Muse Wanderer
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Oct 22, 2024 at 4:19 AM
Oct 7, 2015
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Muse Wanderer

Friend, Male, from Malta

Pyrate BWC

Anton Bruckner manages to do the unassailable with his 8th symphony, subliming music that enraptures everyone who dares listen. May 21, 2019

Muse Wanderer was last seen:
Oct 22, 2024 at 4:19 AM
    1. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Anton Bruckner manages to do the unassailable with his 8th symphony, subliming music that enraptures everyone who dares listen.
      1. Jinxy245 and Kunlun like this.
    2. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      More signal less noise - think before you post! Useless information is not neutral, it dilutes and breaks everything this forum stands for.
      1. Claritas, FlySweep, zonto and 7 others like this.
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      3. JK47
        ^JOLTED !!!
        Oct 15, 2018
        zonto and Muse Wanderer like this.
      4. Tachikoma
        It gets a little too quiet sometimes though, don't you think? I kind of wish shitposting is a thing in audiophile circles.
        Oct 15, 2018
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        @JK47 Bolt taken! lol

        @Tachikoma ... there are other audio forums where users delight in nonsensical chatter drowning any useful information. Go there and add to the shitpile of posts. Smells good!
        Oct 15, 2018
    3. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      I am not listening to music so much cause I am playing music so much!
      1. Jerry, Merrick, Jinxy245 and 6 others like this.
    4. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      My Andromedas never sounded this good. That soundstage, the imaging, the instrumental separation and nuance on ZX2 balanced is sublime.
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      2. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Alo Litz balanced cable is safest option, I agree, unless you can compare cables directly before buying. Andros will change character with cable impedance variation.
        Jun 20, 2018
        obsiCO likes this.
      3. drgumbybrain
        Any distortion in high volume? Didn’t forget the Wagner wiki. Will make soon
        Jun 20, 2018
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        @David De Lucena ... I can't hear distorsion. That said I listen at normal volumes to high dynamic recordings that can get very loud fast. The bass is not as well defined compared to dynamic drivers (Utopia and speakers) because of the BA limitations that are acceptable for portable use in my case.
        Jun 21, 2018
    5. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      just bought a set of leather comfy recliner sofas for my living room..... Holy cow! The best audio upgrade to my speaker system this year!
    6. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      CEO of Morel audio came by to listen to my speakers! He loved them! Tweaked with air inductors to dial treble. Pleased with result.
      1. Lyander, Kunlun, 9suns and 3 others like this.
    7. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Listening to the splendid 1959 recording of Horenstein's Mahler's 8th, composed in 1906. Sun shines through my system. ALL feels connected
    8. zonto
      Here's to hoping Schiit announces Ragnarok 2 (with remote) this weekend at RMAF. It will probably be the initial "Gadget" release, but one can dream right?
      1. ButtUglyJeff and Muse Wanderer like this.
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      3. GoodEnoughGear
        Personally I'm waiting for a Bifrost Multibit upgrade - balanced, preferably. A mini Gungnir Multibit to match Jot. With dual XLR outs so I can drive monitors too.

        And a unicorn.
        Oct 4, 2017
      4. zonto
        I hope Rag 2 doesn't have tubes. I hope it's updated based on the PivotPoint / Vidar work and adds a remote. Little more power at 4 ohms and more efficient, while fixing the test bench "issues" like they did with Vidar.
        Oct 4, 2017
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        If Rag stays solid state I would prefer the ciclotron tech to stay on. Pivot point is apparently not as good with microdynamics and it could be a step back.
        Oct 4, 2017
    9. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      I wonder whether battling an objectivist with no idea about the scientific method is worthwhile! Oh yes it is, for science, for music!
      1. landroni likes this.
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      3. powermatic
        Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.
        Sep 30, 2017
        Case and Muse Wanderer like this.
      4. landroni
        Sep 30, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Interesting read @landroni thanks for the link. There are so many variables with respect to human's psychology, neurophysiology and the sense of hearing that a very expensive study would be needed to control them and answer just one question. No such studies exist.

