Justin S
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Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Mar 14, 2018
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Justin S

Friend, Male, from Toronto

Pyrate Contributor

I have been using BRU and LTFS for tape archives for a decade+: soo fiddly. I just started working with TAR. TAR is easy. TAR is forever :-) Jun 5, 2024

Justin S was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
    1. Justin S
      Justin S
      Dreaded rattling with the Focal Clears started. 100Hz tone at 70dB = right driver rattle. headphones.com are excellent and RMA received.
    2. Justin S
      Justin S
      Back and forth with the 600/6xxs/Focal Clears with the Hilo>Rebel Amp. I am feeling like the 600s are King in this chain. Quiet and loud.
      1. FlySweep, Cryptowolf, Qildail and 4 others like this.
    3. Justin S
      Justin S
      Poltava, Kyiv, Chelm, Riga, Biruliskiai, Koeln, Louisville, Mississauga, Concord, Toronto. The Rebel Amp I ordered from Artem is here!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Qildail
        That's a hell of a trip for sure. Enjoy!
        May 13, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      3. gixxerwimp
        Wow, when did it ship out? Before the, ahem, "Special Invasion Operation"?
        May 16, 2022
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        No - it shipped May 1. I actually received it before a HomeDepot order placed at the same time. It's a good sounding amp. Back to back with the Lynx Hilo headamp, it is thrusty-er and stages with more relief.
        May 17, 2022
        gixxerwimp likes this.
    4. Justin S
      Justin S
      Spoke to Artem at Rebel - says they're operating normally. Hard to believe. Ordered and looking forward to it- happy to support those guys.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    5. Justin S
      Justin S
      Anyone using the Torpedo III with OG Clears? I am speaking with a USAM member who has one for sale. I am interested.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Ended up going nice solid state - nothing too ostentatious. Thought I would give Class A a whirl with the Rebel Amp.
        Apr 28, 2022
        zonto likes this.
      3. zonto
        @Justin S, haven't heard of that amp. Let us know what you think when you get it in.
        Apr 28, 2022
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I will do. Might be waiting a while for it. I sold the Jot 2 but still have the Erish 2 for comparison.
        Apr 28, 2022
    6. Justin S
      Justin S
      After much reading, I am interested in the Lyr but terrified by the reports of fried headphones. Is this overreported?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        This all makes sense. I have a note into PCX to see if they have any NOS tubes kicking around on their shelves. I have had very good experiences purchasing tubes from them in the past. I had the Raytheons for the Freya and you're right - they were not a good fit with Freya/speakers. I regret selling all the tubes with it, though. I had a good collection going.
        Apr 20, 2022
        rlow likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Drat - I made the decision to pick up a new one and they're 10-12 weeks out from shipping. While this supply chain stuff is a drag for consumers, I can't imagine how hard it is on manufacturers like Schiit.
        Apr 20, 2022
      4. Azimuth
        The Lyr 3 and even Vali 2 can “pop” on first turn on. How much depends on how fast the tube warms up. I usually turn it on unplugged and wait. But it is more what tube + amp rather than the amp itself.
        Apr 21, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    7. Justin S
      Justin S
      OG Clears with the Hilo are quite moving. I know there's moar there, though. I've read the Clear thread. Any favorites with a neutral-y DAC?
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        I just dug out my Geshelli E2 from my for-sale pile and it a step in the right direction - thicker, tames the 1k beasties, but stages a little close for what I am searching for. I am talking to Al about building a Mapletree OD300 SET and, conversely,looking at the Bryston BHA-1.
        Apr 15, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    8. Justin S
      Justin S
      Week 2 for Hilo. Monitors = amazing, OG Clears = things I haven't heard before but a bit itchy. 600s are amazing. Thinking LP for Clears.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        Apr 11, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Whoa. It's like another headphone with those settings. They're more 600-y. I will investigate this further!
        Apr 11, 2022
        Riotvan likes this.
      4. Riotvan
        Yeah i couldn't go back to stock...
        Apr 11, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    9. Justin S
      Justin S
      With the Hilo, different recordings sound really different. I don't really believe in "neutral" but this is something new to me.
      1. wbass likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks MellowVelo and roshambo123. I'm going to put more time in with the Hilo - it's the shiny new thing right now - and then do some comparisons and write them up in a thread.
        Apr 2, 2022
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks, Vtory. That's what I'll do. I know it's an older DAC but still in production. I haven't been around that long, so I did not see the Changstar thread or the chart.
        Apr 2, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      5. MellowVelo
        Apr 5, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    10. Justin S
      Justin S
      OG Clears to the 6XXMs and 600s on the Hilo. The headamp bosses the Senns around well! Vs Clears= more yummy mids, less dynamic. What veil?
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        As good as the Hilo internal headamp is with the Focals, the Jot2 brings the musical and slam to the Senns. With the Clears, the Jot 2 is less than the Hilo headamp.
        Apr 1, 2022
        Qildail likes this.
    11. Justin S
      Justin S
      Yes. I am preferring the headout of the Hilo to the Jot 2. It's cleaner, more resolving + sharper imaging. Distracting me from work.
      1. dematted, Vtory and Gazny like this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Jot2 just never really clicked with me. I almost preferred my Asgard 3 in some ways.
        Mar 30, 2022
        dematted and Justin S like this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I do like the Jot 2 and love it with the Yggdrasil LIM and the Geshelli J2. With the Hilo, it presents rounder, and a bit too thick. The headout on the Hilo is really surprising. I am going to sell the Jot2 and look for a good tube hybrid for some color when I want it.
        Mar 30, 2022
        dematted, Gazny and ColdsnapBry like this.
      4. Azimuth
        I hate when that happens.
        Mar 30, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    12. Justin S
