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Jul 26, 2024 at 3:23 PM
Mar 30, 2018
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Bokeh has me hooked! May 20, 2024

Ksorota was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 3:23 PM
    1. Ksorota
      Two things i do not recommend. 1. Detachable cable mod on Grado Hemp 2. Using HD800 connectors to do so
      1. Vtory likes this.
      2. likearake
        The stock cable is so bad though.
        Aug 11, 2020
      3. pure5152
        Why don't you recommend the detachable cable mod?
        Aug 12, 2020
        YMO likes this.
      4. Ksorota
        The stock cable makes no sense, good cable... way too heavy. At most could be four conductor.

        The cascade cable could not be any lighter and are a great match for the headphone!
        Aug 12, 2020
    2. Ksorota
      Was enjoying Foo Fighters Sonic Highways, but distortion in "In the Clear" left channel only, starting at about 2:30 really ruined it.
      1. cskippy
        I’ve heard oddities with other Foo Fighters albums as well. Distortion in channels, guitars flipping sides briefly, really weird mixing mistakes. It was only on Tidal but Yourube version and Google Play music were fine.
        May 14, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
      2. Ksorota
        I have been noticing a lot of poor recording quality on tidal lately and frankly it is disappointing. I tried youtube, GPM, and Apple music, each service had the same distortion/buzz...just more noticeable in Tidal.
        May 14, 2020
        cskippy likes this.
      3. StageOne
        Dammit, that can't be unheard. I have the CD and it's there as well.
        May 14, 2020
        Ksorota and cskippy like this.
    3. Ksorota
      rewatching "Community" on Netflix...The Billiards episode has got to be one of the top five funniest episodes on TV. It was perfect
      1. Lyander, Walderstorn, raif and 2 others like this.
      2. JustAnotherRando
        Anyone know what happened with Community? I remember watching it years ago, there was a huge change in script writing after the first season.
        May 11, 2020
      3. Ksorota
        Happened with Parks and Rec too...lots of normal characters season 1 who became much more defined and exaggerated in the following seasons (not that it was a bad thing)...but ended to soon as well.
        May 12, 2020
      4. Walderstorn
        Also Glover decided to get out because he had other projects/invitations and the same with Chase and the other, that I don't remember the name. Also there was the rumors of production disagreements. It's a shame because i think it easily could've gotten 2 more seasons out of it.
        May 12, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    4. Ksorota
      Thur. night is pizza night at our house. since Covid we have been trying so the frozen Variants...brick oven freschetta is the winner!
      1. bixby likes this.
      2. bixby
        A deep rabbit hole indeed. I have been exploring the same when too lazy to make my own since flour was scarce. I like the thinner varieties like Home Run and Screamin Sicilian and when I want slightly healthier Newmans and Amy's but appreciate the doughy kinds too.
        May 7, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    5. Ksorota
      If anyone wants to buy a two month old Black Saga plus for 75% retail I have one!
    6. Ksorota
      GLMK2 power supply progress has me excited!
      1. Sqveak likes this.
      2. Sqveak
        Where was this mentioned?
        Apr 26, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
      3. Ksorota
    7. Ksorota
      Wow, Ether 2 leather pads are a perfect match for HE6SE.
      1. netforce and neogeosnk like this.
      2. netforce
        I am using the Suede E2 pads on my HE6, the pads work well for me and are easy to swap!
        Apr 10, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    8. Ksorota
      So far with the ZMF's... Ori Solid Hybrid >> Auteur Solid LS >>> BE2 perforated on HE6SE
      1. neogeosnk likes this.
      2. E_Schaaf
        Never got a chance to try ZMF hybrid pads myself. Auteur Solid LS is what I run on mine. Just depends on what sound you're going for and what (if any) mods you've got installed.
        Apr 7, 2020
      3. Ksorota
        I removed the back plate and added the rug liner... The ori pads add a bit more tonal richness over the auteur LS. I have ether 2 pads to try as well, but first I need to get a good handle on the zmfs. BE2s are going to go though.
        Apr 7, 2020
    9. Ksorota
      Anyone know how to fix a noisy channel on an Airist R2R...low level hum on the right channel only?
    10. Ksorota
      Work from home has forced my hand...Jot and HD650K on its way along with multiple pads for trying out on the HE6SE (ZMF (2+) and DCA)
      1. Mithrandir41, Jinxy245 and neogeosnk like this.
    11. Ksorota
      Purchased a Vidar from @hifiandrun today...I could not have asked an easier transaction. What a great member. He went about and beyond!
      1. yotacowboy, Jinxy245, DigMe and 2 others like this.
    12. Ksorota
      Vidar...hmmmm, maybe time to trade up from the Adcom!
    13. Ksorota
      I hope the "click here to go to forum" button is new, because I have been doing it the long way up until today!
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Mar 4, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    14. Ksorota
      Hats off to Hifiman for the great customer service and communication!
    15. Ksorota
      Pause for Repairs!
    16. Ksorota
      Working out these HE6SE's ...and wondering if I should add a Saga+
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ksorota
        Using an Adcom 545 via speaker taps. Using a Gilmore lite MK2 for pre amp duty.
        Feb 19, 2020
      3. E_Schaaf
        Yup, going for a Saga to replace the Gilmore will be better in every way.
        Feb 19, 2020
      4. Ksorota
        Was afraid you would say that!
        Feb 19, 2020
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    Gear List:
    Piety squared (somewhere in the world)
    Gungnir MB Unison Direct chip out
    Proto Cavalli LC
    Sangaku DIY
    Dual Vali 1
    Pass Clone


    M1 Mac Mini> Gungnir Multibit Unison > Dual Mono Piety, mod Vali, DIY Sangaku