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Dec 31, 2024
Dec 4, 2022
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Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 36)

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Almost "Made", Male, 36, from Philippines

Been a while since I've visited SBAF. Life's chaotic lately. Sold OG Susvara. Got another project car. Got a bad flu and work's been hell. Sep 9, 2024

Taguro was last seen:
Dec 31, 2024
    1. Taguro
      Been a while since I've visited SBAF. Life's chaotic lately. Sold OG Susvara. Got another project car. Got a bad flu and work's been hell.
      1. YMO
        How's the Waifu Pillows?
        Sep 9, 2024
        Riotvan likes this.
    2. Taguro
      Got to try the dCS Lina DAC and amp stack with a Susvara. Not sure if it was just me being sleepy, or the system itself lulled me to sleep
    3. Taguro
      Seems like Hifiman is about to unveil the new Susvara. Leaks already showing up on my Facebook. Official name is Susvara Unveiled
      1. Tchoupitoulas, Afterpiece and Lyander like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. nishan99
        "Looks like the incest child of a Deva Pro and a HE1000".
        Jun 3, 2024
      4. netforce
        They showing it off at CanJam Shanghai and THE Show this weekend. Prototypes were floating around for certain press last month at Munich show and seems like sentiment was positive. Will hear it this weekend.
        Jun 3, 2024
        dubharmonic and wbass like this.
      5. Taguro
        Sound quality aside, I am concerned about durability of these if you have to put the magnetic cups on them when not in use. And yes, it looks like that shitty Deva Pro had a threesome with current Susvara and Audivina
        Jun 3, 2024
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    4. Taguro
      Sent my Jot R for repair last year and local amp guru only finished it now. He's lending me some 2A3s for the Stellaris though so all good.
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
      2. RestoredSparda
        Noice. What 2A3s ya getting?
        May 28, 2024
      3. Taguro
        May 28, 2024
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    5. Taguro
      Pretty sure I'm not the only one pairing these, but the Holo May and the Stellaris have really good synergy.
      1. Taguro
        May is on the dry side so the Stellaris wetness balances things out nicely
        May 22, 2024
      2. crenca
        I think there are a handful of regulars here that have this pairing...
        May 22, 2024
        RestoredSparda likes this.
    6. Taguro
      Thank you SBAF. The Stellaris is the real deal. Amazing amazing stuff. All smiles here.
      1. Jinxy245, zottel, Cryptowolf and 15 others like this.
      2. YMO
        Don’t live in your bedroom forever.
        May 18, 2024
        dncnexus, Slade01 and Qildail like this.
      3. internethandle
        Enjoy! One day I’ll join you, probably. One day…
        May 18, 2024
      4. Lyander
        Dibs if you ever let go of it! (Fat chance I know, but hey may as well :P)
        May 18, 2024
        Jinxy245 and yotacowboy like this.
    7. Taguro
      That was quicker than expected. Shipping company says my Stellaris is now here in the Philippines. Looks like it's going to be a fun weekend
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail, Azimuth and 15 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Jollibee in the Philippines has gotten much worse over the years, it's sad. Theories are that they're investing more in foreign ventures to try and win them over. The local stuff is a shadow of what it used to be. Basically just breaded bones.
        May 16, 2024
      4. Gazny
        Idk why Jollibee North America removed the tuna pie! Maybe because it’s tuna but easily my favorite item.
        May 16, 2024
        Slade01 and YMO like this.
      5. Slade01
        @Lyander if you mean they are trying to invest Jollibee North America, they are sucking at it (at least the one near me). Sub-par service and bland food now. Mango Peach Pie, however, always on point - the only consistent good.
        May 16, 2024
    8. Taguro
      First time trying out new audio gear for a year. Tried the HEDDphone 2 and LCD-5. I liked the HEDD more than the Audeze.
    9. Taguro
      My Stellaris has been shipped out. Been satisfied with my headphones and haven’t had the itch for new gear but this is exciting af.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. RestoredSparda
        Welcome to team blue!
        May 3, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. JK47
      4. Erroneous
        Post impressions in the correct thread when ready and as others have said, welcome to the team.
        May 3, 2024
    10. Taguro
      Lots of popcorn to be had on ASR's newly posted Susvara thread
      1. View previous comments...
      2. roshambo123
        "Did you read Amir’s Susvara review? Can’t stand him. He has some objective tests but never gets the whole picture. Misses the subjective ear. Also I feel his tests are sometimes flawed. Compares the Susvara to a $20 IEM lol."
        Dec 26, 2023
      3. netforce
        What do you mean, you get distortion at a perfectly normal listening volume of 114dB. Truly indicative of the average Susvara listening for Amir.
        Dec 26, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Haven't we seen references to very high-volume listening levels before? If he wasn't deaf previously, he must be now.

