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Sep 17, 2022
Oct 12, 2015
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Nov 8, 1969 (Age: 55)
Rochester, NY

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Stunningly beautiful IRL, Male, 55, from Rochester, NY


Aren't Philharmonic Ochestras just glorified cover bands? You'll never hear the conductor turn and say "Now something from our new album" Sep 7, 2020

ButtUglyJeff was last seen:
Sep 17, 2022
    1. ButtUglyJeff
      Its funny how the English language has too many words, yet not enough sometimes...
      1. Pyruvate, JayC and fierce_freak like this.
    2. ButtUglyJeff
      Boy those Massdrop TH-x00s in ebony are sure good looking headphones...
      1. brencho, philipmorgan and FlySweep like this.
    3. ButtUglyJeff
      I'm having a bad beard day...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. aufmerksam
        I find that after a couple of days of over-average application, I have a good base, and the wirey, pokey shit ends.
        Dec 16, 2016
        Dino likes this.
      3. Dino
        Dec 17, 2016
      4. aufmerksam
        My brother got me beard brand for Christmas one year and I've been using it since. I only really need it in the winter when my beard is longer, so I only go through an ounce a year. Easy Christmas gift every year, happy beard.
        Dec 17, 2016
        Dino likes this.
    4. ButtUglyJeff
      If I see someone on HF with a cat avatar, should I make a special effort to make them aware of this place?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        No, but if you see someone with headphones on acting like an a-hole you should make a special effort to make them aware of HF.
        Dec 15, 2016
        Thad E Ginathom and Kunlun like this.
      3. Kunlun
        I've gone out of my way to invite thoughtful, friendly audio people and cats to SBAF
        Dec 15, 2016
        Thad E Ginathom and DigMe like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ...Cats that wear their underwear outside their fur.
        Mar 13, 2017
    5. ButtUglyJeff
      The black Jot is calling to me. But its not part of the master plan. Bu bu but... its black...
    6. ButtUglyJeff
      Fox on the Run is #1 on iTunes. I never thought I say that. Thanks Guardians of the Galaxy trailer...
      1. Muse Wanderer likes this.
      2. Kunlun
        I am going to watch the hell out of that movie!
        Dec 5, 2016
    7. ButtUglyJeff
      As I sit down to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, I ponder. Why do we eat at 2:30 in the afternoon? Is this place a retirement home?
      1. BrettMatthews likes this.
      2. zonto
        I like to think it's a tradition carried on from our forefathers, namely that we always underestimate both the time it will take to cook the food and to travel to our destinations.

        Alternate theory: bigger breakfast --> stretched out stomach --> more turkey in your turkey hole.
        Nov 24, 2016
    8. ButtUglyJeff
      Loving all the GF B&Ws fellas. Keep them coming...
      1. SoupRKnowva and Huxleigh like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Huxleigh
        @Wilson It's the lovely Rebecca Hall. Yours?
        Nov 22, 2016
        Case likes this.
      4. Case
        @Huxleigh, Hannah Arendt, political philosopher, coined the phrase, "banality of evil."
        Nov 23, 2016
      5. Case
        I'm available for parties and bar mitzvahs...
        Nov 23, 2016
    9. ButtUglyJeff
      So I see an ad for a Dyson v8 and I think I'm looking at some new fangeled tone arm. I have issues...
    10. ButtUglyJeff
      Alright boys, lets not go full asshat while the bosses are playing at the meet...
      1. Case and PoochZag like this.
    11. ButtUglyJeff
      Is it possible to "like" a "dislike"?
      1. Case and Ray like this.
      2. brencho
        Bro that's too subtle for me
        Nov 4, 2016
      3. DigMe
        I'd also be interested in disliking the like of a dislike. Can we make that happen?
        Nov 4, 2016
      4. ButtUglyJeff
        I do like the idea of liking a dislike of liking a dislike...
        Nov 4, 2016
    12. ButtUglyJeff
      I'm worried. I've been watching too many videos of people showing off their turntables...
      1. Mikoss and brencho like this.
      2. Ryu
        Oct 30, 2016
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        Yeah, it has. Seems great for cutting one's teeth. Then maybe a Jot with phone pre...
        Oct 31, 2016
    13. ButtUglyJeff
      Coo coo ca choo Mrs. Jotunheim. Jesus loves you more you will know, woah woah woah...
      1. Merrick, pedalhead, Case and 2 others like this.
      2. Kattefjaes
        What's that you say, Mrs Robinson?
        Jolting Jot has left and gone away?
        Hey hey hey..
        Oct 12, 2016
        Case and ButtUglyJeff like this.
      3. Case
        God help you please,
        Mrs. Jotunheim
        Head Fi's got a thread for you
        Goo goo g'jude
        Oct 12, 2016
        Kattefjaes likes this.
    14. ButtUglyJeff
      As I say goodbye to the Jotunheim, I wonder what plans Schiit has for this amp design going forward. How long before a "Super Jot"?
      1. Cspirou
        I'm sure they'll make a speaker amp based on the design at a lower price point then the Vidar for people that don't need all that power.
        Oct 11, 2016
      2. zonto
        My prediction is that they'll go the other way on the two-channel front. Vidar, after all, "is said to be the strongest of the gods after Thor."

