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Jul 27, 2017
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Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
Electrical engineer

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Friend, Male, 35, from Finland


SPL Phonitor XE's dac768 module is suprisingly good - I think I prefer it to the likes of RME ADI-2 DAC Jul 2, 2024

Collusion was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 3:40 PM
    1. Collusion
      I love Bosch
      1. Case, JK47 and Syzygy like this.
      2. Collusion
        The TV series
        Apr 22, 2019
    2. Collusion
      DM Convert-2 -> SPL Phonitor 2 -> Focal Clear. Damn this is a fine combination. Everything sounds so balanced.
      1. dark_energy likes this.
      2. Collusion
        HEX's offer more romantic or "tubey" style sound. But they are less airy and a bit dark. Upper midrange is a tad recessed. Depending on the recording, timbre may be spot on with great amount of plankton, but sometimes they can sound a tad plasticky or papery too.
        Apr 10, 2019
      3. Collusion
        Focal Clear's offer better large scale dynamics. Sometimes microdynamics feel less pronounced than on HEX's. I still feel the overall amount of detail is quite similar., though the openness/airiness of Clear's might give them a slight edge (imagined or real, I can't say yet).
        Apr 10, 2019
    3. Collusion
      1. BillOhio, lm4der, Ash1412 and 7 others like this.
      2. Lyander
        You beat me to it :))
        Apr 1, 2019
      3. SoupRKnowva
        The answer to my question on cskippy’s post is a resounding yes >.>
        Apr 1, 2019
      4. drgumbybrain
        Like his hair style... where can I do it? Miami?
        Apr 1, 2019
    4. Collusion
      Focal Clear's purchased - let's see how they compare to Hifiman Edition X...
      1. Mithrandir41 likes this.
      2. dark_energy
        Cool. I would like to audition Focals in the future just for fun.
        Mar 31, 2019
      3. lm4der
        Yeah, post your impressions, I'd be curious how they compare. I've had the Elear and the Elex, which I ended up not keeping, and now I have an Ananda (same as Edition X) incoming. So far nothing is perfect dammit...
        Mar 31, 2019
        Cakecake likes this.
    5. Collusion
      Bel Canto DAC3 - does anyone have any experience with this? Is it any good?
      1. TwoEars
        It has a pretty inoffensive easy to listen to sound, it's good but it's also a pretty old design at this point. It's essentially a BurrBrown 1792 dac in nice enclosure and with good psu. If you need a dac I'd say it's a good deal around Euro 500-600. Might be a good choice for classical, jazz etc. If you like rock and edm you might be happier with a second hand Gungnir Multibit, that one has more drive.
        Mar 28, 2019
        Collusion likes this.
      2. Collusion
        I don't really "need" a dac, but I stumbled across one very reasonably priced unit... Might as well give it a try.
        Mar 28, 2019
    6. Collusion
      PC/TIDAL -> DM Convert-2 -> SPL Phonitor 2 -> HifiMan Edition X V2 - This is a truly marvelous combination.
      1. Koth Ganesh likes this.
      2. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        Well, I don't have the HFM but the rest of the chain is top of the drawer
        Mar 25, 2019
    7. Collusion
      Went to a occupational health examination. Apparently my hearing is essentially perfect (0dB) except at 6kHz where there is a 20dB dip.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ringingears
        I have 3dB drop at 6000Hz. Audiologist says it’s from hunting when I was younger without hearing protection. It does make the 800 an easier listen I think.
        Mar 7, 2019
        Psalmanazar and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      3. purr1n
        4kHz - 6kHz dips are normal for hearing damage. I'm pretty sure I have a 5kHz dip. But 6kHz, indeed, great for HD800.
        Mar 7, 2019
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      4. Psalmanazar
        Listening to a stock HD 800 causes a threshold shift by itself :)
        Mar 7, 2019
    8. Collusion
      Minimum requirements for trading with French people: [ ] Language skills [x] Patience
      1. YMO likes this.
      2. MrButchi
        Not at all. All you need is [x] Wine [x] Gourmet food.
        Jesus... those barbarians...
        Feb 18, 2019
    9. Collusion
      I parted ways with my Yggdrasil A2 last week. To sooth the sorrow, I just purchased a DM Convert-2.
    10. Collusion
      I just won a defamation lawsuit yesterday. Now I feel like a new man. Don't let people talk trash about you on the Internet.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Collusion
        And like most trolls I've imagined to be like IRL, he was very, very quiet. Except for the "dindu nuffin" part.
        Jan 24, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Collusion
        Based on the evidence, judge took whole 5 minutes to consider whether he was quilty or not.
        Jan 24, 2019
        bazelio and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Hekeli
