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The Deep South

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Lana Del Gayer than you, Male, from The Deep South

Pyrate Contributor

@Merrick spiritually advanced...? what does that mean? Nov 13, 2023

caute was last seen:
Nov 23, 2023
    1. caute
      @purr1n how does your custom EC amp compare to a reg 445 or a 2a3 mkiv? I've been hearing a lot abt mkiv clones lately...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Maven86
        That was vague, I should have clarified. Basically operation parameters like plate voltage, primary impedance of the output transformers, bias methods, whether or not to use feedback (NFB) ect.. These all have a pretty noticeable effect on the overall sound the tube produces.
        Feb 24, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. Maven86
        For example, on my 45 amp, if I set the plate voltage high, it sounds warm, soft, and euphonic in the midrange. At a lower point it will sound neutral and very clear.
        Feb 24, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. caute
        whoa these are all super informative datapoints, thank you so much Maven and Tommy!!!
        Feb 24, 2023
        tommytakis and Maven86 like this.
    2. caute
      America's poet is not TS Eliot, it's def not Ezra Pound, it's not even Hughes, Plath, Poe, or Wallace Stevens & certainly not Frost...
      1. Claritas likes this.
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      3. joch
        I would say Dickinson too…the sparseness vs the wordiness of the prevailing style in her day is very “American” and a departure of English influence.
        Feb 24, 2023
        Cryptowolf, caute, Case and 1 other person like this.
      4. Case
      5. Tchoupitoulas
        William Carlos Williams for the win!

        so much depends

        a red wheel

        glazed with rain

        beside the white
        Feb 24, 2023
        caute and Case like this.
    3. caute
      Been seeing Oliver sayes se45s go for 900, but apparently they’re speaker amps and are AC-heated so can’t be used with hp w resistors?
      1. caute
        Is this true? I want a simple 45 SET amp that is about 1K. Is this even possible?

        Or just go DNA/DHT route instead?
        Feb 22, 2023
      2. Gazny
        go every route till you are frustrated
        Feb 22, 2023
        famish99, rhythmdevils and caute like this.
    4. caute
      Pi2AES suddenly not turning on, any tips? Tried several diff outlets, red LED still won't turn on. Nothing has changed (SD card, output).
      1. Michael Kelly likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. caute
      4. Michael Kelly
        Michael Kelly
        That will work
        Feb 21, 2023
        caute likes this.
      5. caute
        If anyone's in the same predicament, but only wants to spend $20 on a lil-better-than-stock-smps PSU, take a look at this forum-approved option from Amazon:

        It's what I'm getting and it's gotten elder members' thumbs up.
        Feb 21, 2023
    5. caute
      I've been wearing nothing but a pair of Rolla's black overalls, oversize tubular tees, and high tops for the last 4 months.
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      2. caute
        I'll be changing my boxers and socks twice a day when Summer comes lmao. OCD contamination fear more than anything, I hate dirt, sweat & "germs". Germs can be anything the feels "icky" to the OCD person. But for now, while it's still somewhat cool, a pair of Target-bought checkered tagless boxers a day will do lol.
        Feb 19, 2023
        Biodegraded likes this.
      3. Boops
        What’s a tubular tshirt?
        Feb 20, 2023
      4. caute
        Feb 20, 2023
        Boops likes this.
    6. caute
      Finally sold my LAuX for a rando price on eBay! There’s a ZDT Jr on HF that’s around the same price as my sold amp, should I go for it?
      1. Merrick likes this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        If you haven't already, @caute, you should get on the Lyr + loaner tour. It might suit your preferences or purposes with the Tung Sol tube. Quite close to the SW51+ in many respects but with more warmth and tube bloom. Slightly wetter. I'm really impressed by it. Only significant issue is lack of depth to staging. From memory, less tubey than ZDT Jr but with better bass and stronger macrodynamics.
        Feb 19, 2023
      4. caute
        @Tchoupitoulas i tried asking in the loaner thread but didn’t get a reply, but this was well after it kicked off so I understand why the gearmaster didn’t put me in. Would love to hear one tho.

