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Sep 7, 2024 at 1:09 PM
Mar 8, 2016
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Friend, Male, from Illinois


Haven't been around much lately. Been working on fixing up a house, man i miss my headphone setup... holy shit i forgot how amazing... Apr 7, 2023

e.schell was last seen:
Sep 7, 2024 at 1:09 PM
    1. e.schell
      Corny announcement. All of you excellent content creators and or entertaining goofy porkers and forum mods...
      1. e.schell
        Thanks for making this shitty year more bearable. Having this place to inform, entertain, turn me onto new music, or just have a pleasant conversation has done more for my sanity than I feel any therapist could have accomplished
        Nov 14, 2020
      2. e.schell
        And Now back to your regularly scheduled SBAF experience
        Nov 14, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    2. e.schell
      Having trouble convincing myself to sell my Clears. Starting to feel with the proper amps Clear/Auteurs could compliment each other nicely..
      1. Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and obsiCO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cryptowolf
        I think your headphone tastes are similar to mine so I hope you share your journey here. I have a pair of Auteurs arriving soon thanks to Carlos.
        Nov 15, 2020
        dncnexus and e.schell like this.
      4. e.schell
        Awww you lucky ass! You got his ABW!!! Mine are teak and I am currently falling in love with them but if had my pick would have gotten a harder wood. I got a pretty awesome deal on mine so I'm still incredibly happy but yeah... What amp are you going to be running them off to begin?
        Nov 15, 2020
        dncnexus likes this.
      5. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Clear for left brain, Auteur for right brain.
        Nov 15, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
    3. e.schell
      No this isnt HF and won't post everyday with update but I am really excited that just got tracking number for my SW51+ weeeeeeeeehooooo
      1. sheldaze, HotRatSalad, Case and 9 others like this.
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      3. e.schell
        I figured, mainly wanted to post the photo...
        Nov 24, 2020
        Skyline likes this.
      4. SoupRKnowva
        I haven’t actually turned it on yet, I don’t have a dac in a convenient location to use with it right now
        Nov 24, 2020
      5. SoupRKnowva
        @Skyline My power LED is there and working, I finally got this thing plugged in and working today
        Nov 30, 2020
        e.schell and Skyline like this.
    4. e.schell
      Auteur's arrived today thanks to my new friend abisai2. Going to be a nice weekend!
      1. dncnexus and dubharmonic like this.
    5. e.schell
      Been wanting to hear Auteur's since they were released... finally have a pair incoming! Feels like x-mas eve!
      1. Jinxy245, zonto, dubharmonic and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. e.schell
        @Inoculator and I appear to be gear twins... both have an SW51+ on the way, both just bought Auteurs, both seem to favor Gungnir Multibit (though I have A1 vs A2), and both have a LP that will more than likely end up being sold once the SW51+ arrives! Whacky!!!
        Oct 22, 2020
        Inoculator likes this.
      4. Inoculator
        @e.schell Great minds think alike ;) Sold my LP, have an Asgard 3 on the way to audition and hold me over during the SW51+ wait. Only a few more weeks to go on my Auteur, can not wait to own one again. I have been curious about A1 vs A2, I do have a feeling tonally I wish I had the A1.
        Oct 22, 2020
      5. e.schell
        Well i'm curious about the A2... perhaps sometime down the road we could do a swap for a few weeks/month ? I would be open to such a thing. From everything I have read it seems like A1 is more to my liking but....curiosity...cats... all that...
        Oct 22, 2020
        Inoculator likes this.
    6. e.schell
      Any SW51+ owners know a good seller of the various tube types it takes? Please PM me!
      1. Inoculator likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. JK47
        Stock tubes for the win!!!
        Oct 18, 2020
        Cakecake, Friday, obsiCO and 2 others like this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        My recommendation is Mullard 6EJ7/EF184, but I cleaned out my Canadian eBay seller. Imma toob noob and just searched, then messaged sellers and took a chance.
        Oct 19, 2020
      5. Boops
        I would try searching here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeedsRadio

        This guy has been running a shop in the Bronx for decades. I’ve bought from him a number of times. If you don’t see it online, email.
        Oct 19, 2020
    7. e.schell
      Hey Deftones fans, new albums release today named Ohms. Loving what I've heard so far.
    8. e.schell
      Anyone had ears on the different Galaxy buds and have a preference between OG, Plus, or Live? Just want wireless for work...
      1. zerodeefex
        Copped the live for $85 from Verizon from the deal. I don't think any in ears have been this comfortable ever in my life. It's kind of amazing the innovation they bring in terms of fit.
        Oct 6, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
    9. e.schell
      Just grabbed the digi download of S&M2. Gotta give it a listen...
      1. LetMeBeFrank likes this.
    10. e.schell
      Apparently LH Labs doesn't have a functioning website anymore? Was looking for info on a specific GO model, GO2Pro Infinity Edition....
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Luckbad
        Be careful, as they can also fry IEMs and you can't ever get super for them. I wouldn't pay more than $100 for anything from LH Labs anymore.
        Sep 5, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
      3. jowls
        Sep 5, 2020
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I didn't think LH Labs had a functioning anything any more. Cash box, maybe. Even that may be empty by now.
        Sep 6, 2020
    11. e.schell
      Coming from a guy who doesn't know a damn thing, would the Beyer T1 gen 1 have any modding potential? Had a pair years ago. That treble peak
    12. e.schell
      Anyone heard the JVC FW10000? Pretty neat looking. Seems kinda price for single DD IEM but who knows... maybe they sound amazeballs?
      1. gixxerwimp
        They're available online here, but the usual retail outlets don't have them listed. I called JMPlus and all the demo units that were used during the press events here in March have gone back to JVC. He said maybe later this year they'll do more promotion of the F10k and F1800. I don't normally keep up with the local head/earphone news, but if you remind me in a few months I'll check.
        Sep 1, 2020
      2. netforce
        Had a customer bring in his pair and I got to compare it with my Sony IER-Z1R. Fit decently in my ear, the JVC was little more comfy then z1r for me. Bass was fairly level on the JVC, z1r extended lower and hit harder. The JVC was notably more forward in the upper mids than z1r. Customer who brought it preferred it over the z1r which he thought was little too bassy for his music.
        Sep 1, 2020
        Jinxy245, e.schell and gixxerwimp like this.
    13. e.schell
      psilocybin or lsd?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. EagleWings
        @Merrick ’s advise can’t be overstated. Me and my friends had a new acquaintance over for a shroom night and he started tripping bad (real bad). I guess he must have felt insecure, as we were new company. He thought we were trying to kill/harm him and he started crying out the window for help. That was the last time I had shrooms.
        Aug 29, 2020
        Gazny likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        LSD is as good or as bad as your last trip. Same place, same people, same music: all kinds of things can send you in one direction or the other. Know /that it does wear off./ It can be a great lesson in just knowing you will survive. Seriously. Want to mess with this stuff? Take the rough with the smooth. It is not always going to be cosmic peace and watching the colours come out of the speakers...
        Aug 30, 2020
        Case, Merrick and EagleWings like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ... but sometimes it is :)

