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Mar 30, 2018
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Bokeh has me hooked! May 20, 2024

Ksorota was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 3:23 PM
    1. Ksorota
      HF new classifieds is a joke, a mess, confusing, and plain old just bad! Somehow they made it worse.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Gazny
        Mar 18, 2021
        Ksorota likes this.
      3. gixxerwimp
        Mar 18, 2021
        Ksorota likes this.
      4. Ksorota
        What a hostile post from someone without any trade history.
        Mar 19, 2021
    2. Ksorota
      Anyone want a LFF Code LEX for 1k? Let me know!
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Someone buy it before I make a dumb decision and buy it anyhow even though I have a Code-6
        Mar 12, 2021
        tommytakis, pure5152 and Vtory like this.
      2. Ksorota
        Maybe even a better deal to be had. This weekend only!
        Mar 14, 2021
    3. Ksorota
      New grills on Clear pro Mg are a nice design change…now if only the accents were black instead of red!
      1. dematted likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. neogeosnk
        You try them, any different than regular clear headphones?
        Feb 16, 2021
        Imraan likes this.
      4. Ksorota
        The OG pro is no different, bu this one has a full magnesium driver and sounds like it could be more neutral by description. The new version released today, not sure how many people have them in hand...maybe Headphones.com
        Feb 16, 2021
        Imraan likes this.
      5. Imraan
        I just scored an OG Clear from someone dumping before this model came out. Glad I did - they're juuuust neutral enough for my tastes :)
        Feb 16, 2021
        Ksorota likes this.
    4. Ksorota
      Converting my dryer from NG to LP would be much easier had they not faced the regulator away from the access points, come on LG!
    5. Ksorota
      Always a pleasure...Sales to @elwappo99 and @Cryptowolf prove once again how nice people can be. Thanks again guys, I hope you enjoy them!
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Imraan and 3 others like this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        I prefer buying and selling here because it isn’t just about cash, but also the knowledge that gear will end up with folks who will appreciate it. Thank you!
        Feb 10, 2021
        Ksorota likes this.
    6. Ksorota
      Melon Collie and the Infinite Sadness...back to one of my first concerts and still loving it!
      1. Jinxy245, Skyline, Azimuth and 4 others like this.
    7. Ksorota
      Anyone else having Tidal issues on the new M1 mac's (mac mini in my case). Exclusive mode does not work...Tidal crashes a lot.
      1. Sqveak
        Apple has deprecated the use of KEXTs as of MacOS 10.15.4 and along with it has been making changes to various system APIs. If Tidal used a custom KEXT or a now changed API then you will have to wait for an app update that addresses the change.
        Jan 25, 2021
      2. Ksorota
        Looks like the software hasn’t been optimized for M1 either...
        Jan 25, 2021
    8. Ksorota
      Qutest vs Gungnir MB A2 is closer than I imagined it would be!!
      1. luckybaer
        What do you mean?
        Jan 17, 2021
      2. Ksorota
        Comparing the two, trying to decide which to keep... tonality is a bit of a wash, Gungnir is possibly more natural/enjoyable but Qutest is more resolving.

        Generally can sort out micro dynamics on both, but it’s easier on the chord DAC.
        Jan 17, 2021
        luckybaer likes this.
    9. Ksorota
      Who has a set of older Hifiman's that just dont work...I want/need some new cups...SMC! Bonus for wood
    10. Ksorota
      I just cannot get over how good this Code-LEX sounds.
      1. E_Schaaf
        There's a unique loneliness in having a cool headphone almost nobody else has heard. How's that headband treating you? You should do a comparative review vs some of your other headphones, despite the fact that it's now unobtanium in 2 ways (5LE quite rare, LFF no longer active)
        Jan 13, 2021
        gixxerwimp and Ksorota like this.
      2. Ksorota
        The headband is holding up fine...I retweaked it to be a bit straighter but have also ordered a replacement from HFM (about a month lost in the mail at this point). I also swapped in the DCA Ether 2 pads (perfect match) I am making notes for a comparison but it is making my HE6 jealous.
        Jan 13, 2021
    11. Ksorota
      Though a favorite around here, anyone willing to sell me their Gungnir multibit!?!?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Melvillian
        I just sold my A2 yesterday :(
        Jan 3, 2021
        PTS and Ksorota like this.
      3. Ksorota
        Open to D/S also. Then I can try out Schiits upgrade program!

