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Mar 1, 1961 (Age: 63)
Bureaucrat, Geek

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Almost "Made", Male, 63, from Wisconsin


Dunu Zen Pro is legit. Impressive on first listen, very natural and decently resolving; overshadows its brother SA6. Cable is a bit cheesy Dec 4, 2021

MichaeLeroy was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025 at 1:44 PM
    1. MichaeLeroy
      Dunu Zen Pro is legit. Impressive on first listen, very natural and decently resolving; overshadows its brother SA6. Cable is a bit cheesy
      1. obsiCO, Merrick, Jinxy245 and 4 others like this.
      2. crenca
        Is it HD6xx level of resolve/microdetail?
        Dec 4, 2021
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      3. MichaeLeroy
        I'm not so experienced a critical listener that I can fairly evaluate resolution without getting past the first date and living with a new device for a bit. First blush is high wow factor, very promising. This is the first iem in my limited experience that might compare to good full sized HPs. I plan to post in this iem's thread once I've had more time with it.
        Dec 4, 2021
      4. rhythmdevils
        Awesome! I'm glad you like them! :)
        Dec 5, 2021
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
    2. MichaeLeroy
      Dunu Zen Pro delivered (after Friday order); impressive fulfillment from headphones.com. I'm on the road, so it will be a few more days...
    3. MichaeLeroy
      This year's first Yule Log from Hell episode dropped today. It's the only holiday music that I listen to voluntarily.
    4. MichaeLeroy
      Ordered my Dunu Zen Pro, at $750. Had budgeted up to $1k for iem, but this came out of left field thanks to @rhythmdevils recent review.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Merrick and 2 others like this.
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      3. Riotvan
        No worries dude i'm sure there is a black friday sale for pitchforks too ;)
        Nov 26, 2021
        Cryptowolf, JayC, Jinxy245 and 7 others like this.
      4. MichaeLeroy
        Already shipped from headphones.com. I had hesitated to order from them; my previous experience from that vendor (2 years ago) had been a dodgy drop shipment that was delayed by several weeks.
        Nov 26, 2021
      5. netforce
        Hey, Alan from headphones.com here, we have certainly changed it up and have quite a bit of gear in stock now! I think the Zen Pro stock just arrived as well just in time for the sale.
        Nov 26, 2021
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
    5. MichaeLeroy
      I received my ifi Gryphon yesterday. I see frustration in its thread that no contributors have listened to it. I hesitate to do so...
      1. MichaeLeroy
        ...because I'm temporarily limited in headphones on hand that I can plug into it. I have experienced some slight USB connection weirdness, which may be concerning, but it is too early to tell.
        Nov 25, 2021
      2. MichaeLeroy
        The USB audio weirdness is an android feature. Apparently the OS turns USB sound to 48KHz/16bit, which is annoying. I've begun to look for tools to overcome that limitation.
        Nov 28, 2021
      3. MichaeLeroy
        A couple of very minor quibbles with the Gryphon. As far as I can see there is no charging indicator when it is turned off and charging. The manual says that a Toslink adapter is included but I didn't get one.
        Nov 28, 2021
    6. MichaeLeroy
      Back to SBAF after a rest from audio madness. Some of the money saved went to a Liong Mah Zulu, lovely and functional. Thinking IEMs...
      1. DigMe
        Nice (the Liong Mah).
        Nov 22, 2021
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
    7. MichaeLeroy
      Soekris 2541 available at Modhouse, so I ordered. Not strictly necessary, but flexibility, small footprint, and SBAF impressions appeal.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
    8. MichaeLeroy
      Taking the plunge into IEMs for "post COVID" lifestyle. Went with Dunu SA6 (plus L P W2); a pick something and take it from there move.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        @EagleWings - I don't think I mentioned any digital stuff with the W2 did I? That was about the GO series. Sorry if I was confusing!

