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The Deep South

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Lana Del Gayer than you, Male, from The Deep South

Pyrate Contributor

@Merrick spiritually advanced...? what does that mean? Nov 13, 2023

caute was last seen:
Nov 23, 2023
    1. caute
      what's a piece of music/track that will forever and always sound contemporary?
      1. Claritas likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. E_Schaaf
        With sampling being foundational to a lot of music produced in the last 40 years, anything could always be made contemporary again :)
        Jun 5, 2023
        Claritas and caute like this.
      4. caute
        love the answers! for me, it's the Große Fuge, it's maddeningly new w every listen and always sounds like it was just released by some avant-garde composer
        Jun 6, 2023
        Claritas likes this.
      5. Claritas
        I should hope that Beethoven's 5th, no matter how overplayed, could stir people from their dogmatic slumbers. The power draws them in. And the better listeners would soon be drawn to the structure.
        Jun 7, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
    2. caute
      what is the sound/are the signs of an UltraAnalog DAC module dying?
      1. JK47
        Tears hitting cement
        Jun 3, 2023
        Cryptowolf, Riotvan, Qildail and 9 others like this.
    3. caute
      Anyone wanna loan me a nice coax cable for a week? BJC and above? Ill cover shipping both ways. Wanna test vs AES in my SFD-1
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      2. caute
        @gixxerwimp my AES is BJC! But I’ve heard from many people that coax presents differently than AES specifically for my DAC so it’s just a taste test
        May 31, 2023
      3. caute
        Thank you so much @Inoculator!!! I will def take you up on that and for your kindness—I will put up a FS ad for a pair of 6922 tubes, proceeds going to donation here!
        May 31, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      4. caute
    4. caute
      Wanna get a vintage Plextor drive to burn CDs. anyone know if these work with macOS?
      1. Kashalott
        I looked into this topic once. If I were to try this I would go with Yamaha CRW-F1, burning with AAMQR quality on og TaiyoYuden CDR. But I never really tried myself, so this is just based on some research I did. Any compatibility with modern software will be a pain, I would probably invest into a cheap dedicated desktop if you already want to go this far for Cds
        May 27, 2023
        caute likes this.
    5. caute
      anyone here ever deal with sciatica or a pinched nerve?
      1. HotRatSalad and Thad E Ginathom like this.
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      3. LetMeBeFrank
        Yes, I pulled my piriformis muscle and it was squeezing the sciatic nerve. Took a week of steroids to be able to sit down again.
        May 24, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        I just got back from my surgery consultation. Apparently the disc herniation in my L4/L5 was so bad it actually broke off a piece of the disc. That shits been floating around in there making things awesome. Looks like surgery for me. On the other hand pain isn't as bad as last month.
        May 24, 2023
        caute likes this.
      5. atomicbob
        Like @ColdsnapBry I found my incidence of sciatica and back spasms greatly reduced by >10K steps per day, intentionally working to lower stress levels and listening to calming music when desperately wishing to inflict harm on those who really deserve it. In my case I can't take NSAIDs due to anti-coagulation therapy.
        May 25, 2023
        caute likes this.
    6. caute
      this is a little weird, but anyone know how to get roaches out of my pi2aes, short of an exterminator?
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      2. bixby
        Aside from using an alligator clip and smoking them til you get high, I suggest The Roach Motel parked next door to the pi. Kind of like a Waffle House for the opportunistic roaches. Worked like a champ in the 12th floor studio I had in Chevy Chase about 40 yrs ago.
        May 21, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom and Gazny like this.
      3. bixby
        Oh, this worked for ants that decided to march in my door near my desk a few years ago. Ground cinnamon, google seems to agree it works on roaches. Dust a tbs or so in a teacup saucer on either side of the pi and they should be repelled. But still do the motel a bit further away to trap them. And cinnamon is not toxic to us humans!
        May 21, 2023
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        "Don't run the time approaches
        Hotels and midnight coaches
        Be sure to hide the roaches"

