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Jan 16, 2016
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Flatulence Maestro, Male, from Suburban DC

Pyrate Contributor

Holy crap Blackwood Auteur Classic is amazeballs Nov 14, 2024

gaspasser was last seen:
Dec 3, 2024 at 3:09 AM
    1. Lyander
      Damn you I lost a mouthful of coffee just now. Thankfully only instant, but also very hot :))
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gaspasser
        I am going to hear Verite this week, I’m hoping to just adopt my post in the Verite thread
        Jul 28, 2019
        direstraitsfan98 and Lyander like this.
      3. Lyander
        Looking forward to impressions! That's one I'm terrified of demoing because it might well ruin me for other cans, haha. It's all a matter of preference, sure, but I'm easily impressed by improved resolution haha. Have fun!
        Jul 28, 2019
        direstraitsfan98 likes this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Nothing wrong with really liking any piece of gear, but I think that sometimes it's easy for the gushing person to lose sight of the manufacture's vision for that product, and also easy for the reader to read such comments with that filter on. I've learned, so I try to be careful with what I post. Can't tell you the number of times I was writing something and then decided not to post.
        Jul 28, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
    2. gaspasser
      I’m always appreciative of the kindness of Friends here especially @Mystic
      1. sheldaze, Sherm, hikergrl and 15 others like this.
    3. gaspasser
      Anybody want to loan me their Vérité, please? I’m happy to go through a background check, pay deposit, shipping both ways whatever needed.
      1. Jinxy245, netforce, Syzygy and 2 others like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        The guy with the rubber gloves gets more and more incredulous as he pulls out headphones. And he's nowhere near reaching the DAC yet.
        Jul 24, 2019
        hikergrl likes this.
      4. Mystic
        You can borrow mine for a bit. I'll PM you in a little while to work out details.
        Jul 24, 2019
      5. gaspasser
        Holy shit that is awesome of you! Thanks!
        Jul 24, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom and Mystic like this.
    4. gaspasser
      I’m satisfied with Garuspik’s apology and explanation. The guy who’s now PM with me really seems like a different person.
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I hope this does not happen again. After years in hospitality and customer service I know that bad communication can really spoil it regarding customer relations.
        Jul 5, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        I still think a few lashings are in order. Even if it was done by someone else, he didn't properly vette the guy and is the face of the company.
        Jul 5, 2019
        elguapo likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I just glanced through that stuff. A very weird episode.