        (for "LSD" read any powerful psychedelic)
        Aug 30, 2020
    14. e.schell
      Magni 3 > FDX1 = Pretty fantastic. I suppose being fed by GMB as opposed to my Galaxy S10+ COULD have something to do with it as well...
    15. e.schell
      Corresponding with a new friend from sbaf who is not only generous but great to talk with reminds me to not take this community for granted!
      1. Syzygy, Jinxy245, aamefford and 3 others like this.
    16. e.schell
      Where is a good place to order little enclosures for DIY projects? Need one for Marv's balanced to SE using Cinemag CMLI-15/15B...
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      2. atomicbob
        @e.schell : pass through set in parallel is basically a Radial LX-3 line splitter.
        Jun 29, 2020
        Boops likes this.
      3. JK47
        ^Maybe a source selection switcher?
        Jun 29, 2020
        atomicbob likes this.
      4. GanGreinke
        Jun 29, 2020
        bixby, JK47, atomicbob and 1 other person like this.
    17. e.schell
      Zu Omen DW MK.II going on sale again soon. Thoughts / opinions on them? Thinking of pairing with Aegir single or monoblocks if need be...
      1. MichaeLeroy likes this.
      2. MichaeLeroy
        Hard to go wrong if these promise to match your tastes and listening space. The value proposition seems quite high. The two month audition period ought to give you enough time to decide whether you are happy with them. (They give them a 100 hour factory break in, so you can start critical listening soon after you set them up.)
        Jun 13, 2020
        ampguy likes this.
      3. PTS
        Listened to Zu Soul Superfly ($4k speakers) next to a pair of Tekton Lores (very similar configuration and spec) and they sounded as good as each other. The kicker is you can get Tekton Lores for $1000 or less. Zu speakers are way overpriced IMO.
        Jun 13, 2020
      4. monacelli
        I was kicking the tires on these too. The Dirty Weekend are reasonably priced at $1k, and high efficiency at 97 dB/W. On paper they're a perfect candidate for a single Aegir. Along the lines of @PTS' comment, I decided to place an order for the Tekton Lore Reference instead ($750 shipped).
        Jun 21, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
    18. e.schell
      @purr1n "I should make a run of 1:1 XLR to SE boxes for SBAF members at nominal charge, Still won’t be cheap." Yes Please.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Luckbad
        @purr1n Have any shots of your trafo? I took a quick look at the site and it legitimately seems like you just need XLR in, RCA out, 2x transformers, something to put it in, and a bit of wire. Simple as hell, but probably $200-$250 in parts. Oh, and a resistor.
        Jun 5, 2020
      3. crenca
        Parts are higher than I unthinkingly assumed. The $550 for the AmpsandSound box is looking OK now. The Iso-Max Jensen offerings are < $300 retail, though perhaps those transformers are significantly cheaper builds
        Jun 5, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
      4. JK47
        Marv mentioned somewhere here the 1:1 jensens used in the iso box and the cinemags looked pretty close to the same, since they shared the same lineage. Maybe Marv can get a deal from David at Cinemag?
        Jun 5, 2020
        MichaeLeroy likes this.
    19. e.schell
      Sonarworks + Roon + Clear's = good stuff! Added SW a few weeks ago with trial, decided I can't EQ as well as the preset and purchased!
      1. dubharmonic likes this.
      2. e.schell
        I always thought the Clears sounded excellent but got bored and gave Sonarworks a try. Now when i turn SW off it sounds like I'm listening under water. Haha. The Focal Clear Wired Average preset does wonders as far as I am concerned. Highly recommend giving Sonarworks free trial a whirl with any headphone they have a preset for.
        May 4, 2020
        dubharmonic likes this.
      3. dubharmonic
        OK, you've prompted me to try Sonarworks again, and you're absolutely right. These presets completely transform the HD800S.
        May 4, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
    20. e.schell
      Sometimes one just needs to play hooky from work...
      1. Deep Funk, Jinxy245, YMO and 2 others like this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Source: Built PC with Lynx E22
    DAC: Gungnir Multibit A1 + IsoMax PI-2XR
    Headamp: SW51+ / Liquid Platinum / ZDT Jr
    Headphones: Auteur / Clear / HD650K
    Speakers: JBL LSR308


    E22 » GumbyA1 » ISOMax 1:1 » SW51+ / Jot2 » Auteur / Clear / HD650K