Justin S
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Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Mar 14, 2018
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Justin S

Friend, Male, from Toronto

Pyrate Contributor

I have been using BRU and LTFS for tape archives for a decade+: soo fiddly. I just started working with TAR. TAR is easy. TAR is forever :-) Jun 5, 2024

Justin S was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
    1. Justin S
      Justin S
      Two things: Is anyone using the radial mesh on the Auteur Classics? + Lana Del Ray is the Cindy Sherman of pop music!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Ksaurav402
        This is what I had in my review here “ Treble is where Auteur lags behind some TOTL. I mean only thing that is missing in treble is some sparkle and bite.”
        Dec 22, 2023
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Yes. That's what I am experiencing. I am used to the 600s. The Auteur Cs have been responding well to tube changes and pad rolling, so I think I'll be able to get there. I would rather not change out the mesh if possible. And really, these have 24hrs on them so I should likely wait until I have 100hrs before making any big changes.
        Dec 22, 2023
        Ksaurav402 likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Pad rolling really really really changes the Auteur. Don't go by the published compendiums. I LOVE the Universe Suede with these. Everyone else hated these with the AuCs. For me they bring the treble bite, forward mids I like, and big clean bass.
        Dec 22, 2023
        ckhirnigs likes this.
    2. Justin S
      Justin S
      Worst youtube reviewer trope: video of them listening to the headphones while they narrate their review. Yuck.
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
      2. Ksaurav402
        Take them more as unboxing and reaction video then serious review
        Dec 21, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Watching video of these guys performing with their "listening to music face" while they read their review text is like watching someone j---king off with the sound track of them reading a journal about their feelings. Bleh.
        Dec 21, 2023
      4. Hrodulf
        I can't stand youtube audio reviews. Usually, they're stretched to make the algo happy and the visuals aren't exciting - just product shots and a talking head. Also I can't skim or search the text.
        Dec 22, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    3. Justin S
      Justin S
      First impressions of the wenge Auteur Classics: Wow, so beautifully made, holy subbass, these will take some getting used to, burn in time.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, rlow and 4 others like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Early days, but we're getting along pretty good.
        Dec 21, 2023
        ilikebananafudge_ likes this.
    4. Justin S
      Justin S
      After an excruciating wait for me, my new ZMF wenge Auteur Classics are with Fedex. ZMF have been absolute sweethearts. I will report back.
      1. Inoculator
        Upgraded from original Auteur? Interested to hear your impressions if so, I grabbed that used blackwood auteur that was available the other day to do an Auteur revisit and am curious on the classic upgrades.
        Dec 20, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        @Inoculator , I bought a new Aeolus a couple months ago. It rocked (incredibly) but was not quite my scene. They were within the 14 days and ZMF was kind enough to accept them back for credit towards a new Auteur Classic build. I'll do a writeup once I have a chance to spend some time with them.
        Dec 20, 2023
    5. Justin S
      Justin S
      Lyr+ with a sweet tubez seems to be a thing. It really swings with the tube choice (HD600s).
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
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      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I actually picked up a pair of KenRad 6SN7GTs from @Inoculator . They are glorious and like them better than the blackplate clear glass VT-231 I have here.
        Dec 16, 2023
        RestoredSparda, joch and Inoculator like this.
      4. RestoredSparda
        My absolute favorite 6SN7 by a long shot. Enjoy!
        Dec 16, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        All kind of things that were prickly with other tubes present as even and clear with these. They;re really great.
        Dec 16, 2023
    6. Justin S
      Justin S
      Tube question. $190+ Shipping KenRad from Brent Jesse or $100 KenRad from ebay seller with 100% rating?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        I am talking about a black glass 6sn7 for a Lyr+. Not sure how lucky I feel :-)
        Dec 10, 2023
      3. penguins
      4. joch
        Say no and support businesses like Brent Jesse’s. Just saying.
        Dec 11, 2023
        Pocomo, Cryptowolf and Justin S like this.
    7. Justin S
      Justin S
      Just flipped the Lyr+ into low gain. The volume knob is at 4:00 and it sounds amazing with the 600s and 650s. Gentler but way more dynamic.
      1. theveterans, rlow, Claritas and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. RestoredSparda
        You owe it to yourself to hear a black glass Ken Rad in your Lyr if you haven't already!
        Dec 9, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I have the Clear glass VT231 Ken Rad and it is spectacular. I have a note in with Brent Jesse about the black glass. He recommended I check in after the holidays. I also like the brown base sylvania WGT and weirdly, the new EHs for pop music.
        Dec 9, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Went down the HQPlayer/AKM DSD Direct rabbit hole tonight (thanks for hooking me up Geno Geshelli): low gain on the Lyr+>KenRad Blackplate Clear Glass>HD600s is exceptional. Team Low Gain, indeed. Even when I'm not listening to it, I'm thinking about listening to it.