        Just posted a /ten-year-old/ airline-customer-complaint video on another forum. Marketing and service departments need to know that the bad stuff doesn't go away.
        Jul 5, 2019
    5. gaspasser
      Is it OK if a MOT says “i hope you'll die from cancer soon”? I asked x 4 to cancel my order & he shipped anyway, so I opened PP case.
      1. Jerry, purr1n, Ash1412 and 5 others like this.
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      3. gaspasser
        or their family
        Jul 4, 2019
        YMO likes this.
      4. gaspasser
        I posted PMs in Clubhouse
        Jul 4, 2019
        Deep Funk and YMO like this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        In Dutch culture it is customary to curse in many illnesses from past epidemics. It is never personal, just a way to express discontent. To make it personal is to declare war on someone else. Do that and you ask for trouble...
        Jul 5, 2019
    6. gaspasser
      Back in vinyl land! I’m getting pretty good at figuring out what I want. Finally a vinyl setup with body and some junk in the trunk!
      1. Syzygy, ohmaigulay, westermac and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gaspasser
        This is much different than my previous setups, but I also have Af now. It sounds really good with new cart and Mani, so things can only improve?!
        Jun 12, 2019
      4. JK47
        OG Technics SP-10 smoked my VPI Classic 1 out of the water in a direct A/B in my system. We even swapped out carts to try and make things fair... not even close.
        Jun 12, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
      5. westermac
        It's early yet, pre-coffee. I read something about a body in the trunk. Thought you had gone too far.
        Jun 13, 2019
    7. gaspasser
      Norne Draug v3 is the first fancy headphone cable I tried. It is beautiful, light as a feather and oh that litzzzzz detail and ease.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MisterRogers
        Yea, not excusing it at all - it annoys the shite out of me. Just laying out the realities as I've experienced them. I've bought cables from Trevor for many years, and it's gradually gotten worse as his cables are better known.
        Jun 2, 2019
      3. dubharmonic
        @MisterRogers his cables do look beautiful, which was why I wanted one myself :-)
        Jun 2, 2019
      4. gaspasser
        I bought the cable from @cskippy, he is a great seller :)
        Jun 2, 2019
        atomicbob, sheldaze, cskippy and 2 others like this.
    8. gaspasser
      Anyone know where to get inexpensive record shipping supplies? I found them FS by Discogs but cost a lot.
      1. bixby, JoshMorr and Rustin Cohle like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ButtUglyJeff
        Don't forget about USPS media mail...
        May 14, 2019
      4. jexby
        only for those in/from Chicago: "The Quaker Goes Deaf".
        Charlie changed my music life.
        May 14, 2019
        gaspasser and Rustin Cohle like this.
      5. gaspasser
        Fuggit, I’m buying another turntable. I’m going to try and do it right this time tho
        Jun 1, 2019
    9. gaspasser
      LS50 owners: Saga + Vidar a good match? I have a friend who has LS50’s and wants Schiit gear. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gaspasser
        Bought speakers first and next components. He likes Schiit products; he currently owns Modi Multibit and Vali 2
        Apr 4, 2019
      3. rlow
        Is he planning to use Modi Multibit with them as well? If so, that would also likely be a good match IMO, since it probably has the most forgiving top end, which was the main issue I had with the LS50s. Vidar definitely creates some really solid bass with them.
        Apr 4, 2019
        zonto and gaspasser like this.
      4. zonto
        Seems like the logical choice given the preference for Schiit and the current single-ended gear. Aegir likely wouldn't be enough power, an opinion triangulated by my experience that Ragnarok does not have enough power for them.
        Apr 4, 2019
        rlow and gaspasser like this.
    10. gaspasser
      I frickin’ hate shilling
      1. dmckean44, Cakecake and 9suns like this.
      2. SoupRKnowva
        Then stop :P
        Apr 1, 2019
      3. gaspasser
        I don’t receive any form of compensation for reviews. Guerrilla marketing is BS.
        Apr 1, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. DigMe
        Literally the very second I read this status a podcast I was listening to said the word “shilling.” *keanuwhoa*
        Apr 1, 2019
        Lyander and gaspasser like this.
    11. gaspasser
      Turntable sold. I’m debating unloading vinyl on Discogs, but it seems like too much BS. Anyone have experience selling on Discogs? @brencho
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mr.Sneis
        It sounds like some of us have different fundamental perspectives on the goal with vinyl. For me it was never about chasing the best possible sound quality to beat out a DAC, hence I am A-OK with having a decent vinyl chain and putting the money saved into some nice records. To me, DAC chasing gets quite frustrating.
        Mar 29, 2019
      3. Mr.Sneis
        With digital there will always be newer and better. It never ends! But you know, the hobby is the hobby; you've got to have a good dac for those vinyl musical selections that you just can't afford or find and then you get sucked back into the rabbit hole. No free lunches. I am sorry for the rambling and glad you found a buyer GP ;)
        Mar 29, 2019
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @Gaspasser: "I’ve been into vinyl for over 20 years"

        Dont sell! For god's sake, man, don't sell!

