Nov 1, 2017
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Charles River

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Friend, from Charles River


Vendors now get to post article-length advertisements on the homepage. That’s sad. Oct 3, 2021

    1. famish99
      Sounds like a keeper
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I thought it was another of those song-lyric posts!
        Feb 13, 2019
      3. famish99
        It's what I get for posting while checking out groceries.
        Feb 13, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It has taken me all day to identify the melody that my brain was setting your "lyric" to:

        I shot the Sheriff!
        (But I did not keep the tangerines)
        Feb 13, 2019
    2. skem
      DigiOne Signature in the house. Thus far, solves many problems. Improves every DAC I've tried it on thus far, imo.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. skem
        Spouse: Why does your iPad (JRemote) say it’s 5pm?

        Me: because it is 5pm.

        Spouse: You mean we’ve been doing this all day? Oh. Where was that track for hearing jitter again...
        Feb 12, 2019
        rlow and cskippy like this.
      3. Raicorl
        I read through Allo impressions and most of them dont like 5v iFI, even prefer stock power. Don't know why though. Your impressiom might change as you roll batteries/psu.
        Feb 12, 2019
        skem likes this.
      4. skem
        I compared using the most sensitive-to-jitter track I’ve found and I can’t hear any difference between ifi and batteries when listening with speakers (headphones are often more resolving but not really to jitter). FWIW, my wall warts are far away from DigiOne
        Feb 12, 2019
        Raicorl likes this.
    3. skem
      Crane Song Solaris in the house. Stage is great, timbre is mushy (AKM?). Has a gray background. Taste good, but not juicy.
      1. famish99 and JK47 like this.
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      3. JK47
        Got that AKM Velveeta sound?
        Feb 9, 2019
        SoupRKnowva, famish99 and skem like this.
      4. skem
        Will try with external analog volume control off the line-level out, but I’m not holding out a lot of hope.
        Feb 9, 2019
      5. skem
        Seems timbre is not so mushy now. But still sounds compressed in the macro dynamics. Volume control was not at issue.
        Feb 12, 2019
    4. skem
      1. Lyander likes this.
      2. m17xr2b
        Feb 8, 2019
        Lyander likes this.
    5. skem
      Convert-2 is much better than I had anticipated. I’m frankly kinda pissed off about it.
      1. Soups and JoshMorr like this.
      2. skem
        It has a moderately bad noise floor that goes up with the volume trim, limiting the total dynamic range. I can *always* hear it regardless of volume. I’ll measure it later. It’s not as bad as PSAudio DirectStream, however. EDIT: on the bench the noise measures way below audible levels. Yet I do hear noise with Convert that I don’t hear with other DACs I don’t here it. SNR = -80 to -113 dB according to QA401.
        Feb 7, 2019
      3. skem
        It is also bright. Universally, regardless of transducer or program material, It sounds tipped up at the end. It sounds flat elsewhere.
        Feb 7, 2019
    6. skem
      Initial impressions of Lavry Black DA-11 via Eitr: this DAC is the embodiment of @Psalmanazar. It has “f**k-you” accuracy...
      1. JayNYC, EagleWings, famish99 and 4 others like this.
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      3. skem
        I prefer Benchmark to TT1.
        Feb 4, 2019
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      4. Psalmanazar
        I've never lasted ten minutes with a Chord product. Total butt but at least not the apocalyptic lake of molten glass butt of Mytek.
        Feb 4, 2019
        skem likes this.
      5. JayNYC
        @skem (i’m only 8 months late) you may want to try the DA-11 with an AES source....
        Oct 2, 2019
    7. skem
      Why are my Ayre amps wet? Oh look, water is dripping out of the ceiling lights. Lovely!
      1. JK47 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Sqveak
        Gah! What is it with water lately. How bad did it get you?
        Feb 1, 2019
      4. netforce
        Had an older guy call in recently, his ceiling was leaking and he didn't realize his preamp and cd player had water all over the internals.Turned it on and then saw smoke and heard some not great noises.
        Feb 1, 2019
      5. skem
        After 8 hours of borescopes and drywall removal I found the leak. No damage to amps. Maybe some to headphones. Unsure still. Anyway, Hugo TT and Metrum Adagio arrived today. Soothing my nerves.
        Feb 1, 2019
        Biodegraded and cskippy like this.
    8. skem
      Just came across Aragon 8008 amp, in production for the last ~23yrs and commanding big $$. Is it actually good?
      1. skem
        Seems it’s a Klipsh-related product. Measurements look OK/unremarkable.
        Jan 29, 2019
    9. skem
      Next up on the DAC list: Lavry DA-11, Hugo TT, and the Metrum Adagio.
      1. famish99 and Psalmanazar like this.
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      3. skem
        OK.. I wrote up thoughts now in Gungnir Impressions
        Jan 27, 2019
      4. Hands
        No where do any of those measurements suggest audible levels of 3rd order distortion.

