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Dec 27, 2017
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Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
Rapallo, Italy

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Smells like sausages, Male, 42, from Rapallo, Italy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePtLL7oRDg Dec 25, 2022

Taverius was last seen:
Apr 15, 2024
    1. Taverius
      Doom, gloom, and other words in oom! Repent, the Kazoo of Perplexity is nigh!
      1. gaspasser
        Hopefully you and your family are all well!
        Mar 13, 2020
      2. Taverius
        I have performed the appropriate votive sacrifices. Fingers crossed!
        Mar 13, 2020
        atomicbob and gaspasser like this.
    2. Taverius
      Next town over the police vans are out yelling at people to stay in their homes.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        VentMode: f'ing idiots everywhere. Do my bi-weekly Costco run; they're out of TP and goddamned hand soap. How much handsoap can you possibly use in a month? 2 months? 3 months? Goddamned "low information" idiots.
        Mar 9, 2020
        Deep Funk, Lyander and atomicbob like this.
      3. netforce
        Yes, I too would like 60 bars of soap to not resell into China
        Mar 9, 2020
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Get fresh chilli and chicken soup. Give that immune system a hot boost.
        Mar 10, 2020
    3. Taverius
      SA2X installed, to split XLR between XLR for the Af and Isomax for the T4. Hopefully nervosa stays dead for a while.
      1. AdvanTech likes this.
      2. Taverius
        Also I pulled a muscle installing it all.

        Well, untangling the Loki's power cable, but I wouldn't have touched that otherwise xP
        Feb 24, 2020
    4. Taverius
      Tomorrow like everything is shut down for CHINA PLAGUE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO. Bureaucrat "Face" accidentally my whole country.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taverius
        Last week the ambassador complained that the Chinese Community in Milan is viewed badly by the locals.

        But when they had a 48hr shootout in the streets they wanted us to just let it ride.
        Feb 23, 2020
        JustAnotherRando likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The British Guardian newspaper's restaurant critic, this week, is begging people to go to their local Chinese restaurants again. Business has fallen through the floor, because, hey, Chinese people are dangerous. British people are stupid. And yes, I am one.
        Feb 24, 2020
      4. JustAnotherRando
        @Thad E Ginathom the thing is, it's probably Chinese people who are staying away from the restaurants. Listening to my family back in Australia, the Chinese communities are freaking out way more than anyone else (maybe memories of SARS), avoiding their usual social and retail areas.
        Feb 24, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    5. Boops
      Yikes. Italian customs is not messing around.
      1. drgumbybrain likes this.
      2. Taverius
        % is based on their mood and how good the coffee they had that day is, as far as I can tell.
        Feb 19, 2020
      3. ogodei
        maybe they're dog lovers?
        Feb 19, 2020
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I think you forgot quality/quantity of wine drunk last night
        Feb 19, 2020
        Taverius likes this.
    6. Taverius
      SBAF cat shirt is here \o/
      1. Case likes this.
      2. Boops
        Glad it finally made it!
        Feb 19, 2020
      3. Taverius
        12.45€ import duty /o\
        Feb 19, 2020
    7. Taverius
      Ugh, I want to set up XLR->RCA for the Yggdrasil, but I want to wait for balanced Loki as well ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Riotvan
        Cool would be interesting how you get on with this, might tackle this myself some day.
        Feb 1, 2020
      3. Taverius
        Oh the XLR out sounds better.

        Its not world changing but it is noticeable, as soon as Bifrost 2 freed up the trafos I briefly compared SE to converted XLR and was sold.

        I'm just dragging my feet because its yet more expense, I'm not much of a gear cycler and I'd like to be done with the core setup.
        Feb 1, 2020
        Rob the Comic and Riotvan like this.
      4. Riotvan
        Yep xlrs and trannies into a lyr3 with clear was like i got a much higher tier amp. But my speakers have prio cause they still sound much better. For a moment i was considering a T4 but i guess a switch box is a better and cost effective solution. But as you said to keep poring money into this hobby can get tiring, something to be said for just enjoying music and forgetting about gear.
        Feb 1, 2020
    8. Taverius
      1. Jinxy245 and JK47 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Taverius
      4. BillOhio
      5. JK47
        The dude interviewed on Extra was very well spoken and sums it up extremely well.
        Jan 27, 2020
    9. Taverius
      Another massive winter storm, hopefully it doesn't sink every boat in port like last year.
    10. Taverius
      What variety are purple sweet potatoes? Delicious.
      1. Syzygy, hikergrl and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kolohe
        In Hawaii we call those Okinawan sweet potatoes. Taro is used in the making of poi.
        Sep 21, 2019
        Friday likes this.
      4. BillOhio
        Sep 21, 2019
      5. Lyander
        Besides taro, might be ube? It's a root crop people hereabouts often use in sweet desserts.

