Justin S
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Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
Mar 14, 2018
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Justin S

Friend, Male, from Toronto

Pyrate Contributor

I have been using BRU and LTFS for tape archives for a decade+: soo fiddly. I just started working with TAR. TAR is easy. TAR is forever :-) Jun 5, 2024

Justin S was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM
    1. Justin S
      Justin S
      Well that escalated quickly. Elex last week, Clear OG on order this week. Moar.
      1. SoupRKnowva and rhythmdevils like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. loadexfa
        I did the same and have been very happy with the OG Clear. I imagine a Utopia is in my future.
        Feb 6, 2022
        Justin S and rhythmdevils like this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        They have arrived. Out of the box, shiny-new-toy first impressions = more bass, more bass texture, more space. Moaaar! I'm sure there's a lot to discern here, but I'll put some burn-hours on them and assess against the Elex this weekend and post in the OG Clear thread.
        Feb 9, 2022
        rhythmdevils, rlow and loadexfa like this.
      5. Justin S
        Justin S
        I put up some brief impressions and a little comparison on the Clear OG thread. The short story is the Clears have better bass extension - almost to a fault, and better detail. They're very likeable. There's a little scoop in the frequency response around the mids that I'll try to figure out. I like them and will be selling the Elex.
        Feb 15, 2022
        rhythmdevils likes this.
    2. Justin S
      Justin S
      I'm a noob at PEQ settings so am starting with GoldenSound's suggestion for the Elex. Subtle and good. ASR's suggested settings are funny.
      1. Cspirou
        No idea what ASR EQ is supposed to be but I imagine they want everything to look like the Harmon curve
        Jan 31, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        The ASR eq is is +7db Low Shelf at 80Hz and a 3db Q3 notch-y bump up at 4700Hz. All this without adjusting for headroom. I tried it for fun - it's coarse and weird. It make the Elex sound more consumer-y. GoldenSound's is a little 1 db lowshelf at 53Hz and a wide 2dB Q0.5 peak at 400hz. It fills out the low midrange a little and adds an almost imperceptible amount of lowbass. It's nice.
        Feb 1, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    3. Justin S
      Justin S
      Got a good deal on a nice used pair of Focal Elex headphones. While not a radical change from the HD600s, they're different.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        Spent a few days with the LIM/JOT2/Elex. The LIM will have go back to the living room in the coming days so I'm now flipping between the Geshelli J2 and the LIM in my suite. The J2 is pretty good. I had been thinking the Elex would require at least a BF2 to get me part way to the LIM. The J2 is a little less "fluid" and doesn't have the heft of the LIM. I'll keep flipping back and forth and see where it leads.
        Feb 1, 2022
        WoodyLuvr likes this.
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        So with the HD600s I strongly preferred the ALLO S/PDIF on the G-J2 and on the Yggdrasil. I found the USB softer and less focused. With the Elex, USB on both is better. It reads as more substantial and spacious with the Elex. (Roon->W10->USB>G-J2 (BAL) | Yggdrasil LIM (SE) -> Jot2 -> BAL -> Elex.) I'm going to try @purr1n's magic USB card now.
        Feb 3, 2022
        rlow likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        Magic USB card installed. My preliminary impression with the card is that USB through the G-J2 and Y-MIL is more clear, spacious and substantial feeling than Mobo USB and the Allo S/PDIF. I'll test more and draw up a post for that thread.
        Feb 4, 2022
    4. Justin S
      Justin S
      Hours listening to the JOT2 with 600s thinking, "Not as great as I remember". The gain was set to high. Back to low gain, back to awesome.
      1. rlow
        Why does Jot 2 high gain suck compared to low gain (at least with HD6X0)? This was quite confounding to me when I had the loaner. Which reminds me, I need to write up my impressions…
        Jan 23, 2022
        yotacowboy, Jinxy245, jnak00 and 2 others like this.
      2. Justin S
        Justin S
        In my system with the HD600s, high gain flattens out the presentation, and glosses over subtleties. It is weird because I associate high gain with emphasising dynamics and staging. On my erish 2, high gain is more engaging.
        Jan 23, 2022
        rlow and Cryptowolf like this.
    5. Justin S
      Justin S
      A 600s-with-a-silver-cable kind of day.
      1. Qildail and Gazny like this.
    6. Justin S
      Justin S
      Settled into a headphone rig that is keeping me up late.
      1. hikergrl, atomicbob, jnak00 and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. roshambo123
        Also running a Jot 2 + HD600 chain for my work setup. Really enjoy it
        Jan 16, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      4. Justin S
        Justin S
        I found that the J2 really scaled with something other than my noisy workstation motherboard. I pulled out my old DigiOne last week and it made a significant difference in the sound.
        Jan 16, 2022
        roshambo123 likes this.
      5. roshambo123
        Yup. Adding Modius was an improvement over mobo audio here also.
        Jan 16, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
    7. Justin S
      Justin S
      Erish 2: didn't know that the 600s went that low.
    8. Justin S
      Justin S
      Erish 2 in the house. Early days, but with the HD650Ms I am asking myself, "what veil?"
    9. Justin S
      Justin S
      Erish 2 in the house. Early days, but with the HS650Ms I am asking myself, "what veil?
    10. Justin S
      Justin S
      Resistance is futile. Erish 2 in the wood box ordered.
      1. Merrick likes this.
    11. Justin S
      Justin S
      Enjoying the Canadian tour of the Jot 2. This thing lights up the HD6xxMs.
      1. jnak00, rlow, Lyander and 1 other person like this.
      2. rlow
        What’s the current amp you’re comparing to Justin?
        Oct 29, 2021
      3. Justin S
        Justin S
        I use an SPL 2control in my work suite. It's pretty good and perfect for work. I had a Mapletree tube amp for a couple years and just sold it. Ultimately, I'm looking for something to replace it for pleasure listening. I'm going to do a write-up in the coming days.
        Oct 30, 2021
    12. Justin S
      Justin S
      Enjoying the Canadian tour of the Joy 2. This thing lights up the HD6xxMs.
    13. Justin S
      Justin S
      Week 2 - the LIM keeps getting better.
      1. MellowVelo likes this.
    14. Justin S
      Justin S
      Giving my LIMbic system some time to settle.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. gixxerwimp
        Sep 16, 2021
        Justin S likes this.
    15. Justin S
      Justin S
      1. pure5152 likes this.
      2. Qildail
        Sep 13, 2021
        Justin S likes this.
      3. Case
        Maura Lee Karupt
        Sep 14, 2021
        Justin S likes this.
    16. Justin S
      Justin S
      Wishing the postman rang twice
      1. Cryptowolf, Lyander, Gazny and 2 others like this.
      2. Kunlun
        "Ask not for whom the postman rings, he rings for thee."
        Apr 19, 2021
        Thad E Ginathom, Justin S and Lyander like this.
      3. mitochondrium
        I would rather wish for the postwoman to ring twice.... or two postwomen to ring once
        Apr 20, 2021
        Justin S likes this.
    17. Justin S
      Justin S
      Waiting patiently on a Soekris 2541
    18. Justin S
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Home system: PI2AES with SBAF ABNN>AES> Yggdrasil LIM>SE>Heed Obelisk SI III>Harbeth P3ESR XDs + REL t7i.