        It’s OK to not like something, but let’s be real here and not start reaching.

        Plus if you are twisting measurement results in such a way, I have no clue why you’d want to try the Adagio, which measures much worse. (Plus Pavane Lvl 2 or 3 will get same sound for less, unless you want the preamp part).
        Jan 27, 2019
      5. Hands
        Nevermind, I see all this and more was covered in the thread.
        Jan 27, 2019
    10. skem
      What do people think of the idea of digitally cutting signal by 3dB to eliminate distortion from intersample overs?
      1. bazelio and Vtory like this.
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      3. m17xr2b
        Digital attenuation has artefacts. If you can't hear them your system is not resolving enough.
        Jan 26, 2019
        Psalmanazar, bazelio and skem like this.
      4. GoodEnoughGear
        Shiity digital attenuation and/or extreme digital attenuation. Otherwise everything processed digitally would have artifacts...all those DSP plugins fouling up the music.
        Jan 26, 2019
        Psalmanazar and bazelio like this.
      5. Azteca
        Jan 26, 2019
        Psalmanazar and bazelio like this.
    11. skem
      It’s 8*F here, but casually watched the lunar eclipse go into totality from the hot tub.
      1. spwath
        I just see clouds and snow falling unfortunately.
        Jan 20, 2019
        DigMe likes this.
    12. skem
      I’m so curious why the cold Gungnir Multibit sounds bad. I somehow doubt it’s the resistors. Makes no physical sense.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. famish99
        Most likely the clocks since it's not oven controlled. Resistors do change with temperature but they probably heat up quickly enough.
        Jan 20, 2019
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      3. skem
        More thinking: if all the resistors in the R:2R have the same temp coefficient, nothing should change. If the rungs and the rails have different temp coefficients, then we would get harmonic distortion.

