Failed Engineer
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Oct 23, 2024 at 6:55 PM
Mar 22, 2016
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Aug 12, 1979 (Age: 45)
Forensic Accounting

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Failed Engineer

Friend, Male, 45, from Houston

Pyrate Contributor

6moons non-sensical thoughts inbound. But hopefully shorter. Jun 12, 2024

Failed Engineer was last seen:
Oct 23, 2024 at 6:55 PM
    1. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      6moons non-sensical thoughts inbound. But hopefully shorter.
      1. PsiPhi, Lunk_Wray, Slade01 and 2 others like this.
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      3. joch
        You guys are getting Proustian here. Time to get some Grados and macarons.
        Jun 13, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Most macaroons are too small for me. I prefer fully over the ear.

        And yes... no 6-moons nonsense at all! Beautifully described reality. Although, being profile posts, it is missing the one thing that 6-moons does well: the pictures!
        Jun 13, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      5. zonto
        Thanks for sharing! This should be memorialized in a thread somewhere so more people can read it.
        Jun 13, 2024
    2. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Kinda itching to try a Bricasti kilo buck DAC. Talk me out of it? Or should I do it?
      1. lithium
        Which specific one are you considering?
        May 17, 2024
      2. Priidik
        No point trying to talk out of it. Here are alternatives:
        Try new dCs smallest thing.
        May 18, 2024
        Pocomo likes this.
      3. penguins
        What I remember about the M3 I tried was that it was probably one of the least sins of commission in an amp that I've heard before but it wasn't for me in terms of gear synergy.

        Also it sounded distinctly DS (and not MB / R-2R) to me, but good DS.

