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Audiophile™, from East Coast

Pyrate MZR

Large orchestration + Susvara is still undeniably hella good to me. What a synergy. May 29, 2024 at 4:18 PM

    1. Vtory
      I am proud of saving @YMO 's bank account today. Haha
      1. View previous comments...
      2. pure5152
        What happened? .-.
        Aug 4, 2020
        YMO likes this.
      3. YMO
        No comment
        Aug 4, 2020
      4. Vtory
        Interpremediate process omitted. As a result he introduced me a nice track of Steely Dan that I didn't know (shame on me).
        Aug 4, 2020
        pure5152 and YMO like this.
    2. Vtory
      Verites sing superbly with Gilmore Lite 2. Maybe the most technical SE amp for Verites under 1k usd. Love it.
      1. zach915m, Jinxy245, Azimuth and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. dark_energy
        For me it is so that I am at office for 1 to 4 hours a day but I move around between our testing centre and office so that is my work days use scenario. So semi portable full sised sealed cans work well for me. Well I hope ZMF puts their high end driver in more minimalistic cans that are ergonomic enough for portable use. I wouldnt mind buying a DAP if needed.
        Aug 3, 2020
      4. dark_energy
        In this case Id like them be more laconic because I dont want to scratch some 1k cans polished wood. Btw, there arent many great options for sealed cans as far as I know. Maybe the Fostex would be quite good. I am quite happy with MSR7 currently. Exeptional build quality imo. Really premium leather stitching on the pads. But these got me interested in these sealed cans and what else is there.
        Aug 3, 2020
      5. Vtory
        Drops fostex-based cans are all recommendable from my POV. Either TH-X00 or EMU wood (full-sized). I don't expect a lot for sealed cans, but Verite closed changed me prejudice (it's far far far better than Eikon). And FWIW focal closed ones look very promising, too. Eligia might fit your bill I guess?
        Aug 3, 2020
    3. Vtory
      1. YMO
        A plane ticket to Phila is cheap and I can get 1:1 connection to you (I also have personal reasons to go in the area). Don't make me take away your toys. ;)
        Aug 1, 2020
        Vtory likes this.
      2. Vtory
        For criminal purposes, I think Verites far better target though :p
        (Joke aside it would be exciting if I can chat with you in person even if socially distanced)
        Aug 1, 2020
        YMO likes this.
      3. YMO
        @Vtory if you are into video, I'm about to start the Zoom SBAF event at 10 PM (link will be in the Club Room). However, if you prefer a 1:1 Video Setting to chat then message me anytime (offer goes to the other Friends as well).
        Aug 1, 2020
    4. Vtory
      I should stop using grado any more. intended to do more gear comparisons w/ 650 this afternoon. Hemp cut in whimsically and ruined the plan.
      1. pure5152 likes this.
      2. Vtory
        These days "one more song" symptom worsened to "one more album"...
        Aug 1, 2020
        pure5152 likes this.
      3. YMO
        *Darn* And I thought you were going to say that you finally got sick of the comfort. ;)
        Aug 1, 2020
        Vtory likes this.
      4. Vtory
        Comfort is still an issue for me. I still can't say them comfortable at all -- bearable at best (to me they're more bearable than Raals).

