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Oct 27, 2024 at 8:25 PM
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Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
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Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer, Male, 31, from Philippines, The

Pyrate Contributor

For the love of everything sacred, please do not use AI chat bots as a replacement for therapy. What in Bladerunner's name. Oct 23, 2024 at 7:26 PM

Lyander was last seen:
Oct 27, 2024 at 8:25 PM
    1. Lyander
      For the love of everything sacred, please do not use AI chat bots as a replacement for therapy. What in Bladerunner's name.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I never met dr sbaiso. But a "therapy" application used to be part of Unix. It was actually quite clever. And that was in the last century!
        Oct 25, 2024 at 4:47 AM
      3. Lyander
        @joch yep that's the story I came across. Was morbidly curious and looked into that AI chat thing cuz it was apparently amazingly popular, turns out something like that'd happened recently.
        Oct 25, 2024 at 9:32 AM
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Ti_Leo
        I heard about this news on a podcast and the professor in the podcast was demanding age gate on this AI stuff. As a Chinese guy, I've seen how iron fists force age gate but how do free world does it? I don't really think it's possible when taking privacy into consideration...
        Oct 25, 2024 at 11:25 AM
        DigMe and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    2. Lyander
    3. Lyander
      Revisiting music I've not really listened to in near a decade and getting shocked at all the "new" details is fun. The Pretty Reckless EP.
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      2. Lyander
        @Vansen I have no clue about what they do outside of their music (I really don't pay much attention to a lot of what musicians I like do in their off time cuz that seldom goes very well), but I'm mainly familiar with their debut LP which I got into back in college. Forgot they existed for a long while until recently.
        Oct 8, 2024
      3. Lyander
        Checked their recent album Death by Rock and Roll out and enjoyed a few songs, missed any hints of misogyny or abuse. Haven't heard Hit Me Like a Man but glancing the lyrics it reads more to me as a masochism thing, which precludes consent? It's definitely too much nuance to hold a conversation about over text and I do have friends that are into less vanilla things so my perception is skewed.
        Oct 8, 2024
      4. Lyander
        Didn't notice I ran into a character limit. Domestic abuse is something purely evil and ought never be condoned, so I can see why those lyrics hurt in that situation and why it could have done harm. I hope that your friend's long moved on and at peace. Hope the guy grew a heart and half a brain too.
        Oct 8, 2024
    4. Lyander
      FL Studio vs Reaper for someone used to Audacity but needs a proper DAW for music? Ableton is pain and can get rekt.
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      2. Lyander
        Florida too hot and humid. I'm not keen for even more of that.
        Sep 30, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Lyander
        So far I'm feeling Reaper is really intuitive to work with since I've grown accustomed to Audacity over the years and other layouts just feel amazingly prohibitive. Creature of habit I suppose.
        Sep 30, 2024
      4. Gazny
        my personal work flow was some audacity into reaper to use a vst or two.
        Sep 30, 2024
        Lyander and atomicbob like this.
    5. Lyander
      Looks like crin's graph comparison tool redirects to now.
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      2. Lyander
        @Armaegis might be a reference to a popularish site where assorted folk have been sharing their measurements sorta like what that person who had a Renaissance painting profile photo (sup?) had but much more polished.
        Sep 14, 2024
      3. Lyander
        @YMO Sounds wise. You can check out any time you like, but...
        Sep 14, 2024
        YMO likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @YMO You'll feel different after midnight.
        Sep 15, 2024
        YMO likes this.
    6. Lyander
      Some torches, you need to put down.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Sqveak and 2 others like this.
      2. atomicbob
        The torch you carry in your hand for illumination?
        The torch you carry in your heart for another?
        The torch you use to join or cut metal?
        Sep 13, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Pocomo, gsanger and 3 others like this.
    7. Lyander
      Normally play ABBA on phone speakers, 1:22 into Voulez-vous convinced me my cat was meowing for attention. Gotta love a nice headphone rig.
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      2. mitochondrium
        Checked it out, I think your cat has a point, Germany being comfortably in front against Hungary I was able to refrain myself. ABBA is really strange I never have the urge to listen to their music, but if I get a nudge I give it a try and I always think „not half bad“
        Sep 8, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      3. Lyander
        ABBA is great fun music, definitely makes you want to groove. You get what I mean about that thing in the right channel around that timestamp though? I was relistening just earlier today and it got me again haha
        Sep 8, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Dancing Queen is amazing. I've always loved a balad, and it tells a great story. And the music is super.

        I got reacquainted with it through a friend sending me a sort-of-spoof version. Which I enjoyed in it's own right, but even more after then listening to the original.

