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Dec 27, 2017
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Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
Rapallo, Italy

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Smells like sausages, Male, 42, from Rapallo, Italy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePtLL7oRDg Dec 25, 2022

Taverius was last seen:
Apr 15, 2024
    1. Taverius
      Af is here. Just need the interconnects @Forza AudioWorks is making me and a dozen other things ...
      1. drgumbybrain likes this.
    2. Biodegraded
      Is there a story behind your new signature? Looks a bit rude...
      1. drgumbybrain and Lyander like this.
      2. Lyander
        Looks like a puppy or some other cute, fluffy creature after getting scolded.
        May 15, 2018
      3. Taverius
        May 16, 2018
        Biodegraded likes this.
    3. Taverius
      Auteur just landed, it'll be a while before I can listen though. T_T
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Elnrik
        May 15, 2018
      3. Jinxy245
        Awesome...I'm looking forward to your impressions.
        May 15, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Only DAC I have atm is Bifrost Multibit from my 2ch, af lands tomorrow but no 2A3s, jacmusic seems MIA so time for eml mesh unknown, Fulla 2 not really worthy :)
        May 15, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    4. Taverius
      I have shelf space finally, yay! Now I have to unpack, boo!
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    5. Taverius
      A woo SS portable amp for only 1400 buckaroos .__.
      1. GoldfishX
        ...good god, WHY!?
        May 6, 2018
      2. Jinxy245
        Huh? For real?
        Doesn't sound like a smart move from Woo...
        May 7, 2018
      3. Taverius
        I mean it's getting official coverage on heAD-Fi so I'm sure they'll sell plenty from that.
        May 7, 2018
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    6. Taverius
      Af built and burning in, time to buy those EML Meshes! :D
      1. cskippy
        Oh boy. You get Jupiter caps installed?
        May 4, 2018
      2. Taverius
        If by that you mean I have them sitting on my table right now and I know enough about soldering to pose a danger to others ... yes, yes I did. >. >
        May 4, 2018
    7. Taverius
      Cold into fever into coughing, diseases that stop musical enjoyment exist, how can we be anything but primitive cavemen! PS plz kill me :(
      1. drgumbybrain and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Taverius
        Apr 25, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I think it is often placebo. I sometimes wonder how I start feeling better quicker than the medicine could work. But I'm not complaining. I like it that way. Good placebo!

        I also sometimes thinks that sometimes the body thinks "medicine: good, he's taking care of me." But that thought is probably even weirder than homeopathy! :)
        Apr 25, 2018
        Jinxy245 and Taverius like this.
      5. drgumbybrain
        Cold, influenza, nasal mucus, otitis... all nasty problems for audio lovers. Try garlic tea or oil and fenilephrine for 3 days
        Apr 25, 2018
    8. Taverius
      Not sure how much longer I can wait for Vidars to be in stock in iurop when I could buy NAD C 268s today...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taverius
        @Priidik do you know of any with ncore, around 300w in Bridge mono or pc, and around 7-800€ per channel? Plenty of stuff at twice as much...
        Apr 21, 2018
      3. Priidik
        Sure, Ncores are expensive, even overpriced. The Ucd on the other hand, IMO does not have place in hi-fi, unless it's for sub amp duty.
        Ucd is veiled just like consumer-fi class-AB, but it lacks even the poor ability of class-AB to convey some continuity/plankton.
        Ncores don't do much better at plankton, but their strengths are clarity, slam, and transient performance over poor man's class-AB amps.
        Apr 21, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Thanks, I'll happily admit I'm no expert at class d amps. Since the NAD M22 V2 is 3.5k€ I guess I'll wait for the Vidars :)
        Apr 21, 2018
    9. Taverius
      6XX are here, but my studio is currently a box storage area. Did I mention moving house sucks?
      1. luckybaer and Case like this.
      2. Cspirou
        1st world problems
        Apr 18, 2018
        Taverius likes this.
    10. Taverius
      ATC SCM 19s coming tomorrow, but I have no Vidar and nothing to feed the Bifrost Multibit with. Moving house sucks balls.
      1. Cspirou likes this.
    11. Taverius
      Wise man say: When you see a puppy, boop its nose. You may not know why, but it does. #nonoseunbooped
    12. Taverius
      Was at my cousin's and the wind closed the fireplace's chimney. We all smell like smoked sausages. I'm really hungry!
      1. Lyander
        Dunno about you but I started smelling sausages as soon as I saw this. Hmm, must investigate.
        Apr 4, 2018
      2. Taverius
        Please report back, brave explorer!
        Apr 4, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Could be... A Tom Waits lyric?
        Apr 5, 2018
    13. Taverius
      I may have made an impulse buy that I've really shouldn't have. I really am a hopeless wood slut ...
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Looking forward to impressions!
        Apr 3, 2018
      4. Drakkard
        But you are first in line now :) Very first Thror will be yours:)
        Apr 3, 2018
      5. Taverius
        @Drakkard really? Cool! Maybe that will make the wait not seem as long (it won't)