        Dec 9, 2023
    8. Justin S
      Justin S
      Picked up a bunch of pads from ZMF Nov. Suede Ori pads on my customcans kit modded DT770s are SUPER EXTRA FUN in a guilty pleasure way.
      1. Jinxy245 and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
    9. Justin S
      Justin S
      Ken is totally Rad
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        With the Lry+ a modest KenRad clear glass is the one tube to rule them all.
        Nov 26, 2023
        Slade01 and RestoredSparda like this.
    10. Justin S
      Justin S
      When between rock-star headphones, I go back to the 600s and 650s and am always amazed at all they get right. They are the measure.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        There is something about the bass on the 600s, though. They remind me of my Harbeth P3ESR XDs - there's not a ton of bass quantity there, but it feels clean and well controlled. I occasionally have a listen with 600s where I get phantom bass in my chest - which is pretty weird coming from them.
        Nov 18, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Lyander
        I will say that there have been instances when I've not been wanting for more bass _volume_ on the HD600s, just perhaps more texture and quality. That Original Master Phones amp actually did make them kick surprisingly hard, but yeah harsh and unrefined. I remember really liking the Senns's low end out of the Studio Jr. I demoed, and that was the 300B ver.
        Nov 18, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I had a few different sub 1K SS and tube amps but really loved the BHA-1 with the Sennheisers. I moved on to the Lry+ with a handful of NOS tubes and it's pretty remarkable. It's refined and a bit of a brute. It's pretty great with the 600s. I hope it'll be good with my new Auteur Classics when they arrive.
        Nov 18, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
    11. Justin S
      Justin S
      ZMF is a class act. I love the new Aeolus but wanted moar. Within the 14day period, they arranged a swap + some $ from me. All help no fuss.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks for the input, gents. Yes, @ckhirnigs, I should have said that my take on the Classic vs OG reports I have read/watched is that they are different headphones - not that the Classics are a fix for any perceived issues with the OG. Ultimately, I think I am more into linearish and that the Classics will be a good fit for me. CAN'T WAIT!!!!
        Nov 15, 2023
      3. ckhirnigs
        @Justin S Did go with the stock Ambrosia Maple or the LTD Ash for your Classic?
        Nov 16, 2023
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I went with the stock maple. Trying to keep it tight :-)
        Nov 16, 2023
        rlow and ckhirnigs like this.
    12. Justin S
      Justin S
      100+hrs on new Aeolus now, So many glorious positives, but I am missing the 600-style sparkle. How are the highs on the Auteur Classic?
      1. rlow and Lyander like this.
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      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks for this @RestoredSparda . I think that I am missing the finer details and some treble information. The Aeolus is really beautiful, but not sure I can live with it.
        Nov 12, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        After sitting with these for days and some focused listening sessions, I am going to take advantage for the 14 day return window and pick up a pair of Auteur Classics. The aeolus are so beauty, but I think I need something more linear with a bit more resolution.
        Nov 12, 2023
        ckhirnigs likes this.
      5. ckhirnigs
        I think you’ll dig the Classic. I’m a big fan of the LTD Ash sets Zach has at the moment. I have OG Auteurs in Ash, and they’re my favorite wood for both look and sound. It’s a nice medium density wood.
        Nov 12, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    13. Justin S
      Justin S
      Aeolus just arrived! I know these need time, but early listening with a Lyr+ is promising. So far I like Lamb>Suede. More bass and treble.
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        I know Zach has 200hrs listed as the burn in time for these. I am wondering what people's experience has been.
        Nov 7, 2023
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      2. Jinxy245
        I didn't find burn in to be as much of an issue for the Aeolus as it was for the Verite, IIRC after 30-50 hrs or so it was 95% there.
        Nov 8, 2023
        RestoredSparda and Justin S like this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks @Jinxy245 . They changed a whole bunch yesterday over the first few hours of listening. After an overnight with pink noise they are more clear and open - I was worried for a bit. I hope they continue in this direction.
        Nov 8, 2023
        Jinxy245 likes this.
    14. Justin S
      Justin S
      In Utero is 30 years old this year. It f***ing rocks.
      1. DigMe
        Just listened to the Conan Needs a Friend podcast with Grohl, Novoselic, and Albini. Pretty good listen except for Albini being a bit too Albini.
        Oct 28, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Sqveak and Justin S like this.
      2. purr1n
        Make sure it's the Albini version, not the original corpo suits master.
        Oct 28, 2023
        Pocomo, Sqveak and Justin S like this.
    15. Justin S
      Justin S
      That moment when you're listening to headphones thinking, 'damn' only to discover that you left your monitors and sub on. Back to reality.
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        More marital than audiophile, but I did that in the middle of one night. Wife emerged from bedroom looking daggers, I signed, "What?"

