Stuff Jones
Feb 3, 2016
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Stuff Jones

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What do speaker folks think about this? Sounds intuitive to me, but I know shit about speakers. Feb 14, 2023

    1. Stuff Jones
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Oct 11, 2021
      3. Woland
        A couple of decades back, I was enamored by the Schubert impromptus, so went to a cd store and listened to a dozen versions. The Edwin Fischer was a standout because there were moments that were so striking and powerful in his performance, but gentle and inoffensive in the others. Uchida does something similar in this recording.
        Oct 13, 2021
        Stuff Jones likes this.
      4. Woland
        I've downloaded au hasard Balthazar and will loop back.. thanks!
        Oct 13, 2021
        Stuff Jones likes this.
    2. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      You have 5k to satisfy all your audio needs and wants (speaker, HP and IEM based systems). How do you allocate?
      1. wbass and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. Cryptowolf
        $2.5k used Amps and Sound amp, 600 used Schiit BF2, $1k Omega speakers, $250 HD650. remainder for cables and tubes.
        Oct 4, 2021
        Stuff Jones and Merrick like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        and while I don’t know enough to spec a system, I imagine I could be satisfied with a high end DAP and a hybrid IEM for right around 5k.
        Oct 4, 2021
      5. wbass
        I'd get a used pair of Klipsch Forte or Cornwall and a decent tube integrated. That could be done for between $3000-4000. The rest... maybe a Bifrost 2, a Jotunheim 2, and a pair of HD600. IEM... maybe JVC FDX1. But I'd definitely spend the majority of that sum on 2channel. Transport would be a Pi2AES, an UltraRendu, or a Bluesound Node 2i.
        Oct 4, 2021
    3. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Aune Jasper in ears. Not perfect - a little too V shaped - but damn DD sound is just so much more natural-sounding to me than BA/hybrid.
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      2. Cellist88
        Wish there was a single DD iem, that didn't have weird FR problems. fingers crossed for the Dunu Zen pro
        Oct 1, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Stuff Jones like this.
      3. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        @Cellist88 - To me they don't sound weirder frequency wise than say the OG Andros and their sucked out lower mids or the OG Solaris and their sucked out upper mids. Then you have the Blessing 2 Dusk, which is fine but a little thin in the lower mids and the treble falls off. I guess my point is that I don't FQ quirks are unique to DDs.
        Oct 1, 2021
      4. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        @EagleWings - Just wanted to update you on those upper mids. I'm listening louder now in public and I do hear them a bit on some tracks. They're also a bit thin, which can make them sharp sounding.
        Oct 2, 2021
        EagleWings likes this.
    4. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      How do folks here set an upper limit on audio gear expenditure/ possession? % of net worth? The point up to which one's SO won't get mad?
      1. Claritas and Cryptowolf like this.
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      3. m17xr2b
        Get unobtanium stuff while you can, things to get later can be bought later. I try to not buy gear I won't use immediately, 250£ monthly fun allowance to be used as I see fit, doesn't always work out.
        Aug 3, 2021
      4. Claritas
        Remember to take into account: The cost of your other hobbies and hobbies your wife has that you pay for. And spend a lot more on music—especially concerts, if possible—than on equipment.
        Aug 4, 2021
        Lyander likes this.
      5. ChaChaRealSmooth
        If audio spending is deleterious to enjoyment of life in other hobbies/basic necessities, you're spending too much. I'm more of with @Jinxy245; depends if I'm willing to save up (another note though; I absolutely refuse to deal with $$$$$ tubes). Nothing wrong with saving up if you know what you're getting into.
        Aug 4, 2021
    5. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Goal = warm-neutral. Which is better: 1) warm-neutral DAC/amp & HPs; 2) neutral DAC/amp & warm HPs; or 3) warm DAC/amp & neutral HPs?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. famish99
        My speaker setup is neutral DAC and speaker with a tube amp in the middle to dial in the right amount of warmth.
        Jun 29, 2021
        Stuff Jones likes this.
      3. yotacowboy
        I'm more 2). front of chain more revealing, tune to your liking downstream.
        Jun 29, 2021
        Erroneous likes this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        The best option is to listen to whatever you think is the best way forward. Preference + synergy reigns surpreme. Unfortunately this means lots of auditioning
        Jun 30, 2021
    6. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Anyone else briefly get brood x cicadas mixed up with a Drop product?
      1. Cryptowolf
        i can imagine the comments, “While lacking in bass, Brood X has overwhelming treble presence and off-putting timbre.’
        May 23, 2021
    7. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      1. JayC, Jinxy245 and Gazny like this.
    8. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      I enjoy using my DAP as a USB DAC/AMP. Will I do not-just-theoretical damage to the battery running it that way a lot?
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      2. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        I'm leaving it on DAC mode. It does charge in DAC mode, but I'm not sure what it does when it's fully charged.

