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Mar 28, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Friend, Male, 30, from Northwest Florida


It's nice to have the Cyan 2 back in the system. Using the Yggdrasil in the interim reminded me that upsampled sound just isn't for me. Jan 18, 2025

MLegend was last seen:
Viewing articles index, Feb 13, 2025 at 8:43 PM
    1. MLegend
      It's nice to have the Cyan 2 back in the system. Using the Yggdrasil in the interim reminded me that upsampled sound just isn't for me.
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      2. roshambo123
        What's the difference for you?
        Jan 19, 2025
      3. MLegend
        @roshambo123 To me, upsampled sound gives you more "air" and perceived clarity/treble extension which also gives the perception of a larger soundstage/headstage, but at the expense of treble timbre, smoothness, body, and tactility. NOS just sounds more natural to me, especially when it comes to body and tactility.
        Jan 19, 2025
        roshambo123 likes this.
      4. MLegend
        @roshambo123 A hyperbolic short summary would be Yggrasil A2 -Listening to a simulated live performance Cyan 2 - Listening to the actual recording. The Yggdrasil is awesome and is a technically better dac, but the Cyan 2 (NOS) is simply closer to my preference.
        Jan 19, 2025
        zonto and roshambo123 like this.
    2. MLegend
      Fun fact/PSA - Using certain GPU drivers and how you install them can screw with your audio on a Win 10 pc using Jriver.
      1. theveterans likes this.
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      3. joch
        Glad this worked out for you. But I can’t help wondering if this is a Windows thing or would Mac OS or Linux have similar problems.
        Dec 29, 2024
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Linux can have similar problems. Bottom line is that a PC has to multitask which is achieved by time slicing. Thus, processes can be interrupted and made to wait. If your linux pc is tuned for audio, the priorities will be changed accordingly. I've long-since forgotten the technical detail.
        Dec 29, 2024
        joch likes this.
      5. Riotvan
        Windows is usually worse for audio compared to mac or linux. Really need to strip that shit down if you want decent performance. Be it for audio or gaming. Winutil is pretty good for it.
        Dec 29, 2024
        Thad E Ginathom and joch like this.
    3. MLegend
      I need to rescind my comments on the pci-e card and all the issues I was hearing. I'm dumb, it was me and my ears. The network card is fine.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. MLegend
        The USB network adapter that I've been using for a long time has a soft and smoothed over sound that I became acclimated to. I've also been using the dedicated USB card that Marv recommended as well. Too many changes attributed to a difference my ears didn't like at the time.
        Nov 24, 2024
    4. MLegend
      TIL, adding a pci-e network card can cause extremely nasty high frequency glare/sharpness/ringing to your PC audio. WTF is up with that.
      1. Lyander and theveterans like this.
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      3. zottel
        You might try placing the card as far away from the cables to your USB ports as possible. This might be induction (electrical noise) produced by high frequency signal switching in the card, that would then travel down the USB cable into your DAC and harm D/A conversion there.
        Oct 5, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "The ethernet port on my motherboard was fried from a power surge"

        Ouch! You are so lucky not to have lost much much more than the port.

        "PC/USB audio is so finicky and dumb, I hate it." Can be. Early windows absolutely was: I thought it had improved, but I left windows behind over ten years ago.

        Oct 5, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom

        So maybe you could upgrade to Linux ;)

        But the underlying hardware is still going to be a time-slicing system and that can be unkind to sound.
        Oct 5, 2024
    5. MLegend
      Anyone have experience with Klipsch KG 4.5 speakers? There's a pair for $300 near me.
      1. zonto
        Best bet is to get on Facebook and search for this model in the Klipsch Owners Group. Don't post about them if they are still available as they seem to poach stuff if they can find where you are and locate the listing.
        Aug 30, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
      2. Jinxy245
        I used to work audio retail and we sold those, I wound up with the KG 5.5. Iirc they were pretty decent too, less bass overall. Audio memory is crap ofc, but I think they retailed for about $300 each, so sounds like a good deal if in good shape.
        Aug 31, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
    6. Qildail
      - ignore this. Mistype. Sorry.
      1. RestoredSparda and MLegend like this.
    7. MLegend
      While revisiting Mjolnir 1, It sounded worse than I remember. Turns out, the power cord I bought kills treble.
      1. MLegend
        Jun 8, 2024
        Gazny likes this.
      2. Qildail
        I have kept MJ1 around specifically for its high energy character. One of my favorite amps for Focal Clear, but that is definitely an acquired taste.
        Jun 8, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
      3. MLegend
        Yeah, it definitely has energy and the bass is addicting. The only thing I wish it did better is soundstage/depth and treble articulation.
        Jun 8, 2024
        Qildail likes this.
    8. MLegend
      I need a 10ft power cord for Yggdrasil and mjolnir, any recommendations?
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      2. fraggler
        Or Pangea Audio AC 14SE MKII C7 Signature Power Cable - 3 Meter