        It is a hobby at the end even though it instils life into our music.
        Oct 1, 2017
        landroni likes this.
    10. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Thanks @Marvey @Serious and @shaizada. I wouldn't be here without you. These PAP Trio15 Voxativs are a dream come true. Now I need to breath
      1. zonto, Serious and AdvanTech like this.
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      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Thanks @shaizada ... your advice helped me along the way. My chain is simple.. a Yggdrasil (gen 5) and a Ragnarok (for now).
        Sep 3, 2017
        shaizada likes this.
      4. zonto
        What finish on the Trio15s did you get?
        Oct 4, 2017
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        I wasn't keen on the German oak. So I asked for a custom European walnut finish with great results
        Oct 4, 2017
        zonto likes this.
    11. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      just bought his new speakers, and here I am in disbelief... I actually did it!
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      2. pedalhead
        Oh boy, this has the makings of a trip. Any good cycling around there? :-)
        Jul 1, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        lol... sure you can come over this summer. It is 40 degrees down here! Great for cycling I am sure, and for a heat stroke too!
        Jul 1, 2017
        pedalhead likes this.
      4. pedalhead
        Wow that'll make for an impressive cyclists tan :-)
        Jul 1, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
    12. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      In the middle of my life, here in this quantised simulated reality, I feel at peace within my conscious being...
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      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Is there a new diredt line from Battersea to muich now?
        May 19, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      3. Case
        Haha, you are the Baudrillard of SBAF.
        May 19, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        The simulation hypothesis gives each and everyone of us the POWER to change the universe with our own consciousness.

        The collective conscious effort at SBAF can indeed change the universe of audio!
        May 24, 2017
        Case likes this.
    13. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Listening to Arcade Fire's 'Funeral' after so many years. Awestruck at how a system can reconnect me to music in ways I never dreamt of.
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      2. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        It is not just the detail, but the dynamics, micro stuff, timbre and lifelike voices.

        It's the face of my mum who loves Elvis, Beatles and Queen listening to my setup for the first time! That holy schiit moment.

        It's like meeting someone you had a crush on 10, 20, 50 years ago and now she (or he) looks 100x better!!! :-D
        May 2, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Kattefjaes
        Often hearing little catches in the singer's breath is the killer for me, for some reason.

        On the other hand, Nirvana's "In Utero" does not improve- it's such a soupy morass, a lot of the highs in the percussion simply do not exist to reproduce fully any more. When a track lets you actually hear what Dave Grohl is doing, it's a shock.
        May 2, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Yeah... badly recorded stuff will sound bad. I have been trying to tame Klemperer's Beethoven Missa Solemnis for years. Now I have given up. Those engineers really fu**ed it up.
        May 2, 2017
    14. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Andromedas and WM1A ... what an amazing combo! No more DAP search for me.... now onto speakers and I am done.
      1. Cellist88
        Looks like a similar post to mine. Sounds so good don't need any more gear.
        Apr 5, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      2. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Yep.. never listened to ZX2 but WM1A is so much better than all DAPs I tried at shows with Andros. At one point I was at a loss as all the DAP/DAC-amps I listened to had either sabretitis or boritis!
        Apr 5, 2017
      3. Muse Wanderer
    15. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Went to the opera twice to listen to Mozart's Figaro. Front seat - same sound as Utopia via YggyRag, Gallery back seats - more tubey sound!
      1. Merrick, imackler, zonto and 7 others like this.
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      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        It is indeed a beautiful ornate piece of architecture from the Baroque era.

        I don't know how on earth I was thinking about tonality, staging, imaging, details and those impressive dynamics when listening to the soprano, singing a wonderful Mozart aria, just a few metres in front of me! This hobby can play tricks with your brain.

        I really need to attend more live events, just listen to music and reset my mind.
        Mar 8, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I have sat in live concerts and thought, "If my hifi sounded like this I'd throw it out."

        But, with the South-Indian-classical thing that I'm into, in bad halls with bad equipment with lousy operators, this is a regular experience
        Mar 8, 2017
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ... it got me into observing room effects such as reflections and resonance. Sometimes moving just one seat can drastically affect the sound. Moving nearer or closer to walls, angle to speakers, is the big thing.