        A1 would be the preference but not required
        Jan 4, 2021
      4. Ksorota
        Would the GSX-mini pair better with the A1 or A2 Gungnir...I have gone ahead and read too much about this DAC to know which one would pair better?!
        Jan 4, 2021
    12. Ksorota
      Looking for a cheap Oppo PM2 to try some modding on... seems like a good distraction from buying and selling gear constantly.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ksorota
        So, sounds like there is a deal to be made here... let’s work it out!
        Dec 28, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. Hammy
        I just PMed Mr.Sneis to find out if the headphone is still available. The game is afoot. The plan is in motion.
        Dec 28, 2020
        Jinxy245, Merrick and Ksorota like this.
      4. Hammy
        I love it when a plan comes together. Imma getting a PMx2 <happy dance>. Now to get rid of my PM2. They're a headphone that deserves to be torn apart and modded to make better.
        Dec 28, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    13. Ksorota
      Transactions today; JAR600 delivered to @dematted and LFF HE5LE arrived from @E_Schaaf Positives all around, could not have been simpler!
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, Merrick and 2 others like this.
      2. dematted
        Honestly feel guilty to have snagged these from you for $300...feel like I should have at least paid several hundred more dollars for a headphone that sounds this good...guess I'll post some impressions here when the honeymoon period wears off a bit and I can think about the sound in a bit more of a critical vein
        Dec 21, 2020
        Jinxy245 and Ksorota like this.
      3. Ksorota
        I was happy to pass along the deal that was presented to me a few months ago by @tommytakis . Same rules apply for you, keep it on SBAF or beware an "icey" chill! ;-)
        Dec 21, 2020
        Jinxy245, dematted and tommytakis like this.
    14. Ksorota
      I do not remember who said it the other day, but Hunky Dory is a pretty epic listen...and thank you for bringing it back to my attention!
      1. Gazny, bixby and Merrick like this.
    15. Ksorota
      1. spwath
        Don't temp me with that garbage... I am tempted by shit like this
        Dec 18, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
    16. Ksorota
      To Jot. 2 or not !? It would replace Freya s as pre amp and Increase headphone options beyond Vidar/HE6 combo
      1. monacelli likes this.
      2. monacelli
        I don't expect Jot 2 to be competitive with Freya S as a preamp. After living with Freya S, it would be hard to trade the stepped attenuator for a pot, no matter how good. But if you only have a desktop rig and it would simplify your setup, definitely worth considering. The output switching is a nice bonus too.
        Dec 16, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
      3. Ksorota
        Saga+ was a big improvement over my GLMK2, which i preferred over original Jot. The Freya S with more steps and no tube nervosa was another step in the right direction. I gues the better comparison would be Jot 2 vs GLMK2
        Dec 16, 2020
        rott, Gazny and monacelli like this.
    17. Ksorota
      Anyone had experience running HE6 out of Ragnarok 2 speaker taps...wonder if I should just try it out?!?!
      1. monacelli likes this.
      2. tommytakis
        isn't it a common thing for HE6 owners to use speaker taps? I know some owners did that with their Rag 1 so I'm sure same thing applies w/ Rag 2?

        Not really the same, but I like using my HD580 w/ speaker taps off of my Elekit LOL feels more grippy in the bass/macrodyna and better clarity maybe?
        Dec 11, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
      3. Ksorota
        Im running Freya/Vidar setup now with HE6, but it does not lend itself to other headphones. I wonder if the Rag 2 can retain some of that speaker magic and control other headphones too!
        Dec 11, 2020
      4. monacelli
        I don't own Rag 2, but if I recall correctly Jason designed it to deliver full speaker power output to the balanced headphone jack. So you certainly could run the HE6 from the speaker taps, but I'm not sure how much benefit you would see.
        Dec 11, 2020
    18. Ksorota
      Shout out to @Carlos CPA for trading his black Freya S for my Silver version. Just when I had settled on the stock color SBAF comes through!
      1. Carlos CPA
        Carlos CPA
        Keith, you are most welcome! I am loving the silver Freya S you traded to me! Looks awesome on top of my Gungnir Multibit!
        Nov 18, 2020
    19. Ksorota
      Had another great purchase experience with @HAL9000...HD6xx on their way.
      1. dncnexus and Case like this.
    20. Ksorota
      Big thanks to @tommytakis for offering up a set of JAR HD600’s and for the quick and fair sale!
      1. Cryptowolf, Case, Jinxy245 and 4 others like this.
      2. tommytakis
        You should still try the JAR650 if u get a chance, I personally like it slightly more than the JAR600. Also please try to keep it within SBAF if you end up listing it in the future, Enjoy! :)
        Sep 14, 2020
      3. Ksorota
        Thanks again and yes...I am going to keep the post open for a JAR650 and change my preference in the loaner tour to 650 as well. I know they are popular around here and will keep it in the rotation if I do sell.
        Sep 14, 2020
        tommytakis likes this.
      4. mokobigbro
        I always miss deals like this. I'm in the market for the JAR600 if you ever thought of letting them go.
        Sep 15, 2020
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    Gear List:
    Piety squared (somewhere in the world)
    Gungnir MB Unison Direct chip out
    Proto Cavalli LC
    Sangaku DIY
    Dual Vali 1
    Pass Clone


    M1 Mac Mini> Gungnir Multibit Unison > Dual Mono Piety, mod Vali, DIY Sangaku