Vs Hifiman Ananda
    - Stock vs stock, they are two different presentations. Now, they are closer together
    - Overall there is no contest here. This is what I was searching for with the Ananda
    - Where the Ananda feels flat and boring, this is more emotional, dynamic and lively
    - Vocals carry more soul. Listening to Tracy Chapman and her guitar sent me swirling into bliss.
    - More natural than Ananda's slightly weird timbre.
    - Much more nuanced than the Ananda
    - Ananda is more neutral in tonality.
    - Anands is slightly wider. But this has the better depth, and more 3D stage.
    - Bass is much punchier and fun. Ananda is tighter, cleaner, and reaches lower.
    - Ananda also has better layering and separation. This is still a dynamic driver.

    At times while listening, I caught myself taking it off just to confirm that is is the HD600 and I didn't put something else wrongly. I love it so much that I even bought another HD600 so that I don't have to switch pads all the time. I still need the stock HD600 for certain female vocal tracks.

    I know audio is like food. People have different taste. But I recommend to try anyways since the pads only cost $40. I have been enjoying it immensely. Who knows? Some might too.

    PS: I'm very curious how this fares against JAR650/600.
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
  4. Ksorota

    Ksorota Friend

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    Mar 30, 2018
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    HD600 Modded by Ev_Schaff


    As hard as I try, I cannot keep from buying new headphones. I have been patiently waiting for Gen. and was able to refrain from acquiring anything new. That is until the conversations about brass ring HD600’s came about, and I found a pair for a great price. The headphones went directly to @E_Schaaf for modding to a neutral tuning through his tried and tested methods, and neutral is what he delivered. Evan described them as “Those headphones sound like a room temperature glass of water and I mean that in the best way haha”

    Here is a comparison of the stock frequency response vs. the Modded (both recorded by @E_Schaaf)


    Ev Mod

    I have been thoroughly enjoying these headphones through a Soekris 2541 > Mjolnir 1/2. The mod has given this set of HD600’s a very smooth delivery and cleaned up any nastiness in the highs and tightened up the bass very similar to the JAR600’s I previously owned. If my memory is serving me correctly, the modification has added some clarity to the sound signature, including a bit wider soundstage.

    Using the HD6XX is not the best apples to apples comparison but it is the closest I have on hand. The other headphones I have been comparing with are the PMx2’s (latest revision) and it is becoming a very close battle.

    Compared to the 6XX, the 600Ev-mod excels in clarity and engagement. The 6XX comes across as a bit smoothed over in direct comparison. The bass on the 600 is so clean and well defined that I wish it could go deeper and really provide that planar rumble (cannot have everything)

    The 600Ev-mod has such sharp transient attack that guitar plucks and kick drum hits just about punch the side of your head, yet decay is a natural and retains a nice sustain as the notes trail into the background. Some of this improvement is due to being able to play them louder without any ear destroying peaks.

    The real competition going on at my desk lately has been between the HD600Ev-mod and the PMx2. They are both fairly similar in tonality, but the Oppo has more body/heft to the sound that comes off as a richer tone. The PMx2 also is able to dig deeper into the bass and sub-bass regions providing just a bit more satisfaction. I wish the PMx2 had the clarity and resolve of the Sennheiser; its that last bit of air that is making the decision so tough. If I am to factor in price…based on the used price of both headphones, the PMx2 was approx. twice the cost of the HD600Ev-mod (headphones and modding cost included). The PMx2 comes across as a bit more cohesive if I had to choose, but the HD600Ev-mod has a higher level of dynamics.

    Final quick thoughts:

    · The HD600Ev-mod is a very solid improvement over stock, and is not a static change. I chose a linear tuning, but tuning can be modified by Evan to meet your needs
    · The mods remove any harshness in the highs and tightens up the frequencies (all frequencies it seems).
    · Tubes…Love tubes with the 600
    · Instrument separation is excellent and seems enhanced.
    · Wish for more bass extension still

    In the end I think I might be passing on these headphones as I work through other sets (it’s a vicious cycle) in favor of the PMx2. The PMx2 has a bit more warmth to the tone and extension into the love frequencies, even if it is not as resolving. The food analogy i keep thinking of would be that the PMx2 is like drinking Thick hot choc. with an espresso shot added, while the HD600 is more like a Mocha Latte. I honestly dont know which I prefer. Perhaps I should wait for Gen, to make a real comparison.


    I have heard the PMx2 described as flat, and it certainly is out of the Soekris 2541 headphone outs…it loses a lot of the dynamics there. Through the Mjolnir/Mjolnir 2, the PMx2 is anything but flat.
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2021
  5. señorhifi

    señorhifi Friend

    Oct 16, 2020
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    What is actually the SBAF™ approved HD600 upgrade, apart from the mods? Focal Clear? PMx2? Or is it just nearfield speakers at that point?
  6. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    PMx2 is not an upgrade from HD600 IMO. Sidegrade, maybe.