        Alternatively there actually are purple potatoes, the change in pigment owing to high concentrations of anthocyanin (googled it, idk about crops). Not sure if these'd be any sweeter than regular taters though.
        Sep 21, 2019
        hikergrl likes this.
    11. Taverius
      Damn you zach, why do you hate my wallet?
      1. Cryptowolf, Syzygy, hikergrl and 2 others like this.
      2. zerodeefex
        If you didn't keep so many receipts in there, it wouldn't be so ugly. Consider a slimmer, sleeker option and folks wouldn't hate it so much.
        Sep 20, 2019
        hikergrl, obsiCO, Ash1412 and 5 others like this.
    12. Taverius
      Well, just ordered a Bifrost 2 and XLR PYST from the Dutch distributor. Hopefully meshes well with the rest of the rig.
    13. Taverius
      Old (7y) CLC on the second rig finally dried out, 95c at idle. Time to swap in a noctua in double time i guess.
      1. LetMeBeFrank and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    14. Taverius
      Freya S just arrived, hooked up and looked at LEDs, did not go blind. There is hope for mankind yet.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zonto
        How do you like it so far?
        Jun 26, 2019
      3. Taverius
        @zonto I have Gotham XLR cables on the way so I can switch from biamping to bridging with my Vidars, I'll do some proper listening then.
        Jun 26, 2019
      4. DigMe
        @Hands teh same 4 me. Also, teh toob too is bright in my vali. Maybe need sum different Xmas tree adapters
        Jun 26, 2019
        Hands likes this.
    15. Taverius
      ECP T4 + Kennerton Vali + Boards of Canada + Scotch = I sure hope I didn't need to do anything important today ...
      1. Cryptowolf, obsiCO, Syzygy and 9 others like this.
    16. Taverius
      After a little back & forth I'm going with Dekoni fenestrated sheepskin with attenuation rings for my TR-X00 EB
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Just what I was afraid of. Someone mentioning fenestrated sheep :/.

        My wife would say that I made it happen by thinking about it. On a bad day she's full of nonsense like that!
        Jun 5, 2019
        Taverius likes this.
    17. Taverius
      @sacredgates included some scotch with the Veritè loaner return - cheers!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ufospls2
        Now thats a bit of class. Looks like Glenfarclas?
        Jun 4, 2019
        Jinxy245 and Taverius like this.
      3. Taverius
        @ufospls2 correct! 15, 21 and 25yr sampler. Nicest thing that's happened to me all week tbh, I've been dealing with public administration xD
        Jun 4, 2019
      4. Overkill Red
        Overkill Red
        Sounds like a good time! The 21 is my personal favorite whisky, always makes me happy to see it mentioned anywhere.
        Jun 5, 2019
    18. Taverius
      Aeolus + T4 + Ride the Lightning = ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ
      1. Taverius
        Something about zach's new headband and the lighter new cans, you can headbang and they won't fly off, I'm happy to report!
        May 9, 2019
        dubharmonic, Elnrik and Lyander like this.
    19. Taverius
      One of my EML 2A3s just died :<
      1. Cakecake likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Taverius
        They're under 5-yr warranty, so we'll if I have to pay anything other than shipping the broken one back.
        Mar 28, 2019
        Jinxy245 and TwoEars like this.
      4. Taverius
        So far just 33 eurobux to UPS them to Germany.

        Honestly, I'm glad it was the tubes, because my initial thought was OMG 1OF MY SHITTY WELDS CRACKED T___T
        Mar 28, 2019
      5. Taverius
        Meanwhile, I stole the Makoyi from my workshop until the T4 gets here.
        Mar 28, 2019
    20. Taverius
      Switched VDSL modem, tripled connection speed. Not sure why but I won't complain!
      1. Taverius
        19Mbps to 67Mpbs. Apparently the local cabs really don't like Broadcom VDSL modems.
        Mar 13, 2019
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  • About

    Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Rapallo, Italy


    Pi2AES > Yggdrasil A2 > Lokius > Aficionado(0fb, Jupiter, WE396A, EML Solid)/Loki - T4(Brimar CV4024) - ESP/95X > Atticus/Atrium/Veritè C (UL)/Vali - ESP/95X - Omega Compact Alnico Monitors
    Node 2 > dac1421 > Makoyi > Verum 1/Ori/Slant

    Pi2AES > Bifrost 2 > Loki > Freya S > Vidar x2 > SCM 19