    Work: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) ->MOTU Ultralite MK5/Geshelli J2S -> Monitors: Genelec 8020s + 7040a

    Headphones: USB | S/PDIF (PI2AES Lite) -> MOTU/J2 (SBAF ABNN after SMPS)- > Lyr+. ZMF AUTEUR CLASSIC, HD 6xxM (sbaf kissmod), HD600, Modded DT770s.

    Previous equipment. Harbeth P3ESR Standards, Harbeth C7ES3s, Neumann KH120As, Dynaudio M20s. Project Debut III/Graham Slee pre, Soekris 2541 (2x), RME ADI-2 DACfs, Bifrost 2, Holo Spring1 LV2, Schiit Fulla, BF2 (2x), BF 2/64, Gungnir Multibit Multibit A2, Heed Dactillus, Denafrips Ares, Auralic Aries, AudioLab M-DAC, Rega R-DAC, OG Schiit Freya, Schiit Magni 3, OG Burson Soloist, MassDrop LCX, Burson Fun, ZDT Jr., BHA-1, Lynx Hilo

    Previous Headphones: ZMF Aeolus, HD800S, LCD-X 2021, Focal Clear, Focal Elex, OG Sennheiser 650, Sennheiser 58x Jubilee, OG AKG Sextetts, Nhoord Red custom build, Symphones Magnum V8 custom build, Elleven Acoustica G1 custom build, Elleven Acoustica R1 custom build, Hifiman He400i, AKG K702.
    I am a filmmaker. I have also owned and operated a couple different animation/video-post studios and have been buying and trading gear since the 90s. I am relatively new to hifi.