        You run hollilla? Cool. :-)
        Jan 24, 2019
        bazelio likes this.
    11. Collusion
      An opportunity has risen to trade-in my Yggdrasil A2 for a DM Convert-2... Should I do it?
      1. Cellist88 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. purr1n
        The Convert-2 is making its rounds. Should be impressions coming in.
        Dec 28, 2018
        philipmorgan likes this.
      4. rlow
        Agree with @TwoEars, if at all possible you should definitely listen to both if possible. But if it’s a trade only thing, obviously a gamble...
        Dec 28, 2018
      5. atomicbob
        Convert-2 is in measurement purgatory. 3 days of measurements, 1 day of measurement system troubleshooting (scripting error) and 1 day of micro-meet listening. Convert 2 is a top flight DS dac. It won't displace my Yggdrasil A2, but that includes my preference bias.
        Dec 29, 2018
        DigMe and SoupRKnowva like this.
    12. Collusion
      Pls someone in EU sell me a DM Convert-2.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Psalmanazar
        If you can’t get it easily in EU, then get something else that’s also good but totally different like Prism or Lavry gear. Converters the last 2% and mostly just different after a certain point. Upgrade other stuff first like speakers and room. Hype trains are lol. A measurement mic will lead to far more improvement
        Dec 20, 2018
      3. Collusion
        You can get a new one from thomann for 2900€ - but that's like 33% more than in the states. I *could* buy it, but I am also a cheap bastard.
        Dec 21, 2018
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      4. Psalmanazar
        Just get something else then, especially if you haven’t heard the thing. The Convert 2, being a cut down Convert 8, is already slightly overpriced for being an endgame 2 channel d to a converter only box. Convert 8 isn’t if you need 8 channels for a little more.
        Dec 21, 2018
        Collusion likes this.
    13. Collusion
      Will be getting a Panasonic 65" FZ800 OLED tomorrow. Excited as hell!
      1. FallingObjects, 9suns and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. spwath
        @SoupRKnowva yeah, I was going to say, I didn't even know Panasonic still made TVs. I'm rocking my 42" 1080p plasma Panasonic I got on Craiglist for $100 though.
        Dec 6, 2018
        Mithrandir41 likes this.
      4. SoupRKnowva
        Yeah Panasonic just has the best everything that relates to picture quality. My B7 looks pretty good though, you’re right
        Dec 6, 2018
      5. Mithrandir41
        While the LG doesn't have the most accurate color calibration, when it's in dolby vision mode, it self calibrates to the DV color temp settings. That's one of the things that makes DV superior to HDR-10.
        Dec 6, 2018
    14. Collusion
      Would anyone in the EU be interested in a Yggdrasil A2?
    15. Collusion
      I received an Ayre Codex for home demoing. This sound like a refined RME ADI-2 DAC, but comes with a heftier price tag too...
      1. Griffon
        That money better be spent somewhere else. I don't feel the Codex be more versatile than the ADI 2 DAC.
        Sep 14, 2018
      2. Collusion
        Certainly not more versatile than the ADI, but I think it's fair to say that Codex is more engaging musically and, well, has a 'sweeter' presentation. Now I really have to think about keeping this...
        Sep 18, 2018
    16. Collusion
      SPL Phonitor 2 will arrive tomorrow. How I'm supposed to sleep tonight?
    17. Collusion
      Just received my Yggdrasil A2. My employer sent me home to hook it up, so he can come to listen to it later today. Do I have a cool boss or not?
      1. PsiPhi, Imraan, obsiCO and 14 others like this.
      2. TwoEars
        It's supposed to sound better with prolonged warm-up time though, like a week or so. Lol. It's the kind of DAC that likes to be on all the time.
        Jul 18, 2018
      3. Collusion
        I'm not going to turn off anything that turns me on like this.
        Jul 18, 2018
        Lyander and Jinxy245 like this.
      4. drgumbybrain
        Can I send him my resumé?
        Jul 18, 2018
    18. Collusion
      Just ordered an Yggdrasil. Spontaneously. Because why not.
      1. TwoEars, Vtory, A1Gear and 1 other person like this.
      2. Vtory
        Wasn't it back-ordered to the end of July?
        Jul 10, 2018
      3. Collusion
        I ordered from - it seems it was the last unit there.
        Jul 10, 2018
      4. Vtory
        Now I see. You're so lucky! Envy you..
        Jul 10, 2018
        a44100Hz likes this.
    19. Collusion
      Just ordered a Schiit Jotunheim. My first Schiit product ever. Now lets see what is all this fuss about...
      1. Collusion
        Now paired with a Modi Multibit. Quite a combination - rather dynamic and clean sounding. Not the last word in detail reproduction or technicalities, but still very balanced in every regard. Sounds good with Hifiman Sundaras.
        Jun 19, 2018
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Electrical engineer
    Gear List:
    Current setup:

    Lindemann 882
    Schiit Mjolnir 3

    Rockna Wavedream Signature Balanced
    Soekris dac2541

    Dynaudio Heritage Special
    Genelec 6010b (@work)

    Sennheiser HD800S

    Win10 PC with Matrix Element H USB card
    iFi Neo Stream

    Past devices (not in any particular order):
    SPL Phonitor e
    Magnat Quantum 1003S
    RAAL SR1a
    RAAL HSA-1b
    Buchardt S400 OG & MK2
    Simaudio Moon 250i
    Rotel RA-1520
    Ayre AX-7e
    Simaudio Moon 340iX
    Schiit Bifrost 2
    Soekris dac2541
    Burl B2 Bomber
    Massdrop Airist R-2R
    iFi Micro iDSD BL
    SPL Phonitor 2
    SPL Performer s800
    Hegel H200
    Rega Elex-R
    Schiit Modi Multibit (gen 1)
    Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2
    Chord Mojo
    Chord Hugo
    Chord Hugo 2
    Schiit Jotunheim
    Burson Conductor V2
    RME ADI-2 DAC v2
    MSB Signature DAC IV Plus
    NAD M51
    Soekris dac1541
    Marantz HD-DAC1
    Anthem Statement D2v 3D
    Marantz AV8801
    Marantz AV7005
    Marantz NA7004
    Audiolab 8000AP
    Audiolab 8000M monoblocks
    Audiolab 8000P
    Audiolab 8000Q
    Audiolab 8200CDQ
    Audiolab 8200M monoblocks
    Densen B-110
    Creek 5350SE
    Creek Evolution 2
    Atoll IN100SE
    Consonance A100 Linear

    Past Speakers:
    Amphion Argon 2 Anniversary
    Amphion Xenon (1st revision)
    Amphion Argon 3 mk2
    B&W 804S
    Buchardt S400 MK2
    Dynaudio Focus 110
    Dynaudio Audience 52SE
    Dynaudio Evoke 20
    Epos M22i
    Genelec 1032a
    Genelec 8030b
    Genelec G3
    Genelec 8040b
    Infinity Renaissance 90
    Magnat Quantum 503
    Mark&Daniel Maximus Monitor
    Mark&Daniel Ruby
    OR E-1
    Quad Z3
    Revel M106
    Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

    Past Headphones:
    Hifiman Sundara
    AKG K702
    Focal Clear
    Focal Utopia
    ZMF Verite C LTD Olive