        In short, worth a try if you just want something that's just quietly competent and are OK with DS.
        May 20, 2024
    3. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      JAR800v3 is the truth. Work has been far too busy to write meaningful impressions but this the best musical reproduction I've heard. Period.
      1. Pocomo, MellowVelo, Jinxy245 and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ilikebananafudge_
        All of this hype is really making me want to hear these
        Apr 29, 2024
      4. JK47
        Wait for v3. it will be even better, trust me
        Apr 29, 2024
      5. ilikebananafudge_
        Is that the Golden Great Ape edition?
        Apr 29, 2024
        Tachikoma and JK47 like this.
    4. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Anyone interested in a Houston meet? I would host in mid-July when my family is out of town at my in-laws. Two weekends as options.
      1. rhythmdevils and archer88 like this.
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      3. archer88
        I missed this post, I'd be up for it. Can try to bring some gear too if there is any interest.
        Apr 28, 2024
      4. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @archer88 I haven't heard from anyone else yet and I haven't really tried to publicize it anywhere. Not sure how many Houstonians are around here. Even if it's just a micro-meet between you and I that'd be okay with me. Looks like the Austin crew is getting together in the next few weeks but unless it falls in the weeks my family is out of town it's not likely I can make it.
        Apr 29, 2024
        archer88 likes this.
      5. archer88
        I am okay with a micro/nano meet as well. I can try to get the Studio-T/ SF PRO3 along. I am in the same situation with the Austin meet, unlikely to be able to make it due to family commitments.
        May 1, 2024
    5. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Would anyone be interested in a non-functional HM801? I found it in a closet and it doesn't seem to hold a charge.
      1. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I'm going to throw it out in a couple weeks if no one wants it to figure out what's wrong with it. Just shipping or pickup in Houston. It was supposed to be a nice piece of kit 10 years ago and not cheap.
        Mar 24, 2024
      2. Case
        I'll take it, if it is still availabile
        Mar 24, 2024
    6. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Pietus Maximus/ES9028 is a tour de force with 300ohm headphones. Atrium, Atrium Closed, JAR800, JAR580. Main or secondary system.
      1. FlySweep, Joshvar, pure5152 and 16 others like this.
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      3. edd
        "watching something uninteresting" hahah..
        Mar 7, 2024
      4. HotRatSalad
        Pi Max is killer with focals as well, Elex and Clear. @Tachikoma on medium gain with S12pro is also killer.
        Mar 7, 2024
      5. joch
        There’s hiss with CA iems, but if you don’t mind it’s quite good.
        Mar 8, 2024
    7. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Shouldn't listen to a new or unfamiliar headphone when you are sick. Impressions will be warped.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MisterRogers
        Truth. Drove me nuts this past week fighting through a sinus infection. Everything was.... off.
        Jan 30, 2024
        Failed Engineer likes this.
      3. Northwest
        I have seemed to have formed a habit of listening to new gear or loaners in the colder months and illness is always around the corner. I definitely have had that issue.
        Jan 30, 2024
      4. Claritas
        I seldom sign up for loaners. And I had to bow out of two loaners in recent years because of this. So what I did was spend the two grand, and buy the products.
        Jan 31, 2024
    8. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      JAR580B...goddamn, making me rethink everything I've ever heard and spent money on in this hobby.
      1. Inoculator, Slade01, sheldaze and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Slade01
        I've heard any JAR mod has been nothing short of a revelation / come to Jesus moment.
        Nov 27, 2023
        Failed Engineer likes this.
      4. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @zonto I also have a JAR580A which my wife has stolen from me for her office but I haven't gotten her to bring it home yet for a JAR580 shootout. Haven't listened to it in a couple months (and not on the Copenhagen) but from auditory memory my preference is likely strongly towards the B version for it's more open feel.
        Nov 27, 2023
        zonto likes this.
      5. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @Huhnkopf I'm curious about the JAR800 but maybe suspect the BP800 might be more up my alley. I've always been more of a 580 type than the 800 or 6-series. I'm going to try for a few months to get a BP800 and then if failure get my ears on the JAR800.
        Nov 27, 2023
    9. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      I'm humbled by the reach of SBAF. Thanks to friends here I was able to find a ECP Copenhagen after a years-long search elsewhere.
      1. Cryptowolf, caute, Jinxy245 and 13 others like this.
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      3. RestoredSparda
        Nov 6, 2023
      4. zonto
        Nov 6, 2023
        Cryptowolf and RestoredSparda like this.
      5. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        Nov 6, 2023
        CEE TEE, sheldaze, archer88 and 2 others like this.
    10. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      RAAL should have just made the CA-1a $6k. Head-Fi criticism is nonsense to justify their ownership of more expensive headphones.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and archer88 like this.
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      3. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @Collusion I think if the dry-ness is your RAAL dealbreaker, I don't think the CA-1a will sway you. I call it "brittle" and it's a character of the RAAL ribbons, IMO. I understand why it bothers, and I'm generally okay with it.
        Nov 3, 2023
        Collusion likes this.
      4. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @archer88 I'm using a HSA-1b. I also use the dac1541 with the TI-1a as a surprisingly good transportable 2-box system. I don't think the HSA-1b is a particularly great amp and feel like the lack of good direct-drive options is holding the CA-1a back.
