May 4, 2018
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Friend, Male, from NH


PI2AES w/noise nuke, coax to BF2 OG XLR to Jotunheim 2 low gain XLR out to Focal Clear w/audiophile ninja cable. New favorite arrangement. Mar 24, 2024

    1. HotRatSalad
      Can anyone hook my up with any LISST tube/s for OG saga ? Looking for a vidar or aegir as well if anyone is moving one.
      1. Woland
        Iirc @schiit indicated on head-fi that they'll be selling octal lisst again soon.
        Jun 19, 2022
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        Looking for BH crack if anyone has one collecting dust. Will trade liquid platinum or buy it
        Jun 29, 2022
      3. Woland
        @HotRatSalad it reads like that was supposed to be a new status message, not a comment on your old one.
        Jul 1, 2022
    2. HotRatSalad
      Interest check for Blackwood Aeolus. Not using them enough, got them here and they will go here.
      1. Inoculator likes this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        These have mag chassis as well and have some extra/better XLR cables available.
        Mar 30, 2022
      3. HotRatSalad
        Bumping probably put them up soon. Uni perf lamb and suede pads.
        Sep 12, 2022
    3. HotRatSalad
      Moved into the house finally the other day. Back to 2 chan finally ! Gungnir a2 Freya S and a trusty Vidar again with my PSB speakers
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HotRatSalad
        Been rocking out in Nexus 4x mostly. Listening to snow goose from camel seems fitting for Dec 23.
        Dec 23, 2021
      3. yotacowboy
        I hate to add to the nervousa, but perhaps try a decent BAL to SE trafo, and stay passive thru Freya. That's what I prefer, at least.
        Dec 23, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        I guess I could grab Another vidar and avoid the whole thing ! Any issue with matching vidars that aren't bought new at the same time ?
        Dec 23, 2021
    4. HotRatSalad
      Does rag 2 come with the new unison dac modules now by chance? Need amp for new house ! Might get vidar (again) and Freya though...
      1. Azimuth
        The ESS is Unison, not theMB card. And they are an option.
        Nov 14, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        Schiit says only the MB dac is available on rag 2 no unison option yet :(
        Nov 15, 2021
        Azimuth likes this.
      3. Azimuth
        Right. Modi MB and MB cards are still CirrusLogic. I think Fulla and ESS are also still CL USB.
        Nov 15, 2021
    5. HotRatSalad
      Who's using hella/fulla setups on PS5? How's it ? using stereo headphones and fiddle with 3d sound settings USB out is my usage plans.
    6. HotRatSalad
      Spinning first LP in probably 18 months. New Iron Maiden on a Sl1200 MK5, AT150sa and Schiit Mani.
    7. HotRatSalad
      Picked up a pendant amp recently and it's not really blowing me away. Got some tubes to roll but not sure if it will make me love it.
      1. zonto likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. HotRatSalad
        Yep this amp not for me, Going back to Jot 2 with Aeolus is like a breath of fresh air.
        Jul 17, 2021
        Cryptowolf and dncnexus like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        Nothing wrong with discovering your tastes and what works best for you. I hope you are able to easily recover the purchase price.
        Jul 17, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        I should be able to, small loss isn't huge deal at least I got a chance to hear it. Sometimes a negative outcome can teach you as much as a positive one. It's like magnius all over again LoL
        Jul 17, 2021
        Cryptowolf and dncnexus like this.
    8. HotRatSalad
      Interest check: ZMF Aeolus sapale w/suede pads and 2 stock cables. Making room for Gen G maybe next month, already have blackwood Aeolus.
      1. HotRatSalad
        Been listening to these out of ZDT jr and I question why I even want another headphone. I could be happy forever. Picked these up off a friend here for $800 shipped.
        Jun 21, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    9. HotRatSalad
      Doing crazy things like getting in airplanes and going to visit 90 year old grandfather.
    10. HotRatSalad
      Got the J&J jab yesterday. Feel like crap today. Yay !
      1. View previous comments...
      2. scapeinator1
        Make sure you stay hydrated.
        May 5, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      3. Ringingears
        At least you know it’s working. I felt like crap for a couple of days but was worth it.
        May 6, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Feel a bit better today ! Lots of sleeping helps.
        May 6, 2021
        Ringingears and Cryptowolf like this.
    11. HotRatSalad
      Anyone listen to IEM's on Jot 2 ? ifi iematch or something else ? Hiss BAD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HotRatSalad
        what config you using @Merrick I guess the easiest thing for me would be that 4pin xlr to 2.5mm adapter. Is this ok to use without breaking shit ? I only tried SE no other cables for balanced IEM yet.
        Apr 24, 2021
      3. Merrick
        That adapter should be fine if you have a balanced cable for your IEM with a 2.5mm TRRS termination.
        Apr 24, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Yep got some one the way. Probably need an extension cable. Got UM 3DT been using qudelix 5k but want Jot2 for summer months listening occasionally.
        Apr 24, 2021
        Merrick likes this.
    12. HotRatSalad
      1. Imraan and fraggler like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Imraan
        @HotRatSalad Dude I ordered on the 1st of Feb :) come on join the club. Sell an unused cable or something if it makes you feel better!
        Feb 5, 2021
      4. Imraan
