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Sep 26, 2015
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Sep 24, 1993 (Age: 31)
Michigan, USA
Gentex Corporation

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God of Ruin, Male, 31, from Michigan, USA


@zerodeefex Hey uhhh. Custom title should be "God of Ruin". I promise it'll make sense later. wink wink Aug 17, 2021

takato14 was last seen:
May 22, 2024
    1. takato14
      @zerodeefex Hey uhhh. Custom title should be "God of Ruin". I promise it'll make sense later. wink wink
      1. View previous comments...
      2. takato14
        I will save their life!!
        Aug 17, 2021
        Lyander likes this.
      3. zerodeefex
        I don't think I set your last one, but as you wish.
        Aug 17, 2021
        Jinxy245 and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Claritas
        Tak, always good to see you.
        Aug 17, 2021
        takato14 likes this.
    2. HorseyP71
      1. takato14

        the uhhh dropbox links broke a VERY long time ago cuz dropbox cut off their, ahem, ""accidental"" free webhosting when they shut down direct links

        I'll try and get my webserver up and running soon, it's been annoying trying to get any work done cuz of all the simultaneous projects
        Jul 20, 2021
    3. takato14
      guess I'll stop lurking now
      1. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        well well well, about time big guy. Great to see you around.
        Apr 24, 2020
        takato14 likes this.
      2. Claritas
        Pleased that you're OK, Tak.
        Apr 25, 2020
        takato14 likes this.
      3. zerodeefex
        Glad you're back! Hope you stick around and enjoy yourself.
        Apr 30, 2020
    4. Azteca
      Saw one of the knockoff avatars and thought about you. I hope all is well. I'm curious: did you pretty much give up on vintage headphones and embrace the HD800?
      1. aufmerksam likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. takato14
        Promptly thereafter, I built my own measurement rig and started building a database for it. I also started a vintage collection. I now have the greater half of the past 60 years worth of siginificant developments in headphone technology in my closet and daily an SR-Lambda Signature.

        HD800 has been forsaken, having left my stable a few years ago. But I may rebuy one cheaply to toy around with mods for it. ;)
        Apr 23, 2020
      4. Azteca
        Hey, welcome back! I might be gifted an Audio-Technica AT-706. Any experience with that or similar models?
        Apr 24, 2020
      5. takato14
        @Azteca The AT-706 and other models from this time period were from the period where AT's headphone division was just starting out, so they're just cheap OEM drivers in their own housing. AT did not start making their own driver designs until the ATH-5 and ATH-6D, which are 53mm dome drivers that share much of the same DNA as the modern Art monitor series (ATH-AD5/7/900/X and such)
        Apr 28, 2020
        Azteca likes this.
    5. Clmntbnr
      New here, couldn't find the "send a private message" button. Anyway, I'm extremely interested on how your project to put HD800's drivers into a K1000 turned out. Did you do it ?
      1. DigMe
        To send PM's select a username and then select "Start a conversation"
        Mar 28, 2017
        Philimon likes this.
    6. takato14
      Nabbed an AKG K270 Playback, now here I am bopping my head and tapping my foot. AKG midrange with slamming bass. wtf.
      1. Claritas and Deep Funk like this.
    7. takato14
      Day 5. I am finally starting to notice all the extra information the HD800 is throwing at me. Mother of god.
      1. JK47, Azteca, FlySweep and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. HitmanFluffy
        Aug 1, 2016
      4. Jun
        Between the HE-6 and HD 800, both out of good amps which one would you choose?
        Aug 7, 2016
      5. takato14