        Preferably not in your hifi gear.
        May 22, 2023
    7. caute
      Quboz shuffle seems to repeat the same few songs over and over again… mildly annoying. Spotify and even tidal were better at this
      1. Cryptowolf
        My ancient standby for playlists was Beatunes. Now I rely on Roon as Quboz has the problems you cited.
        May 21, 2023
    8. caute
      How do y’all store your (noval, 9-pin) tubes if you don’t have boxes for them?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        one of the more clever ideas i've seen is to take 35mm film plastic canisters and poke holes in the cap for the tube pins, push the pins through the cap then pop the plastic canister over the tube.
        May 13, 2023
        Cryptowolf, CEE TEE, Qildail and 2 others like this.
      3. joch
        Toilet/towel paper tube, cushioned with paper?
        May 13, 2023
        bixby and caute like this.
      4. Azimuth
        May 15, 2023
        Cryptowolf and caute like this.
    9. caute
      think i'm gonna top out SFD-2 mkII SE+ > ZDS > (two) JAR600B. But loving my current setup so much right now, not in any rush to get there
      1. joch
        A modded Crack is pretty sweet with 600s
        May 8, 2023
        RestoredSparda and caute like this.
    10. caute
      and the budget king is crowned: SFD-1 mkII (stock) > HLF-Sina-Tommy-modded Crack > JAR600B
      1. Pocomo, rhythmdevils, Slade01 and 5 others like this.
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      3. caute
        Nice! I like the Amperex PQ A-Frames and also Holland-made Valvos in mine!
        May 4, 2023
        Slade01 likes this.
      4. M3NTAL
        ok - yeah, we are brotha's then - I do believe that is very close to what's in there. Too many tubes everywhere and I'm not even close to being a tube chaser.
        May 4, 2023
        Slade01 likes this.
      5. joch
        Budget is relative. Not knocking the Crack, but it seems like the tubes cost more than a Vali+ and PortaPro :P
        May 4, 2023
        rhythmdevils and caute like this.
    11. caute
      What’s the best music streaming transfer service/app for LIKED/favorited songs and not playlists and artists?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zottel
        I used soundiiz, too, when I moved from Spotify to Qobuz. It was even smart enough split a huge playlist into two, as it seems that can’t (or couldn’t) be longer than 1000 songs on Qobuz.
        Apr 27, 2023
        Cryptowolf, rhythmdevils and caute like this.
      3. zottel
        Not every song was matched correctly, some random stuff was added to my favourites for songs Qobuz didn’t know, and for classical, sometimes a different recording was chosen although Qobuz had the same as Spotify. But all in all, it was good. I just created a paid subscription and cancelled it directly after the transfer and some checks, that’s not expensive.
        Apr 27, 2023
        Cryptowolf, rhythmdevils and caute like this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        Soundiiz and Tunemymusic are the best
        Apr 28, 2023
    12. caute
      Looks like—unless my search skills are shite—the entire discography of ambient pioneer Wolfgang Voigt’s project GAS is missing from Quboz
      1. Cryptowolf, Tchoupitoulas and wbass like this.
      2. caute
        Along w several albums & EPs from better-known bands. SQ is there, but catalog not. I get it now.
        Apr 25, 2023
        weicheheck likes this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        As it happens, I recently bought Nah und Fern on CD for this very reason.
        Apr 26, 2023
        caute and Cryptowolf like this.
    13. caute
      meme 14 AWG OFC power cable had more of an effect ims than a pair of Furutech OCC copper ICs, imma buy a $40 10 AWG one for my amp next lol
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        Ah the good ol' iron lung/jelly fish PC!! There's ragin' threads of idiocy going on at A'gon & head-fi about those Neardost cables...
        Apr 24, 2023
      3. caute
        Yeah they're basically (literally?) unsleeved Iron Lungs/Jelly Fish! For $15 with Amazon returns, I thought it's 14 AWG, why not...

