Justin S
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Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Mar 14, 2018
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Justin S

Friend, Male, from Toronto

Pyrate Contributor

I have been using BRU and LTFS for tape archives for a decade+: soo fiddly. I just started working with TAR. TAR is easy. TAR is forever :-) Jun 5, 2024

Justin S was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
    1. Justin S
      Justin S
      HQPlayer 5 is a level up. sinc-MGa + ASDM7ECv3 on an AKM DSD-D DAC (Geshelli J2) feels perfect w H800Ss and Lyr+. Putting my 4090 to work.
      1. Cryptowolf, zottel and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Jussi has added new modulators and new filters. They're more efficient and sound even better. I was hoping to skip this one, but I got sucked in by the combination in the OP. It's pretty great. The demo will run for a half an hour at a time so you can give it a whirl.
        Jul 2, 2023
        Cryptowolf and ilikebananafudge_ like this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        The UI has changed and actually gotten worse. He has attempted to make it more "contemporary", but now you have to click through tabs for all the settings rather than seeing them all on one page.
        Jul 2, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      5. zottel
        I use the embedded version. It’s on a Linux computer, anyway, and I use Roon to play the music. It’s easier to use the web interface from my tablet to control the settings than to walk up to the attic or use VNC to change the settings in software with a GUI. :)
        Jul 2, 2023
        Justin S and Cryptowolf like this.
    2. Justin S
      Justin S
      After years of building and fixing, I have the garage tidy. My beat-up Tivoli has been a constant. It's not hifi but all about songs.
      1. Qildail, Gazny, Northwest and 4 others like this.
    3. Justin S
      Justin S
      Getting reacquainted with DSD Direct with the AKM Geshelli socketed J2. I also popped a Sparkos SS2590 stack on the SE out. Tweaky fun.
      1. Cryptowolf, joch, rlow and 1 other person like this.
    4. Justin S
      Justin S
      The GE Tall Bottle is from England and is glorious in the Lyr+. Have not tried the others yet.
      1. Phantaminum
        There are still some really nicely priced Russian 6SN7 equivalent tubes. If you can find some early 50s/60s Foton tubes they sound great.
        May 29, 2023
    5. Justin S
      Justin S
      Ordered 4 6SN7s from Antique audio. You can't pick the brand, so it's always mixed. 2 GE side getters, a CBS Hytron and a GE Tall Bottle.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        They CBS/Hytron is sick good. I feel like ordering from them is a bit of a lottery, but for the price of one decent tube, I got two fabulous nighttime listening tubes and two good tubes that I can us as daily drivers. Win Win.
        Jun 4, 2023
    6. Justin S
      Justin S
      First time focused speaker listen in a while. Sound in your room is next level convincing. Harbeths rock.
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        Every time I walk by the stereo, I think about listening to the stereo.
        May 6, 2023
    7. Justin S
      Justin S
      Foxygen Mona is a perfect critical quote of "80s revival".
    8. Justin S
      Justin S
      Back to the office this week. The Beyerdynamic DT770s with the Custom Cans mass loading kit and ZMF Ori pads are quite nice from a FullaE.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245 and HotRatSalad like this.
    9. Justin S
      Justin S
      Did a full irrigation ear cleaning for IEMs and now it seems I am re-calibrating everything else. So much top end :-)
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        It's like burn-in. It took a bunch of hours and now everything sounds great again. Grrr brain/love amazing brain.
        Apr 21, 2023
        zottel, Philimon and RestoredSparda like this.
    10. Justin S
      Justin S
      Qobuz finally in Canada! Quite sure it sounds better than Tidal through Roon. Easier sound, more micro detail. MQA-is-poo confirmation bias?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. RestoredSparda
        Yep. I can't tell the difference between Qobuz and local files through Roon. I just stream everything now.
        Apr 20, 2023
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        My understanding is that Tidal's Redbook has also gone through MQA conversion. I had only been listening to their "hifi" tier not their "masters" tier.
        Apr 21, 2023
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Listening to some older Brian Blade (Friends Call Her Dot) and the differences are quite pronounced. All the brush work is more pronounced as is the purr of the reeds. After 7+ years of Tidal, call me impressed.
        Apr 21, 2023
    11. Justin S
      Justin S
      For $23 I ordered a "generic NOS" 6SN7 from tubesandmore. They sent an RCA 6SN7GTB black plate!! The $24 PSVANE 6SN7-GT is also quite good.
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        The RCA is very good - I have one of these I bought a while ago for $100 CAD (grrr). The PSVANE is surprisingly good. It's their "Classic Series" 6SN7. It's resolving, deep and delicate sounding which is working really nicely with solo piano right now.
        Apr 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    12. Justin S
      Justin S
      Lry+ changes presentation with different tubes. Rocking a Ken Rad VT231 right now. It is not as dynamic as others but very detailed and 3D.
      1. Qildail, Gazny, Claritas and 2 others like this.
      2. RestoredSparda
        KenRad was my preferred tube the 2 years I had a Lyr 3. Couldn't get enough of them.
        Apr 7, 2023
        Justin S, Cryptowolf and Claritas like this.
    13. Justin S
      Justin S
      Gah. First time around the Covid merry go round. It sucks.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        Also what @Armaegis said. Apparently it can make you more prone to long-covid if you try and come back too early which has apparently hurt a lot of high-level athletes.
        Mar 26, 2023
