Nov 1, 2017
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Charles River

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Friend, from Charles River


Vendors now get to post article-length advertisements on the homepage. That’s sad. Oct 3, 2021

    1. skem
      1. zonto likes this.
    2. skem
      1. rott, Lyander, Scott Kramer and 2 others like this.
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      3. Superexchanger
        You guys talkin' audio? Black Window was my favorite Eddy Currant amplifier.
        Aug 31, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Superexchanger
        Other good EC amps:
        1. Zana Deuce
        B. Alf Fishing an Oxbow
        Aug 31, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      5. Jinxy245
        That was old Michael Winslow in that video I believe...damn talented individual
        Sep 2, 2020
    3. skem
      In audio, it’s a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell.
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Keep right on, till the end of the road...

        (You have to be old to know this one)
        Aug 31, 2020
    4. skem
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Not a Golden Schlong that's what
        Aug 15, 2020
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. skem
        I read the terms. Basically you have to nominate yourself, give them a test product, and have suppliers in 10 European countries. I imagine many people just can’t be bothered.
        Aug 15, 2020
    5. skem
      How many of us are spending to ease the pain of isolation and politics? :(
      1. Jinxy245, Lyander and dubharmonic like this.
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      3. zonto
        How many of us are in isolation because of politics, under order from those inordinately spending?
        Aug 15, 2020
        crazychile likes this.
      4. Phantaminum
        Kind of my MO right now. I need to switch up to something more sustainable. Maybe pick up learning how to play a guitar.
        Aug 15, 2020
        skem likes this.
      5. skem
        that’s exactly what I did. It’s ability to suck up hours and hours with practice is amazing. DIY audio also has a high time -to-money ratio.
        Aug 15, 2020
        Phantaminum likes this.
    6. skem
      Ha! I just realized the Grado “Hemp” is $420. I know I’m slow...Very funny.
      1. zonto, Azimuth, Jinxy245 and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Gazny
        Smoking deal
        Aug 12, 2020
      4. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        Hi @YMO, I'm in the US.
        Aug 12, 2020
      5. YMO
        Moon Audio has tons of Hemp.
        Aug 12, 2020
    7. skem
      Any opinion on Tamura transformers?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. k4rstar
        sadly no, I just owned their solid-state headamp which used these as input transformers, it sounded good. I agree, people should stop listening to boring jensen and cinemag
        Aug 4, 2020
      3. skem
        Why no love for Tango?
        Aug 4, 2020
      4. k4rstar
        very overrated. lean, wiry, analytical sound. the brand went through many different eras, not all are the same, but the most lauded by collectors are the most disappointing. hashimoto is much better for a full-range and normal sounding transformer.
        Aug 4, 2020
        skem likes this.
    8. skem
      1. 9suns and crenca like this.
      2. 9suns
        Love Lynn Olson's articles, specially "Amity, Raven and Aurora" and the ones about the Ariel. Btw he also posts a lot on diyaudio, always great stuff.
        Aug 1, 2020
        skem likes this.
    9. skem
      We really need a country where people have equal opportunity and equal rights.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. skem
        I started my research career with a very nice grant that made life easy for a long time. When it came to renew, the granting agency had perverted the original purpose of the program. They no longer review applicants on the merit of the research ideas, but on how convincingly the researcher claims to be training new employees for the granting agency. They’re totally blatant about it too!
        Jul 30, 2020
      3. Vtory
        It doesn't occur that way. I emphasized "non-problematic ways". There are generally tons of proposals wanting money. Money is very limited (year to year varying). In such context, it's pretty easy to make one group less prioritized as grant evaluation process is eventually human-related not fully system-determined. Apply some sensitive issue such as insurance or gov support to this framework. That's what's happening.
        Jul 30, 2020
      4. Vtory
        Seems a little timing issue as I spent too many minutes. Anyway my point is trial-period may cause quite a lot unintended consequences. That's maybe why things are done the way we know. Not fully convinced. But that's my position.
        Jul 30, 2020
    10. skem
      does anybody here have the ability to measure clock jitter (signal taken directly from a MCLK)
      1. Cakecake likes this.
    11. Claritas
      Excellent line at the end of the information page of your profile. Good job! Very Socratic.
      1. YMO likes this.
    12. skem
      PCM58 vs PCM63. Who has an informed opinion?
      1. Cakecake likes this.
    13. skem
      The quest for better measurements has truly harmed progress in audio reproduction.
      1. Azimuth
        Just remember, last time this happened, it sparked and lit up this whole industry.
        Jul 20, 2020
    14. skem
      Have an Abbas DAC 2.2 in the house. Will review but should find a better version of the TDA1541 before drawing conclusions. @k4star
      1. k4rstar
        you missed r in my name. are you talking about me or you? I love my dac and my conclusions are drawn in stone. looking forward to your thoughts.
        Jul 19, 2020
    15. skem
    16. skem
      Lofi sounds best on hi-fi gear. P.s. f**k Corona.
      1. obsiCO, JellyRhino, Serious and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. skem
        even Dos Equis
        Jun 28, 2020
        YMO likes this.
      4. YMO
        Drunk is best on $$$$ equipment.
        Jun 28, 2020
        Xecuter likes this.
      5. LetMeBeFrank
        Modelo Negra for me.
        Jun 28, 2020
        JK47 and fraggler like this.
    17. skem
      1. Lyander and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        60,000 components?
        Jun 26, 2020
      4. Melvillian
        That’s what I meant earlier when I said I kind of like It. It’s an interesting looking PC. I mean it’s total BS. They put two random duelund caps to say there’s duelund caps inside and charge a premium, but it’s more interesting than a $50,000 rack or speaker cables
        Jun 26, 2020
      5. spwath
        9 shelves, $60k, but actually was on sale for more like $10k. Big discount due to low sales with covid. Solid aluminum though, and very heavy.
        Jun 26, 2020
    18. skem
      Has anybody heard JTR Noesis line speakers?
    19. skem
      Want some cheap vintage pioneer gear... see the for sale forums. Limited time offer.
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. spwath
        I was thinking about it, but on other side of the country. If its not gone by later tomorrow I may have to hop on that offer...
        Apr 27, 2020
      3. Lyander
        Tempting, but logistics and quarantine haha. Good luck!
        Apr 27, 2020
    20. skem
      *Wonders how many DAC designs have been intentionally gimped in order to compensate for the jittery digital transports of consumers.*
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  • About