        "Near-dost", omg i'm ded lmao
        Apr 24, 2023
        Cryptowolf and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Hmm jelly fish cable make my Gungnir Multibit moar bettah? What about my Aegirs? Maybe I'll have my GF pee for meee
        Apr 24, 2023
        Cryptowolf, RestoredSparda and caute like this.
    14. caute
      What is the top favorite setup you’ve ever heard, that you just can’t forget? It can be one you’ve owned, own now, or just heard.
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      2. Cryptowolf
        @Tchoupitoulas great beverage choice! Also, my home rig is a Holospring 3 to Kenzie Ovation to Verite Auteur or Attrium. The 3d sense of space is really special.
        Apr 24, 2023
        rhythmdevils, caute and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      3. FlySweep
        At a Seattle meet about 12 yrs ago, heard a HD650 off a carefully constructed, god-level ECBA setup. I think 30K dropped in total.. reel to reel, the whole 9. Just insane. Many talk about the Koss PP or Grado can, or Sennheiser 580 off a portable amp or something that got them into the rabbit hole.. it was hearing that rig at my first meet that pulled me into the hobby. I've never heard the HD650 off a better rig.
        Apr 24, 2023
      4. Philimon
        About 12 years ago, iPod 5.5G > vintage receiver > HE500. After that it'd be vintage Stax Lambdas and vintage Grados from Bay area meets about 13 years ago.
        Apr 24, 2023
        Deep Funk, caute and Cryptowolf like this.
    15. caute
      Are there "fake" well-known tubes? Is that a thing to look out for? The 6922s I have in my eBay cart look a little too pristine to be legit
      1. View previous comments...
      2. caute
        looks like @Slade01 is correct, they are legit Rockets, only the inferior late 80s version. I will out the ones @dasman66 linked to. Those are the more coveted 70s version, right?
        Apr 21, 2023
      3. dasman66
        I can't say what era the ones I linked are... and I'm not up to speed on the date codes to be able to check the ones that I have. If someone has date code info, then I can look at what I got
        Apr 21, 2023
      4. caute
        if i'm not mistaken—all the tubes i've looked at aren't coded, they have two numbers (for the month, i'm guessing), then the year, so 04 75 for april 1975
        Apr 21, 2023
    16. caute
      SFD-1 mkII is sublime, and not only that, =resolve compared to the gungnir a1, phew! more than a fair trade. This DAC is a keeper.
      1. caute
        Best way I can put the diff is the Gungnir Multibit A1 felt like recording in digital, always wary of hitting the red (the red being its upper-mid hotness/bite) and wincing, but the SFD-1 mkII is like recording to analog, you can go as high as you want (no point in the FR sticks out) without repercussions
        Apr 16, 2023
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      2. loadexfa
        Glad it matched your taste, these are fabulous when that happens. :)
        Apr 17, 2023
        caute likes this.
    17. caute
      BH stereomour converted to 45, run JAR600s off the 4, 8 ohm tap. Anyone ever done this? Would excessive gain would be an issue?
      1. Cspirou
        What do you change for 45 tubes?
        Apr 15, 2023
        caute likes this.
      2. caute
        Not sure, but think you can just ask BH
        Apr 15, 2023
    18. caute
      Qobuz or Tidal?
      1. gsanger likes this.
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      3. ilikebananafudge_
        Apr 15, 2023
        caute and RestoredSparda like this.
      4. Pocomo
        Tidal Hifi is $5/mo if you subscribe to Third Man Records quarterly vinyl releases ($75/qtr).
        Apr 15, 2023
        caute likes this.
      5. bixby
        I've trialed both at least twice and now use Tidal. Tidal for breadth, Qobuz for sound, Tidal for stability.
        Apr 15, 2023
        Pocomo and caute like this.
    19. caute
      why don't more makers build 45 amps for hp? what's up with that? where the low power dht gang at? 2a3 gets all the love...
      1. rhythmdevils likes this.
      2. Vansen
        I know nothing about 45 tubes, but the 307a sounds fantastic and is rare in an amp. I assume some of this is due to the small amount that were ever made - the old stock is not out there to justify designing a lot of amps and that’s lead to no demand for new tubes. At least this is what I assume for the 307a.
        Apr 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. Vansen
        About 35 eBay listings for 45 tubes and about 19 listings for 307a tubes right now. 45 seem hard to pick for an amp from those listings. Better amp pickings from the 307a listings.
        Apr 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. Vansen
        Over 300 listings for 2a3 tubes on eBay. A lot of these are new production and even old tube listing volumes is probably driven by demand rather than availability to some extent.
        Apr 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
    20. caute
      anyone have any exp. with glenn otls? PM me if you have some special, insider of just plain pirate-level info on these amps.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lasollor
        Unfortunately Glenn doesn’t make the amps anymore. I was on the waiting list for 3+ years and finally got refunded the deposit a few month ago. abut if you can get a used one, it seems to be a very capable amp, with almost unlimited tube rolling options.
        Apr 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. Tchoupitoulas
        I seem to remember @zach915m liking the Glenn OTL with his ZMFs. You might search for posts by him.
        Apr 12, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. Claritas
        I heard Zach's a number of times at his place. But I'm pretty sure his was a custom job. His amp is warm-sounding, but it isn't too thick, and I don't recall its being blurry at all. I enjoyed it even though it's not what I prefer. Just email Zach directly and ask him.
        Apr 12, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas and caute like this.
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  • About

    The Deep South
    Gear List:
    Pi2AES/Marantz CDT > [BJC coax] > Abbas .11SE > [Furutech OCC RCA] > HLF/Tommy modded Crack > LSN800
    4 years after n+1 magazine's Mark Grief autopsied the dead specter of the hipster, in Lana del Rey’s satirical-autobiographical “Brooklyn Baby” there’s an easy mondegreen when she sings “my jazz collections rare”—she could just as easily be singing “my jazz collections real” —either way, this liberal postmodern obsession with “authenticity” and nostalgia-as-radical-chic cred fetishizes and amasses cultural capital, bc that’s all it can do: see and be seen as countercultural, taking revolutionary symbols of the not-so-distant past as fashion icons, as totems, as fetish objects, all the while caching sprezzatura as reified capital. It’s the same move when the hippies turned into the pioneers of Silicon Valley.


    after all these years wrestlin' gators / i still feel like cryin' when i think of what you said to me