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Totally, point taken. Right now, my principal symptoms are severe fatigue and very very runny sinuses. Pretty light in comparison to many of my friends, a couple of whom were pretty fucked up by it. Rest, fluids, no Rye. Count myself lucky so far.
        Mar 26, 2023
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        I'm a week in now and finally feel like myself again. It was seemingly not worse than memories of bad flus, but weirder - high heart rate, very disrupted sleep, weird fatigue. Glad to be on the other side of it. Thanks for the advice and well wishes, gents.
        Mar 31, 2023
        DigMe and Biodegraded like this.
    14. Justin S
      Justin S
      Looking for tube boxes, I came across tubesandmore.com. They have new issue tubes and some NOS stuff for cheap - like it's 2019.
      1. Cryptowolf, Qildail and Entropy like this.
    15. Justin S
      Justin S
      Two new responsibly nice tubes from Brent Jesse for the Lyr+. The Sylvania JAN WGTA is full level+ up. Next KenRad. Will do some comparos.
      1. Merrick, jexby, Qildail and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Totally. He's really knowledgeable - I told him what I have been digging (NOS Syl and Tung Sol GTBs) and what I thought would be a good next step (the Syl WGTA). He agreed and also suggested the Ken Rad. Early days with them, but so far they're really good choices for my chain and tastes.
        Mar 21, 2023
      4. Pocomo
        Have any of you guys tried Andy @ Vintage Tube Services? He seemed very knowledgeable to me, but I'm gullible :)
        Mar 22, 2023
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        His site is interesting and I dig the "bespoke" approach. It looks like he is months behind in his ordering, which would be a problem for me and my short attention span. How are the tubes you got from him? What kind of amp are you running?
        Mar 22, 2023
    16. Justin S
      Justin S
      Why is with the "Thomas[...]musings" youtube video stepping out of its container and over the "new posts" and "profile posts" column?
      1. Senorx12562 likes this.
    17. Justin S
      Justin S
      How is it that tube mode on the Lyr+ has sparkly treble extension AND presents the treble in a way that doesn't hurt with the HD800Ss?
      1. Ash1412 and Merrick like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        Totally @rlow . I had a MapleTree Audio Design amp with ton of tubes a while ago and loved it. I regret selling it (though I sold it for a Yggdrasil LIM). This Lry+ is really something else. Yes @Ash1412, it is resolution without the shitty sharp lines of peakyness. The finer points change with the tube, which really suits me well as the difference is enough that it is like a different capable amp with each tube.
        Mar 9, 2023
        rlow likes this.
      4. Ash1412
        @Justin S The weird thing to me is despite the HD800's persistent peak and more closed in damped design vs Utopia, when comparing them (HD800SDR) on EC Af at a meet, I still found its resolve and timbre better in the treble, while Utopia of course wins in contrast and sharpness. That driver is quite special.
        Mar 9, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        I love them. I have limited exposure to Focal headphones - after an RMA on the Clear OGs, I grew concerned that they were too nice and delicate for my use-case. I moved to the HD800Ss and disliked them initially. I have come to really love them - over the Clears and over the LCD-Xs. There is something really fetching about them - but it takes a while to habituate. The Lyr+ with tubes seals the deal for me.
        Mar 9, 2023
    18. Justin S
      Justin S
      Just received a 1950s Tung Sol GTB and put it into my Lyr+. It is very moar better than new production tubes. Better tone, tighter + detail.
      1. Cryptowolf, Azimuth, bixby and 5 others like this.
      2. bixby
        Tung Sols are a really balanced tube with a bit more life up top than the equally great but a bit more smoove Sylvanias.
        Mar 7, 2023
        Justin S likes this.
    19. Justin S
      Justin S
      I put my listening notes about the Lyr+ and BHA-1 into chat GPT and asked it to synthesize a conclusion. Conclusion in the comments.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        As an indie pro artist, I feel optimistic about it. I have been incorporating it in my workflow for years as an effective but imperfect assistant (aren't they all). For the discerning reader, viewer, it will never replace the blood and guts of people making good things. But yah...there is a shit storm of lazy noise building.
        Mar 7, 2023
        mediumroast, Case and rlow like this.
      3. mediumroast
        Its fine, you just keep awareness. It can help get to some relevant conclusions faster. I am not benefiting more from a tech blog ran on ads and getting lost there insted of following the thought process. I can then fact check it with real articles and facts. It makes mistakes.. But I'd say most of the internet is realtively usless information. Its not like a well written book or an article
        Mar 7, 2023
      4. mediumroast
        If AI can filter out relatively uselss information, then it would be great.
        Mar 7, 2023
        rlow and Justin S like this.
    20. Justin S
      Justin S
      Put the Custom Cans mass loading kit into my "office" DT770s. With this and the ZMF Ori pads they're V shaped for sure, but really pleasant.
      1. Justin S
        Justin S
        The stock pads are more balanced sounding with the kit.
        Mar 6, 2023
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Going back and forth between the HD800Ss and the modded DT770s, the limitations of the 770s are really in tone. This is not a fair fight really, but I like the 770s a bunch for what they are. The 800Ss are more mid forward, as well as having more spit, breath and spank (technically :-). The DT770s sound harmonically thinner to me. Everything is there with them - just less yummy.
        Mar 6, 2023
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Home system: PI2AES with SBAF ABNN>AES> Yggdrasil LIM>SE>Heed Obelisk SI III>Harbeth P3ESR XDs + REL t7i.

