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Jul 26, 2024 at 3:40 PM
Jul 27, 2017
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Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
Electrical engineer

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Friend, Male, 35, from Finland


SPL Phonitor XE's dac768 module is suprisingly good - I think I prefer it to the likes of RME ADI-2 DAC Jul 2, 2024

Collusion was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 3:40 PM
    1. Collusion
      I've got a some kind of a buying frenzy going on... dac2541 and Moon Neo Ace purchased.
      1. dematted, Gazny, rlow and 1 other person like this.
    2. Collusion
      Pasted some information about the new Soekris dac2541 to HF. It was removed because the same exact information could be found from SBAF. LOL
      1. obsiCO, Jinxy245, Lyander and 3 others like this.
    3. Collusion
      Holo Audio May was very impressive. Easily better than my Burl B2 Bomber.... god damn it!
      1. Cakecake
        Time to acquire the holo may
        Nov 8, 2020
    4. Collusion
      Found an interesting Audi TT - unfortunately it's so north I'd probably have to get a pack of reindeers and a sledge to get to there.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Maybe it was an Audi-Europe thing. In Europe you could specify the cars with different engines. You had to pay for it but there were options. It was not always through Audi but sometimes Audi-VW-specialists could do it. I mean Germany is almost next-door here.
        Oct 28, 2020
      3. Hrodulf
        My mom used to have the 1st gen 1.8T AWD. Drove like a beast.
        Oct 28, 2020
      4. dubharmonic
        I had the same engine in a 5 speed 2003 Passat. I loved that car!
        Oct 28, 2020
    5. Collusion
      Listening to a pair of Quad Era-1's @home. Apart from an channel imbalance issue, these do not suck ass.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Collusion
        Darker / fuller sound than with Sennheiser HD600's. Initial impression of treble is that it's more even sounding, though slightly dark in the presense region and also in the upper air region.
        Oct 22, 2020
      3. Collusion
        Bass has noticeably more heft, especially in the lower frequencies.
        Oct 22, 2020
      4. Collusion
        I'd say detail wise these are behind the Senns. Like almost one full step behind, but maybe the difference in tonal balance plays tricks on me.
        Oct 22, 2020
        Jinxy245 and E_Schaaf like this.
    6. Collusion
      Buying a car is more difficult than I anticipated. So many options to choose from...
      1. bixby and dark_energy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. bixby
        true car pricing knowledge and participating dealer worked great for me.
        Oct 3, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. Cellist88
        Question is electric?
        Oct 3, 2020
      5. Collusion
        @Cellist88 Nope, looking for a gasoline one. No real charging infrastructure in place here. I would need to be able to charge it either at home or at work. But who knows, maybe in 5 years and maybe the next car then...
        Oct 4, 2020
    7. Collusion
      The Stax SRM-727mkII is a glarey piece of shit. I literally thought something was broken when it was fed from a Burl B2 Bomber.
      1. purr1n
        All the STAX amps suck. Actually, their tube stuff sounds better IMO.
        Sep 23, 2020
      2. Collusion
        Exactly! An older SRM-006t tube amp sounds actually fantastic in contrast. Tonally the 727mkII is a far cry from it. Cannot think a single area where it'd even match the tube model. The headphones used were SR-009's, if somebody is wondering (the older non s models).
        Sep 23, 2020
    8. Collusion
      Collusion 50 dollar challenge: what would you order now if you had a gift voucher expiring at the end of the month?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. skem
        wire! That shit gets used and is expensive.
        Aug 29, 2020
        bixby likes this.
      3. bixby
        cable making connectors
        Aug 29, 2020
        Elmer Danilovich likes this.
      4. Collusion
        Atomicbob noise nuke it is!
        Aug 30, 2020
    9. Collusion
      First impression of the Quad Z3's: Incredible resolution!
      1. bixby, Vtory and rlow like this.
      2. ufospls2
        I've heard good things about them. Enjoy them! :) Also heard great things about the little bookshelves, the S2's.
        Aug 26, 2020
    10. Collusion
      1. Collusion
        Probably the worst hangover in ten years. Maybe should've eaten more (only had a lunch in the forenoon and nothing else)
        Aug 22, 2020
      2. crazychile
        Coconut water works well, probably from its rehydration properties. I also learned in high school that greasy breakfast sandwiches from Hardee’s, Burger King, etc help, but I’m not sure of the science behind that one.
        Aug 23, 2020
        Collusion likes this.
    11. Collusion
      A pair of Dynaudio Evoke 20's received today. Will write a three way review between these, Special 40's and Revel M106's very soon.
      1. JayC, nishan99, BenjaminBore and 5 others like this.
      2. rlow
        Aug 17, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    12. Collusion
      Hegel H200 waiting for me at post office. I'm at work and time runs very very slow.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Collusion
        I've got a smallish living room setup. I'll try to write some impressions this week.
        Aug 5, 2020
        rlow likes this.
      3. rlow
        Aug 5, 2020
      4. rlow
        And post some amp impressions when you have time as well. Have been curious about the H200 for some time.
        Aug 5, 2020
    13. Collusion
      Had a change to demo the Stax SR-009's. Pretty sure they're no match for the Raal SR1a's, although still very likeable.
      1. Cakecake and dark_energy like this.
      2. Vtory
        I also observed quite a few cases that the preference went the other way.. so in the end they don't seem to replace each other at all.
        Jul 29, 2020
    14. Collusion
      Note to yourself: next time you buy something second hand, ask the seller if it's from a smoke-free home.
      1. DigMe, Merrick, EagleWings and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TheIceman93
      4. Collusion
        I did clean to whole enclosure with isopropyl alcohol, also from the inside. The PSU card was easy to remove, but the mainboard was a bit too tricky, thanks to those AES/EBU inputs with push flanges. I wiped what I could and the thing is now less smelly.
        Jul 22, 2020
        Lyander, Thad E Ginathom and Jinxy245 like this.
      5. Collusion
        The thing is now up and running. Currently listening to Phoebe Bridger's new Punisher album. First impression: Very impressive sound stage!
        Jul 22, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom, YMO and Jinxy245 like this.
    15. Collusion
      If you feel lonely, try watching a good horror movie in the dark. A malevolent presence will keep you company for the rest of the night!
      1. FlySweep, Jinxy245, hikergrl and 6 others like this.
      2. YMO
        Sometimes I give random people my Google phone #. Some here have it.
        Jul 18, 2020
        hikergrl likes this.
    16. Collusion
      DAC lemmings part 2: Burl B2 DAC purchased
      1. rlow
        Choo choooo! All aboard!!