      Justin S
      Linx Hilo arrived at the office. The routing is a game changer. Preliminary listening - it's very good. "neutral" but not boring.
      1. MellowVelo likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        It lets you instantly flip betwee sources: Zero detectable difference between the USB and AES inputs (Purr1n's magic usb card | PI2AES). Serious clocks?
        Mar 28, 2022
        Michael Kelly likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Even the shitty motherboard optical sounds very good. This thing is crazy. The head out is a bit closer sounding but more resolving than the JOT 2 (it has a dedicated DAC). I think I'll flip the JOT2 and and try to find a tube hybrid for when I want some colour. Any recommends for Focal Clear OG?
        Mar 29, 2022
    13. Justin S
      Justin S
      After messing around a with a few things for my work suite. I think I'm going to pick up a Lynx Hilo. Seems to make the most sense.
      1. MellowVelo likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        2541 sold, used Hilo bought for almost the same price. In the meantime, the Geshelli J2 is valliantly filling in.
        Mar 24, 2022
    14. Justin S
      Justin S
      Jot 2 High Gain with a 2541 (+upressing) and Focal Clears = Spacious Phat Slamming Happiness. With a BF2 and Senns = Wall-of-Sound Sadness.
      1. Cryptowolf and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Yes. I just turned it off. I had two offers at my price this morning. I'm going to live with it and await the LIM Gungnir :-) What are you running there @rlow ?
        Mar 10, 2022
      4. rlow
        Yggdrasil A2 in my 2-channel system, and Modi Multibit in my headphone rig.
        Mar 10, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Cool. I am definitely curious about the Yggdrasil A2.
        Mar 10, 2022
    15. Justin S
      Justin S
      2541 arrived today - early to say, but I feel like 2541>Jot 2>Focal Clear is a pretty sweet combination.
      1. sheldaze, mrflibble and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I keep going back and forth on it. I feel like I imprinted on the LIM when I first got the Focal and now nothing else is doing it for me. I imagine I should wait a while with the 2541 before making any rash choices.
        Mar 8, 2022
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        This is a bit like "watch Justin twist in the wind in real time" but holy jumpin! This thing went from meh (compressed, muddy, soft) towards fabulous (dynamic, spacious, realistic sounding) over the course of the last day - I'm at about 60 hrs on it now.
        Mar 9, 2022
        rlow likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Well after a couple of weeks in, I decided to sell the 2541. I missed the Yggdrasil.
        Mar 21, 2022
    16. Justin S
      Justin S
      Trying to get rid of boxes. Sadly, the JOT 2 as pre into powered monitors is a bit colored.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoodEnoughGear
        IIRC you have trim pots on the 8020s? If so you might give digital attenuation a try. Get to max comfortable volume on the pots at digital full scale and attenuate in JRiver/FB2k/Roon etc.
        Mar 2, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I have been thinking in that direction. 2X2 xlr switcher and be done with it. At least then I won't have 3 volume knobs on my desk (SPL 2control, 2541, Jot2) :-)
        Mar 3, 2022
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Just emailed with Al Freundorfer at Mapletree Audio. He's going to build me a 3in X 2out XLR switcher. My SE source (a video monitor) has a volume control on it and sends more than enough signal with an adapter to the Genelecs for my purposes. So it'll be 2541 | Video Monitor -> MAD Swticher -> Genelecs | Jot 2. That'll be a tidier desk and more importantly, direct connection to the 2541 for monitors and headphones.
        Mar 3, 2022
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
    17. Justin S
      Justin S
      New Bifrost2 in the house. This is my second time with the BF2. Oh boy it's rough out of the box. 12hrs in and it's starting to open up.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        The older Allo DigiOne is definitely painful with the BF2>Jot 2>Clears. It sounded great with the LIM - likely better clocking on the Yggdrasil. I'm going to drag my PI2AES to the studio and see how that sits.
        Feb 27, 2022
        crenca and Michael Kelly like this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Yes. The PI2AES is an improvement over the AlloDigiOne on the Bifrost 2. Without the PIAES, the BF2 presents some itchy treble behaviour over S/PDIF, and I find Unison from my computer on the BF2 from my computer just a bit mushy. While the PI2AES improves the situation, I'm still not 100% convinced my the BF2>Jot2>Clear combination. I find it a touch woolly.
        Feb 28, 2022
        Michael Kelly likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I'll be dammed. My current thinking is that PI2AES+Geshelli J2 > PI2AES+BF2 with the Jot 2. The G-J2 doesn't have the density of the BF2, but it is more spacious and more clear sounding. Looking for a 2541 or Yggdrasil GS now.
        Feb 28, 2022
        crenca and Michael Kelly like this.
    18. Justin S
      Justin S
      Newly minted Friend!
      1. Ksorota, sheldaze, Jinxy245 and 18 others like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Thanks, gents. I have flirted with a number of other forums and the combination of rigor, hilarity, and "f**k that" at SBAF feels like a good fit. Happy to be SBAFs with you all.
        Feb 19, 2022
        Michael Kelly likes this.
    19. Justin S
      Justin S
      Almost "Made" (don't f**k it up)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. purr1n
        You got promoted to Friend for being in the film biz because I'm in the biz too.
        Feb 15, 2022
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Here, you can, and have to, say "f**k". No stars. We don't give stars for stars ;)
        Feb 16, 2022
        Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and Justin S like this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Aaaaay. Friend-status! Let the f-bombs fly! Thanks, @purr1n .
        Feb 16, 2022
        Jinxy245, Gazny, rlow and 1 other person like this.
    20. Justin S
      Justin S
      @purr1n 's magic budget USB card is good. Certainly better than my motherboard USB. I prefer it to the Allo S/PDIF on both the LIM and G-J2.
      1. Gazny, Soups, Qildail and 1 other person like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        I'm an idiot - I was feeding Roon Crossfeed to the Allo when testing this out - it always sounds a bit muffled when comparing to direct feed. PCIE USB board is still better than Mobo USB...
        Feb 9, 2022
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Home system: PI2AES with SBAF ABNN>AES> Yggdrasil LIM>SE>Heed Obelisk SI III>Harbeth P3ESR XDs + REL t7i.

