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Jul 26, 2024 at 3:40 PM
Jul 27, 2017
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Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
Electrical engineer

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Friend, Male, 35, from Finland


SPL Phonitor XE's dac768 module is suprisingly good - I think I prefer it to the likes of RME ADI-2 DAC Jul 2, 2024

Collusion was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 3:40 PM
    1. Collusion
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zerodeefex
        I don't understand. I guess I should pull out the old Mojo 1 I have somewhere and give it a listen to see if it's still legit?
        Jan 31, 2022
      3. Gazny
        Micro usb to keep the poly forwards compatible
        Jan 31, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It's British company. Many Brits don't like birds to be kept in cages: None would accept a parrot being kept in a small, dark, plastic box.

        Compatible or not.
        Feb 9, 2022
        Gazny likes this.
    2. Collusion
      Currently testing an Audio Research DAC 8.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Collusion
        @Erroneous Unfortunately yes. Altough I wouldn't describe it as bright, treble is certainly glarey and slightly piercing. Not well delineated at all.
        Feb 3, 2022
      3. Collusion
        Can't think of any reason why'd I pick this over a Schiit Modi 3 or Modius (semi serious).
        Feb 3, 2022
      4. Collusion
        Technicalities are okay, compared against Soekris dac2541: ARC DAC8 has better macrodynamics, worse microdynamics and slightly greyer background. I'd say detail retrival and imaging are better, but dac2541 wins easily on timbre and involvement.
        Feb 3, 2022
    3. Collusion
      What would you pay for a "broken" Berkeley Alpha DAC 2 ? The unit is very sensitive to the quality of electricity, but works otherwise
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Armaegis
        that's something where I wonder if a beefy power conditioner will "protect it"... but then you're spending money on an ad-hoc fix that might have been spent on buying a non-broken item
        Jan 23, 2022
        Collusion likes this.
      3. Priidik
        It could be as easy as moving some cables inside back to their intended position or reterminating them --> cheap and easy fix. To the sour end where an IC might be damaged and is obsolete or otherwise next to impossible to replace.
        It does smell like a bad cabling issue, or some capacitor might have gone.
        Jan 24, 2022
        Collusion likes this.
      4. Collusion
        @wbass That's actually a very good point! There's certainly some risk involved, since I cannot really test the unit before buying it.
        Jan 24, 2022
    4. Collusion
      Had to buy Soekris dac2541 for the second time. Maybe second time's the charm?
    5. Collusion
      Wow, DNA Starlett really synergizes with unmodded HD800's. Absolutely magical combination.
      1. dubharmonic and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. Collusion
        An hour of listening and still no signs of fatigue.
        Nov 24, 2021
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. pure5152
        IIRC the stock HD800 is one of the headphones donald used when developing the Starlett, so no surprise it sounds great :)
        Nov 24, 2021
        Collusion and Cryptowolf like this.
    6. Collusion
      I need a second pair of headphones - ZMF Verite C's sound absolute sublime, but are too expensive - what's the next best thing ?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        ETA Gen G or ESX 900
        Oct 12, 2021
        Syzygy, Jinxy245 and Collusion like this.
      3. Collusion
        @Stuff Jones Raal SR1a's, but I need something that I can listen with traditional amps & in bed.
        Oct 12, 2021
      4. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        @Collusion - The Verum 1 don't need much juice and I've enjoyed them out of IEM-intended DAPs. A little bulky for bed maybe though.
        Oct 12, 2021
    7. Collusion
      Dynaudio Audience 52 SE's are much better than I remembered. Plenty of plankton & atmosphere with Moon 340iX + Bifrost 2
      1. Biodegraded likes this.
      2. Biodegraded
        Yep, I still like mine.
        Sep 25, 2021
    8. Collusion
      Going to have an emergency meeting with a friend tomorrow. He's planning to trade his Rockna Wavedream Ed XLR for a Pro-Ject RS2 Digital.
      1. Gazny and Inoculator like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. penguins
        y he do dis though??????

