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Facebook Friend, Male, from Raleigh, NC

I’ve seen Bose-esque ad copy for the Mark Levinson 5909 but still decided to give them a shot. Better results with an eq’d Sony WB910N tbh. May 1, 2022

Craigo was last seen:
Aug 30, 2024
    1. Craigo
      I’ve seen Bose-esque ad copy for the Mark Levinson 5909 but still decided to give them a shot. Better results with an eq’d Sony WB910N tbh.
      1. crenca likes this.
    2. Craigo
      Keep it simple. BT headphones have come a long way. You’ll be happy. Whoops.
      1. Qildail and Gazny like this.
    3. Craigo
      Been on a Nitro Stout kick as of late: Southern Tier Chocolate Milkshake, Left Hand Milk, Troeg Chocolate, O’Connor ODIS
      1. bixby, crazychile, Syzygy and 3 others like this.
      2. famish99
        What's been your favorite so far?
        Aug 6, 2019
      3. Craigo
        Southern Tier. Initially unsure but after more pours I can't help but love it. It is somewhat of a novelty beverage but damn good. Troeg is great. Not too choc or sweet. Lots of lacing and the head floated all the way to the bottom. All I would recommend, though.
        Aug 6, 2019
        hikergrl likes this.
    4. Craigo
      I love you Sega Saturn, I love you and pie.
      1. hikergrl, direstraitsfan98 and YMO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. YMO
        I'm sick of scripted puzzle shmups. I'll take vertical shooting games from the Toaplan era over the current era. Love Garegga but the suicide concept gets old fast.
        Jul 10, 2019
        Craigo likes this.
      4. Craigo
        I feel the same way about Cave games. I guess I just get bored with the patterns, though Progear is the exception and prolly still my favorite shmup of all time. Also, I do like a lot of the vertical shmup on the PC Engine
        Jul 11, 2019
      5. manatworks
        Spriggan FTW,
        That machine got a lot of great caravan stuffs, playing soldier blade for the first time really blew my 8 years old mind back then.
        Jul 11, 2019
        Craigo likes this.
    5. Craigo
      Still partially deaf in left ear after a long battle with an ear infection. Hoping I get this sorted soon.
      1. OldDude04, Case, Jalsar and 7 others like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        All the best guys. Hope you are both seeing an ENT doc?
        Apr 18, 2019
        Craigo likes this.
      4. Lyander
        Best wishes to all, imbalanced hearing sucks donkey butt.
        Apr 18, 2019
        Craigo likes this.
      5. Craigo
        @Thad Yep, antibiotics might as well come in a Pez dispenser. Haven't listened to headphones in 3 weeks though. Sigh.
        Apr 19, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom and Jinxy245 like this.
    6. Craigo
      Going on 3 months sans smartphone. Flipping through my old cd case before I start my car in the morning is a refreshing experience.
      1. EagleWings, TwoEars, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
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      3. Craigo
        @Deep Funk "There is an order to the music of the day."
        This is exactly how I feel.
        Feb 26, 2019
      4. Syzygy
        But how is the government supposed to track you?
        Feb 26, 2019
      5. Craigo
        Feb 27, 2019
        Syzygy likes this.
    7. Craigo
      $15 for three soft tacos is bullshit, I don't care who you are. Sticking with taco trucks and holes in the wall.
      1. Deep Funk and Cakecake like this.
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      3. Craigo
        Small enough that I went for a burger afterwards.
        Feb 17, 2019
        Lyander and imackler like this.
      4. Elnrik
        There is a super nice restaurant near my work, all the VPs love going there. $50+ a meal kind of place. The running joke is: if you're going there, bring a sandwich. It baffles me.
        Feb 17, 2019
        Craigo likes this.
      5. Craigo
        I was reminded of L Idiot restaurant from LA Story.
        Feb 17, 2019
    8. Craigo
      Anyone interested in demoing a pair of modded DT770s? Happy to pay shipping to your location within contiguous USA.
      1. E_Schaaf
        Im always down for loaners but can't promise I won't attempt to mod further
        Feb 11, 2019
        Craigo and Lyander like this.
      2. Craigo
        If it comes back with Miyazaki themed toe stocks over the ear cups I won't complain.
        Feb 12, 2019
    9. Craigo
      I need more Nutella on toast.
      1. Deep Funk, JK47, Poleepkwa and 3 others like this.
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      3. JK47
        ^Always am, some people just need to be chin checked.
        Feb 5, 2019
      4. crazychile
        I first read that as "spread on a bikini"
        Feb 5, 2019
        JustAnotherRando, Craigo and JK47 like this.
      5. Craigo
        @JK47 I sometimes use crepe, but the way this week is going I’m going to have to make some French toast out of chocolate babka.
        Feb 5, 2019
        JK47 likes this.
    10. Craigo
      The Great British Bake Off=proof that you can pit people against each other on a TV show without anyone turning into a serious douchebag.
      1. ufospls2 and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. ufospls2
        You might also like the UK masterchef variations, way less hardcore and argumentative than the US version.
        Sep 21, 2018
      4. Craigo
        Have to look into those. Not a fan of the dickery on shows like Chopped, US Masterchef, etc. GBBO is so chill. The Joy of Painting of competitive cooking, if you will (@bixby or at least a convincing illusion)
        Anyway, a relaxing departure from my usuals- Bordertown, Hinterlands, Department Q, The Dark, etc.
        Sep 21, 2018
        bixby likes this.
      5. ufospls2
        Its way more chilled out than the US masterchef. Much more "friendly" and easy to watch. I tried to watch the US masterchef, gave up after half an episode.
        Sep 21, 2018
        Craigo likes this.
    11. Craigo
      Jeebus, I had to use my windshield wipers today.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. JK47
        I feel your pain brah
        Sep 15, 2018
        Craigo likes this.
      3. BillOhio
        Oh, seeing you're in NC. Best Wishes.
        Sep 15, 2018
        Case, Thad E Ginathom and Craigo like this.
      4. Craigo
        Thanks, man.
        Sep 15, 2018
    12. Craigo
      I have snacks and feelings
      1. Erikdayo, Riotvan, obsiCO and 4 others like this.
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    Raleigh, NC
    Library Clerk
    Gear List:
    Koss Porta Pro