        Why would a manufacturer offer USB DAC mode if its bad for the battery?
        Apr 9, 2021
      3. rlow
        Again, it depends on the design. Some manufacturers throw shit into their feature set expecting most people won’t use it that way or will only use it rarely, therefore it’s a non issue if a few people have some batteries die prematurely. If the manufacturer is worth its salt however and designed it properly, it will be designed to be reliable in all modes of operation.
        Apr 9, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Stuff Jones like this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        ZX300 has a battery saver 80% mode. If your DAP does, it's prolly ok. But if it always charges to 100%, not so good for the battery.
        Apr 11, 2021
    9. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Thought experiment with some real world application: How long does a USB cable have to be before you're better off using BT, SQ wise?
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      2. dubharmonic
        Shorter means a lower probability for interference, right?
        Mar 30, 2021
      3. Taverius
        They're not amazingly shielded and the power and signal cables are snuggling up real close, so the power gets dirtier the longer the cable even before you add other nearby cables.

        The audio signal doesn't degrade like analog though, since it's a digital packet with built-in error correction - when that fails the packet is invalid and gets dropped. It either works or it doesn't.
        Mar 30, 2021
      4. Taverius
        Provided the cables is short enough the packet gets there in good shape - per spec as AtomicBob says this is 5m though more is possible in theory - you could provide clean power with a split cable and an ifi Ipower or lps, but at that point just use a Pi.
        Mar 30, 2021
    10. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Why does emphasis in the so called presence region both make things sound more real and induce more listening fatigue?
      1. Cryptowolf and Jinxy245 like this.
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      3. Lyander
        The presence region is right where human hearing is most sensitive so elevations there (e.g. HD600, ER2XR) bring a real sense of in-your-face-ness that could lend a sense of, well, presence to sonic images. Of course, *because* hearing is far more sensitive there the listening experience can tend to be a bit tiring over time.
        Mar 27, 2021
        Cryptowolf, Syzygy, Deep Funk and 2 others like this.
      4. Senorx12562
        I've been pretty "fatigued" by many live performances, although not always by the sound. And not always music.
        Mar 28, 2021
        Stuff Jones likes this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Production values can kill or elevate music. Add a FR that is too spikey in certain a certain region or regions and you can end up with Sony head-aches or DT48 "what the f**k?" Either way we can all write multiple page essays about this phenomenon here...
        Mar 28, 2021
        Stuff Jones and Senorx12562 like this.
    11. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Cayin N3Pro + Verum 1 sounds exceptional. Does anyone else have this combo to confirm I've not lost it entirely (on this front)?
    12. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      The Anker Soundcore 2 is remarkably listenable for its small size and crazy cheap price.
      1. Gazny
        I got one from my in-laws, sounds pretty good when you raise it to be a bit more on axis. Hands down the best battery bank I have listened to.
        Nov 1, 2020
      2. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        I'm going to use it for travel. Throw it in a sock in your suitcase and you're good to go.
        Nov 1, 2020
        Gazny likes this.
    13. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Is there a small device to deal with usb audio pops and crackles?
      1. Gazny likes this.
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      3. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Confirmed that it's the AC power source (so far). Pops went away when unplugged.
        Oct 28, 2020
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It's a laptop? It's easy to say, because I use an under-desk anyway, but I'd be disinclined to use a laptop for serious audiophiliousness. Partly because of those power supplies. No audiophoolery, I think it is accepted that they can and do put audio-affecting noise into the system. But if it's good on battery, you have a solution. As long as the battery lasts.
        Oct 29, 2020
        Stuff Jones likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Except... Noise when moving the mouse is another classic DPC Latency symptom. Not necessarily because of the mouse, but because of the video: the system prioritises the display of that moving mouse.