        The W2 is energetic with only just a touch of warm, but I wouldn't describe it as digital sounding.
        May 24, 2021
      4. EagleWings
        @Stuff Jones , I just read your dongle thread and you had mentioned something about digital nasties on the W2, which I took as a red flag. My bad If I misinterpreted it.
        May 24, 2021
        Stuff Jones likes this.
      5. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Yeah I responded on the the thread. Sorry to confuse!
        May 24, 2021
    9. MichaeLeroy
      My Erish has failed. Sherri at Geshelli responded quickly to my email on the problem, promising a prompt replacement unit. Great service.
      1. EagleWings
        So Erish is just Sherri with the syllables flipped or just a coincidence?

        There is an IEM company by the name Lime Ears the name comes from flipping the name of the owner Emil.
        May 19, 2021
      2. Raimei Templar
        Raimei Templar
        All of their products are named after nicknames their daughter came up with, Erish is Sherri, ENOG is Geno and Archel is their daughter herself.
        May 19, 2021
        MichaeLeroy and EagleWings like this.
      3. MichaeLeroy
        The replacement Erish arrived this afternoon, and all is good. It has been a zero hassle process, an excellent response from Geshelli.
        May 25, 2021
    10. MichaeLeroy
      Work craziness and ECP T4+ZMF VC satisfaction meant a long hiatus. Planning a new chain for a partial return to office...
      1. atomicbob and dematted like this.
    11. MichaeLeroy
      Shopping bluetooth HPs; switched from a chromebook to a linux ultrabook for leisure computing, It's mostly great but has crappy sound.
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Gazny
        You can enable LDAC on most linux laptops.
        Jul 5, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      4. MichaeLeroy
        @Deep Funk I've only had this Lemur Pro for a few days and so far so good: quiet and great battery life when used like a chromebook, with good UI. The fan does kick in when used for more serious work, but it a lot less shrill than typical of small notebooks. Perhaps not as sexy as an XPS 13 developer edition, but unlike Dell, System 76 sweats the details of drivers, so everything just works.
        Jul 5, 2020
      5. MichaeLeroy
        @Gazny, thanks for pointing that out. Probably thanks to android, Sony made open source LDAC drivers available, if unavailable in the kernel, the driver can be used via pulseaudio-modules-bt. Good deal either way.
        Jul 5, 2020
    12. MichaeLeroy
      Some new products at allo.com since I last looked, including Revolution DAC, intriguing but perhaps too little too late against Modius
      1. monacelli likes this.
    13. MichaeLeroy
      Wearing my new ZMF VCs to work for a first extended listening session. At about 550g, these are hefty, but so far it's not a problem.
      1. Gazny, dark_energy and dncnexus like this.
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Just wait until you hit "one more song" at night and then fall asleep with them on.
        Jun 22, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      3. MichaeLeroy
        Expectations adjusted upward. These headphones are fast becoming normal rather than just wow. That's a good thing, kind of like my switch to from a Honda Civic to Subaru WRX a few years ago. The WRX is now my normal car, and I take its capabilities for granted. But I still enjoy the hell out of driving it and don't even mind its flaws and limitations. It works for me. The VCs may be the same story.
        Jun 25, 2020
    14. MichaeLeroy
      It's been a brutal work week; this email is a good start to the weekend: Your ZMF Order = Shipped.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MichaeLeroy
        It's VC LTD (leopardwood), ordered it in late February. So the wait was almost 4 months. From following the build sheet, perhaps too closely, it does look as if the standard wood gets built a bit faster, but I saw no indication that ZMF ships out of order. @k4rstar, I hope that your wait is shorter.
        Jun 19, 2020
        Jinxy245 and k4rstar like this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Did you reply like Strong Bad?
        Jun 20, 2020
      4. MichaeLeroy
        Wow, the VC is worth the wait.
        Jun 20, 2020
    15. MichaeLeroy
      KMFDM's Paradise is a good soundtrack for reading SABF Spring Cleaning. This isn't a "Paradise for Assholes" and always "No Regret"
      1. Thad E Ginathom and neogeosnk like this.
    16. MichaeLeroy
      Made room to add a Freya to my covid stack. My ECP T4 sounds better using higher gain (11-12 vs 8-9) after Freya passive attenuation.