        Oct 11, 2016
    15. ButtUglyJeff
      I had to fight with myself to put the MDR-Z7 away for the HD650 with the Jot. I went from one sweet treat to another. Musical diabetes...
      1. FlySweep and fraggler like this.
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        Do yourself a favor and listen to Mark Ronson/Lily Allen "Oh my God"....wow
        Oct 9, 2016
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        Must go to bed...but Mumford and Sons...
        Oct 9, 2016
        Jeb and Deep Funk like this.
      4. Kattefjaes
        You know you've hit a sweet spot in your system when you're struggling to go to bed...
        Oct 12, 2016
    16. ButtUglyJeff
      Man that Luke Cage soundtrack is on iTunes and Amazon downloads, and now a vinyl release. How about a CD for us broke audiofools?!?!?!?
      1. FlySweep and Case like this.
      2. brencho
        Man what a good show!
        Oct 8, 2016
        Case likes this.
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        The music is so important...
        Oct 8, 2016
    17. ButtUglyJeff
      Holy crap! The Jotunheim and the MDR-Z7 sound great together...
      1. philipmorgan and Panohm like this.
      2. ButtUglyJeff
        No, but I can now hear why it would benefit.
        Oct 7, 2016
        cizx likes this.
    18. ButtUglyJeff
      Hooray! I'm not qualified to post in the GUTB thread!!!
      1. Ash1412, Deep Funk, Griffon and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        Must resist the urge...
        Oct 1, 2016
      4. Case
        No... join me and together we can bring order...
        Oct 1, 2016
      5. ButtUglyJeff
        Some people just want to see this place burn...
        Oct 1, 2016
    19. ButtUglyJeff
      I wonder if Schiit has made enough Jots to have enough blems for powder coating? #blackjotsmatter
      1. zonto, Ryu and RKML0007 like this.
    20. ButtUglyJeff
      Its neat how the trolls get fed here. Marvey can even domesticate a few of them...
      1. TwoEars likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Case
        It's ends up being depressing, especially when it's apparent something is off with the guy. We should have a designated troll hammer or something
        Sep 30, 2016
      4. ButtUglyJeff
        The story is always complex. I get why Marvey sometimes lets it play out...

        FYI, I agree the trolls shouldn't clutter up the real gear/music/tech conversations. And the staff should be commended for looking to "purge" the BS...
        Sep 30, 2016
      5. Case
        Thinking about this some more - I've decided to trust Marvel's course of action - this feels different than troll as usual
        Sep 30, 2016
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1969 (Age: 55)
    Rochester, NY
    Gear List:
    ZMF Atticus in Paduk, HD650 stock with SPC balanced cable, MDR-Z7 with Kimber cable, Metrum Musette, Cavalli Audio Liquid Carbon, and Monoprice for all the other cables and power cords...

    Yamaha CA-1010
    Yamaha CA-2010
    Blumenstein Orcas in birch ply (2016)


    Don't believe everything you read on the internet, and that includes my custom title...