        Reversely speaking, all my Grado love established "regardless of" such a continuous pain. That's the best compliment on my side.
        Aug 1, 2020
        YMO and pure5152 like this.
    5. Vtory
      Interesting to see Erish and Gilmore Lite2 almost define my 650 enjoyment zone's northern and southern borders.
      1. insidious meme likes this.
      2. Vtory
        They're not too far from each other, just last bit of philosophies differ. One is of better transients, and the other has richer tones. Can understand why GLM2 had many followers.
        Aug 1, 2020
    6. Vtory
      1. edd and StageOne like this.
    7. Vtory
      After a short test drive, I think I like (non-sig) Zen DAC as an AIO quite a lot. Might prefer it to Fulla 2 OG.
      1. Jinxy245 and dncnexus like this.
      2. fraggler
        Hmm. I should probably just join the loaner, but since I am trying to purge, do you mind trying it as just a DAC?
        Jul 31, 2020
      3. Vtory
        Yeah, that's also in my protocol as I will eventually compare it to zen sig dac. Since I don't have any 4.4mm bal cables, will use magni 3+ and gilmore lite2 for amps.
        Jul 31, 2020
        fraggler likes this.
      4. ufospls2
        I can''t remember if i shared my review of it here, but I really liked it for what is was.
        Jul 31, 2020
    8. Vtory
      1. skem
        sonos! TOTL
        Jul 31, 2020
      2. Vtory
        Haha that's prob algorithm error I guess. Or some pro dudes look at burl in some random forums then went to amazon to buy sonos for the family. Recommendation system algo often makes such a fool guess with stupid training.
        Jul 31, 2020
    9. Vtory
      Magni 3+ really does far beyond the expectation with highly efficient drivers. Saying this from $99 vs $499 shootout.
      1. Gazny likes this.
      2. Merrick
        The headphones are $99 and $499 or the amps are?
        Jul 31, 2020
      3. Vtory
        @Merrick Amps. Both solid states/fully discrete.
        Jul 31, 2020
        Merrick likes this.
      4. Vtory
        Just adding a note. There is a reason why I made it clear that it's only valid for "highly efficient" ones... Higher output levels are quite a different game.
        Jul 31, 2020
        Merrick likes this.
    10. Vtory
      Enjoying Hemp and Verite Ziricote back and forth. What a dramatic gap in weight&comfort. Nevertheless sound equally addictive. Interesting.
      1. Jinxy245, YMO, pure5152 and 1 other person like this.
      2. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Stop the Grado hype train
        Jul 31, 2020
        Vtory, 9suns and YMO like this.
      3. YMO
        @Vtory I dunno why but your statement sounds naughty.
        Jul 31, 2020
        ChaChaRealSmooth and Vtory like this.
      4. Vtory
        @ChaChaRealSmooth I don't think this grado is for everyone. But I am 70% sure you belong to "not everyone" cluster. lol

        @YMO You made me re-read the sentence 3 times. Now I also start to feel weird. Damn.
        Jul 31, 2020
        ChaChaRealSmooth and YMO like this.
    11. Vtory
      1. tommytakis
        Wow Those copper cables are really pretty! Where did you get them?
        Jul 30, 2020
        Cakecake likes this.
      2. Vtory
        That arrived from China (a cable maker having ebay/ali stores) two days ago. Love tactile feels, flexibility, and zero microphonics.
        Jul 30, 2020
        tommytakis likes this.
    12. Vtory
      Interesting stuffs incoming: two loaner gears today and tomorrow, pads today, and entry grado next Mon. Excited!
      1. dncnexus and YMO like this.
      2. Merrick
        I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on the SR80e.
        Jul 30, 2020
    13. Vtory
      Everytime I get my hair cut, realize how hairs f***ed sonic delivery. Keeping hair short is really one of the highest value audio tunings.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Senorx12562
        I guess I was genetically predisposed to audiophilia.
        Jul 29, 2020
        Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      3. Pogo
        As I've grown older I've become more concerned with the hair growing out of my ears than the hair growing out of my scalp!
        Jul 29, 2020
        GoodEnoughGear likes this.
      4. mitochondrium
        With age there comes a shift in hairy problems, you don’t need a haircut so often but you need to figure out how to cut the hair in your ears
        Jul 29, 2020
        Claritas and YMO like this.
    14. Vtory
      Got this 650 bal cable yesterday. Decent BQ, proper length, zero microphonics, and placebo on lower highs, too! https://imgur.com/a/jYtR1g2
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vtory
        @Merrick Chinese. If interested, shoot me a pm.

