Justin S
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Sep 21, 2024
Mar 14, 2018
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Justin S

Friend, Male, from Toronto

Pyrate Contributor

I have been using BRU and LTFS for tape archives for a decade+: soo fiddly. I just started working with TAR. TAR is easy. TAR is forever :-) Jun 5, 2024

Justin S was last seen:
Sep 21, 2024
    1. Justin S
      Justin S
      Getting reacquainted with my 600s on the Lyr+ and a nice NOS sylvania WGTA. Once acclimatized, these are a bit of lighting.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and rlow like this.
    2. Justin S
      Justin S
      Back on ordering an Aeolus. What pads should I look at along with the Suede Universe? Looking for something fun and something neutral-ish.
      1. rlow likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Super cool. So Aeolus pads, the univers suede perf...Are the BE2 suede worth trying? Perf or non perf?
        Oct 13, 2023
      4. RestoredSparda
        Any pads you get should be perf for Aeolus since it's an open headphone. It would be a safe bet to get Universe leather perf and suede perf.
        Oct 13, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      5. jnak00
        I personally prefer the stock (universe) which are very similar to the old Aeolus pads. Suede is a bit more neutral sounding. I also like Auteur pads, they add a bit of space. I don’t like the BE2 pads.
        Oct 13, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    3. Justin S
      Justin S
      Doing HQPlayer DSD chain with a Geshelli 4493 set for DSDD, Lry+, HD800S. I hate that sentence, but love the sound. The HD800Ss are KING!
      1. Cryptowolf and RestoredSparda like this.
    4. Justin S
      Justin S
      Sparklehorse, It's a Wonder Life is masterpiece. Lucky speakers-night listen. What a beauty.
    5. Justin S
      Justin S
      DT770 250ohms with the mass-ring mod and a pair of Ori Lambskin pads are sweet. They always surprise me when i dig them out.
    6. Justin S
      Justin S
      Any friends in Toronto with a pair of Aeolus? Would love to audition them.
      1. MellowVelo and RestoredSparda like this.
    7. Justin S
      Justin S
      Hit go on a pair of Aeolus with Suede pads from ZMF. Looking for a compliment for my 600S and 800Ss. Looking forward to them.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        I had an exchange with Zach about pads and he recommended the suede pads for me given my tastes - a bit thicker, but won't freak me out :-)
        Sep 16, 2023
        edd likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Ack. I got hit with a lot of conflicting reports on the sound of these so I cancelled the order until I can audition a par. It would be a bummer to get them here and not love them.
        Sep 19, 2023
      4. edd
        They’re good headphones and definitely the best bass heavy ones that I have, but if you want something more neutral, probably best to look elsewhere. And they can be had for a good price esp used. Pads changed the sound on these possibly more than any other headphone I’ve had.
        Sep 19, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    8. Justin S
      Justin S
      "So put on that suit And lend me that costume Let's come home A little different"
    9. Justin S
      Justin S
      Everything sounds great this week, from the nice headphone system to the modest garage system. I find it interesting that this changes.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel, gaspasser and 9 others like this.
      2. gaspasser
        Everything is better after you get laid
        Sep 2, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        There's a chicken in my nest and she won't lay until I've given her my best
        Sep 4, 2023
    10. Justin S
      Justin S
      Family is away - loud monitors tonight! Using the Lyr+ as a pre from an AKM J2, Genelecs are crisp, but never itchy. (treated room). Lyr+++
      1. Steppe, Qildail, Lyander and 6 others like this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        Enjoy. It's rare that I can really enjoy my system, but woah!
        Aug 26, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I am shocked at how great the Lyr+ is as a pre. It's clean and imparts just the right amount of tube fabulousness.
        Aug 26, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    11. Justin S
      Justin S
      I know I am late to the party. The 600s are rock and roll presence machines. My 800Ss are great, but the mids on the 600s are incomparable.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        I don't really get along with the 650s so well - my ears find them a bit too woolly. I did the KISS mod and it helped..but I still prefer the 600/800Ss
        Aug 20, 2023
      3. Qildail
        Every time I get twitchy about owning my own pair of 800S, I go back to the 600. Then cycle back around on the twitchy part again…
        Aug 20, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        The 800Ss are a thing for sure. I've been through the Focal Clears, LCD-Xs, Elexes, Grados and the 800Ss have really stuck with me. I am definitely a plastic dynamic guy. I would say, though, I am ZMF-curious.
        Aug 20, 2023
        Qildail likes this.
    12. Justin S
      Justin S
      Listening to the Lyr+ tonight with a nice Ken Rad tube thinking "Noice". Then I realized that that tube was turned off. *ON* NoiceX10.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail, joch and 2 others like this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Aug 19, 2023
        Justin S and Slade01 like this.
      3. Slade01
        I love the Ken Rad tube on the Lyr+.
        Aug 19, 2023
        RestoredSparda and Justin S like this.
    13. Justin S
      Justin S
      @wbass 's avatar always reminds me of Joan As Police Woman's "Covers Two" cover. Great record. Hilarious cover.
      1. Cryptowolf and wbass like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. wbass
        I've always heard about Joan as Police Woman and really need to check her out.
        Aug 18, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Oh, she is the queen. Smart, charming, full of heart. Everything she does is interesting.
        Aug 19, 2023
        wbass likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        Ps. The avatar similarity is glancing...the red pants :-)
        Aug 19, 2023
        wbass likes this.
    14. Justin S
      Justin S
      A couple months in on a MOTU Ultralite MK5 for multichannel in my work suite. Hot damn it is no slouch. Clear, balanced, exciting.
    15. Justin S
      Justin S
      How is Tidal's redbook FLAC? Is it derived from MQA sources or is it actually uncompressed?
      1. rlow
        My understanding is that everything was derived from the MQA source previously. However with their impending launch of lossless high-res FLAC (sans MQA) and potential death of MQA, not sure if that’s going to change…
        Aug 11, 2023
        Justin S and Vansen like this.
      2. bixby
        Everything? What about the large percentage of albums that are/were not offered in master, why would they be derived from an MQA source?
        Aug 11, 2023
    16. Justin S
      Justin S
      New garage system: HiFiBerry DAC2 Pro, Fosi V3, Mission LX2s I had kicking around. Will not win awards but sweet garage system.
      1. Cryptowolf, Merrick, Gazny and 4 others like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        From Tivoli to this - transforms garage time into something better. The danger is that I pick away at this more to make it better when really it's a garage system.
        Aug 6, 2023
      3. Merrick
        Swap AD827 opamps into that Fosi v3, it’s worth it!
        Aug 7, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I have some OPA1656s on order. It *IS* a bit bright right now with the stock op amps - which is saying a lot with the missions which are dark and smooth. I'll look into the AD827s.
        Aug 9, 2023
        Merrick likes this.
    17. Justin S
      Justin S
      The Bear is a study on how to make TV.
      1. Walderstorn, caute, Jinxy245 and 3 others like this.
    18. Justin S
      Justin S
      Just put absorption panels on my front wall. The difference is profound. Clarity, focus, stage depth. Making me sweaty it's so good.
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth, zottel and 9 others like this.
      2. yotacowboy
        I usually get the meat sweats, but can aspire to music sweats.
        Jul 16, 2023
        RestoredSparda likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        @yotacowboy , I know you're a mini monitor guy, too. I'm listening to the Harbeth P3ESR XDs. With a Yggdrasil LIM and the Heed Obelisk SI3. The panels bring out the greasy yummyness.
        Jul 16, 2023
        yotacowboy likes this.
    19. Justin S
      Justin S
      Learning new gear is like trying to settle into a random dot stereogram. You know it is there somewhere...hopefully.
      1. zottel and Claritas like this.
      2. Claritas
        When I really enjoy something, I don't bother trying to understand why. I only want to enjoy it. For learning purposes, I use test tracks. Normally, it takes the whole weekend: 4 sessions of 3 hours. I won't even post a mini-review (as opposed to impressions) if I haven't done that. If I dislike what I'm hearing, but I want to understand why, I've crammed 8 tracks into 3.5 hours.
        Jul 9, 2023
        Justin S and zottel like this.
    20. Justin S
      Justin S
      Digging the Tivoli in the garage. Super enjoyable mono experience. I like the lack of fuss, but there's nothing like the dumb main system.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Home system: PI2AES with SBAF ABNN>AES> Yggdrasil LIM>SE>Heed Obelisk SI III>Harbeth P3ESR XDs + REL t7i.

