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Dec 27, 2017
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Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
Rapallo, Italy

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Smells like sausages, Male, 42, from Rapallo, Italy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePtLL7oRDg Dec 25, 2022

Taverius was last seen:
Apr 15, 2024
    1. Taverius
      It's nice knowing the right people, got the offer for the 124 abarth carbon hard-top early.
      1. Overkill Red likes this.
    2. Taverius
      Dealing with Italian customs is so much fun!
      1. Taverius
        Finally got them to give me the phone number, calling it a message tells you to call another number, and calling that tells you the number isn't active xD
        Feb 13, 2019
        obsiCO, DigMe, Syzygy and 2 others like this.
    3. Taverius
      Ugh, I shouldn't have demo'd a psaudio P12, now I want one. Power here suuuuuucks.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. drgumbybrain
        Feb 9, 2019
      3. Taverius
        Huh, so psaudio said they're coming out with a 300w unit in a few months, hopefully at a sane price. Best deal I could find was 4.5k eurobux which is plain too rich for my blood, I decided.
        Feb 11, 2019
      4. m17xr2b
        I got mine using their trade in program. My existing P5 + around 3K if I remember.
        Feb 11, 2019
    4. Taverius
      Why are new tube packages so lame when nos packaging was so cool...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Xecuter
        Feb 6, 2019
      3. Taverius
        @Xecuter yeah, the single tube ones inside are fairly classy, though I prefer the nos blue and white.
        Feb 6, 2019
        Xecuter likes this.
      4. spwath
        Yeah, I have about 50 worthless nos zenith tubes, but they have pretty cool boxes. Stronger than regular boxes too.
        Feb 6, 2019
    5. Taverius
      ATTN: My Verum has shipped and I am excited.
      1. Jerry, OldDude04, Stride and 3 others like this.
      2. Syzygy
        I am itching to listen to these. Sad I have to budget $11k for an air con instead of other things.
        Jan 24, 2019
    6. Taverius
      Gmail is showing me ads for Asian dating sites. That or mail-order brides, I didn't wanna check ...
      1. drgumbybrain likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Lol. But hey, just google 'naked asian babes,' and you'll get a whole page, or several hundred.

        Not that I would actually know that, of course...
        Jan 16, 2019
      4. drgumbybrain
        Google knows things. Mine shows hot brunette from Russia
        Jan 16, 2019
      5. DigMe
        Mine shows an ad to buy @David De Lucena’s underwear.
        Jan 16, 2019
        Taverius and drgumbybrain like this.
    7. Taverius
      Great, now I'm stuck thinking who would be what part if SBAF was an assembling giant fighting mecha. Thanks marv, I hate it.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Okay. We need throwing stars and bombs. A mecha-katana will do if you say ninja. Do you have a transformation in mind? Must it be able to swim and dive? Gundam G-Fighter vibes...
        Jan 8, 2019
      4. Taverius
        An assembling giant robot. Everyone 'drives' smaller animal-like mechs which are somehow never powerful enough so they have to assemble into the big one.
        Jan 8, 2019
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        See, you do not hate it. Now we can watch Power Rangers and be inspired by the Megazord...
        Jan 8, 2019
    8. Taverius
      Building new pc, boxes all over the floor, now stuck for days waiting for unc screws. But the radiator is from Europe not the USSA ...
      1. Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      2. Taverius
        The other radiator, which *is* from non-metric retardistan, is tapped to M4 standards. I need a drink, or five.
        Jan 6, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom and Jinxy245 like this.
      3. Jinxy245
        It would be a royal PITA, but I kinda wish we'd all just get on the same damn page already.
        Jan 6, 2019
        Syzygy and Poleepkwa like this.
      4. Syzygy
        Right with you. It's hard to find a metric-only tape measure in the states. I remember prepping to "go metric" as a kid in the 70's…whatever happened with that?
        Jan 6, 2019
        crazychile and Jinxy245 like this.
    9. Taverius
      Custom stands for my Omegas just shipped, still have to figure out where to buy the lead shot to fill them ...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Taverius
        @Poleepkwa didn't know about those. Looks good, price is fine, and I don't have to leave the house. Win-win-win!
        Jan 4, 2019
        Poleepkwa likes this.
      3. Poleepkwa
        Those are good and priced reasonably here in Europe.
        Jan 4, 2019
      4. Cspirou
        I would go with sand all the way. It's not just mass loading, the sand dissipates energy better by allowing micro-vibration from the grains.