    Charles River
    Gear List:
    Have owned or long-term demo'ed
    Mark Levinson Model 39 DAC
    OG Mytek DAC
    Schiit Yggdrasil A1 DAC early
    Lavry Black DA-11
    Crane Song Solaris
    Dangerous Music Convert-2
    Hugo TT
    NAD M51 DAC
    Abbas 2.2 Kit (TDA1541)
    Abbas 4.0 SE (PCM58P)
    Soekris 1541
    PS Audio PerfectWave DAC
    PS Audio DirectStream
    Benchmark DAC3 HGC
    Schiit Gungnir Multibit A2 DAC early
    Schiit OG Modi Multibit DAC
    Schiit Bifrost-2 DAC
    NAD D1050 DAC/Amp
    Theta DS Pro Gen V R2R DAC
    Parasound D/AC 1100 HDCD
    Parasound D/AC 2000 Ultra
    Antelope Zodiac Gold + Voltikus
    Exogal Comet
    Rockna WaveLight
    Rockna WaveDream Edition
    Metrum Adagio DAC2
    Metrum Adagio DAC3
    Sonnet Pasithea
    Bricasti M1

    Luxman L-595se
    Pass Labs XA25
    Cayin HA300
    Pass Labs XA30.8
    First Watt F5 Turbo
    Benchmark AHB2 Amp
    NAD - M22 Class D
    B&O ICEpower 125ASX2 Class D
    Schiit Asgard2 Amp
    Dragon Inspire IHA-1
    Eddie Current Zana Deux
    AURALiC Taurus MkII Amp
    Woo WA3 Amp

    HE-6 unmodded
    HE6 felt mod
    Focal Elear
    HD650 black silk
    HD800 sdr mod
    HD800 LSN
    Verum 1
    Timeless 7Hz
    Mostly an Ex-SBAFer.