    Work: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) ->MOTU Ultralite MK5/Geshelli J2S -> Monitors: Genelec 8020s + 7040a

    Headphones: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) -> MOTU/J2 (SBAF ABNN after SMPS)- > Lyr+. ZMF AUTEUR CLASSIC, HD 6xxM (sbaf kissmod), HD600, Modded DT770s.

    Previous equipment. Harbeth P3ESR Standards, Harbeth C7ES3s, Neumann KH120As, Dynaudio M20s. Project Debut III/Graham Slee pre, Soekris 2541 (2x), RME ADI-2 DACfs, Bifrost 2, Holo Spring1 LV2, Schiit Fulla, BF2 (2x), BF 2/64, Gungnir Multibit Multibit A2, Heed Dactillus, Denafrips Ares, Auralic Aries, AudioLab M-DAC, Rega R-DAC, OG Schiit Freya, Schiit Magni 3, OG Burson Soloist, MassDrop LCX, Burson Fun, ZDT Jr., BHA-1, Lynx Hilo

    Previous Headphones: ZMF Aeolus, HD800S, LCD-X 2021, Focal Clear, Focal Elex, OG Sennheiser 650, Sennheiser 58x Jubilee, OG AKG Sextetts, Nhoord Red custom build, Symphones Magnum V8 custom build, Elleven Acoustica G1 custom build, Elleven Acoustica R1 custom build, Hifiman He400i, AKG K702.
    I am a filmmaker. I have also owned and operated a couple different animation/video-post studios and have been buying and trading gear since the 90s. I am relatively new to hifi.