        Nov 3, 2023
        archer88 likes this.
      5. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        The VM-1a is supposed to be good but so expensive with no versatility and discontinued. These two headphones are too good for no one to jump into the direct drive amplification market.
        Nov 3, 2023
    11. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      If anyone has a lead on a Sony R10, please let me know. I'd like to buy one. I'll pay a nice referral fee if I'm able to buy.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. M3NTAL
        Hey FE! Haven't seen you in a while! Maybe just my blind eyes, but glad to see you! Hope you find a R10 - FE is a legit buyer and HF aficionado
        Aug 5, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      3. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        @M3NTAL Wow, a familiar name! Hope you've been doing well and the hobby treating you well! What gear are you partial to these days?
        Aug 11, 2023
        M3NTAL likes this.
      4. M3NTAL
        Nothing too crazy at the moment. Lots of Quedelix5K -> IEM's or Torpedo 3 / Krell KSA-5 to a few of the ETA (@E_Schaaf) releases and JAR (@ext1) 650/600. The O2 from ETA brings out something in me that finds them a well rounded sound. The looks are subjective. Currently giving the FiiO FT3 a shot. Something I never thought I'd say. I remember them as the cheap accessory company for iPod (30 Pin)
        Aug 11, 2023
    12. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      It's scary how good iOS + ifi gold bar + Atrium is. I've mostly quit moving audiophilia for AirPods but damn if this isn't worth it!
      1. Merrick, Cryptowolf, Gazny and 7 others like this.
      2. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I prepared dinner yesterday for the family (no splatter potential) listening to the Atrium with the gold bar and the phone in the pocket. Pretty crazy to have that sort of fidelity rummaging around the kitchen! Dead phone after because the gold bar isn't shy about sucking power but worth it.
        Jul 1, 2023
        Merrick and RestoredSparda like this.
    13. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Does anyone have a story of loving a headphone for long-term ownership and listening (2+ years) after initially not loving it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HotRatSalad
        HD600 for me had one for years and was amping it wrong. Got HD650 and liked it better. These days I love them equally.
        Apr 21, 2023
        Sqveak, joch and Deep Funk like this.
      3. joch
        HD650 was meh until the right amp opened it up.
        VO seemed overhyped until I changed the pads and got the right chain going.
        Apr 21, 2023
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Good question. Well the DT48 comes to mind but those things need a specific amount of power to wake up that driver. Too much hassle at one point and they had to go. The HD600 is a headphone that takes some time. After dozens of all kinds of headphone that neutral-ish sound was not a "wow" sounding thing. With the right tube, you can be in audio heaven though.
        Apr 22, 2023
        joch likes this.
    14. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Does anyone know someone who has an ECP Copenhagen-S amp? I'd like to buy one and will pay more than purchase price for it. Leads welcome!
      1. Gazny
        I think you can ask dsavitsk directly
        Feb 15, 2023
      2. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I asked. No more Copenhagen builds. Maybe it’ll come back in a modified form one day but no promise of that.
        Feb 15, 2023
        Ksorota and Gazny like this.
    15. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Atrium may not be best in class in any one attribute but it's easily my most favorite headphone I've ever owned/heard. Still honeymooning
      1. RestoredSparda
        Agreed. Still honeymooning for the past 4 months.
        Feb 1, 2023
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Interesting; I felt Atrium has class-leading bass reproduction and is quite good at sonic textures as a whole. I love mine
        Feb 1, 2023
    16. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      I have kept primary headphones for about 5 years each in this hobby. First was SR-007mk1, then Utopia, now Atrium will take me to year 15.
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      2. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I don't swap my electronics much. I'm church of ECP. The Walnut V has been my DAC of choice for a countless number of years and while I've experimented some with much more expensive ones I always come back to the Walnut. I've had a number of ECP amps over the years, DSHA variants (0, 1, and 2) and the L2, now settled with the 3F. Again, experimented some with tubes with the Stellaris and Af but decided on 3F.
        Sep 14, 2022
        ColdsnapBry and Cryptowolf like this.
      3. Ksaurav402
        Since you are able to have a listen to different headphones at home so easy to stick with what you like. As long as we are not hoarding and are offloading gears for small fee we are ok.
        Sep 14, 2022
        Failed Engineer likes this.
      4. Ksaurav402
        Apart from music another aspect of this hobby is to build synergistic system and if someone doesn't have access to loaners then only option left is to buy and try out.
        Sep 14, 2022
        Failed Engineer likes this.
    17. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Giving the SW51+ a real listen, holy crap it's good. Uncomfortably close to the 3F, which ultimately does pull away. dac1541/SW51+/Atrium
      1. Sqveak, Cryptowolf, atomicbob and 6 others like this.
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      3. crenca
        I heard both of these amps for the first time at this weekends show in Austin (with my Utopia). I admit disappointment with the 3F, but show conditions and (relatively unfamiliar for me) Bifrost 2 dac mean caveats apply. The sw51+ with the Wavedream dac however was not just good, but truly summit level greatness IMO.
        Jul 28, 2022
      4. gixxerwimp
        I'm very impressed with 3F > Stellia/Clear so far, fed by BF2. Have yet to compare with SW51 but from memory I don't think the Focals have ever sounded as good.

