Sep 28, 2015
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Friend, Male, from Van Diemen's Land


Gotta commend Marv for the attempted Grado revival. It’s 2010’s nostalgia when I had an Alessandro alongside the HD650. I was in both camps. Jan 20, 2024

    1. Olor1n
      Gotta commend Marv for the attempted Grado revival. It’s 2010’s nostalgia when I had an Alessandro alongside the HD650. I was in both camps.
      1. Northwest and Lyander like this.
      2. Armaegis
        Someone ought to get an MS-Pro in for review around here.
        Jan 20, 2024
        Lyander and Olor1n like this.
      3. Claritas
        Some things should stay dead. HP-1k is a genuinely great headphone; but it's a one-hit wonder. Maybe one day an extreme modder will figure out how to fix these POSes.
        Jan 21, 2024
      4. Lyander
        @Claritas the voicing is definitely polarising (and painful), but they do some things well relative to e.g. the Sennheiser classics. Part of me wonders if I'd have held onto that vintage RS1 if I had a more complementary upstream back in 2016/17.
        Jan 21, 2024
    2. Olor1n
      Hoping the Pietus Maximus keeps me from going down the audio nervosa rabbit hole.
      1. Cryptowolf, Sqveak, Jinxy245 and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Olor1n
        Not having the luxury of loaner programs in Australia is a blessing and curse.
        Jan 20, 2024
        Cryptowolf and Sqveak like this.
      4. joch
        I think you’d be 85-90% there with the ESS card and a pair of HD600. You probably need to spend 3x more to get 10% more.
        Jan 20, 2024
      5. ChaChaRealSmooth
        @Olor1n Really, the rabbit hole is as deep as you want it to be. A friend of mine is happy with his old Grace SDAC and Magni 3. IMO, he "won" at audio. Meanwhile I'm impatiently awaiting my Supernaut....
        Jan 20, 2024
        Cryptowolf, Sqveak and JK47 like this.
    3. Olor1n
      PSA for gamers: The official Microsoft Wireless Headset is fairly decent for the price. Just need to flatten the BASS and boost the top end.
      1. abraxas666 and dubiousmike like this.
    4. Olor1n
      Gaming headset reco for PS5 and XSX?
      1. JayC
        Had a similar question not too long ago. I wanted something within the 200 Euro limit - ended up with a Drop x EMU purpleheart and a modmic, works really well!

        The HD6-- series apparently doesnt work well out of the PS4/5 controller, and the TH-X00 seems to be better than the EMU based on my discussions with @Sqveak.

