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Jul 26, 2024 at 7:26 AM
Sep 27, 2015
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Oct 2, 1987 (Age: 36)

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MOT: Estelon, Male, 36, from Estonia

Pyrate BWC

Every 3 years or so I rediscover Lateralus. Piece of art. Apr 29, 2024

Priidik was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 7:26 AM
    1. Priidik
      Signing up to SBAF is scary. You need to stay cool and confident. Give subtle signs that you are valuable. --> SBAF is like a woman.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Priidik
        This is actually how I felt when interacting for the first time in Changstar. Just like hitting on a hot woman in a pub in my early 20's. Anax was that 9.5 outa 10 hot chick I approached, haha!
        Dec 6, 2018
      3. frenchbat
        Boy, I'm not sure how that analogy would suit him.
        Dec 6, 2018
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Anax was the loud-mouthed guy in the bar that one tried to get as far away from as possible. And hey, some of us get by here on SBAF even though we are deaf!
        Dec 6, 2018
        Senorx12562 likes this.
    2. Priidik
      1. Case, brencho, Cspirou and 6 others like this.
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      3. Hrodulf
        That 1.5k dip tho... It might not be annoying, but it’s the worst place to have it. I would have chosen a different midrange.
        Nov 26, 2018
      4. Priidik
        Surprisingly not so much to chose from, if one desires well behaved fr, all the motor tech and still have reasonable eff.
        Nov 26, 2018
      5. Hrodulf
        True. I have a hard time finding a better mid than Scanny 12mu. Not cheap, but not ATC money either and much reasonable passband.
        Nov 27, 2018
        Priidik likes this.
    3. Priidik
      Pink Floyd Division Bell is good to illustrate why some* mono strings and guitars do not work from speakers. HPs are good.
      1. Lyander likes this.
    4. Priidik
      Info provided by Audio friends is like a signal with distortion, where the distortion is known.
    5. Priidik
      Cirrus Logic dac is veiled AF! But! Doesn't create anything offensive.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Poleepkwa
        You just need to add a treble tilt to your speakers!
        Nov 15, 2018
      3. Priidik
        It's the kind of veil that can't be undone. The lack of live kind of veil.
        Nov 16, 2018
        Poleepkwa likes this.
      4. Poleepkwa
        Funny, I have noticed the same. I tuned my speakers for the receiver(Cirrus Dac). Tried then with AKM Dac, way to bright.
        Nov 16, 2018
    6. Priidik
      1. kixx, TwoEars, LetMeBeFrank and 4 others like this.
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      3. loki993
        Sounds almost too good to be true because it solves nearly everything, but I really hope they can make it work. Carbon stuff aside even, a reliable source of fuel that doesn't come from volatile parts of the world so if someone farts the wrong way the price doesn't go up 50 cents a gallon sounds amazing.
        Oct 26, 2018
      4. Priidik
        With brute force almost everything is possible. Key here is the 'dumb' power nuclear plants make in the night time and renewables can make a lot more than the grid can use in fortunate conditions.
        Oct 26, 2018
      5. loki993
        It is amazing in its simplicity and people need to be dumping money into this like now.
        Oct 26, 2018
    7. Priidik
      Dismantled my 3-way prototype months ago to build 'nice version'. Now I have no time. Other audio systems suck too much to enjoy music. Meh
      1. AdvanTech
        Sounds like you have all the motivation you need. Hope you get some time soon!
        Oct 15, 2018
      2. BenjaminBore
        Audiopilia can become a bit of a curse once you can no longer not hear why everything else is so bad.
        Oct 15, 2018
    8. Priidik
      The original Clip. A coworker gave me one, I dug it out of my trash and gave it a listen after all these years: what a ballzy littlething!
      1. Jinxy245 and Poleepkwa like this.
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      3. Kattefjaes
        God, those things were culty. People were so gutted when they went away..
        Sep 19, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Poleepkwa
        Probably have to replace the battery at some point.
        Sep 19, 2018
      5. Pilsnerpunk
        Keep mine in my gym bag and it's still running strong. Battery is holding up surprisingly well too. Mine's probably 10 years old.
        Sep 19, 2018
    9. Priidik
      Headphones for yt videos, speakers for music.
      1. sphinxvc likes this.
    10. Priidik
      Some people are stating Wpc as power figure for audio gear: what is it? Watts programme? Internet is silent to me.
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      2. spwath
        We're penis cunts.
        Apr 24, 2018
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Aaaarrrrrgghhhh... WTF?