        Hype train about to leave the station.
        Jul 14, 2020
        Melvillian, Jinxy245, JK47 and 3 others like this.
      2. Melvillian
        Is this the new hotness?
        Jul 14, 2020
      3. Collusion
        @Melvillian more like a flavor of the month. Will be posting a review vs a DM Convert-2 (don't know if Marv still has one) when I get my unit
        Jul 15, 2020
        Melvillian and rlow like this.
    17. Collusion
      5 to 6 beers and everything at home starts to sound good. 10 to 12 beers and everything everywhere sounds good :-) Simple yet effective!
      1. JK47, atomicbob, Deep Funk and 3 others like this.
      2. Jinxy245
        relatively cheap, but long term costs (monetary and health) could be problematic...
        Jul 3, 2020
      3. YMO
        Yellow Pee.
        Jul 3, 2020
      4. Collusion
        @Jinxy245 Spoiler alert! Not willing to realize this until the next morning
        Jul 3, 2020
        Jinxy245 and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    18. Collusion
      Holy moses the Pi2AES is good! Best sound from DM CV-2 to date via AES/EBU.
      1. jexby, Michael Kelly and RobS like this.
    19. Collusion
      Just scored a second hand IFi Micro iDSD BL for 250€. Must be a some kind of spring frenzy going on...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. rlow
        Or an “I lost my job due to COVID and need money ASAP” frenzy...
        Apr 29, 2020
      3. zerodeefex
        I copped a REL T/5i for $300. Definitely craziness.
        Apr 29, 2020
        rlow, ChaChaRealSmooth and Collusion like this.
      4. Collusion
        @rlow I had to actually ask the seller and apparently it really was just without any use atm.
        Apr 30, 2020
        rlow likes this.
    20. Collusion
      1. boredpanda
        You're more than welcome! ;)
        Apr 27, 2020
        Collusion likes this.
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Electrical engineer
    Gear List:
    Current setup:

    Lindemann 882
    Schiit Mjolnir 3

    Rockna Wavedream Signature Balanced
    Soekris dac2541

    Dynaudio Heritage Special
    Genelec 6010b (@work)

    Sennheiser HD800S

    Win10 PC with Matrix Element H USB card
    iFi Neo Stream

    Past devices (not in any particular order):
    SPL Phonitor e
    Magnat Quantum 1003S
    RAAL SR1a
    RAAL HSA-1b
    Buchardt S400 OG & MK2
    Simaudio Moon 250i
    Rotel RA-1520
    Ayre AX-7e
    Simaudio Moon 340iX
    Schiit Bifrost 2
    Soekris dac2541
    Burl B2 Bomber
    Massdrop Airist R-2R
    iFi Micro iDSD BL
    SPL Phonitor 2
    SPL Performer s800
    Hegel H200
    Rega Elex-R
    Schiit Modi Multibit (gen 1)
    Schiit Yggdrasil Analog 2
    Chord Mojo
    Chord Hugo
    Chord Hugo 2
    Schiit Jotunheim
    Burson Conductor V2
    RME ADI-2 DAC v2
    MSB Signature DAC IV Plus
    NAD M51
    Soekris dac1541
    Marantz HD-DAC1
    Anthem Statement D2v 3D
    Marantz AV8801
    Marantz AV7005
    Marantz NA7004
    Audiolab 8000AP
    Audiolab 8000M monoblocks
    Audiolab 8000P
    Audiolab 8000Q
    Audiolab 8200CDQ
    Audiolab 8200M monoblocks
    Densen B-110
    Creek 5350SE
    Creek Evolution 2
    Atoll IN100SE
    Consonance A100 Linear

    Past Speakers:
    Amphion Argon 2 Anniversary
    Amphion Xenon (1st revision)
    Amphion Argon 3 mk2
    B&W 804S
    Buchardt S400 MK2
    Dynaudio Focus 110
    Dynaudio Audience 52SE
    Dynaudio Evoke 20
    Epos M22i
    Genelec 1032a
    Genelec 8030b
    Genelec G3
    Genelec 8040b
    Infinity Renaissance 90
    Magnat Quantum 503
    Mark&Daniel Maximus Monitor
    Mark&Daniel Ruby
    OR E-1
    Quad Z3
    Revel M106
    Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

    Past Headphones:
    Hifiman Sundara
    AKG K702
    Focal Clear
    Focal Utopia
    ZMF Verite C LTD Olive