    17. MichaeLeroy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        Damn those are some overpriced headphones
        Jun 10, 2020
      3. Josh83
        The HD820 has the most bonkers FR I’ve ever heard in a “high end” headphone.
        Jun 12, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      4. MichaeLeroy
        I have no first hand experience with this series of Sennheisers, but it did not take much research to know that I should steer clear of the HD820s. I do confess that when I first heard of Drop's new Sennheiser initiative, my wish was for an HD8xx that did for the OG HD800 what the HD6xx did for the HD650. Instead Drop is now just another dealer, but using an artificial scarcity technique to drive sales.
        Jun 12, 2020
        crenca likes this.
    18. MichaeLeroy
      Listening to Qobuz using Pi2AES (moOde, BubbleUPnP). Unless I'm fooling myself, this source sounds better than chromebook USB.
      1. YMO and Michael Kelly like this.
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      3. MichaeLeroy
        One thing I do notice with this setup is that there is what sounds like a relay clicking within the Bifrost between tracks when feeding it with the Pi2AES/RCA. Perhaps not an issue, but it does catch my attention sometimes. I've not made it through the entire Dummies guide, maybe this observation has already come up there.
        Jun 10, 2020
        Michael Kelly likes this.
      4. MichaeLeroy
        I've rebooted the Pi2AES and no longer get the relay clicks from the Bifrost between tracks. I do not know what was up with that, perhaps just too much silent delay between tracks, but is is nice when a minor annoyance disappears.
        Jun 11, 2020
        Michael Kelly and rlow like this.
      5. MichaeLeroy
        Now I get it. The clicks came back. It has nothing to do with tack to track delay. Instead, it happens with changes between 44.1 and 48 kHz tracks. I first noticed it with a playlist that was ping-ponging between the two formats. Now that I get it, the clicks are not a big deal and absent when listening through an album.
        Jun 11, 2020
    19. MichaeLeroy
      1. Gazny, JK47 and Melvillian like this.
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      3. M3NTAL
        This guy is quite the character - I actually love this review. Very layman and informative. "We're" not his audience.
        Jun 8, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      4. TheIceman93
        Same, I wasn't bothered by the review. He's not a member of ORFAS or an ASR lackey so a layman's view is somewhat refreshing. Hopefully, it gets more people into the hobby.
        Jun 8, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      5. MichaeLeroy
        Jun 12, 2020
        M3NTAL likes this.
    20. MichaeLeroy
      Assembling Pi2AES; frustrated by paper removal; then hit on trick of using fingernail, slightly off normal, at corner to start; now easy
      1. atomicbob and Michael Kelly like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. atomicbob
        Some assembly required acrylic cases seem to have the paper cover issue in common. PITA and definitely takes a toll on the thumbnail, though it seems to be the best method.
        Jun 6, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      4. MichaeLeroy
        Making good progress with moode install. I had to get over wanting to use a local console to dig around and am using the web interface. Lots of reboots.
        Jun 6, 2020
      5. MichaeLeroy
        Success. Good audio to Bifrost 2 with both RCA and Optical connections. Still much to be done, but I've gotten past Hello World with this project.
        Jun 6, 2020
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  • About

    Mar 1, 1961 (Age: 63)
    Bureaucrat, Geek
    Gear List:
    Chromebook > Schiit Bifrost 2 > THX AAA 887 > Nightowl
    Musical tastes

    Broad but not all inclusive; varies with mood. Currently exploring Prog Rock and Technical Metal, but I often go back to Industrial/EBM, post jazz-age Jazz, all shades of the Blues, Pop that is sufficiently dark and different, post Romantic era Classical

    Extended Gear List for what it's worth

    Home System (full time for GF, weekends for me)—Squeezebox 3 | Bluesound Node 2i > AVA DAC MK 5 > AVA FET Valve Preamp > AVA FET Valve AMP > Odyssey Audio Meadowlark + Adire Audio Rava > challenging room

    Apartment Desktop (weeknights)—Linux Laptop > Schiit Gungnir Multi > Schiit Freya > Focal Shape Twin Monitors

    Office System (weekdays)—Chromebook > Schiit Bifrost 2 > Monoprice THX AAA 887 (ECP T4 Pre-Ordered, in production, waiting for wood?) > Audioquest Nightowl (ZMF Verite Closed, Sanding and Finishing)

    Portable (kind of) System—Samsung S8 > ifi micro iDSD BL > Empire Ears Bravado