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Dec 1, 1990 (Age: 33)

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Friend, 33, from US/NZ


Should I get the new lower priced Soekris or Modi Multibit 2 for Bottlehead Mainline and Grados? Jul 26, 2024 at 12:01 AM

    1. ColdsnapBry
      Should I get the new lower priced Soekris or Modi Multibit 2 for Bottlehead Mainline and Grados?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. RestoredSparda
        I'd assume Modi Multibit 2 would be a bad pairing with mainline. I found mainline to be very linear and a bit lean. Might be too bright a pairing. R2R would be the way to go, or an OG Modi M.
        Jul 26, 2024 at 4:20 AM
      3. Walderstorn
        If it sounds anywhere as the Modi MB + Manline or even Modi MB+ Crack go with the Soekris for sure. Those 2 previous ones were not very good matches at all imo.
        Jul 26, 2024 at 9:38 AM
        ColdsnapBry and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        Thanks @Sqveak I don't have a DAC at the moment. Heh. But I can wait for the Gugnir 2. I was thinking about that.
        Jul 26, 2024 at 12:16 PM
    2. ColdsnapBry
      So why hasn't crew reviewed at Schiit Yggdrasil? They pump out video and video of chifi garbage, yet miss this stalwart?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. netforce
        For the chifi stuff, as I mentioned before some manufacturers are more than happy to send stuff out. But inversely some gear we would love to cover its not always easy for us to secure. Proceeds from what we sell in the store does go and fund the content side of things and we can grab stock units and send it out to the team to cover.
        Jul 23, 2024 at 4:29 PM
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      3. netforce
        Things not carried we would be more reliant on the manufacturer to send out or to borrow from the community, or would have to pay for ourselves. The YT channel is monetized but that in reality serves to cater to the YT algorithm. Revenue from the channel alone would not cover much for the operations.
        Jul 23, 2024 at 4:34 PM
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        Jul 23, 2024 at 9:14 PM
    3. yotacowboy
      Ada perhaps?
      1. ColdsnapBry
        I purchased an Ada and preferred my Koss still.
        Jul 2, 2024
    4. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone have an ETA Mini S they'd be interested in selling along?
      1. Armaegis
        Yup I still have one for sale...
        Jul 1, 2024
    5. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone have reccomendations on a DAC for DSHA 3F / Utopia 2022 chain?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zonto
        In private messaging people, it seems that LIM may be a good option in Yggdrasil land for that chain. However, I was asking about the Utopia OG if that matters. I know the 2022 version is a little different, but not much. I'm planning on trying the LIM at some point and comparing to my A2.
        Jun 7, 2024
        Qildail and ColdsnapBry like this.
      3. MellowVelo
        I use OG Utopia and 3F with Yggdrasil A1/GS. No complaints here.
        Jun 8, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      4. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I'd suggest a full ECP stack with a Walnut DAC, probably can find a Walnut X with a wanted ad here.
        Jul 21, 2024 at 12:16 AM
    6. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone happen to have a different wood than sapelle Aeolus they'd consider selling along?
    7. ColdsnapBry
      If anyone has an ETA Mini S and would be interested in a trade for my ETA o2 Let me know. Thanks!
      1. Armaegis
        Potentially yes. I'm located in Canada though.
        May 11, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        @Armaegis That's fine, CAN to US isn't too bad.
        May 11, 2024
    8. ColdsnapBry
      Couldn't say no to a complete Sony Wm1z for $600ish. Funny, but it pairs so good with the Koss Ksc75.
      1. Lyander
        That is a hell of a discount. Yeah, seems amplification may matter less for those than DAC and transport, and from store demo memory that DAP was indeed not horrible at that
        Apr 15, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
    9. ColdsnapBry
      Two songs in with the Shanling EC Mini and I hate the way this sounds.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Mar 27, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        Have you tried Portapros with it? Hope hope.
        Mar 27, 2024
      4. ColdsnapBry
        @CEE TEE This was actually my first thought, that the Porta Pro would smooth it all over, since it does fairly well on sources like this. But I mainly use KSC75 now.
        Mar 28, 2024
    10. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone know of audio stores to hit in Japan? Going to Kyoto, Okayama, Kojima area this trip.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Raimei Templar
        Raimei Templar