        But in western concert halls and theatres, you've probably booked a specific seat and don't have the freedom to wander around
        Mar 8, 2017
    16. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Utopia in da house.. thanks Santa!
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      2. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        I just listened to Beethoven's Eroica, conducted by Klemperer, and truly feel I touched the soul of the composer.
        Here I am, I arrived where I needed to be...
        Dec 24, 2016
        Case, pedalhead and zonto like this.
      3. zonto
        Running SE out of the Rag right?
        Dec 24, 2016
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        No way! I had Utopia cable re-terminated to balanced.
        The Rag grabs the Utopia by the balls and the Yggdrasil smooths the touch beautifully!
        Dec 24, 2016
        zonto likes this.
    17. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      2016: HD800 -> HD800S -> Utopia / HD650 trial -> Andromeda -> ditch cans & speakers-> Utopia inbound! What a year!
      1. zonto, Kattefjaes and pedalhead like this.
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      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        @Kattefjaes - sorry for showing you that Bruckner 5th passage that breaks almost all headphones I heard at meets! It does show how good the HD650 is at rendering it, right? :-)
        Dec 19, 2016
        bxh likes this.
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        @zonto - I will expect a narrow stage but the HD800/S relies on the sucked upper mids to render it. The sound on Yggdrasil Rag could be a surprise as the brightish sound I heard might have been the Naim amp at the meet.
        Dec 19, 2016
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        @zonto - did not listen to HD600 but the HD650 unfortunately. It was either HD650 or Utopia. Chose the crazily priced one. I just had to! :-)
        Dec 19, 2016
        zonto likes this.
    18. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Yggdrasil 'n Rag back in the house and I became friend all in matter of hours! Lovin it!
      1. Wfojas, Case, zonto and 4 others like this.
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      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        lol... I just sold the Beyerdynamic DT660 this week!
        Jul 9, 2017
      4. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        OMG - I now realise I sold it to you!
        Double lol..... hope you enjoy it @roskodan
        Jul 9, 2017
        roskodan likes this.
      5. roskodan
        I do, needed some realignment of the left cup assembly, due to some bass rattling (noticeable only with test tracks). Fixed that and fck the headband needed a good amount of extra padding (put some microfiber cloth around it), the stock one is BS. Sound wise i like it a lot actually! Thx, great price for a near mint dt660 :D
        Jul 13, 2017
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
    19. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Speakers? Headphones? All I got left is broken Schiit!
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Are your ears still functioning?
        Oct 13, 2016
      2. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Ears are fine for now... just sold my speakers, HD800S and a speaker amp. My Rag and Yggdrasil are broken (out for repair).

        All I have is my Andros but I am feeling withdrawals already!!
        Oct 13, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Koss Portapro, play some Prince and dance...
        Oct 13, 2016
        Muse Wanderer, zonto and Case like this.
    20. Muse Wanderer
      Muse Wanderer
      Utopia headphones or Salk Song 3 speakers... decisions, decisions!
      1. Pyruvate and recarcar like this.
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      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Thanks @zerodeefex - Dennis' Phil 3 are huge!! Wife factor red alert! The slims look really good ... lowish 85db sensitivity is the only con.
        Selling my Ragnarok won't be easy though considering what a game changer it was with the Yggdrasil!
        Sep 6, 2016
      4. zonto
        Yeah even if I could fit the Phil 3s I couldn't stomach them because I think they look ridiculous. Slims or Song 3 look nice though.

        I'd just start saving for whichever product you'll use the most.
        Sep 6, 2016
        Muse Wanderer likes this.
      5. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Yeah, the oddly shaped Phil 3 would probably become a rocking horse for my 2 year old besides taking half my room!
        Song 3s are enticing due to the extended low frequency of that one of a kind woofer. I might miss my bookshelf's imaging but everything is a compromise and tonality is my main priority at present.
        Sep 6, 2016
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Schiit Yggdrasil

    Schiit Ragnarok
    Schiit Vali

    Focal Utopia
    Campfire Audio Andromeda

    PureAudioProject Trio15 Voxativ (AC1.6 Pi Fe)

    Schiit Wyrd
    Cryotreated Mogami 3104 speaker cables
    Furutech Formula 2 USB cables

    Past gear:
    Musical Fideliti M6i speaker amp
    Sennheiser HD800
    Sennheiser HD800S
    Monitor Audio GX100 speakers
    Etymotic HF2