    Work: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) ->MOTU Ultralite MK5/Geshelli J2S -> Monitors: Genelec 8020s + 7040a

    Headphones: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) -> MOTU/J2 (SBAF ABNN after SMPS)- > Lyr+. ZMF AUTEUR CLASSIC, HD 6xxM (sbaf kissmod), HD600, Modded DT770s.

    Previous equipment. Harbeth P3ESR Standards, Harbeth C7ES3s, Neumann KH120As, Dynaudio M20s. Project Debut III/Graham Slee pre, Soekris 2541 (2x), RME ADI-2 DACfs, Bifrost 2, Holo Spring1 LV2, Schiit Fulla, BF2 (2x), BF 2/64, Gungnir Multibit Multibit A2, Heed Dactillus, Denafrips Ares, Auralic Aries, AudioLab M-DAC, Rega R-DAC, OG Schiit Freya, Schiit Magni 3, OG Burson Soloist, MassDrop LCX, Burson Fun, ZDT Jr., BHA-1, Lynx Hilo

    Previous Headphones: ZMF Aeolus, HD800S, LCD-X 2021, Focal Clear, Focal Elex, OG Sennheiser 650, Sennheiser 58x Jubilee, OG AKG Sextetts, Nhoord Red custom build, Symphones Magnum V8 custom build, Elleven Acoustica G1 custom build, Elleven Acoustica R1 custom build, Hifiman He400i, AKG K702.
    I am a filmmaker. I have also owned and operated a couple different animation/video-post studios and have been buying and trading gear since the 90s. I am relatively new to hifi.