        Also, btw, what is your handle from? Isn’t there a st in NOLA named the same thing?
        Feb 21, 2023
        Tchoupitoulas likes this.
      5. Tchoupitoulas
        Yes, Tchoupitoulas is a street in NOLA. Locals joke that out-of-towners can never pronounce it right (chop-it-oo-las) and that locals can't spell it. I lived on Tchoup back in the day.
        Feb 21, 2023
        caute likes this.
    7. caute
      Berlin, Mexico City, Prague, Buenos Aires or Kyoto? No, I will not elaborate.
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      2. JK47
        Feb 15, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. fraggler
        Feb 15, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. rhythmdevils
        Feb 18, 2023
    8. caute
      Ever wondered what a science book would read like without any Latin, Greek, French and other loanwords? Almost impossible to imagine, right?
      1. caute
        Well. in 1989, someone tried, and the name of the experimental book? Uncleftish Beholding or in actual English "atomic theory" lol. Here's the wiki on it:

        Interesting if nothing else, almost sounds like a English-Germanic conlang for a show about England if it were never conquered by William the Norman in 1066, and was also never exposed to any Greek or Latin texts.
        Feb 15, 2023
        zottel and Claritas like this.
    9. caute
      headphone holder clamp for desk (to use on my nightstand, but getting to the hp would be a PITA), or just buy a LACK wall shelf for them?
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      2. Qildail
        Feb 11, 2023
        Cryptowolf and caute like this.
      3. caute
        Feb 11, 2023
      4. Vansen
        Feb 11, 2023
        Qildail and caute like this.
    10. caute
      This GQ video of 2 Chainz demoing the HE90 will always be one of my unintendedly comedic yt gems. The owner of the hp is... interesting...
      1. caute
        Feb 10, 2023
      2. Vansen
        Feb 10, 2023
        caute likes this.
    11. caute
      If anyone wants to send me a loaner ZDT jr, SW51+, fully modded Crack or similar amp for Valentine’s Day, You can be my valentine ;)
      1. caute
        Which means I’ll pay shipping both ways plus an extra lil sumfin for being my sweetheart goin steady. Idk what, but I’ll think of something… need to find out what I should spend on with my LAuX money when I sell that amp. Must be better than Piety (with Senns) in at least half areas. Must be sweet (you and the amp).
        Feb 10, 2023
        rlow likes this.
      2. ZampotechNA
        Hi - PM inbound :)
        Feb 14, 2023
    12. caute
      Would you switch to a Y2K flip phone for the rest of your life in exchange for regular, monthly credits of $3,000 to your checking acct?
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      2. Armaegis
        Wait, you guys aren't printing directions off mapquest anymore?
        Feb 11, 2023
        sheldaze, caute, Ksorota and 2 others like this.
      3. Cspirou
        @Armaegis - I remember printing them from a CD-ROM map
        Feb 11, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. roshambo123
        @Cspirou Good point, GPS could be a 3rd party device and a flip phone could in theory have GPS.
        Feb 11, 2023
    13. caute
      You guys remember dudes in the early 2010s, when raw denim, chunky beanies & plaid flannels were all the rage? Ppl actually wore fedoras.
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      2. joch
        "Quality never goes out of style."
        Feb 8, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. JK47
        Newsflash... Bell bottoms, straight leg, skinny leg, rinse and repeat for pant styles of the 20th and 21st century
        Feb 8, 2023
        FlySweep and caute like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Dress for comfort. A little bit of style too, if it pleases the wearer. Don't dress by fashion.
        Feb 9, 2023
        Cryptowolf and caute like this.
    14. caute
      Since Sennheiser has added the 660S2 and earlier, the 8XX, do you think they will continue to focus on the old series or go for a 900/1000?
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      2. wbass
        Senn has released some interesting-ish IEMs recently, no? Doesn't seem like they've ground to a halt on enthusiast head-fi necessarily. And, yeah, it'd be excellent to get an HD800 update or a new TOTL e-stat from them.
        Feb 8, 2023
        caute likes this.
      3. murray
        I assumed things would change when Axel Grell left, and then they were sold off.
        Feb 8, 2023
        caute likes this.
      4. joch
        My question is why would they? There are already Utopias, ZMF Atria and others. I'm all for anyone coming out with something new, but I don't think they can compete unless it sets one or two benchmark levels in terms of performance or cost.
        Feb 8, 2023
        caute likes this.
    15. caute
      Everyone always told me a 600 and a Magni Schiit stack is all you need. I finally believe them.
      1. Pyruvate likes this.
      2. caute
        Except the 600 is a black silk JAR600B. And the Magni is a Magni Piety. And the DAC in the Schiit stack is a Gungnir A1...
        Feb 3, 2023
        rfernand, atomicbob, sheldaze and 5 others like this.
      3. Pyruvate
        Sorry per Reddit, you’re still in midfi purgatory /s
        Feb 3, 2023
        Merrick, Qildail and caute like this.
      4. dubharmonic
        All you need is a PortaPro
        Feb 3, 2023
    16. caute
      More modest dream setup: Holo Red > YOG > BW2 > BSJAR600B. Q, does the BW2 have the same "house sound" as EC tube amps? @Azimuth maybe?
      1. Azimuth
        I have not heard an EC tube amp. Maybe someone else can answer that one better. However I do feel that most of the BW amps are on the drier sound and BW has more slightly wetter sound.
        Feb 3, 2023
        caute likes this.
    17. caute
      For some reason I want a totl DAC before going DNA, EC amp, I just love sources—I feel like you gain so much in the subtleties
      1. AdvanTech and rlow like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SoupRKnowva
      4. caute
        Wow! Over a totl-of-the-totl WD Sig XLR! A must-hear, for sure
        Feb 3, 2023
      5. Vansen
        I'd follow @Claritas's recommendations. Since you already have a Gungir A1 and pi2aes, you might be well set for now on that front. I'm backwards on that recommendation with my setup. I run a bifrost into an EC amp, but I know I shouldn't touch a nicer DAC unless I buy a DAVE.
        Feb 3, 2023
        Michael Kelly and caute like this.
    18. caute
      Brutalism: in desperate need or revival or just ugly sites only fit for demolition?
      1. joch
        There are some good Brutalist designs, even aesthetically pleasing. Many of the style, however, are concrete piles. You can similarly say styles before and after are eyesores or incoherent to their surroundings, yet find beautiful exceptions. We probably need to see the structure/design in context to its environment and use before deciding on its 'value' (currently lacking a better word).
        Jan 30, 2023
        Merrick and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      2. Claritas
        Kingsley Amis, in his essay "Sod The Public," contended that modernist architecture is the ultimate sod because it forces itself on you. And do I ever agree!
        Jan 30, 2023
        Qildail and Tchoupitoulas like this.
      3. ilikebananafudge_
        My main gripe with a lot of Brutalist structures is that they're made of concrete that ages horribly and ends up all grey, streaky, water-stained, and gross looking after a couple of decades.
        Jan 30, 2023
    19. caute
      my condolences to all those waiting for JAR mods while ext1 goes off to uni this semester (myself included)
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      2. Inoculator
        I am glad he is getting a break though and getting to spend some time investing in his education! What pair are you in line for when he is back?
        Jan 30, 2023
        Huhnkopf and caute like this.
      3. caute
        Me too, fam needs a break fr, and am glad it's for college too, which can be stressful af on its own.