    I think above H600, some headphones will be better in some areas, and some areas just different. I mean H800, Clear, HE6, Aeolus, so many choices, but there will be tradeoffs.
  7. E_Schaaf

    E_Schaaf MOT: E.T.A Headphones

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    1. A better amp or DAC
    2. Aim for a complement, not an upgrade. Unless you're willing to accept two steps forward, one step back (though often one step forward and two steps back will be the case)
    3. Mods. Why rule them out?

    You'll need to be more specific about your sonic priorities and list what you feel to be the strengths and weaknesses of the HD600 if you want advice on the next step and aren't considering 1 or 3 in the list above.
  8. señorhifi

    señorhifi Friend

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Preference is HD600 + better bass + better extension on both ends + less closed in sounding (I know, a magic dragon basically)

    I was just thinking if there is maybe a one stop solution and a straight HD600 upgrade. I have read and read through graphs and forums, but a direct upgrade simply doesn't exist. Some say certain ZMF cans are an upgrade (90% there at least, with some thick flavor thrown in), some prefer the Focal Clear, but there seems to be no general census.

    Maybe there is a magic pairing that makes a TOTL headphone sound more in line with HD600? Maybe something like a Focal Clear with a tube amp to get rid of the etchy treble?

    EDIT: right now I am basically going through option 1 and 3 you listed. Whenever Schiit will have stuff available in EU I will pick a Jot2 with Modius. KISS mod really improved my HD650, and made it sound more in line with an ideal HD600.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  9. FlySweep

    FlySweep Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    The Focal Elex is often characterized as a 'super HD600' here (and super HD 650 elsewhere). I do find it closer to the HD600 than HD650 in terms of freq response, speed, and tone. The Elex isn't quite as 'natural sounding' as the HD600 but few, if any headphones, can match the HD600/650/6XX for that.
  10. Senorx12562

    Senorx12562 Case of the mondays

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I found this to be true enough that within a few months of obtaining my Elex I wasn't really using my hd600 anymore and gave them to a friend, who still has them afaik.
  11. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I use them for most of my proper music listening while the HP-3s are for when I need some isolation or am listening to massive KABLAM explosions on Netflix or YouTube :p
  12. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I was fed up with my mushy Sennheiser ear-pads.

    Bought the Brainwavz adapter kit for the HD600/650 headphones for their memory foam ear-pads (which are epically excellent).

    Finally took off the old Sennheiser ear-pads and put on the soft memory foams from Brainwavz.

    I like the Brainwavz much better. More comfort and gives the Sennheiser warmth a bit of AKG magic (more room for the ears, slightly more spacious sound).

    f'ing hell this sounds good with the Vali 2.
  13. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    @Deep Funk , what outer (cover) material? Seems Brainwavz has a few choices - velour, microsuede, sheepskin...
  14. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

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    I bought two sets of velours ear-pads. Very comfortable.
  15. matts19

    matts19 New

    Jan 21, 2022
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    That is because 600 are not grainy :) But 600 is known to be a bit shouty. But that is easily fixed by EQ. Grainy treble cannot be fixed by EQ. It lowers treble volume but you'd still end up with grainy treble. If anything, 6XX (and maybe 650 too?) is a bit more grainy than 600. Many think 6XX is the most laid back headphones but EQ'ed 600 and even EQ'ed 560s are easier on my ears then EQ'ed 6XX. The difference here is grains in treble. 560s can be harsh without EQ but it has really smooth treble that can easily be shaped and molded.
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  16. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I suppose I should not, given the state of my hearing, comment on treble, but I don't think I ever experienced anything that might be called "graininess."

    This may be due to my HF hearing loss (but it much less when I first got HD600 a few years ago) or the fact that my music collection is mostly low ISO.

    As for shouty... I always characterised the sound of HD600 as old-fashioned hifi. Like listening to Dad's Tannoys. No shouting.
  17. Baten

    Baten Friend

    Mar 18, 2018
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    My HD600 never shouts ;)
  18. HeadFoneDude64

    HeadFoneDude64 Facebook Friend

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Yep, I mean IF my HD600 shouts, I'd give it a hard smack!:D
  19. iDesign

    iDesign Almost "Made"

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I have owned+sold the HD600 and HD650 many times since they were released. I'm considering purchasing another set for a loved one and I'm debating between the current HD600, HD6XX, and or gifting my previous generation HD650s (Made in Ireland). As the years have gone on and Sennheiser has made changes to the HD 600 series, I'm wondering which of the models I've listed is the most desirable?
  20. Mr B1

    Mr B1 New

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    Desirable can have very different qualifiers depending on who you ask - looks, musicality? One thing to consider is the pairing rather than just which version of HD since the amp influences the sound dramatically with these. Badly amped the HD600 can sound overly bright and entirely lacking in bass. I went for a well worn 2nd hand (made in Ireland) HD600 which when paired with a high quality (no warmpoo, flat response) tube amp sounds fantastic.

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