        Edit: But obviously an IEC version. Just realized I linked a C7.
        May 4, 2024
      3. fraggler
        I use the Monoprice hospital grade cables and they are super sturdy. I am about to build some entry level audiophile cables to finally hear for myself if anything changes, but if you aren't into building Pangea has been mentioned as a good option for reasonable cables.
        May 4, 2024
      4. Josh83
        I always buy the hospital ones on Amazon linked above. Haven’t had any issues.
        May 5, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
    9. MLegend
      I wish these Vanatoos accepted an analog signal without digital re-conversion. The internal DAC is probably the weakest part of the system.
      1. rlow likes this.
    10. MLegend
      I was just informed, via email, the HD650 driver capsules are on the way to Audio Sanctuary from Sennheiser!
    11. MLegend
      Is anyone looking to buy a Gungnir Multibit A2 with Unison?
      1. Cellist88 likes this.
    12. MLegend
      I guess if your HD600/650 drivers fail after 2 years of purchase, you're screwed. No one has them in stock, including Sennheiser.
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      2. MLegend
        @james444 Thanks for that resource. Yeah, that's almost the same price for most of the used pairs I've looked at, so used is probably the only option people have now.
        Jan 15, 2024
      3. EagleWings
        Dayum, yea, that’s not very reassuring. Thanks for the shout out about the situation. Please keep us posted on what happens.
        Jan 15, 2024
        MLegend likes this.
      4. MLegend
        @EagleWings Yeah, it's very disappointing. For sure, I'll keep checking audiosanctuary every now and then to see if Sennheiser comes through, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. I'll probably just pick up a used pair to extract the drivers.
        Jan 15, 2024
    13. MLegend
    14. MLegend
      Am I crazy or does my local rock radio station sound like tubes are being used to broadcast the audio. It sounds awesome to me.
    15. MLegend
      Man, the performance you get from the Schiit Midgard via XLR is pretty impressive considering it's price.
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      2. ColdsnapBry
        I picked one up myself.
        Nov 11, 2023
        MLegend likes this.
      3. MLegend
        @joch I think, but I'm not certain. I haven't tried the single ended out yet, so I can't say for sure if it's due to the halo topology, the amp itself, or a combination of both working well together. Whatever it is, it sounds good to me and the preamp functionality is a nice plus.
        Nov 11, 2023
        joch likes this.
      4. MLegend
        @ColdsnapBry I'm curious to hear what you think of it. It might be the most neutral and transparent amp that I've, personally, ever heard while still being musical and actually enjoyable to listen to.
        Nov 11, 2023
    16. MLegend
      What are fair prices for a used Yggdrasil OG/A2 and Gungnir Multibit A2 with gen 5 USB?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. internethandle
        Of course that isn’t the friend SBAF price, just going by marketplaces in general. You can always search on HiFiShark by “Sold/Expired” to get an idea what items are selling for lately.
        Oct 30, 2023
        MLegend and RestoredSparda like this.
      3. internethandle
        Yeah looking at HiFiShark there have been a lot of A1 Gungnirs selling at about $700. A few A2’s too.
        Oct 30, 2023
      4. JK47
        Picked up my A2/OG w/Unison on USAM a few months ago for $1350 shipped and fee's included. The A1/GS cards and rom were $175 shipped from a member here.
        Oct 30, 2023
    17. MLegend
      I went to my first metal concert last weekend. It only cemented my reasons for not going to them previously. Too loud to be enjoyable.
      1. joch, Sqveak, fraggler and 4 others like this.
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      3. MellowVelo
        @zonto which Etymotic earplugs do you like? I’ve got a concert coming up and want to get some earplugs.
        Sep 8, 2023
      4. zonto
        @MellowVelo I have the old ER20 with the longer tubes and the non-blue tips (normal size tips; blue are smaller). I don't think the ER20 has replaceable tips. They might be called EtyPlugs now? Since I got mine 10+ years ago, Etymotic came out with the ER20XS. Those have a shorter tube and replaceable tips it looks like. I need to replace mine. Despite cleaning them after every use, it's time for a new pair...
        Sep 8, 2023
        Cryptowolf and MellowVelo like this.
      5. DigMe
        Sep 9, 2023
        Cryptowolf and MLegend like this.
    18. MLegend
      I'm pleasantly surprised to find out that moving your speakers closer to or further away from a wall changes more than just the bass.
      1. Sqveak, zottel, Cryptowolf and 2 others like this.
    19. MLegend
      Being offered cables as a trade for the Yggdrasil A2 I have for sale is a new one for me lol.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, CEE TEE and 6 others like this.
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      3. Azimuth
        Kimber cable or bust.
        Jun 20, 2023
        Kolozub likes this.
      4. MLegend
        @Sqveak Pretty sure they were completely serious. They wanted to trade a Furutech DPS-4.1 +$300. I told them no thanks, they said no problem, and that was it.
        Jun 20, 2023
        Sqveak likes this.
      5. MLegend
        @yotacowboy lol I guess. I'm not into the power cable thing, so they all look the same to me.
        Jun 20, 2023
    20. MLegend
      New music from Primus released in April. I had no idea.
      1. sheldaze, Lyander, Sqveak and 4 others like this.
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  • About

    Mar 28, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Northwest Florida
    Gear List:
    Amp - Schiit Mjolnir
    DAC - Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Headphones - HD650