        Do I have to save up for a Wavedream now 「(゚ペ)
        Jul 28, 2022
      5. AdvanTech
        @gixxerwimp Maybe it's worth keeping an eye out for a used Wavelight depending on the way you want to tune your 3F - Stellia/Clear chain.

        With 3F - Utopia, I would take a Wavelight > Wavedream for its smoother more liquid presentation. Even if I had the budget for a Wavedream.
        Jul 29, 2022
        gixxerwimp and Failed Engineer like this.
    18. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Holy crap, G1 of the Cup Finals was FUN! As a long suffering Flyers fan at least I can appreciate a brilliantly played game!
      1. Souldriver, Gazny, Qildail and 2 others like this.
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      3. Rustin Cohle
        Rustin Cohle
        Was watching Giroux's dashed Cup hopes with FL any kind of consolation?
        Jun 16, 2022
      4. Failed Engineer
        Failed Engineer
        I want to see Giroux win a cup so I was rooting for the Panthers. So unfortunately not a consolation! Tampa was on their heels and have to play a little different type of game but I think it's going to be a good series. Goaltending the potential equalizer as you mentioned.
        Jun 16, 2022
        Rustin Cohle likes this.
      5. Souldriver
        Big Avs fan. I flew from NY to Colorado just for the night to go to G1. Was delayed in the airport trying to get home longer than i was in Denver. It was an amazing game and atmosphere and it set a pace for the series. I only wish they won it at home so you could watch the top literally blow off of the Ball Arena. No complaints either way with the outcome though!
        Jul 17, 2022
    19. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      Last minute decision to join my wife on her work trip to Seattle. We are extending to a week to go hiking. What are the best hikes?
      1. Cryptowolf and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. CEE TEE
        CEE TEE
        May 23, 2022
      4. Vansen
        At this time of year in Seattle, you need to carry microspikes and a headlamp at all times. It’s still early, so you need to make sure you read up on trip reports before you go out. Trails are like spiderwebs up here and it’s easy to get lost, so map everything out well in advance.
        May 24, 2022
        CEE TEE likes this.
      5. Vansen
        Look for popular trails off of i-90 to the east of Seattle if you want to stay close to the city.
        May 24, 2022
    20. Failed Engineer
      Failed Engineer
      ZMF Atrium - The ZMF for people that don't like ZMF. This headphone is bonkers. Zach finally made one for the rest of us! Thank you Zach!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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  • About

    Aug 12, 1979 (Age: 45)
    Forensic Accounting
    Gear List:
    Focal Utopia
    Grado HP1000
    Kennerton Rognir
    Snorry NM-1
    Final D8000 Pro
    Focal Stellia
    Audio-Technica W3000ANV

    ECP Walnut V
    Rockna Wavelight


    ECP DSHA-3F x2
    Headamp GS-1
    Long time Stax owner (SR-007/SR-009 driven by a KGSSHV Carbon) who stumbled upon a listening session with a Utopia a couple months ago which precipitated a re-thinking of what great dynamic headphones do and don't do vs my Stax setup.

    I travel a moderate amount for work and always have had in the back of my mind wanting to travel with my primary headphone and a transportable amp/dac. The Utopia seemed it could do double duty. Then I found out that Doug of ECP was batch producing a Focal optimized DSHA variant and my decision was made.

    I've owned his L-2 and DSHA-1 several years back and his Walnut V DAC currently and have long found him my preferred non-Stax amp and dac designer.

    So I sold all my Stax stuff for the Utopia and inbound DSHA-3F. I also bought a Verite Closed because my wife and I are both home based (when not traveling) and 5 years of subjecting her to the open 007 and 009 made her want to kill me, or worse, divorce me. Life has been much better since I use the VC now when we both are working at home even though I prefer the Utopia. The VC is the first closed headphone I've ever found tolerable aside from the super funky W3000ANV, which I still own and probably will never sell, even though I only listen to it a couple times a year.

    Thanks to the Used Deal thread I also stupidly bought a Stellaris in my town even though I've never listened to a tube amp that I prefer to a solid state in the same performance bracket. I really need to stop browsing that thread.