        Maybe the Audeze Penrose/Mobius are good options, but i havent tried them personally
        Feb 5, 2021
        Olor1n likes this.
      2. shredical
        I've got the Audeze Penrose and game with it on the PS5. So far no complaints. You don't get the spatial sound like you do in Mobius, but still for playing games like Fortnite, DIRT5 and Battlefield its superb. I use it with bluetooth on my work computer and range is well over 10 feet through walls.
        Feb 9, 2021
        Olor1n likes this.
    5. Olor1n
      “...but the soundstage is broad, like a liberal Justice expanding your civil rights past the original intent of the founding fathers.” - HF
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      2. nishan99
        Dec 21, 2020
        bixby likes this.
      3. Merrick
        That cannot be real.
        Dec 21, 2020
        Gazny likes this.
      4. Gazny
        Never looking for advice from a Taxi
        Dec 21, 2020
    6. Olor1n
    7. Olor1n
      Santa brought me a midi controller and some nice bottles of Pinot. Thanks for the hangover you fat f**k.
    8. Olor1n
      The Sony WF1000XM3 ain’t bad when the fit is right. So worth it at half price.
      1. DigMe
        Where's it half price?
        Oct 26, 2019
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It has occurred to me that I might like it on a plane... but I so seldom fly.
        Oct 26, 2019
      3. Olor1n
        Got it half price through a friend in retail. Decent margin on this model. Bought it for travel. Noise cancellation is ok, but the pairing with different iOS devices is clunky.
        Oct 26, 2019
        DigMe and Thad E Ginathom like this.
    9. Olor1n
      Ghosteen. All Mirrors. Two Hands.
      1. Richgard likes this.
    10. Olor1n
      She Came In Through the Bathroom Window through to The End is peak Beatles. The new mix is incredible.
      1. Skyline, Jinxy245, Zed Bopp and 4 others like this.
      2. RobS
        Listening to Come Together right now...wow dat bass
        Sep 29, 2019
        Olor1n and Jinxy245 like this.
    11. Olor1n
      Didn’t know nylon v rubber belt sound was a thing. I’ll stick with the 0s and 1s.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Senorx12562
        Sep 12, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Merrick
        @Thad E Ginathom The nylon string stayed more level on the turntable than the rubber did. What really blows my mind is Marv mentioned using dental floss!
        Sep 12, 2019
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It's thin string. Maybe some of it is waxed, but if not... probably what he happened to have around. Maybe thicker than button thread, but thinner than washing line!
        Sep 13, 2019
    12. Olor1n
      iPad mini2 > lightning to USB cable > multibit module for Lyr3... anyone know if this works?
      1. Kattefjaes
        It might draw too much power- the receiver is probably powered from the USB connection. If it doesn't work, you could always stick a Wyrd inline, which would give you solid power (and also less noise if you ever plug it into something noisy like a laptop).
        Jun 18, 2018
    13. Olor1n
      SuperBlueBloodMoon was neat.
      1. imackler
        And early!
        Jan 31, 2018
    14. PTS
      I like your Smog/Cat Power avatar. That is all.
      1. Olor1n likes this.
    15. Olor1n
      "Heaven send - Hell away - No one sings - Like you anymore" - RIP Chris Cornell
      1. brencho, Colgin, Smitty and 4 others like this.
      2. Colgin
        So damn sad. RIP, Chris.
        May 18, 2017
        Case likes this.
      3. brencho
        Wow that's such sad news. Soundgarden and temple of the dog always take me back to like 8th and 9th grade. Their videos were awesome, back when MTV was a thing. RIP Chris.
        May 18, 2017
    16. Olor1n
      When listening to HD650 from Jotunheim - nephew 1: "Wow, it's so clean", nephew 2 "where's the bass?". Guess which nephew is now disowned?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dino
        I was just interested in her reaction to hearing HD650. I guarantee you that open vs. closed did not enter her mind. (If she was interested in them, I would have explained about open headphones.)
        Jan 4, 2017
      3. Kattefjaes
        I know, I was being a tiny bit facetious- doesn't always come across in text. Sorry.
        Jan 4, 2017
        Dino likes this.
      4. Dino
        I should have paid attention to: (That absolutely was the prime concern, of course.)
        Jan 4, 2017
        Kattefjaes likes this.
    17. Olor1n
      The sense of community here never ceases to amaze. The spirit of Changstar lives on. Shout out to @fraggler. Cheers mate.
    18. Olor1n
      May have found my utilitarian sweet spot in the Spotify Premium > Jotunheim w/ internal dac > HD650 chain. Time will tell.
      1. Mikoss and SoupRKnowva like this.
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      3. Olor1n
        Yes, the Valhalla 2 I've just replaced is probably a tad more refined, and the Ragnarok remains my benchmark amp for the HD650 - but the Jotunheim all-in-one is where I can accept personal audio as "good enough". f**k audio-nervosa.
        Nov 19, 2016
        sphinxvc, Mikoss and FlySweep like this.
      4. Ryu
        Bottlehead Crack? Torpedo 3? ZDS? Studio? All amazing sounding amps man. Synergy is real with them
        Nov 19, 2016
      5. Olor1n
        Read my previous posts. "Utilitarian" and "good enough" are key terms.
        Nov 19, 2016
        sphinxvc, jowls, JK47 and 1 other person like this.
    19. Olor1n
      <3 My Morning Jacket
    20. Olor1n
      Happy Invasion Day, 'Straya.
      1. Smitty likes this.
      2. OJneg
        Aussie Aussie Aussie!
        Jan 25, 2016
      3. Smitty
        As an American, I'll drink to that!
        Jan 26, 2016
        Olor1n likes this.
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