        You'll wake up in the middle of one long, cold night with a desperate need to feel the vinyl, smell the cardboard...
        Mar 29, 2019
        dubharmonic, Mr.Sneis and gaspasser like this.
    12. gaspasser
      I just got Yggdrasil upgraded to A2. I was patient and had a very nice customer service experience.
      1. dubharmonic
        I'm still using A1, am I the last one?
        Mar 27, 2019
        Cakecake and crazychile like this.
      2. crazychile
        Nope, I've still got an A1
        Mar 27, 2019
        dubharmonic and gaspasser like this.
    13. gaspasser
      Af owners: I’m interested in getting one. HD800SDR is my primary HP. Feedback mod or not? Yggdrasil A2 and vinyl as sources.
      1. Overkill Red, Cakecake and brencho like this.
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      3. gaspasser
        What’s up with the Audiocap Theta? Craig says he can install whatever I want.
        Feb 25, 2019
      4. cskippy
        They're better than the stock caps with similar tonality. Jupiter caps sound more "Hifi" to me. I think Audio cap Theta works better with HD800 but the best of the best are supposedly the Dueland caps.
        Feb 25, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
      5. gaspasser
        Feb 28, 2019
    14. gaspasser
      1. Vtory
        I am still a bit skeptical toward $$$ closed-back market (believed it didn't exist -- does isolation matter for that higher level listening?). But senn, focal, and several others make >2k closed cans. So prol such market is present...
        Feb 12, 2019
      2. netforce
        The Z1R for all its weirdness is popular. Closed backs aren't super popular but there is certainly a crowd for them.
        Feb 12, 2019
        Vtory likes this.
    15. gaspasser
      1. Lyander likes this.
      2. gaspasser
        This is perfect academic work music on good audio quality stream.
        Feb 9, 2019
      3. Lyander
        Meant to reply earlier but forgot, whoops. This one's been my go-to for when I go do cardio. Stuff like this just works for me for whatever reason, plus they sound okay on cheap IEMs:
        Feb 9, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
    16. gaspasser
      Fulla 2 (new) and 58X are an excellent budget bedside pair
      1. Ash1412
        Impressions coming? I'm considering one as a portable DAC/amp plus active(?) preamp for the Liquid Platinum
        Feb 4, 2019
      2. gaspasser
        Sure, I just got it yesterday. I will listen with all of the Senns I have and write up something
        Feb 5, 2019
        Ash1412 and Jinxy245 like this.
    17. gaspasser
      In the end no one will sell you what you need. You can't buy it off the shelf, You got to grow it from the seed. -Chris Smither
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gaspasser
        It is in favor of whatever you want it to be. DIY definitely works well here.
        Jan 28, 2019
      3. westermac
        Welp, time to buy some UV lights.
        Jan 28, 2019
      4. gaspasser
        One could look at it that way too. The line is from the song “No Love Today”. I assume Smither is talking about love. However, I thought it is applicable for many things.
        Jan 28, 2019
    18. gaspasser
      Self improvement is masturbation. -Tyler Durden
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I guess cleanliness is next to godliness. Being a fictional bad-ass soap salesman does make sense in that case.
        Jan 22, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Biodegraded
        Incorrect. Masturbation is self-improvement.
        Jan 22, 2019
        Syzygy, famish99, Jinxy245 and 4 others like this.
      3. Jinxy245
        I must be damn near perfect then.
        Jan 22, 2019
        9suns, Biodegraded and elguapo like this.
    19. gaspasser
      I am currently amazed with how good HD58X sound directly out of iPhone 8.
      1. FlySweep and Zed Bopp like this.
      2. famish99
        Ditto out of the LG v30 for me. You know there's better, but it does the job when you need something more portable.
        Jan 20, 2019
        YMO and gaspasser like this.
      3. gaspasser
        I think PortaPros are great too, but the comfort of the 58X is better.
        Jan 20, 2019
    20. gaspasser
      Hey BW2 owners: Elex or LCD2(C)?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vtory
        It seems now you need to give more head time to your new audio members. But for a longer term, if I were you, I will consider to add "the right" zmf (depending on your taste) to the portfolio.
        Jan 19, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
      3. jowls
        Stick with HD600 and chill. Spend that money on your special someone instead.
        Jan 19, 2019
      4. gaspasser
        Thanks gents for excellent advice, I will refrain from any purchases for awhile,
        Jan 19, 2019
        jowls and SoupRKnowva like this.
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  • About

    Suburban DC
    Gear List:
    Aiyima T9
    Klipsch Forte I with ALK XO

    Analog: VPI Classic 1 with Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star into Allnic H1201

    Digital: SFD-1 mkii
    Fed by Holo Red
    Roon Rock NUC server

    Head Amps: DNA Starlett, Nitsch Piety, BH Crack SB modded & BH S3X with C4S modded

    HD6XX Kiss
    ETA Gen P

    AirPod Pro
    IEMs: Kato and S12 (modded)


    Practicing social distancing & isolation through audio since 1994