        Then I took the 'phones off and found the music still playing.


        Oct 28, 2023
    16. Justin S
      Justin S
      Patience is hard. "At this stage - your headphones will take a few weeks to get through assembly, and then will be in line for QC. "
      1. loadexfa
        ZMF? Worth the wait. :)
        Oct 27, 2023
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Yes, ZMF Aeolus with a few pads. Very excited.
        Oct 27, 2023
    17. Justin S
      Justin S
      I can't wrap my head around ASR. It feels like a Beavis and Butt-head echo chamber that drains any enjoyment of the experience of sound.
      1. zottel, gsanger and bixby like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "I can't wrap my head around ASR ..."
        "it helps if you enter that site ... with"

        It helps if you do not enter the site at all. Ever.
        Do not try to wrap any part of your body around it.

        Amir/ASR? Just say no.
        Simple, easy hint towards a happier life.
        Oct 22, 2023
      4. HotRatSalad
        That's right I agree every chip amp does sound the same. Next...
        Oct 22, 2023
        Cryptowolf and Justin S like this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        "Do not try to wrap any part of your body around it."...you're right. Ewwww.
        Oct 22, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    18. Justin S
      Justin S
      In between hottie headphones at the moment, the HD6xxs with the Kiss mod are presenting with new excellence. I get it. Finally.
      1. Cryptowolf, rlow, Case and 3 others like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        And while the 600s are a bit peaky, they're smoke-show presence machines. It's a settle in kind of listen.
        Oct 20, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    19. Justin S
      Justin S
      With the Aeolus on order, I wonder if I should add a crescent band from the factory - I have a 7-clicks-on-600S-big head and like comfy.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rlow
        @Justin S makes sense - mine also pointy I think. Aeolus and HD800S both have a pressure point in the middle for me. Crescent band seems like a good move.
        Oct 20, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      3. jnak00
        I am pretty sure the crescent band is standard on all new ZMFs.
        Oct 20, 2023
        dasman66 likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        @jnak00 , yes. I just heard back from them - it's the new standard headband.
        Oct 20, 2023
    20. Justin S
      Justin S
      1. Biodegraded
        A pyrate's favourite letter? Arrr, ye might think that, lad, but it's the C they loves the best!
        Oct 13, 2023
      2. yotacowboy
        Here's a bad pyrate joke. A pirate walks into a bar wearing a ship's wheel on his belt buckle. As he tries to saddle up to the bar, frustrated by the ship's wheel interfering, the barkeep asks, "why don't you try taking off that ship's wheel?" the pirate says, "YARRRR, IT'S DRIVIN' ME NUTS"
        Oct 14, 2023
        Justin S and Biodegraded like this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Home system: PI2AES with SBAF ABNN>AES> Yggdrasil LIM>SE>Heed Obelisk SI III>Harbeth P3ESR XDs + REL t7i.

    Work: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) ->MOTU Ultralite MK5/Geshelli J2S -> Monitors: Genelec 8020s + 7040a

    Headphones: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) -> MOTU/J2 (SBAF ABNN after SMPS)- > Lyr+. ZMF AUTEUR CLASSIC, HD 6xxM (sbaf kissmod), HD600, Modded DT770s.

    Previous equipment. Harbeth P3ESR Standards, Harbeth C7ES3s, Neumann KH120As, Dynaudio M20s. Project Debut III/Graham Slee pre, Soekris 2541 (2x), RME ADI-2 DACfs, Bifrost 2, Holo Spring1 LV2, Schiit Fulla, BF2 (2x), BF 2/64, Gungnir Multibit Multibit A2, Heed Dactillus, Denafrips Ares, Auralic Aries, AudioLab M-DAC, Rega R-DAC, OG Schiit Freya, Schiit Magni 3, OG Burson Soloist, MassDrop LCX, Burson Fun, ZDT Jr., BHA-1, Lynx Hilo

    Previous Headphones: ZMF Aeolus, HD800S, LCD-X 2021, Focal Clear, Focal Elex, OG Sennheiser 650, Sennheiser 58x Jubilee, OG AKG Sextetts, Nhoord Red custom build, Symphones Magnum V8 custom build, Elleven Acoustica G1 custom build, Elleven Acoustica R1 custom build, Hifiman He400i, AKG K702.
    I am a filmmaker. I have also owned and operated a couple different animation/video-post studios and have been buying and trading gear since the 90s. I am relatively new to hifi.