        @Ksaurav402 Thanks for the impressions! What source are you using them with?
        Feb 5, 2021
      5. Merrick
        These are the only IEMs I own. They’re great!
        Feb 5, 2021
        Imraan likes this.
    13. HotRatSalad
      1. Cryptowolf and yotacowboy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. HotRatSalad
        I might check them out only have one set. A pair of zu audio missions I got for $40
        Jan 27, 2021
      4. yotacowboy
        I've used both SE and Bal for a long-ish run from my TT preamp to Freya S - they both sound perfectly fine.
        Jan 28, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      5. Cryptowolf
        I haven’t tried their XLR variants, but I just recabled my headphone system with WBC Eminence locking RCA ends with Mogami wire. I didn’t notice a difference in sound, but the aesthetics and certainty of the connection help with nervosa.
        Jan 28, 2021
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    14. HotRatSalad
      Jotunheim 2 arrived and having a first listen ! Early Christmas gift from my girlfriend.
      1. Jinxy245, Syzygy, atomicbob and 12 others like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        I thought the same thing until I got a bifrost 2, that really made the Asgard 3 better in that regard @JellyRhino I bet the high Z helps with that on SW51+ Unfortunately I have not listened to HD650 much in over a month since Aeolus arrived. Still my fav headphone though so I will get there !
        Dec 21, 2020
        Cryptowolf and JellyRhino like this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        If it helps though I liked liquid platinum better with Aeolus than SW51+ with HD650 it was sort of a draw for me. Mood and source material dependent. Using Jot 2 balanced with bifrost 2 USB of course. I'm off until 2021 after tonight so should be fun. I'm going try and not jump the gun, but Super Asgard 3 is what I want to say.
        Dec 21, 2020
        JellyRhino likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        Some time with stock HD6xx on Jot2. First impression was this amp has great lows ! I didn't get that impression as much from Aeolus. More extension both ways compared to Asgard 3.
        Dec 22, 2020
        JellyRhino likes this.
    15. HotRatSalad
      Any love for Rag 2 around here ? I've been wanting to play some records again. Need simple and am going to sell Saga/Vidar/Mani.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Basically, as just an amp it comes with all the extra slots filled with SE inputs, giving you 3 total. By getting a phono card, you'd effectively replace one of the SE inputs with a phono-in.
        Nov 2, 2020
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      3. HotRatSalad
        That works even 1 would be ok I guess but phono plus 2 is even better. Both my dacs are XLR and SE. Might have to grab me a rag2 if I can fend off starlett purchase ...
        Nov 2, 2020
        Inoculator and ChaChaRealSmooth like this.
      4. HotRatSalad
        Sold Vidar, IC for OG saga and mani anyone ?
        Nov 15, 2020
    16. HotRatSalad
      Less than an hour with the DNA Starlett and I'm already convinced. WTF am I going to do when I have to send it back and wait for one ?
      1. Jinxy245 and vtrinidad87 like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        That might work and I can also burn off all the fat reserves :)
        Oct 27, 2020
      4. HotRatSalad
        I feel like I enjoy HD650 on low 9 ohm setting rather than IEC 120 ohm setting. I figured it would be the other way around. All other amps are close to zero SE or XLR, always like SW51+ out of low 27 ohm jack more also...
        Oct 28, 2020
      5. HotRatSalad
        I should be sleeping but can't shut Starlett off. JAR600 might be my fav with it so far.
        Nov 1, 2020
    17. HotRatSalad
      I get to play with ECP DSHA3F Ravenswood 3F for the weekend. Weeeeeeeeeeeee
      1. atomicbob, Syzygy, sheldaze and 9 others like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        @crenca I'm hoping to get my hands on a loaner unit from DN soon. I can finally hear these 2 amps.
        Oct 16, 2020
      4. yotacowboy
        ECP DSHA3F is one of only 2 amps I've ever heard so far that are "YOU WILL BE MINE" status. The drive and visceral attack it has while still being delicate and effortless in the treble is a combination that's intoxicating.
        Oct 16, 2020
        HotRatSalad likes this.
      5. HotRatSalad
        I'm starting to see that @yotacowboy the more I listen. The treble is fascinatingly articulate but smooooooth. The amp itself is a thing of beauty, black with sapele. @vtrinidad87 is my new best friend.
        Oct 17, 2020
    18. HotRatSalad
      Re bought HD600 after a couple years away from them, and a pair of HD650. Both very low hours from 2014. Glad to have a back up 650.
      1. Deep Funk, bixby and imackler like this.
      2. HotRatSalad
        HD600 on my cranium again after 2 years, why did I not keep them to begin with ?
        Sep 14, 2020
      3. HotRatSalad
        It's funny how time and listening experience changes perceptions. I did not like HD600 as much a few years ago. Now I have a borrowed Aeolus along with HD650 and all I want to listen to HD600...
        Sep 17, 2020
    19. HotRatSalad
      Anyone in Merrimack Valley MA or Rockingham County NH areas that wants a Vidar and OG saga deal ?
    20. HotRatSalad
      RIP Martin Birch Was a part of so many of my favorite albums :(
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Pi2aes x2

    Speaker amps
    Aegir x2

    Pre amps
    Freya S
    Saga OG

    Gungnir A2
    Bifrost 2 OG

    Turntable and Pre amps/Carts
    SL1200 MK5
    Zphono XRM

    Headphone amps
    Jotunheim 2
    Hip Dac 3

    S12 pro

    Image T6
    I like music more than gear. I think....