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Friend, from the other side of the big ocean

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Super spicy potato chips hospitalize Japanese students Jul 17, 2024

joch was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 27, 2024 at 2:42 AM
    1. joch
      Super spicy potato chips hospitalize Japanese students
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Walderstorn
        Well the manufacturer does advise who should NOT eat them..
        Jul 17, 2024
        RestoredSparda and joch like this.
      3. Lyander
        I love spicy food but these challenge level spices are just mad. Yeah no the kids did ignore the warning but depending on where the one that brought it to school got it... eh negligence.
        Jul 17, 2024
        Cryptowolf and joch like this.
      4. Slade01
        "The 13 girls and one boy who were taken to hospital were conscious and reportedly had minor symptoms." -- This sounds like the makings of a new spicy harem anime...
        Jul 17, 2024
    2. joch
      The Zero:2 Crin is really good out of the Pietus
      1. YMO
        I wish it could slap my nuts more, but I am not complaining for $25.
        Jul 11, 2024
        Jinxy245, Lyander and joch like this.
    3. joch
      Does a Grado GS2000e make sense given that there are X series GS’s (1k & 3k)?
      1. gsanger likes this.
      2. joch
        Wondering if getting an older model at less than MSRP, or just save and get a newer GS.
        Jun 24, 2024
      3. YMO
        Jun 24, 2024
        gsanger likes this.
      4. joch
        I think we all have our own answers to begin with. The ethos of this place is not chase perceived value but to realize true value. Moving on.
        Jun 25, 2024
    4. joch
      Perfect Days. Wow what a film.
      1. rott and crenca like this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Yea, pretty incredible.
        Jun 22, 2024
      3. ColdsnapBry
        I'm also jealous of his AV setup and reading room.
        Jun 22, 2024
        joch likes this.
    5. joch
      Grado PS1000/2 LE
      1. Lyander likes this.
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      3. M3NTAL
        Damn... Grado is ballsy with their pricing. They will sell of course. I'm replying to this, so obviously I'm also thinking about them. Just give me a $500 HP1000. You can do it Grado.
        Jun 19, 2024
        joch and YMO like this.
      4. ColdsnapBry
        I bought the gold 325x LE. Why not..
        Jun 19, 2024
        joch likes this.
      5. joch
        Grado pricing is not bad relative to what others are asking. Except for the SR series I will also say they’re not value buys.
        Jun 19, 2024
        ColdsnapBry likes this.
    6. joch
      Speaker cable nervosa?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Armaegis
        All the hooplah over cable materials and geometries blah blah when the weakest link is the connectors anyways. Skip all the screws connector whatevers and do bare wire to flat binding post (or weld on a flat spade if you must).
        Jun 7, 2024
      3. Gazny
        Beldon 9497 is pretty decent
        Jun 8, 2024
        joch likes this.
      4. Qildail
        To each their own, but I just bought WBC with banana plugs and moved on. But if you’re wanting to squeeze every ounce out of it, then bare wire is the gig.
        Jun 8, 2024
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    7. joch
      Does anyone have more amps (including AIOs) than transducers?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cspirou
        I’m roughly a 1:1 ratio but I really do need to sell some stuff
        Feb 22, 2024
        joch likes this.
      3. Claritas
        Yes, but I don’t expect that I’ll be able to narrow it down much. My various transducers are all different from each other and have different amping requirements. At least, I’ve ruled out e-stats.
        Feb 23, 2024
        joch and Cspirou like this.
      4. Merrick
        No, after going through my forgotten tech drawer I found multiple IEMs I no longer use, which means I do technically have many more transducers than amps.
        Feb 23, 2024
        joch likes this.
    8. joch
      Yggdrasil OG is gone from the Schiit catalogue. Long live the Yggdrasil.
      1. rhythmdevils
        sad, I love my OG
        Feb 13, 2024
        joch and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. Claritas
        Feb 14, 2024
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    9. joch
      Is DS (good implementations) making a comeback?
      1. Lyander likes this.
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      3. crenca
        I appreciate AKM DS sound (though some implementations are too bloomy, etc.) and at time prefer it over Yggdrasil. Wish I knew of a good (neutral) AKM based desktop DAC that was price competitive (no more than $2k range)...basically a Schiit version ;)
        Feb 3, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Lyander and joch like this.
      4. Qildail
        All my favorite DS DACs were pre-Velvet Mush AKM and pre-Ginsu Sharp ESS. Still have Wolfsons and AKM 4399s in the racks.