        But shouldn't that make video impossible to watch? Good point: I don't know.
        Oct 29, 2020
        Stuff Jones likes this.
    14. zerodeefex
      Got a few senior requests for a temp. You get until the 5th off so you can enjoy the holiday.
    15. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Why is it unicorn and not unihorn?
      1. Jinxy245, Gazny and Mithrandir41 like this.
      2. Biodegraded
        Latin: cornu = horn (there's always one smartarse :P)
        Jun 16, 2020
        famish99, obsiCO, Lyander and 3 others like this.
      3. DigMe
        In the most ancient mythologies it is actually a solitary cob of corn on the head.
        Jun 16, 2020
    16. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      SW51+ owners: should I 1) get 50 NOS 6ZH51P - 6J51P (stock) tubes for $70 bucks or 2) 2 matched pairs of Tungsram EF184/6EJ7 for $75?
      1. FlySweep likes this.
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      3. FlySweep
        I have amperex and mullard tubes, as well. I'd take the amp over the mullards, but the rest of the chain matters (Pi2AES > Modi 3 > SW51+ > HD6XX (stock) / Elex). The (Blackburn) Mullards I have are bright-ish (seems there's some variance with this tube as there may be diff versions). Tungsram reminds me of the stock tube, but better.
        Jun 11, 2020
        gaspasser and Stuff Jones like this.
      4. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Jun 11, 2020
        FlySweep likes this.
      5. FlySweep
        yep.. looks identical to mine. Let 'em marinate for a while when you get 'em. I love the build quality in tungsram tubes too.. rugged af.
        Jun 11, 2020
        Stuff Jones likes this.
    17. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Is this correct in terms of SQ import? Recording > transducer > amp > DAC > source > file resolution (44/16 and up) > cables > lunar phase
      1. purr1n likes this.
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      3. Hrodulf
        The source material is king. Everything down from there just needs to inflict the least damage to it. The speaker and room make the sound radiation system and should be always viewed as a whole, unless in very specific cases.
        May 31, 2020
        Psalmanazar likes this.
      4. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        I was actually thinking more of headphones but wanted to be inclusive and cool and use @purr1n's preferred lingo. Headphones are transducers too, no?
        May 31, 2020
      5. Psalmanazar
        Headphones are wildly inaccurate.
        May 31, 2020
    18. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      1. atomicbob, Jinxy245 and Smitty like this.
    19. Stuff Jones
      Stuff Jones
      Philosophic musing: Do we enjoy absolute sound quality or only changes in sound quality?
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Jinxy245
        Interesting...I'd ask to define the term "absolute". I do think that the changes make the quality more apparent as the brain does adjust to the level of "quality" it's been listening to so we appreciate certain jumps in quality more.
        May 17, 2020
      3. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        What I mean is that after about a month of listening to new gear, we stop listening to SQ and just listen to music. We only listen to SQ again after gear changes, or when forced to compare with past gear. Or at least that's the case with me. This suggests that outside those comparison periods, our enjoyment of music remains the same regardless of SQ (except a major SQ downgrade that forces us to compare for longer).
        May 17, 2020
      4. Jinxy245
        So if I understand you, you're referring to the evaluation "period " as opposed to hen we settle in & enjoy. I think I do enjoy the listening to SQ to an extent but yes it is different than when everything is dialed in the way I want. I personally wouldn't say my enjoyment stays the same given other variables, but I get your point and agree.
        May 17, 2020
        Stuff Jones likes this.
    20. Stuff Jones
      1. Biodegraded
        Something is exciting you. New Campfires? ;)
        May 15, 2020
        Jinxy245, Deep Funk and Lyander like this.
      2. Stuff Jones
        Stuff Jones
        Whoa that was weird. I wanted to post a period, because I had posted a link which might be construed as political and wanted to replace it.
        May 17, 2020
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