        (Spooky Mens' Chorale, if anybody is interested.)
        Sep 8, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    8. Lyander
      @purr1n did you ever get around to posting distortion surface for the SW51+? Might have missed it but rather curious.
    9. Lyander
      I actually find it jarring that I'm now able to read the first few recently-updated threads without interference LMAO
      1. Jinxy245, joch, Brian D and 1 other person like this.
      2. internethandle
        Aug 29, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Armaegis
        ... You're welcome?
        Aug 29, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
    10. Lyander
      Does it make more sense to have dist measurements in dB SPL than dBFS? With how noisy my space is, definitely lmao
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        Writing a physical note and sticking it onto my PC. Thank you Bob! Yep it's transducers for now since I don't have the means to measure anything else just yet, only just realised I might have been doing a disservice publishing dBFS. Still learning.
        Aug 20, 2024
      3. Serious
        When looking at the whole measurement including fundamental, dBSPL for sure.

        For relative measurements dBr relative to the harmonic frequency is what I use. I prefer it over percentage.
        Aug 21, 2024
        Biodegraded and Lyander like this.
      4. Lyander
        Percentages look nicer and are easily digestible I think but yeah dB SPL offers more meaningful information (esp when noise floor is captured) about how much distortion folks can actually feasibly hear I think (I measure when things are as quiet as they can be in my area). I've been waffling about a bit going between them but I think I'll stick with SPL moving forward when measuring transducers.
        Aug 21, 2024
    11. Lyander
      Abruptly came across 2022 ver of The Beatles - Revolver on streaming and Taxman gave me a sense of vertigo almost. Anyone else?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crenca
        vertigo? I like these remastered Beatles albums - bottom end is much more clear - heck the whole spectrum is.
        Aug 16, 2024
      3. Lyander
        @crenca I don't know what it is about them but I actually felt a bit queasy listening to the '22 versions. I do appreciate how they have more coherent staging as opposed to keeping near everything panned to either side, but there's just something about them that reminds me of the feeling I get using ANC headphones (not a pleasant sensation). Also noted when I moved to IEMs: much more bass than expected.
        Aug 16, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      4. Lyander
        I tried them again just now. The '09 was fine, but I felt pressure behind my eyes with the '22 again. I was on the MMB2>Piety>HD600 chain yesterday but I swapped to the Magni Unity as an AIO today to make sure it wasn't the more aggro presentation of the other chain.
        Aug 16, 2024
    12. Lyander
      Brain a bit sleepy lately, if I'm measuring dB with MiniDSP EARS ought I use RAW calibration file or same as for headphone FR? Latter right?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lyander
        Thank you, yeah this means I'm not near ear death yet haha. I do tend to crank volumes when I want to sink into a specific album but I was hoping I wasn't quite reaching 90dBA peaks, even if only for a few minutes total.
        Aug 12, 2024
      3. Vtory
        It's also good to note listening noise loud may not equal to loud music signal. I remember seeing several studies indicating so. I think it makes sense. Rock concerts may be very loud (well above 110db often) but hearing loss is far more frequently reported among constantly noisy environment workers (mostly <110) than among concert enthusiasts.
        Aug 12, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        That's true, I vaguely remember that being mentioned on here I think. I keep my exposure to anything notably loud at a minimum as best I can but for better(?) and for worse I just live in a noisy area. Bites.
        Aug 12, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    13. Lyander
      Tried listening to the Andro2020 out of Piety, realised that even on low gain I'd still hear stuff with the pot at "zero", hah! Sensitive.
      1. Jinxy245, atomicbob and joch like this.
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      3. Lyander
        @joch I'd bet a cup of my favourite coffee that it is. Bleh, at least they know where to look for meaningful discourse I guess.
        Aug 8, 2024
      4. joch
        CFA IEMs are very sensitive. I use these on airplane rides since the volume comes out loud when announcements are made.
        Aug 8, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        @joch I do use my Andros when out and about but usually stick with less perilously expensive things when I know I'll be in a roughish area. That's part of why I got those Tangzus I'm actually rather liking a surprising amount.
        Aug 8, 2024
        joch likes this.
    14. Lyander
      Cheap IEMs are getting very not bad. Tangzu Wan'er Studio. I've got a LOT of nitpicks but for $21 not horrible at all.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sqveak
        What's the timbre like? FR looks pretty smooth so shouldn't be too much tonal oddity from dips and peaks. Any shout from the upper-mid emphasis?
        Aug 4, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @Sqveak still breaking them in but there's a weird sort of teethy narrowness to the mids? I actually find these less fatiguing than the Zero 2s which is shocking because FR is so similar other than the bass. Not my ideal, but I can actually use these. Notably richer, fuller sound.