        As long as one clock is MCLK, shouldn’t the sound be slight out of tune but otherwise distortion free?
        Jan 20, 2019
      4. famish99
        Average clock frequency isn't the problem as much as the jitter. I would say that within the chip the resistors can heat up unevenly. Tbh I'm pulling at straws myself, but the end result is hard to deny.
        Jan 20, 2019
        Psalmanazar and skem like this.
    13. skem
      1. FallingObjects and Deep Funk like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Their software is acting strange. Even when playing album cued tracks shuffle kicks in. I might only keep it for new album releases and then go back to making my own play lists like the old days.
        Jan 15, 2019
      3. Azimuth
        In talking to non-Audio friends work, I was surprised how many were unfamiliar with Tidal.
        Jan 15, 2019
    14. skem
      In SoCal to escape the miserable northeast winter—but no system with me. Is the better weather really worth the lack of music?
      1. Jinxy245, brencho and dubharmonic like this.
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      3. bixby
        @Uri Cohen - I guess Birth Control not needed for those 9 months, and do they reattach when winter comes :)
        Jan 11, 2019
      4. YMO
        LOL. After living in the sweatbox for nine months of the year for almost 20 years, I need a break.
        Jan 11, 2019
      5. Merrick
        You’re in SoCal, screw the system. Spend every night seeing an amazing live show.
        Jan 12, 2019
    15. skem
      May the New Year bring you music, joy, and perfect gear.
      1. Jerry, BillOhio, dubharmonic and 11 others like this.
    16. skem
      And now....not Christmas.
      1. Case and BillOhio like this.
    17. skem
      A sunny Xmas day with Vince Guaraldi on the HiFi, a box of truffles, and a coffee. Peace to all.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, pavi and 7 others like this.
      2. Kunlun
        Whoops, did the accidental-fat-thumb-dislike/undislike/like. Peace!
        Dec 25, 2018
        skem likes this.
    18. skem
      Gumb-y autocorrects to Gungnir Multibit! Fancy that.
      1. OldDude04 and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. skem
        It’s a good thing. I’d write out the Schiit names if I didn’t have to lookup the spelling each time. :-/
        Dec 24, 2018
      4. Azimuth
        SEO is for realz.
        Dec 24, 2018
      5. Lyander
        Just when I was getting used to the shortform after forcing myself to adopt it, haha. But yeah, this definitely helps when looking stuff up, so while I can see how it'd suck for some SEO wins out
        Dec 24, 2018
    19. skem
      Pass B1 pre-amp gets finished today. Includes a faceplate cut on the world’s most precise water jet cutter
      1. brencho, Soups, dubharmonic and 6 others like this.
      2. Cspirou
        Nice! Where is the water jet? Through work?
        Dec 22, 2018
      3. skem
        Yes, at my work. I also made a walnut enclosure there. I’ll post pics soon.
        Dec 22, 2018
        philipmorgan and dubharmonic like this.
      4. skem
    20. skem
      I have to say BWC, MZR really feels like a high-school clique. “Friend” not feeling exclusive enough? Need to be cooler, like PJ and Squi?
      1. Azimuth likes this.
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      3. Lyander
        Also, disagreeing with others is encouraged, so long as it's done nicely and can generate good discussion. Some people can be assholes and not receive sanctions, but eh, that's just nepotism— nothing anyone living in a democratic country wouldn't be familiar with.
        Dec 20, 2018
        OldDude04 likes this.
      4. OldDude04
        @Lyer25 "nothing anyone living in a democratic country wouldn't be familiar with."

        That gave me a good chuckle, the funniest stuff is always rooted in truth.
        Dec 20, 2018
        Lyander likes this.
      5. Lyander
        It makes sense, considering how people use humour to sublimate negative emotions and stuff :P

        No but really we basically have fiefdoms in some cities here. Blergh.

        Going back on-topic, I'm still okay with the tags, helps keep in mind people I can bug for info :))
        Dec 20, 2018
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  • About

    Charles River
    Gear List:
    Have owned or long-term demo'ed
    Mark Levinson Model 39 DAC
    OG Mytek DAC
    Schiit Yggdrasil A1 DAC early
    Lavry Black DA-11
    Crane Song Solaris
    Dangerous Music Convert-2
    Hugo TT
    NAD M51 DAC
    Abbas 2.2 Kit (TDA1541)
    Abbas 4.0 SE (PCM58P)
    Soekris 1541
    PS Audio PerfectWave DAC
    PS Audio DirectStream
    Benchmark DAC3 HGC
    Schiit Gungnir Multibit A2 DAC early
    Schiit OG Modi Multibit DAC
    Schiit Bifrost-2 DAC
    NAD D1050 DAC/Amp
    Theta DS Pro Gen V R2R DAC
    Parasound D/AC 1100 HDCD
    Parasound D/AC 2000 Ultra
    Antelope Zodiac Gold + Voltikus
    Exogal Comet
    Rockna WaveLight
    Rockna WaveDream Edition
    Metrum Adagio DAC2
    Metrum Adagio DAC3
    Sonnet Pasithea
    Bricasti M1

    Luxman L-595se
    Pass Labs XA25
    Cayin HA300
    Pass Labs XA30.8
    First Watt F5 Turbo
    Benchmark AHB2 Amp
    NAD - M22 Class D
    B&O ICEpower 125ASX2 Class D
    Schiit Asgard2 Amp
    Dragon Inspire IHA-1
    Eddie Current Zana Deux
    AURALiC Taurus MkII Amp
    Woo WA3 Amp

    HE-6 unmodded
    HE6 felt mod
    Focal Elear
    HD650 black silk
    HD800 sdr mod
    HD800 LSN
    Verum 1
    Timeless 7Hz
    Mostly an Ex-SBAFer.