        "Somwhat flawed..." Outside of his cult circle, this is probably one of nicer things that has been said about Amir and his modus thingami.
        Dec 27, 2023
    11. Taguro
      First time in a week where I've enjoyed listening to audio. Was dealing with the flu and everything sounded like crap. Feeling better now.
      1. Taguro
        I'm guessing some gunk was blocking my ears and messed up my hearing while I was sick.
        Nov 23, 2023
        joch, RestoredSparda and HotRatSalad like this.
    12. Taguro
      Our local yearly hi-fi show is this weekend, however it's almost been an afterthought with the itasha project being so hectic.
      1. gsanger likes this.
    13. Taguro
      Using the Susvara tonight. Perfect for easing into the weekend. It's been a tense couple of days, with lots of things happening at once.
      1. Cryptowolf, Case, joch and 1 other person like this.
      2. Case
        Tell me about it...
        Nov 3, 2023
    14. Taguro
      Print shop doing my itasha is having a booth at a one of the biggest auto trade shows in the country and wants my car displayed.
      1. Pocomo, Thad E Ginathom, YMO and 4 others like this.
      2. YMO
        Put a sign saying “GF wanted, please apply”
        Oct 31, 2023
      3. JK47
        Booth babes posing with your ride, please post
        Oct 31, 2023
        yotacowboy and YMO like this.
    15. Taguro
      Leaving the car soon at the print shop to have my itasha done. I very rarely see my big plans go through, so this is a personal milestone.
      1. RestoredSparda, YMO, netforce and 3 others like this.
      2. joch
        Pics please
        Oct 26, 2023
        RestoredSparda and SoupRKnowva like this.
      3. YMO
        Securing your virginity I see
        Oct 26, 2023
    16. Taguro
      As much as I'm annoyed by the Chord aesthetic, I find myself looking at the Mscaler just for upscaling purposes to pair with the May.
      1. Cryptowolf, Vansen and wbass like this.
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      3. Vansen
        Waaaayy of topic, but until coming back from my hiatus here, I had no clue HQplayer was used by audiophiles and quite good on sound quality. I had been using it in my job as a method to containerize 128 kbps mono audio for overhead commercial music and host the music player on a shared server in the commercial environment.
        Oct 16, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. neogeosnk
        I have a M2 mac mini just laying around. Wonder if I could install hqplayer embedded on there. hmmn.
        Oct 16, 2023
      5. wbass
        Same here. I don't really want to mess around with figuring out HQ Player and its zillion different settings. It'd be nice just to have a box do it seamlessly. But the Mscalar is $$$. If the likes of Schitt or Emotiva came up with their version, I'd be on it with a quickness.
        Oct 19, 2023
    17. Taguro
      Met up with an audio buddy today. He came to Manila for business, but wanted to check out CDs and our local dealer's store.
    18. Taguro
      Going back to Japan in December. Won another concert lottery. This time for the iDOLM@STER and Love Live! Uta Gassen at Tokyo Dome.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taguro
        @Vtory Thanks! I would agree. The lottery system is very unfriendly esp to foreigners. After the pandemic, they only increased the difficulty of getting tickets, with things like face scanning and e-registration. Luckily for this concert, they opened a few slots for foreign fans and I was fortunate to have gotten in. I personally look forward to seeing Liella! and Aqours the most.
        Oct 9, 2023
        Vtory likes this.
      3. Taguro
        @insidious meme I used to follow Aqours around a lot back in 2017-2019. Went to all their major concerts in Japan (until Love Live Fest), but that was prior to the current system of e-registration and mandatory face scans. I used to buy the tickets off resale sites, but cases of scalping have gotten pretty bad esp for mainstream artists to the point where the government had to step in.
        Oct 9, 2023
        Vtory likes this.
      4. insidious meme
        insidious meme
        Well you weren't as nuts as some of the fans who followed that tour from LA on July 4 to Fukuoka on July 7 and 8 2018. I hate scalping, and it's gone bonkers esp for major tours. Someday, enough people will get sick of it to keep it in check. Someday.
        Oct 9, 2023
        Taguro and Vtory like this.
    19. Taguro
      Just came back from a local anime music festival. Was annoyed by how fucked the speakers were set up. Bass cranked to maximum
      1. DigMe likes this.
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      3. YMO
        So casual virgins, got it.
        Sep 24, 2023
      4. atomicbob
        The idea of Sound Reinforcement seems to have been overrun with Sound Blast-em-out-of-the-Room. What a terrible experience.
        Sep 24, 2023
        Sqveak likes this.
      5. netforce
        Been to a lot of weeb events/concerts/etc before myself. Really to me I get annoyed how bad the mixing can be or just how messed up the acoustics are. Few events recently I been were decently mixed well but there is the caveat that the event was at actual theaters or venues.
        Sep 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf, YMO and Taguro like this.
    20. Taguro
      Finally got to listen to the Feliks Euforia driving the Utopias yesterday. Can confirm it matches fairly well but with multiple caveats.
      1. purr1n likes this.
      2. Taguro
        For timbre-heads, I think it does quite well smoothening out that metallic tinge. I think this was my biggest takeaway in terms of positives. That said, the downsides are, you are giving up some of that dynamism, punch and most importantly, ultimate resolution. It's warmpoo, but synergistic warmpoo. For the price though, I'd rather go with EC.
        Sep 17, 2023
        jexby, Riotvan, Lyander and 4 others like this.
      3. purr1n
      4. Taguro
        Sep 17, 2023
        purr1n likes this.
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  • About

    Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 36)
    Gear List:
    Headphones: Focal Utopia, Hifiman Susvara
    Speakers: Focal Sopra N1, Focal Solo6 Be
    DACs: Holo Audio May KTE, Schiit Yggdrasil A2
    Amps: Eddie Current Studio Jr., Ferrum OOR/HYPSOS, Luxman L-509f
    Streamer: Bluesound NODE 2021