        @Lyer25 I'm not qualified but hopefully an EU trusted ear will want to borrow it for review.
        Apr 3, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
    14. Taverius
      Raiding the all-you-can-eat sushi place tonight!
      1. Cellist88 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Taverius? Are you there? Are you OK?

        (I'm sure you are and that it was fine and you had a good time --- despite us tedious naysayers!)
        Apr 1, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Yep I was fine.

        The original comment was made sitting at the table, the others after I was back :P

        I've been there before, it's a major restaurant on the seaside of a big tourist town, the fish is fresh :)
        Apr 1, 2018
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Great. Wish I was eating sushi!
        Apr 1, 2018
    15. Taverius
      Moving house is so much fun :-[
      1. DigMe
        Done it twice in the last year, last one was overseas. Absolutely hate packing and moving.
        Mar 29, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. Taverius
        Not quite that far, thankfully. Rental -> hotel for the next week or three while our new place gets finished.

        80yo grandma and 2 cats still makes it expert difficulty.
        Mar 29, 2018
        Elnrik and DigMe like this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I minded emigrating less than I would have minded moving to the next street.
        Mar 29, 2018
    16. Taverius
      Got sick of waist long hair (again) so got shoulder length undercut (again). Feels so nice, and doesn't mess with cans! #bestsonicupgrade?
      1. 9suns likes this.
    17. Taverius
      1. obsiCO, Riotvan, 9suns and 11 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        @Taverius We’re all asking the same question.
        Mar 17, 2018
        Azteca, Skyline, Dino and 1 other person like this.
      4. Lyander
        @DigMe only the Great Old Ones know. Or Yog-Sothoth. That nosy bastard knows everything.
        Mar 17, 2018
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Is that pronounced yog sodoff? I think it is .

        Damn... Now I have given away the innermost secret a fate most terrible awaits me. Within moments I
        Mar 18, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
    18. Taverius
      @Magnetostatic_Tubephile integrating Waves Nx tracker in the headband is convenient, ordered one for holiday trip gaming.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taverius
        Yep it was, since I can't respond to your status posts :)

        Nx is cool.

        Imo OOYH is better for music, but Nx integrates head positioning, so it wins out for movies and especially games.

        It is ever so slightly annoying that the stand-alone Nx tracker runs on AAA batteries, so you need a charger and NiMH batteries.

        There, once again, the mobius wins on convenience.
        Mar 15, 2018
      3. Magnetostatic_Tubephile
        Ah, didnt realize I have my account setup that way - should be fixed now.

        I would either go just with gentle crossfeed (for music listening) or full-on with headtracker etc. (for movies/gaming). OOYH seemed to my ears to be too much of a master of none. But thats just me, this is all very subjective and very dependent on actual expectations of listener.

        So you heard the Mobius? Any good for music listening?
        Mar 15, 2018
      4. Taverius
        I haven't.

        Like I said, getting one for convenience on holidays.

        Just one thing to carry for decent audio (it's a Sine underneath it all, which are ok with the cypher cable that's built into the mobius) and decent gaming on trips, no need for portable amps or anything except a laptop.
        Mar 15, 2018
    19. Taverius
      Magni 3 available in Europe! I managed to finish my Xmas present! It only took 3 months ... aaand they're sold out XD
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Thanks for the update. I might go the Ebay-route if I have to.
        Mar 9, 2018
      3. Taverius
        @Deep Funk check both the UK and Netherlands shop.

        The Dutch one says they're getting a new shipment the 13th IIRC.
        Mar 9, 2018
    20. Taverius
      1. Kunlun likes this.
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  • About

    Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Rapallo, Italy


    Pi2AES > Yggdrasil A2 > Lokius > Aficionado(0fb, Jupiter, WE396A, EML Solid)/Loki - T4(Brimar CV4024) - ESP/95X > Atticus/Atrium/Veritè C (UL)/Vali - ESP/95X - Omega Compact Alnico Monitors
    Node 2 > dac1421 > Makoyi > Verum 1/Ori/Slant

    Pi2AES > Bifrost 2 > Loki > Freya S > Vidar x2 > SCM 19