        Mind, I haven't had the Zero 2s with me for ages cuz gave em to family I don't see too often, relying on memory.
        Aug 4, 2024
        Sqveak likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Addendum and last update here for now I am gobsmacked. Been having them burn in with the desktop stack while I was out and these are good. Need to borrow the Zero 2s from my brother when I see him again to confirm but the Wan'er Studios kick them IMO. Still not perfect but much more my speed.
        Aug 5, 2024
        Ti_Leo likes this.
    15. Lyander
    16. Lyander
      Does anyone have any experience running the official ER4 cable with an ER2XR? The ER2 cable is HORRIBLE for durability but sounds fine.
      1. Claritas likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Proprietary keyed MMCX connectors are a special sort of torture.
        Jul 26, 2024
      4. M3NTAL
        I used the balanced er4 cable. Stock ER2 cable kinda sucks.
        Jul 26, 2024
      5. Lyander
        No gross changes to the tonality? I'm not much exaggerating when I say that while I do find the ER2XR muted in the treble in stock form, the aftermarket one I got (the only one local that could fit) just made things all sorts of tizzy and hashy. I'd much rather get something close to stock sound but more durable.
        Jul 26, 2024
    17. Lyander
      How bad is it if someone pulls a tube out of a Vali 3 while it's powered on. Context in comments.
      1. gsanger likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azimuth
        Hot pulling tubes in unregulated power supplies like a guitar tube amp is not quite the same as hot unplugging on a regulated supply and likely fixed bias.
        Jul 11, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Slade01 and Lyander like this.
      4. penguins
        Ya, burned parts. Enough to mess anything up immediately - not always in something like a Vali 3. But I'd still get it fixed sooner than later. And me personally I would have 0 expectation that Schiit would cover this under warranty or even could cover it - i.e. maybe it's as much to fix as a new amp.
        Jul 11, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        @Azimuth thanks for the insight, neglected to consider that. Yeah no I think it was a case of "familiar enough to be dangerous" here like if I'd suddenly try messing with DAC internals. Recipe for disaster

        @penguins I'd be shocked if they did TBH. Best case scenario is that sure maybe it was some impurities around the socket like joch said but hopefully it doesn't blow the guy's headphones or ears up randomly now.
        Jul 12, 2024
    18. Lyander
      Today I learned of tweeters that used ions to constitute their diaphragms. Ionophones and Ionovacs. What. Anyone heard these before?
      1. Lyander
        Jul 9, 2024
      2. yotacowboy
        I've heard the Lansche big bois at a couple shows and that particular technology is convincing. the treble response is super effortless. a bit disjointed sounding with the rest of the speaker being a bunch of paper woofers, but nothing horribad.
        Jul 9, 2024
        Pocomo, Sqveak and Lyander like this.
      3. Lyander
        @yotacowboy nearly zero mass diaphragm, one would think that it'd sound effortless. Kinda makes sense unfortunately that it'd be disjointed but man I'm wondering whether woofers might be able to catch up somehow. Something tells me this ain't ever working for personal audio cuz... plasma.
        Jul 9, 2024
    19. Lyander
      1. Vtory
        To my knowledge, major differences over conventional measures include (1) score-based, (2) multiple quality dimensions, (3) binaural recording-based. But not much material publicly available (more feels like MFR-oriented).
        Jul 6, 2024
      2. crenca
        lol for a few seconds
        I thought maybe MQA rebooted;)
        Jul 7, 2024
    20. Lyander
      Trying to read old graphs, does anyone remember what HATS HeadRoom was using around 2012? Just curious to see how different things are.
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      2. Serious
        Jul 4, 2024
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        @Serious nice! Requested access to the files.
        Jul 4, 2024
      4. Serious
        Got a couple audio related folders in one folder and I clicked the wrong one. Added you to the right one.
        I don't think I ever finished digitizing all the plots, but there are .txt files compatible with REW with my compensated graphs for many of the graphs IIRC, which should be interesting for @purr1n aswell.
        Jul 4, 2024
        Biodegraded and Lyander like this.
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  • About

    Mar 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Philippines, The


    A curmudgeon before his time.

    Schiit Modi Multibit 2>Schiit x Nitsch Magni Piety/Magni Unity/Massdrop x Cavalli Tube Hybrid>Sennheiser HD600/Yamaha YH-100(dBel mod);
    FiiO BTR7>Etymōtic ER2XR/Andromeda 2020