        Although if he really needs the money maybe he can sell it to me for a good price :)
        Sep 11, 2021
      4. m17xr2b
        If he doesn't have gear to show up the rockna strengths and ears of concreete that's fine. I have a new not bought yet project I'll trade with him.
        Sep 11, 2021
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      5. Collusion
        He has a Stax SR-009 + SRM-T8000 combo. Not the very last word in detail or dynamics, they are more of easygoing nature than anything else (minus the brightness of the SR-009's). Perhaps the more square nature of the ESS9038 based Pro-ject brings balance to the equation.
        Sep 11, 2021
    9. Collusion
      Choosing a domain name for my upcoming hifi search engine be like: 1. don't buy a domain containing the word "doge" 2. do just that!
    10. Collusion
      I blame UEFA Euro 2020 for not having any time to write reviews here.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and DigMe like this.
      2. Collusion
        Rockna Wavedream Edition / Signature Balanced & Raal HSA-1b reviews coming at some point.
        Jun 18, 2021
        nishan99 likes this.
    11. Collusion
      Might have purchased a Rockna Wavedream Signature edition
      1. Josh83 likes this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Did you make an accidental nocturnal purchase while on Ambien?
        May 28, 2021
      3. Collusion
        @gixxerwimp LOL, no. This was a second hand unit from a danish website at a very good price. We'll see what I'll actually receive though, if anything.
        May 28, 2021
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      4. nishan99
        LOL. I was going to buy it but it seemed too good to be true. I really wish I am wrong. Good luck with the purchase!.
        May 28, 2021
        Collusion likes this.
    12. Collusion
      My friend orders a Rockna Wavedream, waits patiently for it for 3 months and when it finally arrives, he decides to let me try it first
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Sorry, I couldn't resist ;)
        May 18, 2021
        Priidik and Jerry like this.
      3. crenca
        Bah!!! I have not laughed that hard in days. Seriously though, the biggest blind spot in audiophiledom is the fuse and if you don't believe that then just move along, move along now...
        May 18, 2021
        Jerry and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Collusion
        Very very positive first impressions. I think it's safe to say I already like this more than my Burl B2 but let's do some more listening first.
        May 19, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    13. Collusion
      Where to get best prices for parcels from the US to EU ?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. penguins
        If you have access to an intermediary, then yes, that's usually the cheapest way. Quality of service from intermediaries varies wildly though w/o much correlation to price. Otherwise, generally speaking, it's USPS.
        Mar 24, 2021
      3. gixxerwimp
        Is "find&pay" an aggregator for shipping services? All I could find when I searched was parking apps.
        Mar 24, 2021
      4. Collusion
        @gixxerwimp no that's literally what I did. I used a shipping service called that's based here in Finland. I was actually surprised I could buy a shipment from the USA via them.
        Mar 25, 2021
    14. Collusion
      Bifrost 2 is a gateway drug into the R-2R world. Introduced it to a friend of mine, he ended up ordering a Rockna Wavedream.
      1. Syzygy, Soups, Inoculator and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Collusion
        @Vtory just a couple of days actually... After learning Bifrost 2 is almost an entry-level product in Schiit's R-2R lineup, things got out of hand pretty quicky. Recommended him the Yggdrasil first, but the thing is we are talking about a guy who has invested ten grand in speaker cables alone. At that point I steered him towards something that is expensive but seriously legit at the same time.
        Feb 26, 2021
        Syzygy, Soups, crenca and 4 others like this.
      4. Vtory
        Thanks for the detail.. You should get a thank-you letter from Rockna lol.
        Feb 26, 2021
      5. rhythmdevils
        Can you use your magic powers and introduce me to my Bifrost?
        Feb 26, 2021
    15. Collusion
      Any advice where to get a good deal on a Rockna Wavedream in EU ?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. saint.panda
        Feb 24, 2021
      3. saint.panda
        My strategy was that I inquired about B-stock and ultimately got a 45% discount on A-stock. Probably because they needed liquidity during lockdown, not sure.
        Feb 24, 2021
        Kolozub, nishan99, Gazny and 2 others like this.
      4. Collusion
        Thanks for the tip @saint.panda , got a very good offer from there indeed, though the Wavedream Edition Balanced was non-stocked.
        Feb 24, 2021
        saint.panda and Kolozub like this.
    16. Collusion
      Bifrost 2 -> Stax SRM-T8000 -> Stax SR009 rip ears
      1. Collusion
        009's treble requires something dark and murky
        Feb 21, 2021
        Vtory likes this.
    17. Collusion
      42" Oled TVs coming this year, a very reasonable size for PC use.
      1. neogeosnk likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Collusion
        I've had two OLED tvs (LG 55B6 and Panasonic 65FZ800) and neither of them have had any issues with burn in. I'd reckon burn in is more probable if you crank up the brightness (oled light) or display HDR material with static elements for extended perioids of time.
        Jan 12, 2021
      4. Hands
        @Walderstorn Burn in is a known "issue" with OLED, no doubt. Plenty of news channels, sports channels, or video games can cause this if left on long enough. How long can vary with panel brightness.
        Jan 12, 2021
        Walderstorn and zerodeefex like this.
      5. Hands
        The vast, vast majority of consumers don't watch TV in such a way to worry about this. But, nonetheless, there are specific use cases that suggest OLED might not be the right choice, i.e. bars and restaurants, or grandmas that watch QVC 24/7.
        Jan 12, 2021
        SoupRKnowva and zerodeefex like this.
    18. Collusion
      Moon 340i X received today, I hope I'll have time to write impressions about a bunch of amps in the near future.
      1. JellyRhino and rlow like this.
      2. rlow
        Oh, I’ve wondered about that amp for quite a long time. Looking forward to your impressions.
        Dec 28, 2020
      3. zonto
        Dec 28, 2020
      4. Collusion
        @zonto bought it to be used mainly with speakers(Currently Quad Z3's). Though pairing it with Raal SR1a's is not out of the question if they have synergy, but I won't be using the headphone output either way :-)
        Dec 28, 2020
    19. Collusion
      1. yotacowboy
        judging by the URL, we're up to v10 now.
        Dec 20, 2020
      2. Hammy
        There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who know binary and those who don't.
        Dec 20, 2020
        Collusion and Soups like this.
    20. Collusion
      dac2541 received, up and running !
      1. Huhnkopf
        What will you be comparing it to?
        Nov 20, 2020
      2. Collusion
        Bifrost 2 and Burl B2 Bomber. Will write a proper review a little later.
        Nov 20, 2020
        insidious meme, edd, rlow and 3 others like this.
      3. Collusion
        Pairs wonderfully with SPL Performer s800 and Raal SR1a's.
        Nov 20, 2020
        Soups likes this.
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Electrical engineer
    Gear List:
    Current setup:

    Lindemann 882
    Schiit Mjolnir 3

    Rockna Wavedream Signature Balanced
    Soekris dac2541

    Dynaudio Heritage Special
    Genelec 6010b (@work)

    Sennheiser HD800S

    Win10 PC with Matrix Element H USB card
    iFi Neo Stream

    Past devices (not in any particular order):
    SPL Phonitor e
    Magnat Quantum 1003S
    RAAL SR1a
    RAAL HSA-1b
    Buchardt S400 OG & MK2
    Simaudio Moon 250i
    Rotel RA-1520
    Ayre AX-7e
    Simaudio Moon 340iX
    Schiit Bifrost 2
    Soekris dac2541
    Burl B2 Bomber
    Massdrop Airist R-2R
    iFi Micro iDSD BL
    SPL Phonitor 2
    SPL Performer s800
    Hegel H200
    Rega Elex-R
    Schiit Modi Multibit (gen 1)
    Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2
    Chord Mojo
    Chord Hugo
    Chord Hugo 2
    Schiit Jotunheim
    Burson Conductor V2
    RME ADI-2 DAC v2
    MSB Signature DAC IV Plus
    NAD M51
    Soekris dac1541
    Marantz HD-DAC1
    Anthem Statement D2v 3D
    Marantz AV8801
    Marantz AV7005
    Marantz NA7004
    Audiolab 8000AP
    Audiolab 8000M monoblocks
    Audiolab 8000P
    Audiolab 8000Q
    Audiolab 8200CDQ
    Audiolab 8200M monoblocks
    Densen B-110
    Creek 5350SE
    Creek Evolution 2
    Atoll IN100SE
    Consonance A100 Linear

    Past Speakers:
    Amphion Argon 2 Anniversary
    Amphion Xenon (1st revision)
    Amphion Argon 3 mk2
    B&W 804S
    Buchardt S400 MK2
    Dynaudio Focus 110
    Dynaudio Audience 52SE
    Dynaudio Evoke 20
    Epos M22i
    Genelec 1032a
    Genelec 8030b
    Genelec G3
    Genelec 8040b
    Infinity Renaissance 90
    Magnat Quantum 503
    Mark&Daniel Maximus Monitor
    Mark&Daniel Ruby
    OR E-1
    Quad Z3
    Revel M106
    Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

    Past Headphones:
    Hifiman Sundara
    AKG K702
    Focal Clear
    Focal Utopia
    ZMF Verite C LTD Olive