        I would at least just try sand first and then go with lead if you have to.
        Jan 4, 2019
    10. Taverius
      Had to look it up, wasn't brought up on Cheers. Apparently its spelt Clavin? Anyway gz on the custom you maniac.
      1. Psalmanazar and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. Cspirou
        Frasier >>>> Cheers
        Jan 2, 2019
    11. Taverius
      Wonderful, the user ignore function works just as I hoped it would.
      1. Cspirou, JustAnotherRando and spwath like this.
      2. JustAnotherRando
        It occasionally makes threads a little confusing, but having experimented with it just now, both by adding to and removing from the list, it's well worth using.
        Dec 27, 2018
      3. bengo
        Dec 29, 2018
    12. Taverius
      I'm not lazy, I'm just digesting the last week's worth of food, yep.
      1. Elnrik likes this.
    13. Taverius
      Pre-xmas dinner with extended family over. My kingdom for an alka-seltzer ...
      1. Jinxy245, Elnrik and JK47 like this.
    14. Taverius
      dac1421 just landed, it'll go to the workshop's office with Makoyi and Verum (and/or 2C)
      1. Lyander and Jinxy245 like this.
    15. Taverius
      I really like Gotham Cables for speakers but I wish I didn't have to pay import tax from Switzerland on them.
      1. zonto
        Dec 7, 2018
      2. Taverius
        Nah, import from Switzerland to Italy. CH doesn't have a trade agreement with the EU yeh.
        Dec 7, 2018
        zonto likes this.
    16. Taverius
      Warm enough to drive with the top down. I love not living in Venice anymore!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        I had to look up what that is. I don't even own any...just a pair of waterproof shoes. I will probably break out my winter boots this week though.
        Dec 1, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Hah yeah I don't miss spending half the winter in a constant flood state, or the air raid/close encounters sirens every other night.

        Venice high water sirens are weird xD
        Dec 1, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Taverius
    17. Taverius
      Omega CAMs are here. Anyone know where I can get good (heavy) stands made in EU?
      1. rlow likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Taverius
        I can get ISOs but with widebanders on an unstable base like a desk you want to mass load the stands as much as humanly possible.

        We'll see, I found a company in italy that makes fillable welded steel stands so I'm going to get a quote.
        Nov 28, 2018
        rlow likes this.
      4. rlow
        I thought about going to a local place that does stone countertops to see if they had smaller leftover pieces they could make into a platform for my subwoofer. Don’t know if they’d do something like that for your speakers. Might cost a mint though, not sure.
        Nov 28, 2018
      5. Taverius
        Carrara, as in Marble of Carrara, is like a half hour drive away, but from my experience getting countertops made it would take 2-3 months to have the goods made because Italy.
        Nov 28, 2018
        rlow likes this.
    18. Taverius
      My Omega CAMs just shipped, kinda dreading the import duty q.q
    19. Taverius
      2nd day of uninterrupted storms. Winter's here I guess.
    20. Taverius
      Months later, Aficionado startup whine is still eerie. Would make a good horror movie intro, so unsettling xD
      1. famish99 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. purr1n
        AVVT for the win.
        Oct 17, 2018
      4. Taverius
        Yes please taunt me more with your unobtanium senpai @.@
        Oct 18, 2018
        famish99 likes this.
      5. Priidik
        Yup, EML Mesh in the old EC is a monster, too.
        Oct 19, 2018
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  • About

    Apr 23, 1982 (Age: 42)
    Rapallo, Italy


    Pi2AES > Yggdrasil A2 > Lokius > Aficionado(0fb, Jupiter, WE396A, EML Solid)/Loki - T4(Brimar CV4024) - ESP/95X > Atticus/Atrium/Veritè C (UL)/Vali - ESP/95X - Omega Compact Alnico Monitors
    Node 2 > dac1421 > Makoyi > Verum 1/Ori/Slant

    Pi2AES > Bifrost 2 > Loki > Freya S > Vidar x2 > SCM 19