        @Lyander No way. I've failed to measure any tonal difference in dac or amp. How dare can I expect to measure cable diff? :p Vin-Vout measurement rig may result differently but doubt I can get something within human hearing threshold.
        Jul 29, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      3. Riotvan
        Might be the new connectors having an effect as well. Same thing as cleaning them once a year or replugging them, then again this might also be placebo haha.
        Jul 29, 2020
        Vtory, Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
      4. Vtory
        @Riotvan yeah, also phase correction (with 600/650 connectors we can easily reverse phase) included!
        Jul 29, 2020
        Riotvan likes this.
    15. Vtory
      Every night there occur rolling races among Sennheiser, Grado, and ZMF on my desktop. Love them all.
      1. ChaChaRealSmooth
        You need to buy more sets of ears to listen to them all at once.
        Jul 28, 2020
        YMO, Lyander and Vtory like this.
      2. Vtory
        WTB: 2 more pairs of ears with 2 heads bundled
        Jul 28, 2020
    16. Vtory
      I admit being addicted to Hemp, to the same extent I've been enamored of Verite. Mildly colored, slightly forwarding, yet damn elegant..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Technically, hemp is not addictive: it's habit-forming. ;)

        But, apart from that, Grado producing good things these days?
        Jul 28, 2020
      3. Vtory
        @Thad E Ginathom My understanding --> Not a huge change at the part level, but a few small changes (i->e, f-cush, and probably another transducer tuning 38 ohm) together rotate tonal balance in a right direction. That finally enables to hear true potential of on-ear openback structure.
        Jul 28, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Vtory... was just taking a look at your thread :)
        Jul 28, 2020
    17. Vtory
      DCA should fire all marketing and PR people. They probably don't work as hard as they're paid: https://bit.ly/3g6xJno
      1. Vtory
        I also believe StartEngine suck too. If they really want to run an "investing" platform, at least well-defined/analyzed SWOT should be posted, which I couldn't find in the website.
        Jul 27, 2020
      2. Lyander
        Hey, I used to work with ads and marketing! :P

        That aside this campaign seems very by-the-numbers— eh. Also they couldn't be bothered to have a higher-res signature and not have him use a cruddy ballpoint?
        Jul 27, 2020
    18. Vtory
      3 different geekria pads ordered for fun... sbaf always opens my wallet. lol
    19. Vtory
      Speakers paradox: I get to use headphones more often recently. Realized speakers can't give me enough flexibility if really serious.
      1. Muse Wanderer and YMO like this.
      2. Vtory
        Major annoyances: 1) Head should face front (I often have to use triple screens or more btw); 2) Mid-far field HIGHLY preferred (to the extent I can't go back forever); 3) No or minimum object should be placed between channels.
        Jul 25, 2020
      3. Vtory
        As a result, allocation converges to mostly headphones during weekdays and speakers only for weekend afternoon/early evening. Not bad, but just chuckling by myself.
        Jul 25, 2020
    20. Vtory
      Happy b-day to me! Enjoying 12pm with Jazz, Grado, and Whiskey. Perfect combo. No Marijuanas though -- maybe not needed at all.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. PTS
        Jul 23, 2020
        Vtory likes this.
      3. Phantaminum
        Happy birthday bro!
        Jul 24, 2020
        Vtory likes this.
      4. Vtory
        Thanks all!
        Jul 24, 2020
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  • About

    East Coast
    Gear List:
    Headphones: HFM Susvara (mod), Sivga SV023 / Amps: Topping LA90, SMSL HO200 / Dacs: Gustard X18, SMSL M500.3
    Team Susvara : Can't find anything sounding better than Susvara under 5k new yet.
    Team NFB: I realized a strong global NFB made me happier eventually.
    Team Delta-Sigma: I gave up R2R because anything below Spring 3 did not give me enough clarity/articulation in ways I wanted to hear. Moderately implemented 903 was pretty much good enough for my taste..



    Team Planar, Team On-Ear, Team NFB, Team Delta-Sigma
    Music Rambling: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/vtorys-music-re-discoveries.12622/