        Nipponbashi is a little annoying to get to from Osaka station, so your other option if you happen to drop by is Yodobashi Camera Umeda, it is absolutely massive and has a load of stuff to try as well. Is very easy to go to from Osaka station so you can quickly drop by then grab a train to Kyoto/Okayama.
        Mar 23, 2024
        ColdsnapBry and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      3. ColdsnapBry
        Thanks @Raimei Templar ! Sounds like if I can make it to one store it would be E-Earphone in Osaka? Or maube Yodobashi Camera Kyoto if I prefer headphones?
        Mar 24, 2024
      4. Raimei Templar
        Raimei Templar
        If you can only go to one store, E-Earphone would be the way for headphones. If you are into speakers/other audio/tech stuff Yodobashi is the way to go.
        Mar 24, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
    11. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone got a Grado RS1X they want to sell me or I can loan for a few days? Just really want to hear that one..
      1. YMO
        Buy a new pair and sell it to me for $450
        Feb 3, 2024
        Gazny and ColdsnapBry like this.
    12. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone purchased a Grado rs1x during the Grado craze and want to sell it or let me test it for a week? I'm interestedin giving it a go.
      1. YMO
        Jan 12, 2024
    13. ColdsnapBry
      Curious if anyone has a pair of Vanatoo Encore they are looking to sell or don't use?
      1. CEE TEE likes this.
    14. ColdsnapBry
      I've used headphones so little this year, chosing ksc75, that when I put on my Utopia or 600 they feel like hot and heavy earmuffs.
      1. Deep Funk, Merrick and joch like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ColdsnapBry
        @joch It's fairly mild here where I'm at year round, about 70 - 77* baseline.
        Dec 10, 2023
        joch likes this.
      4. Merrick
        I highly recommend nearfields if you can, dropped my headphone usage by 85% or more.
        Dec 12, 2023
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      5. ColdsnapBry
        @Merrick I'm definately going to try. What's your setup? Seems like you had a reasonable budget one? Thanks!
        Dec 13, 2023
        joch likes this.
    15. ColdsnapBry
      If any people I know here at looking for a brand new in box Nistch 3F get at me. I'd rather sell it to a friend here.
      1. Northwest likes this.
      2. ilikebananafudge_
        You're not going to try it with your Utopia?
        Dec 1, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      3. Cspirou
        You’re in NZ, right?
        Dec 1, 2023
      4. ColdsnapBry
        This one is in Florida. It's US voltage :)
        Dec 1, 2023
        Cspirou likes this.
    16. ColdsnapBry
      Anyone happen to have this leather case for Sony Wm1a they would sell me - "Dignis"?
    17. ColdsnapBry
      Looking for a 230v ECP tube amp if anyone has a line. Want to try my Utopia with it.
      1. Riotvan
        Maybe @k1arg still has my old T3?
        Nov 4, 2023
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      2. Hrodulf
        T3 can be easily voltage switched.
        Nov 4, 2023
        ColdsnapBry and Riotvan like this.
    18. ColdsnapBry
      Somehow got a like new Utopia with active warrenty for a bit more than a Clear. Been listening out of a iphone dongle. Wow.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ColdsnapBry
        I'm interested now what's the minimum viable stack / dongle to scale a Utopia..
        Oct 12, 2023
        gaspasser likes this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        Just in time for the next batch of NITSCH DSHA 3F!
        Oct 12, 2023
        CEE TEE and ColdsnapBry like this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        @Tchoupitoulas I proxied one for my friend, had it on me for a bit! But no Utopia at the time. I'll be able to hear it in a few months though.
        Oct 12, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas, CEE TEE and Lyander like this.
    19. ColdsnapBry
      More interested now adays about how headfi gear can integrate into my day to day life.
      1. zottel, philipmorgan and MellowVelo like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ilikebananafudge_
        I use my setup all day while working at home from my desk, which works well for me.
        Sep 26, 2023
      4. Gazny
        I stream airplay to my pi most of the time, I know it can have some losses but it is pretty seamless.
        Sep 26, 2023
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
      5. Taguro
        I use my stack everyday since I work from home. Became somewhat of a need due to late nights. Helps keep me awake.
        Sep 26, 2023
    20. ColdsnapBry
      I think the Modius E sounds good enough to where I'd buy a premium one with galvanic usb like Bifrost 2 (and chose to use it over BF2 MB).
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  • About

    Dec 1, 1990 (Age: 33)


    Sony Wm1z -> Koss Ksc75 / Porta Pro
    Computer -> Grado 325x