        the HE-6 just isn't as clean, and no amp will change that

        there's also this nasty treble coloration on the HE-6 that makes them sound simultaneously distant and hissy that's not present on the senns, but that could change with amplification so grain of salt
        Aug 8, 2016
        Jun likes this.
    8. takato14
      Sennheiser HD800 motherfuckers. Dayum.
      1. FlySweep
        Your first time hearing them?
        Jul 25, 2016
      2. bazelio
        LOL. True!
        Jul 25, 2016
      3. takato14
        Second time actually, @FlySweep. Tried them in a coffee shop a couple years back. Didn't like them at the time... I was hella deaf back then lmao
        Jul 25, 2016
        OJneg and FlySweep like this.
    9. takato14
      "I'm looking at the O2 for my LCD-2 portable rig once I have it." -- me, 4+ years ago on head-fi. LOL. #mistakes-have-been-made
      1. sphinxvc, Riotvan, Serious and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azteca
        O2, Audeze, furry avatar...it all adds up. :p
        Jul 15, 2016
      4. Serious
        LCD-2 portable rig...
        Jul 15, 2016
        Pyruvate likes this.
      5. Riotvan
        Haha, i can relate. 15 years ago i started with a HD600 and a nice tube amp. Should've left well enough alone but nope, HF fucked with my head....
        Jul 15, 2016
        recarcar likes this.
    10. takato14
      1. brencho
        6" #onagoodday
        Jul 15, 2016
        Pyruvate likes this.
    11. takato14
      f**k headphones
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        At least buy them dinner first.
        Jun 30, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Please tell me the that you gave up on the DT48. Then this message makes sense. Keep it as an artefact of massive failure to remind mankind in the future.
        Jul 1, 2016
      4. takato14
        Jul 1, 2016
    12. Ushi
      Hi, i've just got the HD-S9 and saw you modding one in your profile. Please public the detail of your mods when you finished it. Thx.
      1. takato14
        Just warning you... the HD-S9 is a piece of garbage, the driver has no potential whatsoever, it cannot push bass or treble no matter what you do to it. I spent weeks working on it and nothing ever worked. Hopefully you didn't pay too much for it.
        Jun 29, 2016
        Philimon and Ushi like this.
      2. Ushi
        Yeah, i though so too after changing the rotted damping foam. Just wanna se what can you do and learn more from it, i like to collect and fix vintage headphone. I paid 25$ shipped for it. Mayb ill put the ath-2 driver into it someday.
        Jun 30, 2016
    13. takato14
      Been over 6 weeks since the amp I want for my HE-6 showed up for sale. Pissed.
      1. zerodeefex
        What amp?
        Apr 6, 2016
      2. takato14
        Sansui AU-G77XII. Haven't seen even one up for sale since the one I had lined up on eBay sold back in February. :/
        Apr 6, 2016
    14. takato14
      Thanks ravi. No, really, thank you.
    15. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      You deserve a good custom title for all your efforts. People with your knowledge and skills are rare...
      1. Philimon, Cryptowolf, lm4der and 2 others like this.
      2. Claritas
        Hear, hear!
        Mar 31, 2016
      3. takato14
        Mar 31, 2016
        Bagged Milk, Claritas and Deep Funk like this.
    16. takato14
      RE: MOTW: Does plush dragon ass count?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zerodeefex
        I didn't put it up but I'm going to make an exec decision and say that doesn't count.
        Mar 17, 2016
      3. takato14
        b-but I already bought the HE-6
        Mar 17, 2016
      4. purr1n
        Only if the plush dragon can into a hot thick and juicy chick.
        Mar 18, 2016
    17. takato14
      WTF, people on head-fi saying the SE-Master 1's measurements are good. I f'ing give up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HitmanFluffy
        Hey, Jude said the HD700 was a good headphone
        Jan 28, 2016
        Madaboutaudio and Smitty like this.
      3. takato14
        and hopefully now it is :^)
        Jan 28, 2016
      4. mtoc
        LOL, they ain't know what a ok measurement should loook.
        Feb 10, 2016
    18. takato14
      Ravi, that YH-100 better get here soon, I'm going insane without my SS-100
      1. zerodeefex likes this.
      2. zerodeefex
        Been working from home sick young padawan. Haven't been able to get it from work yet.
        Jan 26, 2016
      3. takato14
        Im just kidding of course, take your time and feel better soon <3
        Jan 26, 2016
        zerodeefex likes this.
    19. takato14
      Tyll has received the HD700. T H E H Y P E I S R E A L
      1. Deep Funk, Thujone, Rotijon and 2 others like this.
      2. lm4der
        Graphs or it didn't happen.
        Jan 24, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. takato14
        He hasn't opened the package yet. He probably doesn't work on weekends.
        Jan 24, 2016
      4. lm4der
        Ah yeah. Ok, should be soon!
        Jan 24, 2016
    20. takato14
      Yay, down to only one headphone. Watch the HD700 still measure like shit. My fate is in your hands, Tyll.
      1. lm4der, PoochZag and Smitty like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. takato14
        wait what

        I have discord, what server/channel
        Jan 20, 2016
      4. lm4der
        Can't wait to see Tyll's measurements. In the end it all came down to the pads, yes?
        Jan 20, 2016
      5. takato14
        yeah the pads turned out to be the majority of the issue, but I also took the highs down a lot with some damping

        we'll see if im deaf or not soon, though I will say that while they are better than stock and extremely precise sounding I was finding them relatively unenjoyable compared to the Sansui or even the Pioneers...
        Jan 20, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
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  • About

    Sep 24, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Michigan, USA
    Gentex Corporation
    Gear List:
    **Outdated. Updating...
    Pseudo-scientific headphone modder and vintage-fi historian.

    Also a VERY degenerate furfag. Permanently buried in the headphone hoard.