        I am patiently (or not so patiently) waiting on gaspasser's pair of BSJAR600B which he has very kindly agreed to send straight to me once they get done. (Sorry to gaspasser if you see this and didn't want news of your generosity shared widely lol, but you are a good dude!)
        Jan 30, 2023
        Inoculator likes this.
      4. caute
        not sure of ext's timelines for doing custom mods like this (the BS is apparently much more delicate and harder to work with than the silver mesh) when he's out of school, so I'm just assuming a date sometime in the late summer.
        Jan 30, 2023
        Inoculator likes this.
    20. caute
      Any recs on good price:performance RCA interconnect cables?
      1. MellowVelo likes this.
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      3. caute
        Jan 27, 2023
      4. Inoculator
        @caute I am not the best authority on that above budget tier as I have gone DIY past that. I source DIY stuff from VHAudio, and have landed on KLE RCA connectors with either Furutech FA-aS22 or VHAudio Pulsar CU II (the former being a tad warmer, the latter being a tad more detailed). Let me know if you need a DIY hookup.
        Jan 27, 2023
        caute likes this.
      5. M3NTAL
        My BJC cables (RCA) started developing a short at the connectors. I switched to WBC, saved money and feel like I got a superior product. Too many options with WBC though and not all are in stock.
        Jan 27, 2023
        Inoculator and caute like this.
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  • About

    The Deep South
    Gear List:
    Pi2AES/Marantz CDT > [BJC coax] > Abbas .11SE > [Furutech OCC RCA] > HLF/Tommy modded Crack > LSN800
    4 years after n+1 magazine's Mark Grief autopsied the dead specter of the hipster, in Lana del Rey’s satirical-autobiographical “Brooklyn Baby” there’s an easy mondegreen when she sings “my jazz collections rare”—she could just as easily be singing “my jazz collections real” —either way, this liberal postmodern obsession with “authenticity” and nostalgia-as-radical-chic cred fetishizes and amasses cultural capital, bc that’s all it can do: see and be seen as countercultural, taking revolutionary symbols of the not-so-distant past as fashion icons, as totems, as fetish objects, all the while caching sprezzatura as reified capital. It’s the same move when the hippies turned into the pioneers of Silicon Valley.


    after all these years wrestlin' gators / i still feel like cryin' when i think of what you said to me