        Only some abbreviations are acronyms. The rest are... abbreviations.
        Apr 24, 2018
        BillOhio likes this.
      4. Mr.Sneis
        Apr 24, 2018
        rott and 9suns like this.
    11. Priidik
      Monday 'can' be a day of the week where sarcasm takes form of an avalanche.
      1. Case and atomicbob like this.
    12. Priidik
      Tip for those using el-cheapo-fi pro soundcards for headpones: short out the retard high source resistance inside -> much better sound!
      1. ultrabike
        As long as it doesn't make the system unstable.
        Mar 19, 2018
      2. Priidik
        More importantly output from guitar amp is no-no to headphone out after that. I presume this is why the Steinberg pos had 90 ohms there.
        Mar 19, 2018
    13. Priidik
      1. yotacowboy, captkirk and Jeb like this.
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      3. Cspirou
        Dec 15, 2017
      4. Riotvan
        Want, just need tools and more skills with wood.
        Dec 15, 2017
      5. Cspirou
        I have been considering his transmission line based Jenzen as my end game for awhile but this new 12" woofer build makes this a harder choice now.
        Dec 16, 2017
    14. Priidik
      Braking in my 12'' drivers and thinking.. was Hitler wrong or do I need much bigger drivers to induce fear with 13 Hz wobble?
      1. Kunlun
        Does your phone autocorrect Hands to hitler too?
        Nov 28, 2017
      2. Serious
        Hitler was wrong. You need bigger drivers. Can't induce fear with my 4 15" woofers even
        Nov 28, 2017
      3. zerodeefex
        You need two 18s in martysubs
        Nov 28, 2017
    15. Priidik
      1. Poleepkwa likes this.
    16. Priidik
      Every speaker deserves a chance as OB.
      1. Pyruvate, Cspirou, AdvanTech and 3 others like this.
    17. Priidik
      I got permission to install a punching bag to my workplace. Two days after that the company management decided to purchase the bag from me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DigMe
        Installing a punching bag at work seems like a good way to not become a punching bag at work.
        Jul 28, 2017
      3. Priidik
        No profit. Initially I hoped to split it 3-4 ways b/w fellow engineers, then one got crazy idea to write an invoice to a board member. rofl
        Jul 28, 2017
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        That sounds like a joke with a good punch line. Did that really happen. If so, cool.
        Jul 29, 2017
    18. Priidik
      The feeling that you thought you knew it all when, suddenly you discover you merely scratched the surface.
      1. Case likes this.
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      3. DigMe
        @Hrodulf let's not include "scratching the surface" in any descriptions of listening to vinyl. XD
        Jul 13, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        let's not include "scratching the surface ...tching the surface ...tching the surface ...tching the surface ...tching the surface ...tching the surface ...tching the surface
        Jul 13, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I think I have a stuck byte. Is there anything I can put a coin on to help it break through?
        Jul 13, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    19. Priidik
      Accidentally discovered neat method to detect mag fields : get your dynamic headphone close to a transformer and listen to yourself
      1. Dino
        It would be interesting to see if a VPI "Magic Brick" did anything to that sound.
        Jul 8, 2017
    20. Priidik
      Every time I diy an enclosure for my projects I get the sense 'diy' might not be worth the trouble.
      1. ogodei, elguapo, powermatic and 2 others like this.
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      3. schiit
        If it makes you feel any better, enclosures just suck, period. They're pricey (especially in small quantities), fiddly, easy to get wrong, quick to scratch/dent...and, unfortunately, they're all that most people see.
        Jul 3, 2017
      4. Priidik
        Indeed, I can appreciate that nice chassis costs 400 bucks for power amp. That, even though I have quite alright workshop with lathe, MIG welder etc etc to use..
        The thing is, it's boring, electronics is the fun stuff.
        DIY only makes sense for 'the fix' and things that Jason&Mike's Co has not yet ruined for us. Like.. I have a freaking diy Saga in my drawer, bought just months before Schiit made its move, derp :D
        Jul 3, 2017
      5. Cspirou
        After I wrap up a couple projects I'm working on, I have decided that my DIY projects should look like they're DIY.

        The big exception is large floor standing speakers.
        Jul 3, 2017
        elguapo likes this.
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  • About

    Oct 2, 1987 (Age: 36)
    Will I see the day voice coil speakers have become obsolete?