        Now that AKM is coming back from their fire and companies are taming ESS, I hope DS continues its “comeback”. Our hobby needs healthy competition with good products.
        Feb 3, 2024
        Merrick, crenca, Sqveak and 3 others like this.
      5. bixby
        DS never left. It has been used in mastering forever and still is.
        Feb 5, 2024
        Merrick likes this.
    10. joch
      It’s nasty this flu season. Let’s be careful out there.
      1. bixby
        Some data suggest 43% of all Americans will have caught COVID by the end of Feb. this winter. Second biggest wave since it started!
        Jan 27, 2024
        Cryptowolf and joch like this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Got boosted for both recently.
        Jan 28, 2024
        joch likes this.
    11. joch
      Good to have Boxing Day off
      1. gixxerwimp
        We get neither Christmas nor Boxing off in Taiwan :(
        Dec 27, 2023
    12. joch
      It’s an honor to be in this community of kind and generous people.
      1. Cryptowolf, rlow, Merrick and 10 others like this.
    13. joch
      Happy Thanksgiving, Pyrates!
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Case and 9 others like this.
      2. zonto
        And to you as well!
        Nov 23, 2023
        Lyander and joch like this.
    14. joch
      AZLA Xelastec ear tips are excellent
      1. joch
        For once the CA Atlas didn't overwhelm with bass, and the mids are brought more forward.
        Nov 10, 2023
        Lyander likes this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        I have the Azla sedmax for my ie900 and those are good too
        Nov 10, 2023
        joch likes this.
    15. joch
      Oh screw it, back to caffeinated coffee
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      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Can't drink it. Wish I could.

        But if your body is fine with it, absolutely drink coffee! I wasn't so much into the caffeine as the flavour, which I really miss. Especially when I catch a whiff of it.
        Sep 23, 2023
        joch likes this.
      3. Claritas
        @roshambo123 The complex relation between caffeine, cortisol, and anxiety; dehydration in the summer. I always start with a sports drink (Propel packet). And I'm precise about the amount of caffeine: I figured out how much I need to feel awake without feeling "wired."
        Sep 23, 2023
        joch and roshambo123 like this.
      4. roshambo123
        @Claritas This is interesting. I will start my day with some electrolytes also before coffee and see how that goes!
        Sep 23, 2023
        joch and Claritas like this.
    16. joch
      Rock Lobster
      1. RestoredSparda and Azimuth like this.
      2. yotacowboy
        Sep 6, 2023
        joch likes this.
    17. joch
      RIP Jimmy Buffett
      1. Cryptowolf, bixby and gaspasser like this.
      2. DigMe
        He wasted away for the last time.
        Sep 2, 2023
    18. joch
      A shot of 18yo whiskey goes well after a tough couple of days
      1. Lyander
        May future days only allow for a good drink to enhance fun moments, not for it to blunt shitty ones. Whiskey that old should be savoured, hah.
        May 25, 2023
      2. roshambo123
        I also find alcohol works best after moments of heightened dread
        May 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf and joch like this.
      3. Claritas
        Apart from Orthodox Jews at a kiddush, I have never seen a fellow drink only "a shot." Once, my host at a pre-wedding dinner party poured me (the best man) and also his brother-in-law, sitting next to me, *half* a shot. I just said, "Would you mind passing the bottle down to this end of the table? Thanks!" So it worked out fine.
        May 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf and joch like this.
    19. joch
      And I thought this hobby was expensive....
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
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      3. RKML0007
        don’t look at the cinematography side of the fence! Man, I was lusting for the Zeiss primes shortly after Vincent Laforet did Reverie on 5DMk2 back in 2009.
        Mar 16, 2023
        joch likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Even Sony has bargain-price 50s (APS-C and FF). It isn't all GM!

        I love my FE85/1.8 (on an APC-C camera). And I have a Samyang 135 that is something like 1/3rd of the price of the fancy Sony.

        Tamron and Sigma (to name but two) also make lenses for Sony E-mount.

        Film? Thanks, but no, my once-loved OM1n is staying in its museum cupboard corner
        Mar 16, 2023
        joch likes this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        If you can find a good deal on a Nikon D700 with some old Nikkor/Nikon manual focus lenses, jump on that. Otherwise Pentax tends to slip through the radar because Pentax was never good at marketing...
        Mar 16, 2023
        joch likes this.
    20. joch
      Going back to decaf.
      1. Deep Funk and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        Funny thing though - experimenting with a switch to decaf was what got me seriously into specialty coffee around 20 years ago, had a hard time finding really good decaf so I started roasting beans myself in a quest to find better on a budget (wife was in med school).
        Mar 15, 2023
        joch likes this.
      4. Biodegraded
        Do as the Italians do: caffeine AM, alcohol PM.
        Mar 15, 2023
        joch and Jinxy245 like this.
      5. DigMe
        Mar 15, 2023
        Biodegraded likes this.
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