    Work: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) ->MOTU Ultralite MK5/Geshelli J2S -> Monitors: Genelec 8020s + 7040a

    Headphones: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) -> MOTU/J2 (SBAF ABNN after SMPS)- > Lyr+. ZMF AUTEUR CLASSIC, HD 6xxM (sbaf kissmod), HD600, Modded DT770s.

    Previous equipment. Harbeth P3ESR Standards, Harbeth C7ES3s, Neumann KH120As, Dynaudio M20s. Project Debut III/Graham Slee pre, Soekris 2541 (2x), RME ADI-2 DACfs, Bifrost 2, Holo Spring1 LV2, Schiit Fulla, BF2 (2x), BF 2/64, Gungnir Multibit Multibit A2, Heed Dactillus, Denafrips Ares, Auralic Aries, AudioLab M-DAC, Rega R-DAC, OG Schiit Freya, Schiit Magni 3, OG Burson Soloist, MassDrop LCX, Burson Fun, ZDT Jr., BHA-1, Lynx Hilo

    Previous Headphones: ZMF Aeolus, HD800S, LCD-X 2021, Focal Clear, Focal Elex, OG Sennheiser 650, Sennheiser 58x Jubilee, OG AKG Sextetts, Nhoord Red custom build, Symphones Magnum V8 custom build, Elleven Acoustica G1 custom build, Elleven Acoustica R1 custom build, Hifiman He400i, AKG K702.
    I am a filmmaker. I have also owned and operated a couple different animation/video-post studios and have been buying and trading gear since the 90s. I am relatively new to hifi.

